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H-012 Nikka appears again

Juxia, Super Seminary Command Center.

With the entrance of Qingshui Mo and Qianxue, the atmosphere on the Juxia instantly changed.

"What do they want to do when they come out at this time?"

Dukao's tone was solemn, and he even wondered whether this monster named Gadi was brought by Qingshui Mo and Qianxue.

After all, the two of them appeared in Tianhe City, and Gadi also appeared in Tianhe City. How could there be so many coincidences.

This may be the layout of the outer universe for their earth!

Lianfeng felt a little speechless. Their earth was just a pawn in the eyes of the great god of the known universe, let alone the outer universe.

"Maybe it's not as complicated as we thought."

Lianfeng persuaded Dukao softly, the most important thing now is to solve the big problem of Gadi. There are all children in those cocoons.

Although Lianfeng had never been in love in ten thousand years, let alone started a family, she still felt maternal concern for those children who had been abducted.

You know, they are basically eleven or twelve-year-old children, and their lives have just begun. It would be too cruel if it ended like this.

At this moment, an old man walked in, it was Dukao's boss and friend, Mr. Huang.

"I still think we should first ask the gentleman how to deal with that monster."

Seeing Mr. Huang appear, Dukao and Lianfeng were very surprised. They quickly asked why Mr. Huang appeared here.

Huang Lao chuckled, and his eyes that had not become muddy with age stared sharply at the big screen in front of him, "Haha, such a big thing happened, of course I have to come over and take a look."

He stared intently at Ga Di. This beast had kidnapped so many children and must be dealt with as soon as possible.

"However, we still don't know where these two people come from and what their purpose is."

Dukao wanted to say something else, but Mr. Huang waved his hand to stop him.

"Hey, what's the purpose? If you don't have a purpose, why can't you allow people to pass by the earth for a rest? And I've seen their information. They came to Tianhe City five years ago. They have always abided by the law and never ran through traffic lights.

Now that people can come out to help, this is a blessing for our planet."

Mr. Huang is not a young man like Ge Xiaolun, and he will not be easily fooled by Dukao.

Although he supports Dukao in building a heroic army, it does not mean that he completely trusts Dukao. He even does not trust Dukao as much as Lianfeng, a scientific researcher.

After all, Dukao is just an outsider. Unlike the "reincarnated" super soldiers such as Ge Xiaolun and Cheng Yaowen, Dukao is a complete alien.

An outsider says that the other two outsiders have ulterior motives?

Haha, Mr. Huang feels that his brain is not muddled yet and he knows how to choose.

So what if they have ulterior motives? Now Gadi is wreaking havoc in Tianhe City, and the Xiongbing Company cannot effectively stop it.

If we don't eliminate it as soon as possible, why should we throw in a few more mushrooms?

It is impossible to use mushrooms in the city, and there are abducted children around Gadi.

For people of Mr. Huang's generation, children are the most important, they are the future!

Dukao fell into silence, but he knew that it was no longer up to him to make the decision.

"I see."

Dukao took a deep breath, and he connected to Rena's communication, "Rena, ask him how to deal with Gadi."

Reina in the battlefield nodded. She looked at Qing Shui Mo and Qiao Xue very curiously, "Store manager, you are still the best. Those stubborn guys have actually lowered their heads. Let's talk about how to deal with these people.


Reina's tone was quite heroic. Even though she only met her at noon, she acted very familiar with her.

Qingshui Mo and Qianyue naturally knew who the stubborn guy Reina was talking about was none other than General Dukao, whom no one liked.

After this guy returned, Qingshui Mo and Qianyue felt that their coffee shop was being watched, so they adjusted their defenses and even asked Hikali to complete the counter-invasion and obtained a lot of useful things. Now all of those things are

Qingshui Mo left it to Hikari to study.

This is one of the reasons why Dukao doesn't want to believe Qingshui Mo. Suspicion is on the one hand, and being unable to see through Qingshui Mo and Qianxue is the most unacceptable thing for Dukao.

If you were Ge Xiaolun, someone like Liu Chuang who had been under their surveillance, Dukao would definitely believe it.

However, these have nothing to do with Qingshui Mo and Qianxue. They came this time just to "help" the Xiongbing Company in solving Gadi.

By the way, let’s deal with the “line of sight” of those civilizations in the universe.

Shortly after Gadi appeared, Qingshui Mo and Qianxue were keenly aware that multiple eyes were locked on the earth.

Among them are the Angel Civilization, the Styx Civilization, and even the Fierce Sun Civilization.

If Qingshui Mo and Qianxue don't show any strength, those ignorant guys will still come to trouble them when they think they have figured out their details.

Qingshui Mo has the origin in his hands, and Qianxue has the world on his back. It is best not to do anything if they can, and to leave it to others to solve it if they can.

It's just that Membius is in the universe, and Aix is ​​searching for the cracks in time and space again, so Qingshui Mo and Qianyuki can only make a trip by themselves.

"Gadi's skin defense is pretty good. At least your little firecracker just now couldn't hurt him."

Qianxue casually sent a series of data to Reina.

Reina stared and received the data with great dissatisfaction, "What do you mean by a small firecracker? If you don't worry about hurting the earth, Goddess, I can just blast it with one shot!"

Qingshui Mo and Qianxue did not answer the call. With Reina's strength, if she ignored it, she could really blow up Gadi directly.

After all, the strength of this Gadi is no more than an intermediate warrior. Even with the barrier in hand, it is still not enough to compare with Reina.

Without the ability to mass-destruct, Gadi is destined to be just an ordinary monster unit. It is impossible to evolve to the strength of a starburst. At most, it can extract the energy from its body and use it as cannonballs.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Although Gadi's barrier can protect against high temperature and explosion attacks, it does not have much effect on low temperatures. As long as there is enough liquid nitrogen, it can

Its destruction.”

"It's that simple?"

After receiving Qianxue's message, Reina stared at Qingshui Mo in disbelief.

The protective shield that can withstand so many artillery fires can be cracked by low temperature?

Or even, just liquid nitrogen from pre-nuclear civilization?

Everyone on the Grand Canyon was also confused. They could not imagine that liquid nitrogen could have an effect on such a big monster.

"Hey! People down there, get out of the way!"

At this moment, a scream came from the sky.


A dust mist flew up, and Xin Zhao lay in front of Reina and Qing Shui Mo in a large font.

Qianxue smiled and teased, "Are your appearances so creative?"

Reina covered her face and turned her head, not looking at Xin Zhao, who was still twitching on the ground, "Don't look at me, I don't know this person!"

"Hey Master Xin, what's wrong with you?"

While the three of them were talking, the remaining members of the Xiongbing Company also jumped over.

It was Ge Xiaolun who saw Zhao Xin lying on the ground and pulled him up.

"Hey! Who the hell is going to kick you, Mr. Xin!"

Xin Zhao covered his waist with one hand and grinned.


Seeing Xin Zhao's embarrassed appearance, everyone in the Xiongbing Company laughed out loud.

The girls were fine, but Liu Chuang and the others were rude and smiled so happily.

Because of Xin Zhao's gag, the atmosphere on the battlefield became a little better.

"Okay, don't be poor. Let me introduce to you. This person is Qingshui Mo. Next to him is his wife Qingshui Qianxue. They are the manager and the manager's wife of the Light Coffee Shop in Tianhe City Commercial Street. From another

Friends from the universe."

Reina clapped her hands and introduced Qingshui Mo and Qianxue to everyone in the Xiongbing Company.

This information was just transmitted to her by Qianxue, and it is also information that can be circulated to the outside world.

Only then did everyone in the Xiongbing Company notice Qing Shui Mo, who was wearing a black and white deacon uniform and had a gentle temperament, and Qian Xue, who was wearing a cheongsam and had an outstanding temperament.

Even though Xiongbing was used to seeing beautiful women, everyone in the army couldn't help but shrink back. Qianxue's unworldly temperament made them feel a little ashamed of themselves.

Then there was Qing Shui Mo, who hit them even more severely.

Look at them, they are all dressed in black, and then look at them, they are spotless even on the battlefield, even if you don't talk about their temperament, they are completely overpowering.

"Oh my god, it's from another universe again. Brother, big brother, are you the same as the glowing thing before?"

No matter where you go, there will be no shortage of eye-catching bags. Obviously, the eye-catching bag in Xiongbing Company is Liu Chuang. His focus is different from others.

"Fuck you, do you have the right to speak now?"

Reina kicked Liu Chuang out with one kick. She was still making a fuss after this time, "What should we do next? Get more than ten or twenty cans of liquid nitrogen and spray it with him?"

Qiangwei frowned. It was not difficult to get liquid nitrogen, but there was no such thing on site or on the Grand Canyon.

After all, who has nothing to do to prepare so much liquid nitrogen? The Grand Canyon is not a fishing boat.

Sun Wukong came over. He looked at Gadi who was still destroying the building with an unruly expression. Gadi was very happy because no one stopped him.

Fortunately, a large number of people left Tianhe City due to the Taotie invasion. Even if some people come back later, the crowds will no longer be the same as before.

Moreover, everyone has developed a good habit of running away if there is danger, so there are not many people staying nearby.

It is precisely because of this that Reina and Qiangwei are in the mood to chat with Qingshui Mo here.

"Although I really don't want to hit you, Gadi's vitality is very strong." Qingshui Mo shrugged, "And Gadi's defense is not just for fun. If you want to kill it with a stick, it will cost at least 100,000 yuan."

Tons of power, and this is without opening the protective shield."

Sun Wukong snorted coldly, "That's better than watching it destroy here. Isn't it a hundred thousand tons? Let me send it away with a stick!"

Reina quickly grabbed Sun Wukong, and Ge Xiaolun and others also came to help.

"Don't be so excited yet, listen to what the experts say!"

Reina persuaded Sun Wukong with hard words, but Qingshui Mo and Qianxue didn't say much.

With Sun Wukong's strength, he can indeed kill Gadi, but he has to do it with all his strength, and the damage caused by then will be no less than Gadi's destruction alone.

Moreover, Sun Wukong is just a product of god creation. It has nothing to do with the mythical Sun Wukong. It is still an antique from thousands of years ago. One-on-one, it seems invincible in the known universe, but it is definitely not possible to deal with large life forms.


Just as Dukao and the others were worried, it wouldn't matter if they couldn't kill Gadi, but letting it go would be troublesome.

"Okay, leave it to me next."

Qingshui Mo shook his head. He was here to show off his muscles. Even if it was difficult to take action directly due to [Origin], there would be nothing in this universe that he couldn't do.

As Qingshui Mo stretched out his hand, a card appeared directly in his palm. Reina came over and took a closer look. On the card was a monster with teeth and claws. It had a small head and bulging muscles all over its body.

, unceremoniously showing off his strength.

If I have to let Lena comment, it’s a strange lava gorilla!

"Go ahead, Nika."

Shimizu Mo directly released Nika, and Nika was in EX Red King form as soon as she appeared.

Powerful energy burst into the sky, and some people who peered into the place suddenly felt their eyes sting, as if an unparalleled beast was staring at them.

Nika appeared in front of Gadi. It was very excited because it had not been out and about for a long time.


Nika smashed his fists on the ground, and with just his strange strength, a crack opened in the ground.

Gadi looked at Nika with vigilance. Although it had never seen King Red like this, its subconscious told it that it must not provoke the guy in front of it. It was very dangerous.

However, even if Gadi doesn't provoke him, Nika is still going to kill Gadi.

Following Nika's sprint, everyone in the army was suffocated by the speed that was completely out of proportion to their body shape.

I saw Nika appearing in front of Gadi, and that huge fist went straight towards Gadi.

Gadi quickly summoned a transparent barrier. Although he didn't know where the big guy in front of him came from, what he had to do now was to find an opportunity to escape!

However, Gadi's idea was quite good, but he had no chance of doing it.

It is just an intermediate warrior-level monster, but Nika is a true legend!

If Qingshui Mo hadn't suppressed Nika's power, Nika would have punched him and the entire solar system would have exploded.


As a crisp sound spread, Gadi's eyes were full of horror, and the barrier that could protect against countless artillery fire was torn apart by Nika easily like paper.

Then Nika landed a punch directly on Gadi's body. Nika relieved 99% of his strength with this punch, just to play for a while longer, but even so, he still knocked Gadi away with one punch.

After traveling several thousand meters, it finally stopped when it hit a building.

Gadi, who was originally still vigorous and vigorous, now looked languid. Its chest to abdomen were completely sunken, and even its burnt internal organs could be seen.

This chapter has been completed!
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