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Chapter 179 Preparation for Integration

But Banqu Lian Jiangnan and Long Er, the two financial sponsors, are not fools. They naturally discovered the paddling behavior of these gangsters, but there is no way. They are now being stood up and holding them both.


Men are all about saving face. Besides, the two of them are not the kind of people who try to make themselves look fat. They really have the financial strength to fight for this face.

Everyone used to be the overlords of their respective servers. If you don't fight with real swords and guns, who knows how much you weigh? Peace that has never experienced battle is always a false peace, and none of them have actually done it.

Those who want to integrate peacefully will always look down on the other side, and troubles will recur over time.

After a real fight and then integration, at least both parties will have a good idea of ​​the strength of the other party. If they want to cause trouble, they will have more things to worry about. If they have more things to worry about, it will not be easy to be on the same page.

Although the behavior of these gangsters paddling in the water made Banqu Lian Jiangnan and Long Er feel as if they had eaten flies, at least they were able to help gather people's heads to eat and hurt, and it was not useless at all.

I could barely hold my nose and recognize it.

As for the alliance and gang management colluding with each other to take kickbacks, they are naturally well aware of it, but now is a special period, and they cannot touch these managements. They can only turn a blind eye and spend their own money anyway.

It's enough to go out and achieve the effect. After this period of time has passed, we can slowly settle the accounts in the future.

Those smart people, after making this money, will either run away in advance, or find a way to make their value in the eyes of the boss more important than the money.

Those greedy and stupid people who are unable to improve their own value and are unwilling to run away and still want to continue to make money can only be said to be asking for it.

On the other hand, the small team organized by Lin Nan Qinglong and others on the Clear Sky Wanli account had a great time fighting. They were originally a group of fanatical fighting enthusiasts. After fighting Yunmeng in their own area, they changed hands and continued fighting on Peacock Ling's account.

, some liver emperors can even fight from 11 noon to two or three in the morning. Whenever you go to YY, you can see these people fighting passionately. Lin Nan even wonders if these people have liver growth.

one person.

You said these people are network management warriors, just to earn the money for attendance. Hell, all of them are not low in skills. They are either high-level combat players or leaders of the town. The main reason is that they have low skills and have no experience in fighting.

This group of people charge a minimum of 10,000 yuan a month. If they plan to rush into the martial arts rankings, then the money will be spent like paper. This kind of high-intensity fighting is their personal hobby, but they are...

It supports the PVP activity of the entire Qingkong Wanli small group and ensures the safety of players who are not good at PVP in the wild.

As long as you are beaten in the wild, send the coordinates to the alliance channel or the alliance channel, and within half a minute, a group of fanatical bastards will fall from the sky.

What if this group of fanatics has never fought?

Isn't that more exciting? Depending on the situation, from typing in the gang channel to sway people, to directly helping the alliance to swagger people, there is no cap. What they worry about every day now is not that they can't win, but that they don't have a fight.

Lin Nan had this in mind when he organized them to fight at Peacock Ling. When the situation was stable, this group of fanatical cub-killers was the biggest destabilizing factor.

However, after Lin Nan now turned his attention back to the Tiandao side from the shore of Sutu, he vaguely realized that the unprecedented battle between Peacock Ling and the region might be coming to an end.

This battle has seriously affected the game experience of ordinary players at the grassroots level on both sides of Zixuan Palace and Star Guild. Every day, my account is logged in and fought by someone who doesn’t know where they are. The logged-in IPs are all over the place, basically every day.

They are all being frozen and have to change their passwords again.

I finally logged in and planned to play. In the wild, if I am not careful, I will be killed by a hostile player. The World Channel and Jianghu Channel are almost full of all kinds of abuse and ridicule. No one can pull the mighty dart to cause the price of gold to rise.

, various materials for improving skills have also become extremely cost-effective due to the arms race between wealthy players on both sides.

At first, various other factors could be ignored because of the so-called sense of honor of the alliance and the novelty of the combined zone war. However, as time went by, the novelty of the combined zone war was dissipated by the fatigue of high-intensity battles. All the previous failures

Factors that had been ignored resurfaced.

The current situation in Peacock Ling is that ordinary players are complaining, and the power-training players are getting less and less money, and they have no motivation. Only the managers who are full of money are left, hoping that this regional war will continue like this.

Never stop.

The opportunity for the truce lies in the fact that Ban Qulian Jiangnan and Long Er, the two high-profile financial backers, will decide who is willing to lose face and be the first to bow his head.

On the other hand, in my own area, the young man who is lost in the world has worked hard in the game, supervising the battle every day with high intensity, but he found that it still seems to be of no use, so now he has done it again, and it is refreshed on time every day in the Douyu appearance area.

, but this time the lost man in the world is not alone, he will also call some good brothers to come and see it together. Well, Lin Nan usually goes to see it invisibly when Yinghuo is not around.

Not to mention, although they are all artificial beauties created with makeup and sound cards, there are still many girls with good foundations, and with the addition of those live broadcast guild training skills, etc., they are properly modern.

It's nothing more than so many people spending huge amounts of money on these so-called female anchors.

Seeing that the war between Peacock Ling is about to end, Lin Nan and the others have to start making preparations. They all know that with their clear sky, Zixuan Palace and Xingchen cannot defeat either of them, let alone the extreme future.

There is a high possibility of a giant alliance formed by the fusion of these two top alliances.

There are hundreds of town sects, Peacock Ling and Dabei Fu Technology are countless. Just thinking about it is scary. If a giant alliance of this size works together to integrate a gang, it can completely integrate into a gang composed entirely of

The supermodel gang formed by the town sect is also a profound heritage brought by time and cooperation.

Although Lin Nan and his district once served as servers endorsed by celebrities, and there were countless local tycoon kryptonians, due to the lag in opening the district and the disadvantages of combining districts, the entire district did not accumulate enough materials for the Datie and Peacock Ling Dabei gifts.

The top accounts in the district have lost more than one and a half stars, and the average skill of the hardcore players is more than three or four thousand lower than that of Peacock Ling due to lack of time accumulation.

There is a difference of 3,000 or 4,000 skills between one number and two numbers. It may not seem like a big difference, but if the overall skill of the alliance is 3,000 or 4,000 less, then the difference is not the same level.

Qingkong Wanli's only solution now is to eat all the other alliance gangs in their area and integrate all the essence of their power to be able to fight. This is why Lin Nan quietly followed the lost man in the world to fight fish.

Wandering around in the district was definitely not for other reasons. He, Lin Nan, was inseparable from gambling and drug addiction!

This chapter has been completed!
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