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Chapter 2140 Selling ‘Ninth Avenue’ at a low price?


Gu Mietian's face was so gloomy that water could drip from his face.

This time, what he got was probably only one-tenth of the 'Golden Lotus of Merit'.

Not only because of the attack on Ning Fenghun this time, but also because the City Lord's Mansion distributed free plague antidote some time ago.

Two things add up.

This allowed him to get one-tenth of the money.

Faced with such a result, Gu Mietian was certainly dissatisfied.

Not only did he lose to Su Chen.

He actually couldn't even compete with the two beasts under his hands.

This made Gu Mietian, who had always been proud and arrogant, very uncomfortable.

As unhappy as Gu Mietian, of course there was also 'Demon Lingzi'.

"One-tenth of the 'Golden Lotus of Merit', this is just sending beggars away, hum...the ancient royal city's way of heaven, sooner or later, this Demon Emperor will swallow you up."

A cold, cold light flashed in Demon Lingzi's eyes.


Deep in the sky, bursts of thunder suddenly appeared.

The Tiandao of the ancient royal city seemed to have noticed something, and showed an evil gaze, sweeping towards the earth.

"You're so stingy. Why don't I just complain? There's no need to make such a fuss."

Demon Lingzi curled his lips and restrained his breath.

I don't want to offend the ancient royal city's way of heaven at this time.

Otherwise, you won’t have a share in the subsequent carving up of the Heavenly Emperor’s inheritance.

Demon Lingzi knew very well that the greatest treasure of the ancient royal city was not the 'Golden Lotus of Merit', it was just an appetizer.

The real treasure is yet to come.

However, according to his calculations, those treasures should appear within a few days.


Tiandao of the ancient royal city scanned the surrounding area and found nothing unusual, so he looked away.

at the same time.

Thousands of miles across the sky, the light of heaven blesses all living beings.

All the buildings destroyed in the war were restored in an instant
As before.

The people of the ancient royal city, including Lao Niu, President Bai, and Liu Xiangfei, all felt like they were in a dream. When they woke up, everything was as before.

Life, as usual.

Regarding the disaster of the ancient royal city, the common people could not remember it.

It was as if someone had forcibly erased it from their memory.

The only one who can possess such means is the way of heaven.

Even the 'plague' was intentionally covered up by Heaven.

There are only a few scattered traces.

The entire ancient royal city has once again regained its vitality and vitality.

The people had no illness, no worries, no sorrows, and all their faces were filled with happy smiles.

Cologne Medicine Street has reopened.

The "Golden Egg Breaking" event that the people have been waiting for for a long time is here again.

Today, only half of the medicine street is occupied by stalls, and the remaining half is set up with a lottery stand.

Everything becomes in order.

Some people come to Medicine Street to shop, some people come to Medicine Street to win the lottery, and some people come to Medicine Street to win the prize and like the "Medicine Street Co-branded Shopping Card", so they take this opportunity to do some shopping here.

Medicine Street is crowded with people.

As for Ninth Avenue, which is only separated from it by a wall, the situation is in a bad state.

Almost all businesses can be described as empty-handed.

In fact, many businesses cannot withstand the pressure of expenditure and choose to close their doors.

this day.

On the Ninth Avenue, a group of people ushered in.

The leader was a young man who looked young and had a breezy smile on his face.

But all the pedestrians passing by would say hello very warmly.

"Master Su,

Good morning!"

That’s right!

This young man is none other than Su Chen!

Three days have passed since Ning Fenghun's "You are attacking the sky", and the order of the ancient royal city has been restored to its original state.

All business activities are on track.

Su Chen was thinking about going out and looking around. Just at this moment, an uninvited guest came to the door.

This uninvited guest turned out to be ‘Liu Xiangfei’ from the City Lord’s Mansion.

"Mr. Su, do you think the location, environment, and other aspects of Ninth Avenue are good?"

At this moment, Liu Xiangfei transformed into a 'businessman' and started to sell things with all kinds of sweet words.

Its purpose is to package Ninth Avenue and sell it to Su Chen.

"The environment is indeed good, but this popularity..."

Su Chen was willing to come here with him, so he naturally wanted to buy it.

However, before negotiating the price, you still need to find some faults and pick some weaknesses.

Otherwise, how can we aggressively bargain later?

"Master Su, you are now very popular. As long as you take over, Ninth Avenue will definitely become a first-rate popular shopping street!"

Liu Xiangfei did not directly respond to the question of the popularity of "Ninth Avenue", but took a roundabout way and flattered Su Chen.

It's a pity that Su Chen doesn't agree with him.

"The reputation of the Ninth Path is a bit bad. I'm afraid that after I take over, the people won't buy it, and they might even scold me."

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and said.


Liu Xiangfei's face looked a little gloomy.

The reputation of Ninth Avenue that Su Chen mentioned was naturally due to various plagiarism lottery activities some time ago, and there was also the incident of 'Liu Xiongye'.

Fraudulent prizes.

This has reduced people's perception of Ninth Avenue to the lowest level.
One rat droppings spoiled the whole pot of porridge.

This is what is said.

Those smart businessmen also know this.

Therefore, although it is still rent-free, many businesses have chosen to close their stores and find other options.

These people have a clear mind.

They knew that the Ninth Avenue would be managed and operated by the City Lord's Mansion.

It will be over sooner or later.

Liu Xiangfei was helpless!

The adult in the City Lord's Mansion was also helpless!

That’s why the decision was finally made to package and sell Ninth Avenue.

Currently, there are many forces in the market who have the ability to buy Ninth Avenue, but very few people dare to take action.

Because next door to Ninth Avenue is Cologne Street.

Everyone knows it very well.

Whoever buys ‘Ninth Avenue’ is destined to compete with ‘Cologne Street’ here.

If you are competing against ordinary commercial streets, then there is nothing to worry about.

But Cologne Medicine Street is not simple at all.

Behind this ancient street, standing is Su Chen!

That Su Chen who is known as the ‘Supreme Master of Pharmacy’!

No one in the City Lord's Mansion can defeat Su Chen, so who would be so self-righteous that they think they can make the flow of people on Ninth Avenue exceed that of Cologne Medicine Street?

Liu Xiangfei looked for a large circle of people, but no one was willing to take over.

It finally went full circle.

I can only come back to Su Chen.

Now there is only one buyer, so we can only wait to be ripped off.

The most important thing is that the city lord also gave him a death order, and he must sell the Cologne Medicine Street within ten days.

I wonder what happened?

During this period, the City Lord's Mansion was selling off fixed assets and moving funds back.

This chapter has been completed!
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