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Chapter 2368 How can you be okay?

"If I guess correctly, the Yin God spirit that escaped must have something to do with the Yin Blade."

Su Chen carefully recalled the situation of the battle just now.

From the beginning to the end, Yin Ren, the apostle of Yama, ran away.

"Let's go and interrogate him!"

Su Chen released his Mysterious Wheel and Five Elements Realm, and entered it with every step.

Lin Jingyue and Xian'er looked at each other and followed immediately.

The world's oldest tree, right in front of you.

There is a sword coffin, and next to the coffin is a ghostly shadow hanging in mid-air.

At this moment, this Yin Shen soul shadow is being beaten by countless strong tree roots.

"Hey... isn't this our Apostle of Yama?"

Suddenly, a joking voice came out.

The soul figure hanging in mid-air suddenly raised its head, revealing an angry and hateful face.

"what are you!"

Yin Ren's eyes widened and he said in horror.

In any case, he never expected that he would fall into Su Chen's hands.

And there is no way to even die.

I can only suffer endless torture.

"You...how are you okay?"

Yin Ren stared at Su Chen and Xian'er.

According to the information he had, King Yama should have woken up. Why didn't he attack the cave passage?

However, he was just stunned for a moment and immediately thought of a possibility.

"I know, you must have escaped before I, the Supreme Lord of Yama, took action, haha... You two scum of the human race will only be deserters!"

Yin Ren laughed loudly, his face full of pride and arrogance.

"The Supreme Lord Yama has been born. He must have occupied the underground cave passage and will soon send troops to Canglong Continent."

"When the time comes, it will be useless even if you escape to the ends of the earth. Sooner or later, you will all become slaves of my Yinshen clan."

"Not only you, but also your family and friends
Friends and fellow disciples will all become the puppets of my Yin God Clan!"

"Like a dog son, obediently obey our commands."

"Haha... little bastard, if you let me go now, maybe I can beg for mercy from King Yama and spare your life."

"Otherwise, you will have to wait for the torture of the eighteen levels of hell from my Yin Shen tribe!"

Crazy and arrogant voices echoed.

However, from the beginning to the end, the faces of Su Chen and the others did not change at all, but looked at Yin Ren coldly.


Yin Ren suddenly noticed something was wrong, and when his eyes fell on Lin Jingyue, he suddenly shrank.

"You...who are you?"

At this moment.

Yin Ren felt an unfathomable aura from Lin Jingyue.

This aura is no different than that of his master, King Yama.

"Who am I? Of course I am the 'Suppressing Envoy' you have always wanted to kill!"

Lin Jingyue's eyes suddenly burst out with a monstrous cold light.

Yin Blade, I almost killed Xian'er several times before, but I have always remembered this incident!

"The Suppressing Envoy? No! It's impossible... The Suppressing Envoy is not by your side..."

The sound of the Yin Blade suddenly rattled and all stopped.

At this moment, his neck was gently pinched by a jade hand, and he could no longer make any sound.

"Zhenyin envoy, no one stipulates that there can only be one!"

With a snap of Lin Jingyue's fingers, a wisp of ice-white flame sprang out and directly entered Yin Ren's body.


Yin Ren screamed.

After these ice-white flames enter the body, they turn into ants the size of sesame seeds.

It crawled crazily and drilled directly into his brain.

"This is the 'Ice Devouring Insect' unique to your Yins. Anyone who dies under the 'Ice Devouring Insect' will never be able to resurrect, because this thing will haunt you for nine lives!"

Although Lin Jingyue's voice sounded carefree, Yin Ren was so frightened that he was foaming at the mouth.

Even his soul was trembling crazily.


At this moment, the shrill sound of despair echoed.

One after another, ugly insect spots appeared on his Yin spirit body.

That look was simply too horrible to look at.

"You bitch!"

Because of the pain, Yin Ren struggled desperately and was still very strong.

If he hadn't been imprisoned, at this moment, he would have pounced on Lin Jingyue like a crazy beast and bit off Lin Jingyue's head.

"Oh...you're still very tough!"

Lin Jingyue narrowed her eyes slightly, stretched out her five fingers, and grabbed Yin Ren's head.


When this palm was struck, the 'ice-eating insects' in Yin Ren's body started to move one after another.

Biting towards his brain tissue.


Yin Ren was still tortured to the point of excruciating pain.

"Bitch bitch, so what if you torture me to death, haha... The cave passage has collapsed. When I, the Yin God Clan, return in glory, I will crush everything in your human race."

"In the future, if you fall into the hands of our Yin God Clan, your fate will be a thousand or ten thousand times more miserable than mine!"

"I, the Great Emperor of the Yin God Clan, will definitely treat you like beasts in captivity and feed you with blood every day."

“Take a bite when you are happy!”

"When you are unhappy, bite it hard, haha..."

Yin Ren still felt self-righteous in his heart.

Yama Supreme has left the Yin Division and entered the Canglong Palace.

I will avenge myself soon.

"Actually, in my eyes, you are just a poor guy, a poor guy who was ruthlessly abandoned!"

Su Chen suddenly took a step forward, waved his hand, and projected the sealing barrier at the entrance of the cave.

"Did you see that the entire barrier has been rearranged and marked with the 'Heavenly Destruction Talisman'?"

"You, the Yin God Clan, are destined to live in the dark land of the Yins."

"How ridiculous!"

"Thank you for blowing up a Yin Division holy weapon, but did you think it would be like this?"

Su Chen's words were like ruthless knives, piercing Yin Ren's heart.

"No...this is fake!"

"This must be a lie! How could I, Yama, the Supreme Divine Power, be blocked by you all?"

"You human bastard, are you lying to me?"

"You must be lying to me, right?"

Yin Ren's spiritual support collapsed.

Although he said he didn't believe it, deep down in his heart, he knew very well that this projection was real.

Because his best killer move is playing with various projections.

Therefore, Yin Ren knew very well that the sealing barrier at the entrance of the cave had been restored.

And it has been strengthened.

The moment Lin Jingyue saw Yin Ren's insane mental will, she quickly performed a series of tricks.

"Ice-eating insect...devours brain marrow!"


When this magic spell fell, countless tiny brains suddenly penetrated into the depths of Yin Ren's skull.

Follow the nerve pathways and enter the central system.


Yin Ren let out a desperate scream.

Because of the pain, the entire Yin spirit body was twisted into a ball.

This chapter has been completed!
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