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Chapter 3123 How dare you come in spirit?

 "Aren't you going to rescue 'Su Chen' back?"

Gu Heng asked slowly.

"Su Chen?"

Emperor Chu was stunned for a moment, and his face immediately turned ugly.

"Gu Heng, what do you want to do by taking Su Chen away?"

I heard this question.

Not only was Gu Heng not angry, but the smile on his face became even brighter.

"When I capture Su Chen, I naturally want to get his Human Saint Body. Although there are tens of millions of my incarnations, there are few that can compare with the Human Saint Body."

Emperor Chu stared at Gu Heng coldly, trying to see something from the change in his expression.

Unfortunately, what Gu Heng is best at is being invisible.

He was silent for a moment and said:

"Release Su Chen, and I can give you the 'Human Emperor Flag'!"

Emperor Chu raised his eyebrows and said.


Gu Heng unexpectedly refused.

Moreover, he refused very simply and decisively.

"Kill you, and the 'Human Emperor Flag' will still be mine!"

Gu Heng had a look of contempt on his face, and his eyes scanned the entire room, finally landing on Po Jingyun.

"This is the only uncertainty I have. As long as he dies, there will be no possibility for you to stand up."

Emperor Chu's face was so cold that water could drip from his face.

"If you want to defeat Jingyun, it's not that easy..."

As soon as his voice came out, it stopped suddenly.


Hundreds of black dragon souls forcibly attacked the protective formation of the eight supreme beings, tearing a gap.

And Tianzhu's body, like a bolt of lightning, took advantage of the moment when the gap was exposed, roared and moved, and rushed over.

"Po Jingyun, I don't care if you still have the remaining power of Emperor Han in you, you will die today!"

Tianzhu's face was full of ferocity, and his fists were covered with thorns. He punched out and went straight to Po Jingyun.

"not good!"
The faces of Kunxu Zhizun and others all changed greatly.

Although they saw Tianzhu's killing move, they had no power to stop it.

Now, hundreds of black dragon souls are frantically attacking their condensed avenue formation, restraining their power.


The Fist of Thorns came with a burst of destruction, and was about to completely kill Po Jingyun.


Suddenly, a pair of cold eyes opened.

Po Jingyun opened his eyes.

He woke up.

The moment he opened his eyes, a flash of silver light shot out from his eyes.


This silver light cut through the yin and yang of heaven and earth, split the five elements, shattered the universe, and shattered the Fist of Thorns when it rushed out.


Tianzhu's whole body froze, and when he saw this silver light coming from the sky, his liver and gallbladder trembled with fear.

He is struggling desperately.

However, this silver light was like the light of the universe, shattering everything, and when it fell, he immediately lost consciousness.


Between heaven and earth, there seemed to be a bright firework exploding.

Very gorgeous.

also very beautiful.

That was the origin of the Heavenly Candle and the heaven and earth exploded.

His life, like fireworks, bloomed with charming light at this moment.

However, this light of fireworks was very short-lived and disappeared in an instant.

As the fireworks dissipated, Tianzhu, the supreme being in the Nine Heavens Realm, was swept into the garbage of history like dust.


A flash of silver light cut off a section of a supreme being.

This strength is not something that can only be achieved by an incarnation of essence and blood.


When Po Jingyun stood up, it was as if a wild beast was out in force. The entire void was trembling, and the sea of ​​dragon bones below was also shaking crazily.

"Han Emperor? You...I have arrived?"

Supreme Kunxu widened his eyes and said in horror.

"No, I just activated a clone I left in Jingyun's body!"

Emperor Han stepped forward, and his aura spread, shaking the world.

Soon, he revealed the aura of the Supreme Eighth Stage.


He punched out and instantly killed dozens of black dragon souls.

Although these black dragon souls were also in the supreme realm, they were only at the supreme level, and they did not have much sanity. They were no different from puppets. Their reaction speed was relatively slow, and most of them were slaughtered by the Han Emperor in one fell swoop.

"I knew that you humans have so many tricks, it's impossible that you don't have any trump cards left. It's true."

Gu Heng saw his black dragon soul being slaughtered, but he was not angry at all.

Because this is doomed to be in vain.

Black dragon souls were born in the sea of ​​dragon bones. As long as this sea of ​​bones remains immortal, a steady stream of black dragon souls will be born.

Almost immediately after Emperor Han killed dozens of black dragon souls, roaring whirlpools of death energy appeared in the depths of the Dragon Bone Sea.

After a while, black dragon souls flew out of the whirlpool. They knew no pain, no fear of life and death, and rushed towards the Han Emperor.

When Supreme Kunxu and others saw this scene, their faces turned pale, and their eyes showed unprecedented horror.

They never imagined that these powerful black dragon souls were as unkillable as the ordinary black dragon souls that had appeared before.

After killing one group, another group will be born immediately.

Children, grandchildren, grandchildren.


"Sir, these black dragon souls can only be suppressed and sealed, they cannot be killed at all!"

Han Wu's heart sank and he said.

"Sure enough, the life avenues of these black dragon souls are integrated with this sea area!"

Emperor Han had noticed the weirdness of these dragon souls before, but he still chose to attack these black dragon souls as soon as he woke up. One of the very important reasons was to verify his guess.

At this moment, the answer is ready to come out.

The reason why these black dragon souls can continue to be reborn after death is because they are completely integrated with this sea of ​​dragon bones.

To be precise, they are the products of Dragon Bone Sea.

As long as the Dragon Bone Sea is immortal, these ancient dragon souls can always live.

"Gu Heng, you can control these ancient dragon souls. Could it be that you have obtained the will of heaven and earth in the Dragon Bone Sea?"

After Han Di punched away the black dragon soul that was entangled in him, he appeared in front of Gu Heng.

At this moment, he and Emperor Chu joined forces, and the two supreme worlds exploded, forming an encirclement and attacking Gu Heng from front to back.

And Gu Heng's face no longer had the calmness it had just now, but instead had a look of solemnity.

He looked at Emperor Han coldly.

"How do you know that there is a will in this sea of ​​dragon bones?"

Gu Heng was really shocked from the bottom of his heart.

No one has ever known what his true intentions are, but now, with the arrival of Han Emperor's clone, his true purpose has been exposed.

"No, you are not a clone, you are a spirit descended!"

Gu Heng had been observing Han Emperor. Suddenly, he came back to his senses and his expression changed.

The spirit has arrived!

The arrival of a clone is completely two different concepts!

A clone is, after all, just a clone!

The power it can exert is limited, and it is far less unified in mind than the original deity.

However, it is completely different when the spirit comes.

This chapter has been completed!
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