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Chapter 3782 Opportunity to become enlightened?

 This time, the reason why Elder Shou Dao chose the nine people from the Immortal Emperor faction was also out of compensation for the Immortal Emperor.

After all, his people had just killed one of the Immortal Emperor's will spirits not long ago.

From the moment the Immortal Emperor sent Shi Zhongxian out to investigate this matter, he knew that the Immortal Emperor was expressing his dissatisfaction.

However, there is still room for this dissatisfaction.

The Immortal in Stone is his own person.

If you go to investigate, it's not up to you to decide how to investigate!

But why would the Immortal Emperor send him there?

There is only one reason, and that is to warn yourself.

If no concessions are made, there is only one final outcome, and that is that neither the Immortal in the Stone nor the guy who destroyed the Will Spirit God will come back alive.

Therefore, this time, for the opportunity of the Human Emperor's ruins, he chose nine people from the Immortal Emperor's lineage. This was the result of a secret game, and the armored general and others did not know the specific reasons at all, so

My heart was full of anxiety.

The Great Elder could see what these people were thinking at a glance, so he revealed some of the opportunities in the Human Emperor's ruins.

For these old guys, the most attractive thing is nothing more than the opportunity to become enlightened.

It's a pity that the world's avenue in the fairy world has reached a limit at present, and it is no longer possible to allow more supreme beings to introduce the world's avenue into the body.

Therefore, he would throw out the opportunity of enlightenment at this time.

Of course, these old guys must be full of doubts in their hearts right now.

Why are there opportunities for enlightenment in the ruins of the Human Emperor?

"Everyone, I know you are all curious as to why there is an opportunity for enlightenment in the ruins of the Human Emperor!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Elder Shoudao's mouth.

"Yes, please ask the Great Elder to help us resolve our doubts!"

A look of respect appeared on Tianmu's face.

"Ha ha……"

The elder Shou Dao laughed loudly.

"When the ruins of the Human Emperor really come out, I will
Let me tell you in detail, although the human race has always wanted to get this ruins out, no one knows until the last moment whether they can succeed!"


A loud noise erupted.

After the elder Shou Dao finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves, and a huge glow fell between the sky and the earth.

Everyone was enveloped in this glow.

Soon, it disappeared on Xiandao Peak.

The remaining elders had different expressions, including envy, doubt, worry and speculation.

They all heard the conversation between Elder Shou Dao and Tianmu and others just now.

Opportunity for enlightenment!

That's what makes them fiery too!

But no matter what, they didn't choose me.

However, they are also a little worried in their hearts. This great elder is not a good person. He has been selected by the other party at this moment. It is hard to say whether he can come back alive.

Who knows, is this a choice to be cannon fodder?

What's more, Tianmu and the other nine are all from the Immortal Emperor family!

The great world of the immortal clan, the central imperial court.

There is a group of magnificent palaces.

In the center of these palaces is a pagoda-like building.

At this moment, a figure stood on the highest roof of the building.

This is none other than the Immortal Emperor.

However, the Immortal Emperor standing here is not a dharma body, but an actual deity.

He just stood there.

Extremely quiet.

Anyone who doesn't know him would definitely mistakenly think that he is actually an elegant and easy-going middle-aged man.

But in fact, the other party's age has long surpassed that of all the gods.

There are trillions of lives in all realms.

To describe it as 'middle-aged' is totally inappropriate!

"By taking away nine of my people, are you compromising or threatening me?"

The Immortal Emperor was extremely calm and glanced at Xiandao Peak lightly.

"The ruins of the Human Emperor, this is not a kind place!"

"Opportunity for enlightenment?"


His figure swayed slightly and disappeared into the Lingxiao Tower.

No one knows where he went.

… ??

at the same time.

Outside the human realm, there is a pitch-black void.

There is an ancient road that exudes a faint starlight, surrounding it.

If someone stands on this ancient road and looks down, he will find that there is a continent in the middle of the ancient road.

This continent seems small when viewed from outside the void, but once you enter it, you will find that this continent is huge and extraordinary.

The reason why this special situation occurs.

The reason is that a long time ago, in the Heavenly Court era, the Human Emperor united with more than a dozen ancient beings to sacrifice this continent at the same time, making this continent contain the universe, infinite vitality, and full of creation.

This continent, known as Canglong Continent, is also a human realm where countless human races thrive today!

It is said that in order to strengthen this continent, the Human Emperor personally entered the Forbidden Sea and killed hundreds of blue dragons. He used dragon blood to nourish the rivers of the Human Realm, used dragon bones to support the mountains and rivers of the Human Realm, and used dragon skin to nourish the people.

The land in this area has allowed people to enjoy the beautiful mountains and rivers, surging rivers, and scenic spots in the Lingshan Mountains for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years in the future.

These are all the good fortune left behind when the human emperor ruled over all races in the past.

Human Realm is surrounded by ancient roads, and this ancient road that has protected Human Realm for countless years is also known as the ‘Starry Sky Ancient Road’.

This ‘Ancient Road in the Starry Sky’ is also the handiwork of the Human Emperor. Its existence is like the Great Wall in the mortal realm, guarding the great world of the human race.

This ancient road in the starry sky played a huge role in the human race's territory being able to avoid being invaded by all races.

At this moment, in this ancient road in the starry sky, the sky and earth are dark, the environment is harsh, and countless poisonous insects appear.

There was even a storm that could corrode the emperor's body.

However, it is precisely because of this dangerous and special environment that it has successfully blocked the invasion of all races.

The human race has a very difficult life here, but similarly, all races who dare to step onto the ancient road in the starry sky will only die faster.

If the harsh environment on this ancient road caused one harm to the human race, then the harm it caused to all races was ten.

That’s right!

Ten times the damage!

This is the reason why all races have failed to conquer the Starry Sky Ancient Road for many years.

The construction of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, to this day, no supreme being, not even a Taoist master, has figured out the mystery behind it.

Everyone only knows from ancient books that this ancient road was built by the Emperor of China with great effort.

Moreover, no other Taoist master participated in the entire process, and it was all created by the Human Emperor.

The power of the Human Emperor is great and sacred!

An ancient road in the starry sky has blocked the conquests of all races for countless years!

At this moment, in the middle of this ancient road, there is a thatched house.

That’s right!

It’s a thatched house!

The conditions of the Starry Sky Ancient Road are so bad that it is impossible to build any kind of splendid buildings here.

Because no matter what kind of building it is, it will be blown to ashes by the cold wind on the ancient road if it doesn’t even look like it once it is built.

This chapter has been completed!
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