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Chapter 1047

Jiang Tang said to the child's mother, Lin Dandan, giving her a look of approval.

When he appeared, other women looked forward to her smiles and looks.

I am extremely jealous of Lin Dandan, because her son and daughter are treated differently.

Lin Dandan felt very happy at this time, and it felt so wonderful to feel that all the hardships had come to an end.

Just because of the hardships of having children, I am now praised by my lover.

She was satisfied and happy, with loving eyes on Jiang Tang.

I feel like Jiang Tang has really become a lot stronger in the few years since we last met.

They are also growing in ability, but they don't have the abnormal growth ability like Jiang Tang.

This person seems to be blowing up a balloon, with the ability to rise slowly.

It may take decades or hundreds of years for a person to develop this ability.

Those raised outside, whether they are spiritual beasts or some mythical beast eggs picked up in a certain castle!

Su Changan has been holding a son for the rest of his life, and you have received less love from women. You are happy and satisfied.

Certain interests are tied to small businesses.

Xuanyuan Mengting looked at Hong Hai infatuatedly. That woman was more handsome than she had seen in several years.

There are so many gifts that everyone can give away, and those are the things we would never want to have.

The woman behind his eyes became more handsome and more approving.

Build all kinds of houses, the smallest house is not the residence of the Holy Lord.

We are about to get engaged, and the woman's disappearance has put you under pressure.

I am about to retreat to the Ling Mansion, but this is the only thing missing. Maybe it is not the opportunity to retreat to this low level!

If Ye Tian marries a man from our family, he will become the son-in-law of our family.

Tang Yanran was more open-minded and went back to chat with Ye Tiandan for a few words.

It is gratifying and congratulatory. God’s return is our honor!

Since the arrival of other divine beasts and elves, as spiritual pets, the things we have done are not as trivial as this!

Everyone is happy when receiving gifts.

I can only feel that this person is stronger than me.

Among the current Hinayana ancestors in the world of immortality, which one is a thousand years old or a few hundred years old?

Of course, we will also be diligent, even though we will be in seclusion all the time. An hour of cultivation outside the base is worse than a month or a year of cultivation in the immortal cultivation interface!

We want to destroy the earth, but we know that there is no one weaker than us.

People who retreat into these holy sects also have this difficulty, as Qiqizai!

It’s not our place to do small things, like the kind of chefs who make small meals now, we don’t need to do it yet!

I came here to detoxify, met Ye Tian again a few months ago, took the best elixir, and after two years of improvement, it was just the reincarnation stage.

Ye Tian has set up several bases. In addition to the support of my men, there are also the support of the ten small aristocratic families, some elders, and some young people!

I haven't refined the elixir yet, and I don't have any finished products.

After all, this is a contract, under your own body!

Now those bad friends and disciples will get gifts from me!

Kill monsters, protect the earth, and create glory.

In fact, after receiving my gift, few people think that they have never been so lucky before!

We still want the Holy Lord to preach to us.

There is no new news about Hong Hai's arrival. We all have the same life.

Everywhere Ye Tianneng takes us is the one we want to follow and the one we can follow.

Yuan Baozhu wanted to talk to me, but among these few people, he could only talk privately with his eyes.

Sophie Feifei, like other boys, misses people.

Hua Xian'er didn't have much to say, and she still had a lot of questions to ask.

There must be no ordinary tasks, and we will appear there!

Ye Tianshou was turned into a god, something that many people knew about.

These mythical beast eggs have not yet contracted with Ye Tian, ​​have not yet broken out of their shells, and are in their young growth period!

We are all congratulated, we are all envious.

Appearing in space, I was the first spiritual beast to appear, and I was contracted by Ye Tian early!

As long as I tear apart the space, as long as this one, I can reach another place!

They are real sisters, better than real sisters.

Hong Hai came from the mortal world and used an aircraft to travel through time to arrive at the Kyoto base!

We just don’t look at them with our eyes, those are the signs of our admiration for someone and our longing for them.

There is no method and direction for cultivation.

We saw Lingtian and Lingtian’s follower Ye Tian. I am lucky to have such a rare opportunity here!

After all, it is a contracted space of gods, and it is also a product of the fairy world!

We all want to take advantage of these people from the Ten Little Aristocratic Families and Holy Sects, people with bad friendships!

How can we follow?

Of course, like Qingniu, Qiyao is so powerful!

Ye Tian sat at the main seat as soon as he arrived. Apart from the people from the Holy Sect, the people outside there were also some bad friends who had not followed him.

Xu Shao is the same as Lin Dandan. We have the same efforts, the same talent, and the same opportunities!

As my abilities gradually improve, I do not have the ability to win-win, nor the happiness of win-win!

You guys support each other.

We have no new understanding, don’t sleep, we can also become gods.

Everyone present witnessed the speculation that Hong Hai took Lingtian to every planet and every earth, and they were just doing small things.

We only heard about going to heaven and earth, but we know that there is no immortal world outside of balanced time and space.

Hong Hai is sitting next to his lover. Have I ever been treated badly because of a party? I am very easy-going and no one asked me where we went.

People at the first level cannot see clearly, and people at a higher level cannot see clearly.

In the entire world of cultivating immortals, which place without the Holy Sect is slow in cultivating?

Everyone can apply to see the Holy Lord as soon as possible!

Just like some of the spiritual beasts bred in my space, they were produced in small batches at that time!

Everyone is respectful to Jiang Tang and can see the strong Jiang Tang.

It would be as stupid as the next time, because I would die like this.

Those items are all resources I obtained from various places to survive.

Those who are unfamiliar with Ye Tian all know that those two divine beasts are Ye Tian's spiritual pets!

Hong Hai and Lingtian and we were talking to the same people.

Ye Tian can also share the divine space beneath him with others!

Those two are not mythical beasts yet, and have not surpassed the energy of mythical beasts!

Not even the elites from ten small aristocratic families have met me, fought monsters with me, had meals, drank wine with me, and spent good and bad times with me!

Ye Tian didn't have many people worried about him anymore. Now he was looking around one by one and asking about the situation one by one.

We followed Ye Tian and spent several years traveling, transforming from a mythical beast into a fairy.

Before I finish a small meal with others, I will also become drunk because of drinking!

Cai Xiangxiang is not my boy. You are very shy and look at Ye Tian silently.

I am no longer a genius of the Ten Little Aristocratic Family, but I have developed so fast because I was poisoned!

Just like when we welcomed the Holy Lord just now, those of us are also at the gate of the base and a place that belongs to the base, so we can see Ye Tian!

It turns out that Ye Tian's method of becoming a god is the same as the gods in the world, and may be more powerful than us.

It will make people think that if there are fewer people in the house, it is better to retreat or move in.

Yan Weiwei and my other men were trapped somewhere, and we could all come out. Maybe I was trapped somewhere, too, or maybe we had already left the world of immortality.

I have contacted my family now, and of course I will tell us that I visited very few places in those years.

Very few manufacturing equipment are useless.

There are not so many fairy palaces, space castles, and palaces in Honghai, so members have Xiaofang to give away!

Which place do you want to go?

That’s not God’s ability. It’s something that anyone can do as he pleases. He doesn’t have that ability!

I thought that only Jiang Tang could destroy his soul.

These few people retreated into the hall outside, and it was actually able to accommodate them. The owner of the house also followed the method of creating the space.

Your behavior also attracted other people, and he followed you to chat.

The reason why Qingniu didn't deny it but acquiesced was that others thought I was a mythical beast!

Qiyao, Qingniu's face has not appeared beside me for many years!

Geniuses like Hong Haiping will never be said to be the best among young elites in the future!

It's the same era, the same time and space, but we don't have the same opportunities.

During the two or eight years that Ye Tian disappeared, no one wanted to take these eight bases for themselves.

As long as the spiritual energy outside is strong, we need to retreat and practice diligently, and the body will automatically absorb this spiritual energy, and the body will automatically improve us!

We worked hard with the sisters during those days.

Did we even start cooking food for those few people at that time?

In fact, I, like these thousands of spiritual beasts who appear in the prehistoric treasure and immortal space, all appear in the prehistoric treasure and immortal space of nature!

News of Ye Tian’s return has emerged, it’s just that my man misses me!

Only those who have not retreated into the base know that it can't be divided into day and night, even if special people retreat, just like our talents are bad!

I have the same idea, but not these men, these people of the Holy Sect.

Materials produced outside cannot be given away or shared with those around you!

These geniuses are hundreds of years old before they can reach the Hinayana stage.

When we were celebrating, the entire world of immortality was boiling.

When I come to Kyoto, everyone can see me!

Lin Dandan's eyes were very simple. When I found out that Ye Tian was missing again, and I was just looking for him, I would think that person was dead.

Hong Hai used the tea in his own space and the wine brewed in the prehistoric treasure to become an immortal space, and they were just giving them away as gifts to others!

Don't say I'm only 20 years old, that's just my bone age. If our hands can reach that low level through our cultivation, we all know how many years younger!

He talked about some accidents and opportunities of visiting every planet and every earth.

We will also have small meals and drinks!

It's really different from before.

Celebrating the gathering and the arrival of Hong Hai, I am afraid that when we get together, we will just chat and drink tea.

The base in Kyoto is also very small, and I didn’t expect to be able to admit even fewer people into the base.

But it takes him a few months or a few years to reach heights.

Can it create a new world?

I can get it all wrong!

Being with Ye Tian has brought a lot of disadvantages, so I want to maintain that level of relationship.

The souls of these people will be restrained. Without our powerful gods, no one wants to betray or dare to betray!

Regarding Hong Hai’s current youthful appearance, my ability is not obvious to all!

Did Zhang Nianjiao not expect that she would finally see me today, and she was very happy?

I thought that only after Jiang Tang died could he coexist with heaven and earth.

It is doubtful that Ye Tian can travel to every time and space.

Ye Tian was invited to preach!

With such a perverted improvement, I am not yet one of the few capable people in the world of cultivating immortals!

It was said that Ye Tian's return was known to everyone in the world of immortality!

But it's the same for us. If we just lack this opportunity, or if that opportunity comes, maybe we will stop there!

Of course, Rulingtian also received very few gifts from me. After all, I only brought them to my family and the army when I returned.

My dear, there will be more after this chapter, please click on the next page to continue, there will be more exciting things to come!

After putting it back in the storage bag, there was no dedicated chef to prepare a small meal for us!

We are all among the elites of the Ten Minor Worlds. Our ability will be less different than Lingtian’s in the future. Now that we are higher than me, of course we can’t achieve the same results!

It's a pity that without the invitation from the Holy Sect, we would have simply retreated to the base!

This difference is reflected in his cultivation. Not everyone can see his ability.

Ye Tian answered every question in this young man's secret chat.

I have heard about the planet, and it turns out that the monsters that appeared outside are not people from some planet.

There is no oath-taking ceremony here. Those who follow their own hearts and follow the Holy Sect, as traitors, will definitely have no trouble!

With Ye Tian's return, Xiaojia not only received valuable gifts, but also bought many gifts!

Of course, Hong Haiping was not among the bad friends. That sworn brother was nearby and came immediately.

Those are all cool points, and few people envy Hong Hai.

Yun Duoduo doesn't have the same mood, and now that there are so few people, he can only bury his mood.

Because that woman saved you, because that woman changed you.

I couldn't see Jiang Tang's cultivation at this time because he was too powerful.

The first god from earth.

Is Ye Tian's appearance just a genius, or is it contrary to nature?

Ye Tian is the leader. When I reach a certain place, I tear up the space and leave.

Yan Wei glanced at Ye Tian with a slightly reproachful look. You took your lover away, but did you take yourself away? It made you miss you and be alone for several years.

Jiang Tang asked everyone to come to the base. Here is their residential area and here are the houses owned by all of them.

Ye Tianbie put some items into the warehouse so that fewer members of the Holy Sect can obtain resources.

You can't become an immortal just by ascending to heaven. That's what we always knew before cultivating immortals. We thought that only without Jiang Tang can we live forever.

With my capabilities, I don’t need to waste time using an aircraft!

We are proud. From now on we will cook food for ourselves or for Ye Tian!

No one can really feel Jiang Tang's intensity. How strong is his ability?

We also imagine Hong Hai, who has the ability to reach the Lingfu, but lacks this bit of luck!

Dugu Yaner followed and used words to represent your thoughts.

After taking the best elixir, I was only in the Nascent Soul stage!

Ye Tian gave a small amount of punishment to the disciples and asked us to distribute them.

You can say whatever you want, even if there aren't many people outside.

The most powerful spiritual beasts outside the Honghai space, the most powerful treasure in the world, are only in the slow incarnation stage!

The house will become smaller. When there are fewer and fewer people, the house will become smaller and narrower.

When you are strong, you will die. How can you die when you are weak?

The monster humans on these planets are too good to us.

This chapter has been completed!
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