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Chapter 1064

Chapter 1024

A wisp of Jiang Tang’s soul... you definitely can’t guess it.

The general sat aside, he had not thought about other people's thoughts.

In fact, their family is just like other families. They have wives and concubines. After all, they want the family to be prosperous and have many descendants.

Families like theirs need to cultivate more talents and give birth to more children.

Every time you fight, you hang your neck on your waistband, and you may die in the next moment.

How come a family can only be passed down from one generation to the next?

If the children born by the wife are small, they will take more concubines and give birth to more children, whether they are daughters or sons.

Sons can be trained to become generals, and daughters can be trained to become female generals.

When facing national crisis and defending the country, both men and women must stand up.

Men and women from families like theirs, unless they were married into the family, did not know how to use force before. Boys and girls from families like these military commanders must learn the ability to save their lives from an early age.

Certain martial arts, in fact, in some academies, they will also learn some abilities.

Not only military general families, but also certain literati families or aristocratic families, they will make their people know how to use force.

They cannot pursue literature or martial arts. Some people can only pursue business. This profession also requires the ability to save one's life.

They may be robbed at the next moment, and their finances, goods, and business will not be peaceful.

Although many people hire bodyguards when transporting goods, they do not hire bodyguards every time they transport goods.

Those who are richer like them will have guards at their homes. Families like them also have guards at home.

Although they came to a border town and the men had dormitories in the military camp, they would also return to live in a house with their families.

On certain festivals and reunion days, they will also stay and eat at home.

Even some other generals live with their families in border towns and occasionally go back.

The General and his family are not only great generals in his generation, they can be said to be the best in the family of military generals.

Just because they have the secret book of force value and the ability to practice martial arts since childhood.

He also has talents and abilities such as leading troops to fight, some of which were taught by his master.

Of course, there are also teachings from family members.

The general had two older brothers and two younger brothers, some of whom were direct relatives and some of whom were concubines.

Then they also gave birth to sons and daughters.

His father's generation also gave birth to several daughters.

During these generations of battlefields, one or two men in the family also died at this time, including an older brother and a younger brother of the general.

He also gave birth to two legitimate sons and a son born from a concubine.

The eldest son Congwen stayed in Kyoto to serve as an official and manage the family business.

The other concubine was about the same age as this son.

It's only a month away.

As a general in the army, he has an elder brother and a younger brother.

There are also some other young generals, all sons of members of the family.

In the general's father's generation, he was not the only one.

When a family trains the next generation, of course it is important to produce capable people in large numbers.

Whoever has stronger abilities will have more resources.

The general was misunderstood, he hid his secret and taught his son the higher power of martial arts.

General... I don't even have this ability myself. I don't even have the confidence to fight with my own son.

Generals... I believe you.

The general was misunderstood, and the young general became stronger. It was because I was partial.

In fact, his concubine also thought so.

He is also a son. Originally, the young general is the legitimate son and has a higher status than him.

In terms of some resources and status of the family, he is already inferior to him.

It's not as good as in terms of force at the moment.

Of course, he thought his father was partial and taught his best abilities to his other son.

The young general is hated by his younger brother.

The general's son is so capable, and his uncle, together with other generals, are fighting against the young adversaries one by one.

It was like fighting in a ring, he was fighting so many people one after another.

If you are an ordinary person, with so many people competing in the ring one by one, it will be very tiring even if you are highly capable.

The young general seems to be getting more energetic as he fights, as if these guys are just playing against him, just like practicing their skills.

In fact, as others think, he doesn't have the most powerful ability at all.

After all, these are just ordinary people, and the strength of the weapons in their hands to fight with him is only two to three hundred kilograms.

If you look at a person who can hold a hammer weighing several hundred kilograms in one hand, his strength has already been reduced when fighting with others.

Although they were fighting one by one, the opponent also showed his best strength.

But they were not his enemies, and he did not show his strongest strength to them.

While others are tired from fighting too much, he becomes more energetic the more he fights.

He could find that when he felt tired during the ring, spiritual energy would flow into his body crazily.

It's like when the body's spiritual energy is used up, the body will automatically absorb the spiritual energy again.

Although it is relatively weak to absorb external spiritual energy, it is still better than not absorbing it at all.

It can repair his lost aura and restore his abilities.

Besides, some of the people he dealt with were just ordinary people, and fighting with these people was as if he didn't use any force.

There is no need to use all your strength at all.

The young general fights with people one after another. The deputy general is like that, and the competition is the same again and again.

Each general uses different weapons. Some use light weapons. They rely on agility and agility on horseback. When fighting with the opponent, they use four ounces to move a thousand pounds.

The young general has high strength, and his written test method will change when dealing with each different general.

Of course, he also knows some of the abilities of these generals. He understands each person's strength, habits, and some of his abilities.

No one could have imagined that a young man would become a completely different person in just a few days.

Everyone thinks that a young general who is more powerful than a general is a bit unreal.

In just a few days, he was able to become so strong. Could it be that he learned the ability from the gods in a dream?

Or maybe the previous ability was just hidden, and the true strength was not revealed.

Some people have already noticed that even though the young general was competing with so many people, he didn't seem to be using his full strength.

In this way of fighting in the ring, he gets more and more powerful as he fights, and one person suddenly becomes such a monster that everyone seems to be in a dream.

Many people have witnessed the young general's martial arts training since he was a child, especially his father, his younger brother Si Chu, uncles, uncles, and their sons.

To say that he was hiding in the past, he was injured many times on missions. Was he abusing himself at that time?

Some people think it's the general's partiality, but some people can't figure out how this young general learned his martial arts?

Jiang Tang's soul wants to tell everyone that your guesses are all wrong. This is what I taught you.

The young general challenged so many generals and he won them all.

He won every challenge using this method of fighting in the ring. From morning to evening, he challenged one challenge after another. Whoever felt hungry would eat some pastries in the middle. So many people forgot to eat.

Even the young general didn't eat, he didn't even eat cakes. He was beaten in the ring and rarely drank water.

But now he has some kind of anti-hunger pill, but when he failed in one of his attempts, when he was changing people, while quietly wiping his sweat, he put a pill in his mouth that could resist hunger.

His body was short of water, so he could only quietly use magic to absorb some moisture from the air.

However, this place is really arid, and the water absorbed does not moisturize my skin much.

Fortunately, his abilities have improved and his skin has improved. However, he is afraid that others will know that his skin has changed, which will draw too much attention. He has applied a medicinal liquid to the exposed skin.

His skin is still bronzed, and the liquid will not fade if he doesn't wash it off.

After the young general defeated everyone, his father found him in the room, and the two had a secret conversation.

Other people, other brothers, other relatives, they really want what the father and son said every day?

Even the young general's younger brother wanted to know what his father was going to say to the young general.

Are you praising the young general?

The look in his father's eyes just now showed his admiration for the young general.

Those who were all older than the young general found that their abilities were not as good as the young general's. Their faces all turned red and they all looked sad.

No matter whether my brother-in-law is hating or in any other mood now.

The father and son who entered the room didn't care about what others thought at the moment.

The general was very happy. He poured himself a cup of tea and generously poured a cup of tea for his son.

He kept watching. His son was in the ring for a whole day, and no one gave him water to drink.

After all, they are soldiers. If they are in a harsher environment and have no water to drink, they can still defeat the opponent. This is also a kind of arduous training.

For example, if they are in the battlefield and fall into the enemy's desert, and there is no water at this time, they will just be consumed by the opponent.

"Tell me, how did your ability become stronger in a few days?"

The young general had known for a long time that her father would ask, but in fact she didn't even think about hiding it.

After all, I want to change my father's fate and my family's fate.

He can teach others some martial arts, but as for teaching people how to cultivate immortality, it will test the character of his family and others.

After all, it's his secret.

Without time to accelerate, it is not that easy for others to become stronger in a short period of time.

As for the exercises for them to practice, they cannot become stronger overnight.

It would be better for them to learn boxing and other skills.

As for his father, he told him without reservation that he also wanted his father to practice.

He changed not only his father's fate, but also the fate of their family.

He can never say that he has the soul of a god in his body.

I can only find excuses and lies.

"Father, I had a dream a few days ago, and in my dream I dreamed..."

The young general had a dream in which his father was summoned back to the capital by the eunuch's decree.

Then the people my father was leading were killed on the way, and more than ten or twenty days later, barbarians came to attack.

There are so many generals with an army of 100,000, but there is no commander. They all work in their own camps, and everyone wants to be the commander.

One of them refused to obey, and the traitor took this opportunity to provoke them, and the enemy invaded again at this time.

Framed by traitors again, the army of 100,000 was destroyed within a few months.

Members of their family died, barbarians entered the country, and more people were killed.

The country is gone.

And this eternal sinner was talking about his father, because the sacred paper in his hand was actually stamped with a genuine seal, but it was not an imperial edict written by the emperor.

Someone followed his handwriting, and then someone stole the seal of the jade seal. The eunuch who delivered the imperial edict was a traitor from the previous dynasty.

Their conspiracy this time is to cooperate internally and externally to change the country's dynasty.

Let the father take the blame.

Before he died, he made a wish, hoping to go back to before everything happened.

So he went back to a month ago, when he was not assigned to return to Beijing by imperial edict.

He also asked him to have this dream in his dream, but he was actually a god.

This god not only taught him some abilities, but also gave him pills that could help him become an immortal. However, those abilities took a lot of time to cultivate.

He can only practice during his rest time.

The general half believed what the young general said.

The young general said that a few days ago, a eunuch came to read out the imperial edict. Why doesn't he have this memory?

I saw my father's confused and disbelieving eyes.

The young general took out the imperial edict and showed it to his father.

It is said that the immortal removed the memories of some people, and that the eunuch and the people he brought were all destroyed in the air at that time.

The general looked at the imperial edict, his hands trembling. If there was no imperial edict, there would not be the group of killers lurking halfway up the mountain that his son said.

He really couldn't believe that what he had no memory of actually happened.

After seeing the imperial edict, he sweated a lot. If it was as his son said, he would follow the eunuch back to Beijing, and then...

Although it has not happened now, if it is as my son said, it has actually happened before.

Just because he was transferred, blood flowed like a river.

Those are his family, his men, and an army of 100,000 people.

The people in the mountains and rivers.

The general's face turned pale. He took the fire seal and burned the imperial edict.

Of course, you cannot keep the imperial edict. If someone finds it or steals it, will you think that he is resisting it if you see the real edict?

Resisting returning to Beijing is also a big deal.

The general burned the imperial edict and pretended that it was no longer a thing.

At this time, he was very curious about whether the ability his son was talking about was taught by a certain god.

It’s not like people like them don’t believe in ghosts and gods.

The legendary ghosts and gods are real.

The general's son and his son chatted for a long time, until they even forgot to eat dinner.

He was curious about how his son learned the ability to cultivate immortality.

Of course he also needs to learn. If he can have time to stay overnight, he can quickly increase his abilities.

Moreover, as your cultivation ability becomes stronger, your life span will also become longer.

Even Hunjun went to Taoist priests to get the elixir of immortality.

Those who know that those elixirs contain poisonous ingredients.

He didn't know if the pill his son took contained poison.

But you can become stronger in a short period of time, and then you can face the war later.

He wanted to give it a try.

The young general took his father to his residence, where the formation was originally designed, and he activated the formation.

The next step was to teach his father how to use the exercises and give him pills.


This chapter has been completed!
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