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Chapter 1086

Chapter 1046

Ye Weida watched as the space of the jade pendant became larger and larger, and all the oil field mineral resources were loaded. He had gained a lot this time.

If it weren't for the fear of attracting others to pursue him, he would have laughed.

His method of harvesting was quite special. He harvested the oil and mineral resources in the oil fields, leaving behind dry land and the originally covered top.

The row of fields is still there, but who would have thought that the mineral source they secretly protected would be stolen by others without their knowledge.

The mine source is surrounded by many patrols. In order to protect the mine source, there are many soldiers and patrols surrounding it.

Ordinary people cannot enter at all because they have to go through several checkpoints. How can ordinary people enter?

If they see strangers, they will catch them too.

Not only was Ye Weida invisible, he could also fly into the mining area from a high altitude under the eyes of these people.

Before entering the mine, the camels that had worked hard all day and night were put into the Yupei Space Breeding Farm.

After he finished, he didn't want to waste time here anymore.

Leave here quickly. If you don't leave, do you still want others to track him down and beat him?

Ye Weida is going to another tribe. First, he wants to raid one tribe after another and make them poor.

In the end is their imperial capital.

First we went to a tribe. This tribe looked pretty good and had quite a lot of farmed products, except that there were no fish ponds.

The tribe is in an oasis, with small lakes, rivers, and green grass.

People in this tribe rely on planting and breeding to make money and enrich their lives.

Ye Weida came to this place invisibly. He didn't see anyone wearing soldier uniforms here. Maybe the young men in the tribe were the so-called soldiers and so-called warriors during the war.

He didn't understand the language of the local tribes, but when he came here, he also saw them arguing with other people.

Usually, the leader talks to the leader, and other people become the background.

However, when the people in the tribe saw the visitor, they all frowned and looked worried.

When leaders talked to leaders, they were worried about their men and the cattle, sheep and horses they depended on for their livelihood.

Worrying about the low-quality food at home, worrying that they will not have enough to eat, that they will not be able to wear warm clothes in the future, and that their families will not be able to reunite.

As for whether they can occupy another place and be more prosperous?

Some people are ambitious and of course want to be richer.

However, some of the local original colonists who have never left the country feel that they are living a good life here and are much happier than other tribes. Even if we don't go out, we are pretty good in our hometown.

Only careerists fight for fertile land, and the soldiers must be from their tribes, some of the few villages, and recruit soldiers from their men.

Ma wants them to dedicate themselves, donate, uh, not buy.

Not only must horses, food, and people be donated, but the fight must also be supported.

They couldn't protest before. In fact, many people would support it. Each tribe has a leader. The king of their country enters another country and unifies the country. Then the leader of their tribe can take some of them and be promoted together.

Make a fortune.

The price is that many warriors will die.

Many people used to support it because warriors are very strong. They looked down on the cowardly people of a certain country because their strong bodies were much more powerful than those literati.

Because they were defeated in battle, they once had to collect food, horses, grass, and all their men.

Originally, the country's population was no larger than others. Because of environmental problems, they could only live in oases or places with little water.

There is a lot of land with deserts, and no one can live in those places.

Anyone who dares to live there will find it very difficult.

It takes a lot of effort for tribal members like them to purchase resources from other countries and purchase resources that they don't have.

Because they will pass through a desert with little water source, they may die in the desert.

Ye Weida could not understand their words, but from their passionate expressions and gestures, he could tell that ordinary people did not dare to protest, but were talking.

The first battle was a huge defeat. So much food, supplies, and people were lost. Even the first city gate had not been entered.

In order to enter the first city gate, they may lose more people.

If it goes as they thought and predicted before, they can win as long as they enter the city gate.

Although they are not as good as others in terms of soldiers and horses, they are warriors, and they feel that these warriors must be stronger than others.

Ye Weida quietly took a closer look, and then quietly entered a certain leader's tent house.

Although I don't understand the language they speak, I have been at the border for a long time and in order to protect their territory, I learned their language just like the other party.

They will also learn the language of others, whether it is the handwriting they write or the language they speak.

However, there are many dialects spoken in this country, which are different from the languages ​​spoken by the people outside the city who live nearby.

It's just that they often go to the city and have closer contact with their own country. Although the language they speak is not very standard and stiff, can you guess what the other person said from his words?

Ye Weida could only rely on guessing at the moment. Because of his destruction, many generals died and food supplies were gone.

The group of soldiers who survived returned to their tribes in despair.

They are not considered deserters, because they are all soldiers recruited from each tribe.

Without food and generals, they had no one to guide them, and they couldn't eat. They could only return to their original place in despair.

Of course, news of their failure had already reached Kyoto.

The king in the capital will go out in person this time. Not only will he personally lead the troops, but he will also select warriors from each tribe. He will select more warriors to become soldiers and select generals from more available time.

Food for battle must be collected from each tribe, including horses, cattle, sheep, grain, and grass.

It is also necessary to obtain some ores from some mines, such as ores that can be made into gunpowder.

Others can use gunpowder like firecrackers to create such powerful explosives, and they must also create such explosives.

The king heard what the mage said and saw that the thing that caused the body to explode was a kind of talisman.

I even want the mage to post a notice asking for such talents.

They also have such a secret weapon, not to mention the city, even the map of the other country has been blown up.

Of course, I also thought about oil, so use more fuel to burn the opponent's city.

In the past, they thought they could easily capture each other's cities. The people in those places had become one of them and would not murder their lives.

Ye Weida was silently listening to what these people said in the meeting. Because of his strong defense of the city, the opponent could not break the city immediately or defeat it immediately.


And let them fail, and then I went to so many people, and some of them were the most powerful people to fight.

The king was angry and wanted to go to war himself.

Previously, I only wanted to fight the opponent's army and killed some of the people who were in danger. I had no intention of destroying the entire city.

After all, they occupy a place, and they need each other's people to become slaves, and the scene works for their slaves and for them.

Originally, their country had relatively few people, and a large number of people might have died in the battle. Their army entered and occupied a city. As long as some of their own people were stationed there, they then went to attack another city.

Maybe when they don't have enough personnel, they will recruit troops from some ordinary people in the other country to seize horses.

After facing failure, they became angry and wanted to use their strength and resources to blow up the opponent's city.

No matter how many casualties there are, even if they die, there is no problem.

As long as the land is theirs.

The more people die, the better, the faster they can take over the country.

It would be better if they used their strength to blow up an army of 100,000 people, then they wouldn't need any other troops.

Just use the resources to do it.

The leader of the tribe heard that they have sufficient water, good breeding, and good planting. They need to provide not only personnel, but also food, cattle, sheep, and horses.

The personnel who were recruited removed almost all the males over the age of 15 from their tribe.

Then there are only old and young people left in their tribe. How can they do planting and breeding without people?

How will the lives of the young and old in their tribe be maintained in the future?

If you donate cattle, sheep and horses, their tribe becomes poor; if you donate food, they won't have enough to eat.

So many young and middle-aged people have left, and I don’t know if they will come back in the future, which makes me extremely worried.

It's not that they are afraid of each other, it's that this battle is different from previous battles.

In the past, they could enter by relying on strength and strategy, and they could enter without injuring many people, and they could fight with the opponent.

Now it is a one-sided death. People are killed and food is burned on our own land. We still don’t know how the other party got in.

The prospects are worrying.

The people led by the people from their tribe can certainly become generals, but why do they feel a dangerous aura coming towards them?

It's a sixth sense of being a leader. This time they fight, they may have a narrow escape.

In a war with no chance of winning, is this a sacrifice of lives?

The commander was worried and expressed his concerns to the official personnel.

Of course the official personnel supported the king's wishes. Anyway, they were just lobbyists. As the main force in recruiting troops, they had to do it themselves.

Even if they are defeated and all die, they have no one to step forward. If the king dies, won’t there still be the king’s son?

They just support the king's son as emperor.

Although the king is ambitious?

Of course, they also support it, and when it is effective, of course there will be glory and wealth to share.

When someone heard the commander's worried words, he slapped the table with a bang, saying that he was resisting the order. This was the king's will. They had no right to speak and could only execute the order.

When the commander saw that the other party was so disrespectful, his expression became worse and worse, and he almost fought with the other party again and beat him.

When Ye Weida heard this, he was no longer interested. Aren't they going to fight and show us their colors?

He made it impossible for them to take action, and took away their resources before they could take action.

It leaves them without resources and unable to do anything they want to do.

Ye Weida did not want to kill some important personnel this time.

He just went to the breeding farm and collected the tens of millions of cattle, sheep and horses raised by the other party into the prepared space.

At this moment, he collected all the cattle, sheep and horses from the other tribe's breeding farms that were ready for slaughter.

Collect this batch of materials and then look for their so-called warehouse.

A tribe also has a granary. After all, a tribe also has a busy market and shops.

There are also soldiers who manage the entire tribe. They only wear their own clothes, not soldiers' clothes.

During the war, in order to avoid being easily injured and the clothes not easily torn, they wore a relatively thick homespun cloth that was less likely to be torn.

Ye, a woman from a barbarian country, learned the technology of weaving homespun cloth from the weaving skills of women from the neighboring country.

Ye Weida can also see the jewelry made from silver in this place, which is a unique accessory.

It seems that there are silver mines in this place too.

He did not show up in the busy city. Even in his invisibility, he heard that somewhere in the desert of this country, there was a gold mine, a mine that produced gold sand.

Ye Weida wanted to go and have a look. He wanted to go to the silver mine and the gold mine and collect both silver and gold.

Not only did they have to collect resources and ores from their wealthy families, but they also had to go to the royal capital to cause trouble, causing heavy losses to the resources of various tribes, making them unable to care about themselves, let alone support the king in fighting.

What's more, he wanted the king to be injured and die during his rage.

Let the entire country settle down, so that they have no main focus, have no time to take care of themselves, and can no longer attack their country.

Ye Weida did whatever he wanted and stole a map somewhere, which was a map of certain tribes in their country.

It was more accurate than he knew. It was an official deployment map.

Every city and every mountain is clearly depicted on the map.

With this map, he doesn't need to go to the places he has been, and he doesn't need to wander around the places he hasn't been.

This will give you more time to collect resources quickly, collect all the resources that have not been donated, and cause chaos in every tribe in the barbarian country.

Let them doubt themselves, thinking that people from their own tribes came secretly to rob.

Ye Weida didn't know yet that as soon as he left the oil field, the next day the oil field dried up and the tribes in the entire oil field were in chaos.

They couldn't believe that the oil fields that were fine yesterday were no longer filled with oil.

While they were inspecting and digging underground passages, the tribe welcomed guests again, official guests, asking their tribe to donate oil.

The little oil that has not been sold before will now be exchanged for material goods for their tribe, and some of it will be used for their own use.

Are the officials coming to ask for oil, or are they the kind that don’t pay a penny? Where do they get so much oil?

The other party didn't believe it, so they had no choice but to take the officials to their oil fields. When the officials saw the dry oil fields, they were dumbfounded. Their mission was impossible and they couldn't explain it.

This chapter has been completed!
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