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Chapter 938

Jiang Tang knew that his ability was that of ghosts, especially those who were the nemesis of monsters. His ability was so powerful that those ghosts washed away their evil spirits and stayed blankly on the bottom of the sea!

I will never attack those ghosts again or rush to the water!

They are hiding under the water, waiting for such a powerful person to leave!

The dangerous situation on the seabed has been eliminated. It can be said that the entire ghost sea has been cleared of obstacles!

Will there be ghosts like that again in the future?

Jiang Tang couldn't guarantee that if the obstacles were cleared this time, would there be an unscrupulous author writing such a ghost story again?

He is just clearing up the sea situation in some ghost stories. He is now looking for trouble due to the inaction of the King of Hell.

This place is just a topic and a reason, the official contest has not started yet!

Jiang Tang found that those ghosts were afraid of him, but the ghosts on a certain ship were grateful to him!

If it hadn't been for his help, the ghosts on that ship might have been almost destroyed by the monsters on the sea!

The ghost rowing the ferry was so scared. In fact, when this human being appeared here, he knew he couldn't offend him!

He has such a job, but he is also afraid of losing it and offending the most powerful person in the world!

If you are not blind in eyes or mind, you can guess that you can come to the underworld. This person is very capable. Some monks can also enter the underworld, but they do it according to their own abilities!

But those people don't have the same sense of pressure as this person. This kind of slight pressure is too strong. Those who have seen the King of Hell can guess that the King of Hell is not such a person. After all, they are afraid of the majesty of the King of Hell, but this time

The majesty of a person is like the weight of Mount Tai. Such a person can be said to be an immortal in the world!

They know that if there are immortals in the world, their abilities can actually reach the heavens!

Just like their King of Hell’s abilities, they are also capable of reaching the heavens!

After Jiang Tang showed his hand, he waved his hand and the talisman ship under his feet started flying non-stop, no slower than his flying magic weapon!

The talisman ship was infused with spiritual power and moved very fast, making the entire sea seem very far away!

Moreover, I also saw volcanoes, which is a place with volcanoes!

It doesn’t make people feel that this volcano has a masculine spirit!

Because the fire here is a ghost fire, it looks like a hot fire. If it is not powerful enough, it will feel eerie!

Jiang Tang was very interested. He fished some of this kind of ghost fire. What he especially liked was the crystal stone, which is a material for refining weapons!

These things can be used as materials for growing certain grass jelly!

It is very useful to some ghosts and immortals. Jiang Tang took some of it now and brought it into his hell palace!

Jiang Tang has discovered that the creatures in the Hell Palace are more powerful than ghosts. What interests him is that without training resources, their growth will be too slow!

Now certain products of the Hell Palace will be his resources and have been contracted by him. If he wants them to become stronger, they will be his help in the future!

Of course, the demons in the Hell Palace can actually be trained to become invincible!

Jiang Tang has become a fairy and believes that the team is very important!

If you are an immortal with a team, you don’t need to take action yourself when you challenge the King of Hell!

If he fights with others and asks others to practice with him, he must have someone with the same ability to practice with him!

Instead, look for a sparring partner who is not in the same industry!

I'm not afraid of the King of Hell, I'm just playing with him!

I could feel the ghosts in the hell palace, discovered the ghost fire, and those crystal stones, and jumped with joy!

No matter that he is in the hell palace, it is daytime now!

The demons in the Hell Palace were frightened. The master found an opportunity for the ghosts in the Hell Palace. They were very depressed and looked at them with resentful eyes!

Keep applying, they also need resources!

Jiang Tang...

The flying ship was very fast, and then it reached the shore of the sea and saw a certain kind of flower. Jiang Tang was very interested. He dug up a few such flowers. They might be useful and planted them in the Hell Palace!

Knowing that these flowers are medicinal, planting them in the hell palace will allow you to have more gardens!

Jiang Tang waved his hand, and many flowers entered the storage space magic weapon, and even sent several such flowers into the prehistoric treasure spiritual field space!

This time they have a book on elixirs. This flower can be made into a medicine, or more medicines can be researched!

It can be made into poison, and it can also save people with elixirs!

Look how that person uses this medicine!

Jiang Tang would not harm innocent people, but collecting more things might be useful in the future!

Finally we got ashore. We need to cross a bridge here. After crossing this bridge, you can enter a certain place!

It can also be said that after crossing this bridge, there is no way back to the human world!

Jiang Tang saw some ghosts coming onto the bridge, and then sat down at a certain stall. There was an old woman there, giving each ghost from the past a bowl of soup.

Jiang Tang did not walk by slowly, but flew by. Po Meng raised her head to stop him.

I noticed a pressure, and my outstretched hand was blocked by a gust of wind!

Po Meng..., young man, there is no need to be in such a hurry for reincarnation. Slow down and drink a bowl of soup quickly!

Jiang Tang...

"Hey, young man, what are you calling? Are you deaf?"

Jiang Tang..., only a fool will turn around, are you blind? You didn't see that my yang energy is still there!

If I drink this bowl of soup, won’t my memories of my past life and this life be gone?

You old woman, why are you so stupid?

"Young man, if you don't drink soup again and again, you will disturb the world. Come back quickly!"

Po Meng was anxious, and her old eyes had already discovered that this person was no longer a human being, but had become an immortal. Why was he in the Hall of the King of Hell?

I also discovered that this person became a ghost and traveled somewhere with distance. This was to escape Meng Po Tang again and again. He was violating the rules!

In fact, Po Meng is very helpless. Some of the trendy books these days are always about time travel and rebirth. She becomes a ghost, returns to somewhere, and changes into someone again. Her Meng Po soup cannot be sold!

The ghost now is too cunning and wants to destroy her job and career!

Po Meng was helpless, but she couldn't help but watch the immortal in front of her enter a certain place!

He can't catch up after him, and there is no time now. There are already some ghosts waiting. The ghosts in the queue will move around when he wants to catch up!

If you have become an immortal because you are chasing one, and you miss it, and you give soup to many ghosts, you will be derelict in your duty!

Po Meng thought about it and finally stopped tracking. After that, she didn't dare to yell anymore. She was derelict in her duty. If she shouted out, she wouldn't be causing trouble for herself!

I wonder if that young man will confront the King of Hell if he enters?

There is always a feeling that the King of Hell is in trouble!

Jiang Tang ignored Mrs. Meng just now because he didn't want to quarrel with that old woman. He felt that quarreling with a ghost who had been working somewhere for a long time would lose his points!

He is not that stupid. As a smart human being, the target he is aiming at now is the King of Hell!

As for Mrs. Meng, now is not the time to deal with those in office!

He's just a kid, I'll finish off those capable ghosts in a few words!

Before Jiang Tang arrived at the Palace of Hell, he was stopped by the ghost guard guarding the gate!

"Who is here? Go back to the underworld quickly. You who came down here with your body, don't wander around here. Once you come in, you can't go out. Do you want to stay here and not go out? Or do you want to come here and reincarnate?"

Jiang Tang... "I'm here to cause trouble!"

The two ghost guards guarding the gate... Where did they get stupid? Why are young people so stupid?

Can you, a young man, break into our Palace of Hell?

"Leave quickly. If you are causing trouble, I will take you to see the adults!"

"Young man, don't eat too much. Just a little kohlrabi. You dreamed of coming here. You didn't even look for a place to sleepwalk. You just came here to sleepwalk. Have you watched too many movies about you being a hero?"

The two ghosts laughed heartily.

Jiang Tang chuckled: "You're just a dog-legged dog. You're just a guard dog. Don't think you're powerful. Go away quickly, or else I'll beat you and call you daddy first."

"Yeah, yeah, you little brat, you are so arrogant. We have been doing errands for so many years, and none of us have gotten good at it. Why don't we go there to have fun? Do you dare to come here to have fun, do you want to be reincarnated?"

"I think he doesn't want to be a human anymore, he wants to be a cat or a dog!"

The two ghost guards guarding the gate were humiliated and were surrounded by many ghosts. These ghosts were wandering souls who had just drank soup at Po Meng's place and looked confused and came here!

They just passed by here, and not everyone can enter the Palace of Hell!

Although they drank the soup, they could enter the reincarnation passage!

But they also have to pass through this place, the palace, which is a passage leading to the Hall of the King of Hell and the road to reincarnation. When they passed by here, they saw the excitement here and those who were rushing to reincarnate stopped!

They thought that the place where this person entered was exactly where they wanted to go!

So the ghosts lined up, not at the reincarnation passage, but at the gate of the Hall of Hell!

Over there, through the reincarnation passage, you enter the service hall. There are staff there who arrange for them to be reincarnated. What will they do in the future?

I am a human being in this life, but I may not be a human being in the next life. I found the office hall deserted. The ghost did not arrive when I was supposed to!

Some staff members went out to take a look and saw a long queue at the entrance of Yama Palace!

They are deserted here!

The staff were a little puzzled. Those at the double doors were all very puzzled. Are there so many people going to the Palace of Hell to complain these days?

Are there no ghosts who dare to reincarnate now?

They were very busy before. They fought countless battles in the human world, and a large number of ghosts came to the underworld. They were all unwilling to accept it. There is no distinction between countries and there is no country here!

We can only send some ghosts to other countries, and it will be very troublesome to complete the operation!

These office workers haven't had a vacation for a long time, and they are so busy!

The surroundings are deserted, but I feel strange!

Seeing that there were no ghosts coming, they became curious and went to the gate of the Hall of Hell to watch the excitement!

Jiang Tang didn't care about the long queue of ghosts behind him. Maybe these ghosts really had grievances!

There are so many ghosts, and there are many things, including children, young people, and middle-aged people. They did not die of unhealthy health during their lifetime, so they must have died in some special environment!

When I see their souls now, they are still wounded, and I can see how they died in the human world.

Even though he had already drank Meng Po Soup, he still followed him and wanted to enter the Palace of Hell!

It seems that many ghosts are like me and want to enter the Palace of Hell to cause trouble!

Tsk tsk, now I am not alone, wonderful!

It can be said that without any effort, a team was brought together!

Jiang Tang waved his hand at the two ghosts, and they all staggered and moved aside!

Then he said loudly: "Come on, those who have grievances, go in and complain, and go in by causing trouble. The Palace of Hell has not done anything, and you must seek justice!"

After Jiang Tang finished speaking, he suppressed the two ghosts and waved to the ghosts. His wave was due to his powerful personality, his colorful golden light absorbing ghosts, or the ghosts also surrendered to this.

Plant light!

A large number of cheering ghosts rushed into the Yanhuang Palace!

"Don't go in, you can't go in!"

"Ah ah ah, this is a rebellion, don't go in!"

The two ghosts who were suppressed could only shout loudly in their mouths. They were suppressed and had no way to stop them!

The staff on the other side looked at it blankly, feeling that the scene in front of them was too incredible!

They didn't expect it to be like this, but if you want to see a good show, you'll see a good show!

They want to know if this person comes to the Palace of Hell to cause trouble, will he fight with the Palace of Hell?

Those who watch the fun are not afraid of big trouble, they are all watching the fun at the door!

Jiang Tang found a large group of ghosts rushing in. There were probably thousands of ghosts rushing in. He didn't hesitate. Thousands of ghosts were enough!

So he followed behind and swaggered into the Palace of Hell!

There are many ghosts doing business in the Palace of Hell at this time. It’s a bit silly to find so many souls rushing in!

They don't know what's going on. Could it be that these are the wrong souls seduced by ghosts?

Are they all here to appeal now?

It's not like this has never happened before. Some unscrupulous authors wrote certain people to death when they were actually alive and well.

Isn’t this a mess?

Where are there so many wars?

A person who was originally alive and well was written as dead. Then doesn’t the dead person become an unjust ghost?

They still have a long life span and should not die in the first place. After drinking Meng Po soup, they will quarrel and return to the world.

We just accomplished something, so there won’t be this large number of ghosts again, right?

The ghosts are so bad that they don't know what the situation is, so they take action to suppress these souls!

The King of Hell, who is sitting in the main seat, has done one thing after another recently, and he is on fire!

Recently, there have been countless new time travels in the human world. Those who have entered the Palace of Hell, in fact, their life span has not yet expired. They want to get benefits from them, and get the golden finger to reincarnate!

After doing this one by one, almost all the good things from these officials have been plundered. Everyone wants gold fingers!

The King of Hell is already complaining. If something like this happens again, those ghosts or people who cause trouble will be punished!

Just as he was thinking this, thousands of souls came in and he felt dizzy!

This chapter has been completed!
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