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Chapter 132 [The little hedgehog who goes in completely opposite directions]

 Cheng Yu was on the wall of the side courtyard and heard that although the "fairy girl" was a guardian fairy, she was unwilling to take the initiative to harm others.

When he came to this world and met the so-called "Baojiaxian" for the first time, Cheng Yu wanted to summon his soul to find out the other person's background.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he summoned the soul, he heard the urgent inquiry from the "fairy girl" coming from underground.

"There are strange things... There are no strange things."

Aunt Zhao thought about it carefully and replied in a low voice.

"No! If you think about it carefully, what weird things or people did you encounter today?"

Cheng Yu frowned when he heard this. As soon as I summoned the human soul, this "fairy girl" suddenly asked, was she aware of it?

He immediately returned his soul to his true form as a sparrow.

Aunt Zhao lowered her head to recall again, shook her head and said:

"There is nothing strange or weird about the personnel. Why did Fairy Lady suddenly ask this question?"

After a period of silence, Cheng Yu'er heard two very slight sniffing sounds from the ground.

"Strange...it's gone again."

"Xiangu" murmured in confusion, which made Cheng Yu suddenly think of an old "friend".

The mother of the Bai family whom I met on the other side of the ridge of Qingluo Mountain also sniffed out the roots of Cheng Yu and Jia Fei just by twitching her nose.

Come to think of it, the Bai family belongs to the Jin lineage. Gold is white and its surface is in the nose. Everyone in the Bai family has a keen sense of smell. They can even smell the breath of his soul. They can only return to the true form of a sparrow.

Only in this way can you block your own breath.

And the old lady in white has died long ago, and even the demon pill has been included in Jia Fei's bag. Could it be that this "fairy girl" here is a member of the old lady in white?

The old lady once said at that time that the internal fighting among the five families cut off the roots of the Bai family. This "fairy girl" here may be a fish that slipped through the net, or a side bloodline, and became the protector of the family here.

Recuperate and recuperate.

While Cheng Yu was thinking, Aunt Zhao was also calling out to Fairy Girl, but she never got a response.

Cheng Yu's heart moved, and he quickly spread his wings and flew high into the sky to concentrate on alert. Suddenly he saw a snow-white little hedgehog in a remote corner of the side courtyard wall. He carefully poked his head out of a small hole, looked around and then retracted.
After repeating this operation three times, the little hedgehog slowly got out of the hole and quickly crawled along the wall to the east of the city.

It was already dark at this time, and there were few pedestrians in the city. Moreover, the little hedgehog seemed to have used a blind trick to quickly shuttle through the city, as if he was in an uninhabited land.

Where is she going?

Cheng Yu spread his wings and raised his height to avoid being noticed by the little hedgehog. He looked up and saw that in the direction the little hedgehog was going, in addition to ordinary mansions, there was a large group of buildings in front of him that were different, but they couldn't be seen at night.

Where exactly.

The little hedgehog walked all the way below, but when he approached a noisy shop, he suddenly stopped, raised his head slightly, and the tip of his nose twitched twice again.

A gambling house ahead blocked the path of this "fairy girl".

One moment, Jia Fei could be heard yelling "Buy and leave" inside. The next moment, amid the astonishment of the gamblers, a clear figure flashed out of the door, "Whoosh! Whoosh!" Two leaps were heard.

The roof next door.

Several gamblers rushed out of the gambling den with shouts. They looked around to see if there was no one on the street, and then returned to the house in frustration.

At this moment, Jia Fei was bent over on the roof next door, looking around nervously and on guard.

I saw a flying needle in each of her fingers, and the one on her right hand had an electric arc jumping back and forth.

The little hedgehog was very vigilant, and immediately his eyes flashed, and he showed two small front paws. Five sharp claws with a metallic luster, like steel hooks, grew out from the front of the claws with a "swish" sound.

The white hedgehog immediately touched the ground with its front paws, and in the blink of an eye it dug a small hole in the ground. As soon as it dug its body in, it was pushed out of the hole by an inexplicable stream of water from the ground, which was enough to push it out for more than a foot.


At this time, Jia Fei saw a white hedgehog being held up in the air by a column of water, and then he knew the cause of the sudden heart palpitations.

The white hedgehog was pushed somersaulted by the water column in the air. How could it be caught without restraint?

In an instant, it formed a ball and rolled rapidly downwards.

Unexpectedly, the water column was faster and arrived first, forming a foot-thick water wall in front of it. In an instant, it condensed into ice, blocking the way.


The white thorn ball rolled in the air and threw out a sharp thorn. With a "Dang!" sound, it hit the ice wall and was completely submerged, but the ice wall did not move at all.

Cheng Yu Yuanshen is standing in the sky at this moment, with Youer guarding beside him, and the snowflake marks on his forehead are shining brightly.


Cheng Yu gently turned his right hand and said softly.

Another water column instantly condensed into an ice bowl in the air, pinning the white hedgehog to the ice wall below.

The little hedgehog wanted to shoot out the white thorn again, but through the transparent ice bowl, he saw a flying needle floating outside pointing at him in the bowl, and there was a lightning arc jumping back and forth inside the flying needle.

"Don't move! Otherwise lightning will strike you!"

Jia Fei stood on the roof, glanced at Cheng Yu who was standing halfway in the air, and said sternly to the hedgehog.

She didn't come close, because the five elements were in conflict with each other, and this little white hedgehog really made her uncomfortable.


The little white hedgehog sighed softly.

At this time, Cheng Yu and Jia Fei's Qi machines were connected, and the two communicated with their thoughts. The little hedgehog didn't know it, but he had already smelled that there seemed to be a master nearby.

Moreover, there is an extremely faint scent of familiarity near this master.

"This fellow Taoist incarnation, you are a big monster, so why are you struggling with a little monster like me?"

The little hedgehog was puzzled and whined in a low voice.

Cheng Yu conveyed his thoughts to Jia Fei. The cat demon looked up at the Great Bird Fairy in surprise, and then asked:

"Are you from the Bai family?"

The little hedgehog was shocked when he heard this and hurriedly replied:

"No, no, I'm not from the Bai family. I'm just a little stray monster in the wild. I can't climb up to the top of the Bai family. Fellow Taoist...it doesn't seem to be from the five families, right?"

The little hedgehog carefully asked Jia Fei, and Jia Fei stared with almond eyes:

"Am I asking you or are you asking me? Why did you become a Baojiaxian with someone? How many lives were harmed?"

Hearing this, the little hedgehog raised its front paws and shook them vigorously, and replied hurriedly:

"Nothing, I've never done anything bad. I'm just a little wandering demon who lives in a shallow way. I only earn a little bit of incense by working with others to help my practice. I've never done anything harmful in my life. Tao

You Mingjian."

"Then where did you want to go?"

"I want to leave the city and visit the Lake Temple beside Qianyuan Lake outside the city."

Cheng Yu frowned when he heard this. This "fairy girl" is talking nonsense.

The Lake Temple is in the northeast of Fucheng, but this little hedgehog went all the way to the southeast after coming out of Aunt Zhao's side courtyard.

Completely opposite.

After receiving Cheng Yu's thoughts, the cat demon immediately shouted:

"What you have done all the way just now is completely opposite to that of the Lake Temple. If you don't answer honestly, I will let you have a taste of my thunder method!"

"Fellow Daoist, calm down, I... I really want to go to the Lake Temple. My mortal disciple went to the Lake Temple today to divine a bad fortune, so I planned to go to the Lake Temple to investigate. I took a detour, but

It was because I was careful not to be targeted by the Lake God... so I had to walk around the city."

The cat demon nodded gently when he heard this, while Cheng Yu's brows were still furrowed.


When this "fairy girl" heard Aunt Zhao talking about the divination in the Lake Temple, she didn't have any overreaction.

It wasn't until she vaguely smelled the aura of my soul that she uncharacteristically kept asking. This can also be proven from Aunt Zhao's surprised reaction after being questioned.

She is not going to the Lake Temple.

Judging from the direction he was heading after exiting the cave, he should be heading to the building complex in the southeast corner of Fucheng.

Southeast corner of the city...

Cheng Yu couldn't help but recall the layout of Qingchuan County again. The southeast corner is where the Confucian Temple is located.

With this in mind, he turned his head and looked towards the southwest corner of Fucheng. Sure enough, there was also a cluster of buildings in that direction, which was obviously different from the surrounding buildings.

Wendong and Wuxi, so the direction this "fairy girl" went to should be Wenjun Hall in Fucheng.

She is a demon cultivator in the Yang Realm. What is she going to do in Wenjun Hall?

This chapter has been completed!
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