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Chapter 19 [After the Rain]

 More than a hundred miles away from Qingluo Village, a broad river stretches across the endless plain.

On the calm river, a fishing boat that had just finished its work rowed towards the shore. A father and son on the boat looked not very good.

The young man who was swaying at the stern of the boat suddenly spat into the river and cursed angrily:

"It's really unlucky. We originally had a good net of fish, but a thief wave came out of nowhere. Not only did we not catch the fish, but the net was torn, and it was delayed until now to reach the shore. It was really a disaster."< /p>

The old man squatting on the bow of the boat and checking the fishing net quickly turned around and scolded:

"Shut up your beak and stop talking nonsense. Just go and pay homage to Grandpa Jiang tomorrow. There is no reason to be angry with this bird."

The young man at the stern of the boat said angrily: "With the net broken like this, I will have no livelihood for at least two days, and I have to raise some repair money. If Grandpa Jiang is really effective, he should protect me until the warehouse is full of fish and shrimp.

It’s good this time, there’s no one left to eat, and no Grandpa Bird appears to protect us.”

The young man was almost talking to himself at the end, and coupled with the sound of the river, the old man on the bow did not hear his complaint clearly.

"Okay, shut up quickly and get ready to make a fire and cook porridge on the shore."

The old man at the bow dropped the broken fishing net and shouted to the stern.

He just stood up and glanced out of the corner of his eye at the calm black river surface behind him. Suddenly, a huge wave of white waves surged towards the fishing boat. The old man who had lived on the river all his life had never seen such a big wave rushing in front of him in the blink of an eye.


The two of them didn't even scream, and the fishing boat was pushed ten feet away by the huge waves.

There was a huge black scaly dragon's tail faintly visible in the waves, which was as big as two fishing boats. It could have been swept past the father and son. A fishy wind stopped the two of them from breathing, and their faces were pulled and slightly deformed.

After the wave passed, the dragon's tail meandered on the river surface a few times, causing waves to push the fishing boat to the shore. The dark scales the size of millstones reflected the moonlight.

The father and son were like drowned chickens, kneeling on the bow of the boat, trembling with fear.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

After regaining consciousness for a long time, the two men kowtowed as if they were pounding garlic.

"Thank you, Grandpa Jiang, for sparing your life, and thank you, Grandpa Jiang, for showing mercy. Tomorrow my father and son will go to offer more incense and kowtow to Grandpa Jiang."

"Crack, crackle, crackle, crackle..."

A silver carp nearly half as tall as a man fell from the sky, hit the ship's deck and bounced around, but it could not escape from the bow of the ship.

The father and son looked at each other with their butts raised, and "dong dong dong" their heads kowtowed even more as if they wanted no money.


At the bottom of the Longxiang River, a giant black one-horned dragon meanders and slowly sinks to the bottom, coiling in the mud flat at the bottom of the river, with its eyes closed in meditation.

‘The evil thief Golden Salamander, the lightning-struck Xiaojia Qiao, dares to break my golden body and steal my golden elixir, but he can actually use thunder...’

He turned over impatiently, causing the undercurrent of the river to surge.


A burst of twisting caused a wound on the neck, and traces of blood mixed with fishy pus seeped into the water and floated upward.

The blood drops floated to the surface of the river and turned into dark red blood flowers that gradually disappeared with the waves, leaving a faint aura of coquettishness in the air.

"And that pair of dishonest masters and disciples actually dared to defile my golden body, making my wounds not only difficult to heal, but even more eroded."

The more the giant dragon thought about it, the more irritated he became, especially when he thought that when he was done, a wild sparrow would appear and meddle in his own business, but he would sneak up on him at the most critical moment when he was concentrating on making elixirs.

As a result, the clone was completely destroyed, and hundreds of years of Taoism were lost in vain. The most important water spirit in the core of the elixir was also missing. A century-old plan fell short, how could you not hate it!


A huge whirlpool suddenly appeared on the rugged Longxiang River without any warning. The diameter of the whirlpool was dozens of feet, and its center was dark and bottomless.

Seven south-flying geese with red paws formed a herringbone formation and happened to fly past the edge of the whirlpool.


The flock of geese let out bursts of screams, and even the leading goose that had flown far away from the edge of the vortex was not spared. It struggled for a few times at first, but after being dragged to the edge, it made a "swish" sound and was sucked into the dark and cold whirlpool of the river.




"Tick tock...tick tock..."

A drop of crystal dew dripped from the eaves and fell on a piece of tender green grass, making the grass look fresher.

"Hey, boss, the rain has stopped. It has been raining all night, and it is so sweet to my heart."

"No, I didn't fall asleep with a smile until late at night. Oh, by the way, Erzhu, I also had a strange dream. In the dream, Grandpa Jin came back and said that he had been cheated by that fake man before.

The Dragon King harmed us, which resulted in our Zhuangzi having no water to use.

He also said that he was saved by a sparrow fairy last night and drove away the evil dragon, which was why the rain happened. He asked us to tear down the statue of the Dragon King and erect a statue of the sparrow fairy. Do you think this dream is strange?"<


"Master, don't tell me. I also dreamed about it. It's almost the same as what you said. It's really strange. Could it be that the rain last night was not because of the old god, but because the bird fairy saved Grandpa Jin?"

"How about I ask someone to go to the back of the village to have a look?"

"Don't, sir, you have forgotten that the old god said that we are not allowed to approach the Dragon King Temple within three days, otherwise there will be disaster."


At sunrise in the morning, Cheng Yu opened his eyes. The sound of rain last night mixed with the crazy carnival sounds of the farmers was particularly clear. Even just now, the bedside conversation between the farmer and his mother-in-law came to his ears clearly.


He really doesn't want to hear it, he wants to sleep more...


The early morning sunlight shines into the hall through the large hole in the roof. The hall looks like a patio, and the ground is so messy that it is almost impossible to stand on it.

There was silence in the palace.

However, there seemed to be waves of water coming from outside the temple. Cheng Yu lay on his back and slowly unfolded his consciousness. It turned out that a heavy rain last night had actually created a stream next to the temple. The stream was muddy and yellow, carrying the soil on the mountain all the way.

Flow towards the foot of the mountain.

He silently recited the secret of water movement, and the flowing stream suddenly became quiet, and the sand instantly sank to the bottom of the stream, making the stream clear and transparent, which was pleasing to the eye.

Cheng Yu stretched out his wings, and saw a drop of dew lying on the leaf of a weed on the eaves. The dewdrop showed that some debris stuck to it was automatically separated, and the dewdrop floated into the air like a transparent pure crystal, and floated towards Cheng Yu at a constant speed.
Cheng Yu remained motionless as the clean dew slowly wrapped around the bird's beak and soaked in little by little.


100% natural morning dew, clean and pollution-free.

Nutritious and delicious.

The little sparrow chirped happily twice, flew out of the nest and stood on the ridge of the roof. It then attracted a large string of water droplets from other leaves, shattering it into a ball of white mist, which slowly moved until the little sparrow was wrapped in it...

After taking a bubble bath, Cheng Yu felt refreshed and at ease, and two cheers of "chirp" rose to the sky.


In less than a day, the lady of the village head slightly artistically processed the dream and spread it, and rumors suddenly spread in the village.

The simple villagers became angry and threatened to destroy the Dragon King statue, rebuild the golden body of Grandpa Jin, and also build golden bodies for the Bird Fairy and the old fairy master and disciple.

But everyone talked and danced, but no one dared to step out of the village. A few brave people climbed to the roof of their house and looked behind the village. They could only see cornices sticking out from the trees, but nothing else.<


Cheng Yu took a nap and slept until the sky was dark and the sky was dark, and he didn't wake up until sunset on the west mountain and the willow branches above the moon.

He lay in his nest and listened. The Zhuangtou family was quite lively at the moment. Several elders from the village gathered in the courtyard of his house, discussing whether they should go to the Dragon King Temple behind Zhuang to inspect it.

After Xianglian finished serving the tea, she would sneak into the kitchen from time to time and take off the rattan basket. The minced meat and rice crumbs inside were not moved at all.

The girl looked up at the sky. The starry sky was particularly clear and clear on the first night after the rainstorm.

There were bursts of discussion in the main room, and Xianglian vaguely heard Grandpa Jin, the old god, the bird fairy and so on.


Bird fairy?

She looked down at the rattan basket in her hand and murmured to herself: "Could it be...him?"


The debate in the main room lasted for an hour, but there was still no result. No one dared to take the risk of destroying Huo Yazi's practice, and finally the clan elders went back to their respective homes.

"Karen! Karen!"

The mother-in-law's cry rang out in the main room, and the girl hurriedly responded, put the rattan basket on the stove, and trotted to the main room.

"These old fellows who have suffered from the plague are drinking a lot of tea in my house for nothing because they are not using their shit properly. Clean up quickly and blow out the lamp early. Alas, half of the lamp oil has gone down again."

Zhuangtou's daughter-in-law urged the girl repeatedly, turned around and saw the bright moon outside the house, and blew out the oil lamp with a "pop" without waiting for Xianglian to finish cleaning up.

This chapter has been completed!
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