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Chapter 199 [A great thing]

 "Report to Mr. Wu! Finally, at the gate of the north city of the inner city, I will get a Yin God that disturbs the Yang world."

In the main hall of Wujun Palace, Qin Hongyu was sitting behind the main case, her eyebrows tranced, when she suddenly heard a military judge outside the hall making a loud report.

Yin Shen?

She was a little surprised when she came to her senses, but she just raised her hand to signal the military judge outside the palace to bring her into the palace.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Hearing the clatter of chains, she raised her eyes and frowned, only to see that the soul-binding rope in the hands of the martial judge was actually the thorn demon she had repeatedly scolded before.


Qin Hongyu looked behind him again and was even more surprised.

Right behind Aunt Bai is the young master Wen Sheng in a white shirt.

Unknowingly, Qin Hongyu had stood up from behind the paperwork, attracting the side glances of the military judges on both sides of the hall.

At the city gate just now, although Aunt Bai persuaded Cheng Yu, he still had to follow Wu Ban and go to Wu Jun Palace for the second time.

The two martial judges who arrested Aunt Bai all took a look at the sword on Cheng Yu's wrist and did not stop him.

Cheng Yu, the two martial judges and Aunt Bai, a total of four people, entered the palace one after another. Qin Hongyu looked directly through the three people in front of Cheng Yu. After looking at each other, she sat down and returned to the chair behind the main case.

How did the two military judges, Aunt Bai, use their position as guest ministers in the Confucian Temple to secretly calculate the longevity of two people in the world, and then even report the blindness of two mortals.

Qin Hongyu glanced at Aunt Bai, and saw that she was no longer as restrained and cautious as before, let alone frightened. Her expression was as calm as water, giving people a sense of relief and detachment.


Mud will not stick to the wall.

Qin Hongyu snorted softly, shook her head and cursed.

"What else can you say?"

Qin Hongyu asked directly to Aunt Bai, there is no need to waste time on such a matter where the right and wrong are straightforward.

This guest minister from the Confucian Temple will naturally be sent to the Department of Punishing Evils to be punished, and will be sent back to the Confucian Temple to be punished by Wenjun.

But this gentleman in white shirt, why are you coming to Wujun Palace again...

When Aunt Bai saw Qin Hongyu's inquiry, she was not as cautious as before. Instead, she gave a slight greeting, raised her head and spoke loudly:

"I have no more excuses."


When Qin Hongyu saw this, she felt quite disdainful. After snorting coldly, she raised her hand and reached for the signature tube on the desk.

"Lord Wujun!"

Cheng Yu stepped over the three people in front of him, took a few steps and bowed his hands in a salute.

In fact, according to his nature, it would be better to do less than to do more, and he would not want to step into this muddy water.

But the current situation is not favorable to anyone. Although Aunt Bai still has selfish motives in helping her, on the one hand, she cares about her as a mother and is eager to save her daughter. On the other hand, the two class leaders really got out of trouble with her help, so there is no need to worry about it.

Save yourself the trouble of taking action.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu calmed down and recounted the whole story. However, before he was about to talk about Aunt Bai asking for the demon pill for Bai Zhonger, Aunt Bai stopped him:

"Mr. Cheng no longer needs to plead for the old woman. The old woman deserves what she deserves and should be brought to justice, but..."

She turned her head and glanced at Cheng Yu, with a meaningful look in her eyes and continued:

"No regrets."


Cheng Yu stared at Aunt Bai, with a look of determination to die in his eyes, knowing the deep meaning of her words, and the palace fell into deathly silence for a moment.

Suddenly, a circle of white light lit up from the ground. After the light disappeared, Wenjun stood there. He quickly glanced at Aunt Bai and Cheng Yu, and then gave a deep bow to the document:

"My dear mother, I am here. I heard that the guest below me caused great trouble, and I came here to take the blame. My child is not strict, so please punish me, my mother."

Qin Hongyu glared at Wenjun below after taking charge of the case, then shook her head slightly, put her forehead with one hand and said quietly:

"I have told you before that people who are not of my race will have different thoughts, but you don't listen because she was once a deity in your house.

It's good now. The civil and military temples in Qianyuan Prefecture have been under the rule of you, mother and son for hundreds of years, and something like this has finally happened. That's all. Since you are a guest in your palace, you don't need to join the Punishing Evil Division. You can just take it and do what you want.

Yes, I am too lazy to pay attention to this mess anymore, Mr. Cheng..."

She no longer paid attention to Wenjun and Aunt Bai, but looked at Cheng Yu and asked:

"If you go to Wujun Palace again this time, besides stabbing the demon, do you have anything else to do?"

After Cheng Yu glanced upward, he slowly shook his head and remained silent. Qin Hongyu forced a smile and cupped her fists in salute:

"I'm tired, so I'll take my leave first. I won't see you off."

After speaking, he made a gesture of invitation. After Wenjun saluted, a circle of light lit up around him again, wrapping Aunt Bai and Cheng Yu in it. The circle of light disappeared, and the three people in the palace were gone. In an instant, there was a scene in Wujun's palace.

It seems to be darker than before.


In the dead silence of the palace, a long sigh suddenly sounded. The martial judges in the two rows on the left and right of the palace all lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at the writing desk above.

"Except for the triple snow on your body..."

Qin Hongyu stared at the place where the white light flashed just now, and thought quietly.

Although the voice was soft, it lingered in the hall. The military judges below heard the words and still did not dare to move. They only turned their heads slightly and exchanged glances with those nearby. Another sentence came from the chief case office above:

"Who in the world deserves white clothes?"



"Report! Report at Duwu Temple!"

Suddenly there was a shout from outside the hall, which frightened all the martial judges who were accustomed to licking blood from the tips of their swords. They all turned their heads and looked outside the hall, only to see a ghost soldier dressed as a minor official standing at an unknown location.

The entrance outside the palace.

"Lord Wu Jun, I have heard that the ghost officials have reported from the Wu Temple in the capital."

"Send it up."

Qin Hongyu shouted, and the ghost official stepped into the palace cautiously, not daring to raise his head. He held up a golden silk scroll with both hands and raised it above his head.

Qin Hongyu opened her hand, and the scroll flew in front of her and unfolded on its own.

There was no writing on the silk cloth at first, but Qin Hongyu popped out a wish, causing ripples in the cloth pattern, and several rows of small regular script characters gradually appeared clearly.


Qin Hongyu frowned when she first saw it. After reading it, she pondered for a moment, her brows slowly relaxed, and finally she nodded and smiled without saying a word.


Wenjun did not take Aunt Bai and Cheng Yu back to the main hall of Wenjun Hall, but directly dropped them into a deserted side hall nearby.

"Aunt Bai! You... alas! Why have you come to this point?"

Wenjun sighed with regret.

"Please forgive me, Mr. Wen, and let the old woman take the blame."

At this time, Aunt Bai no longer saw the arrogant atmosphere in Wujun's palace, and said to Wenjun with a few apologies.

"What you did this time, according to the law, you should be deprived of your position as a guest immortal, abolish the golden statue of the gods, and be thrown into the reincarnation cycle. Thinking about your more than a thousand years of cultivation, in the end... alas!"

"Will the old woman implicate Lord Wenjun this time?"

"It doesn't matter what I worry about, but once you fall into reincarnation, your past will be wiped out, and your next life will be unpredictable, so why bother?"

Aunt Bai took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Wenjun:

"I feel so guilty for having caused Lord Wenjun so much. I ask Lord Wenjun to punish you severely. It's okay for me to take on more responsibilities. I can only spare this old demon soul to live in the underworld. It's better to risk my life and give it to the children of the future generations.

It’s really important to leave a way out, um... I wonder if Wenjun can make it easier for me to have a few more private words with Mr. Cheng.”

Wenjun nodded, shook his head and sighed before leaving the palace and closing the door. Aunt Bai looked at Cheng Yu beside her and said:

"Mr. Cheng, I'm leaving now. I have one last little thing to ask of you. Please do your best to do your good deeds."

After saying that, the old lady was about to kneel down again and was supported by Cheng Yu.

"The matter has come to this, it's okay for the old lady to say it."

"After this incident, I was deprived of my position as a guest immortal, and the clay body in the Confucian Temple will also be lost, but... the thing hidden in the clay body is a vital thorn in the little girl Zhong'er's body. This thing is very harmful to her.

For the sake of it being important, I would also like to ask you, sir, to keep it in check and hand it over to Zhong Er in the future together with my demon pill. I will burst into tears with gratitude."

"Don't worry, old lady, Cheng will definitely hand her over to your daughter."

Cheng Yu readily agreed, and Aunt Bai bowed deeply again and walked towards the palace door with a smile.

After opening the palace door, they saw that Wenjun was no longer outside the palace.

The two of them walked to the entrance of Wenjun's main hall, and almost bumped into Wenjun who came out from inside.

At this time, Wenjun swept away the gloom on his face and said to Aunt Bai happily:

"Oh, Mrs. Bai, I am going to find you. Hurry! Hurry! Something good will happen! A great thing!"


Cheng Yu and Aunt Bai were both stunned, and Wenjun continued hurriedly:

"Hurry up and come with me to the Wujun Palace Punishment Department to be tortured."



"What a great thing is this?"

Cheng Yu and Aunt Bai asked in unison, puzzled.

"Oh! It's all my fault for being confused. Lord Wujun just spoke. It's the time to employ people. Aunt Bai can stay in Wenjun's palace to atone for her sins, and there is no need to reincarnate."

"Oh, are you serious?"

The originally detached Aunt Bai heard that she didn't need to be reincarnated, but her face regained some energy and asked loudly.

"It's absolutely true, but... I still need to go to the Punishment Department to receive a few whippings, and my position as a guest immortal will still be deprived of me, so I can only be the lowest official in Wenjun Palace."

"Good! Good! As long as I don't have to be reincarnated, I am willing to do anything. Thank you Lord Wenjun for your blessing! Thank you Lord Wu for your generosity. Please also ask Lord Wenjun to take me to the Punishment of Evil Department to get whipped."

Aunt Bai's face regained its luster and spoke continuously, turning to Cheng Yu behind her and saying:

"Please sir, return to the Confucian Temple immediately and regain your old age and golden body."

After saying that, he smiled at Cheng Yu, but Cheng Yu didn't know whether to congratulate or comfort him at this time, so he could only nod silently.

Two circles of light outside the hall lit up, and Cheng Yu felt his eyes go dark. When they lit up again, he was already standing in the courtyard of the Confucian Temple.

It was just after noon, and there were only two or three pilgrims in the entire Confucian Temple under the scorching sun. He turned around and walked towards the side hall. The hall was even more empty, with only a row of statues sitting or standing.

The golden statue of Bai Auntie was located in the corner. After Cheng Yu looked at it for a while, he flew behind the statue and saw a palm-sized square seal behind it. Although the surrounding seal had been daubed, the outline could still be seen.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound, and a crack burst out from all four corners of the seal. The length and width of the four cracks were the same, which inexplicably reminded Cheng Yu of Gray Nine Thorns.

Seeing that the four cracks were getting bigger and bigger, branches began to spread out to both sides, and bursts of black and yellow aura leaked out.

Cheng Yu hurriedly consolidated his soul, reached out and dug into the gap in the seal, and took off the seal with a little force.

Through the rising dust, I could vaguely see a small white thorn only as long as a knuckle lying inside.

This chapter has been completed!
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