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Chapter 222 [Are you an enchantment spirit? 】

 Cheng Yu looked at Jia Fei, who acted like a young master from an aristocratic family, but there was a hint of guilt in his eyes, and he said quietly:

"But it caused trouble again?"

"Never! Never!"

Jia Fei put away the folding fan and waved his hands repeatedly to deny.

"It's just...a few minor things, but I've dealt with them properly."

Cheng Yu stared at Jia Fei with disbelief, and suddenly recalled that there was another flaw in Mao Yao's sentence just now.

"Wait! Did you just call yourself Cheng? Could it be that... you were acting in my name?"

"No, no, no."

The cat demon threw away the folding fan again and shook his head.

"I'm just following Brother Cheng's usual appearance."

Cheng Yu shook his head gently. This cat demon kept following him in circles, so he must have done something "good".

"It's okay. If you don't want to talk about it, don't talk about it. I'll just go to your sea of ​​​​consciousness and have a chat with Hu Meizi, whom I haven't seen for a long time."

"You...you can't do it even if I say it."

Jia Fei's little face turned red and she spoke unwillingly.

It turned out that after she and her troupe left the boundary of Qianjiang Fucheng in a hurry, everything went smoothly and they arrived at Qianyuanzhou Ferry yesterday.

Just when they were about to find a safe place to live, a large group of infantry and soldiers came outside the ferry. It turned out that there were a thousand people, led by two generals, one senior and one deputy.

As soon as this group of soldiers entered the busy town of Dukou, they shouted that there were rogue bandits and looters nearby. They were going to clear out the bandits and put down the chaos, and they needed to collect food and pay.

It was okay at first, but several wealthy households nearby got the idea. While crying for poverty, they dug into the ground and responded by donating food and money, just to get rid of these government soldiers.

Later, a wealthy family was accidentally exposed. The leader of the team led his troops to his house to search for food. He also took a fancy to his concubine and immediately charged her with being a secret liaison with bandits and wanted to take her away.<


The rich man naturally refused to do it. During the tug and pull, the concubine bit the commander's wrist. The commander was so angry that he cut the rich man to the ground with a knife. He then said that this house was the home of a bandit who helped to wash his clothes, and sent troops to do it.


All the officers and soldiers could no longer restrain themselves. After hearing this, they all geared up and pounced on the innocent people like hungry tigers entering a flock of sheep.

A military crisis is about to engulf the entire ferry. How can Jia Fei, who has been watching with cold eyes on the roof of a restaurant, endure it any longer?

She floated down in the military formation and easily beheaded the leader and deputy general at the ferry pier. When she saw that the red-eyed soldiers and bandits were still unable to suppress her, she had to cast a spell and let go of the flying needles to kill several centurions.

The head was placed on the item, and then the officers and soldiers were suppressed.

The soldiers and bandits fled completely, and the remaining people at the ferry knelt down and called Jia Fei the heroine. However, some knew clearly that the government would not let it go, and advised them to leave this place quickly. Several wealthy households even

They had already packed their bags and went to their respective countryside to escape the disaster.

The rest of the common people were able to walk and hide, and the large and small ships on the pier dispersed in a rush. The news of the looting of Qianyuanzhou Ferry spread from one person to another, and in the past, this large ferry was as prosperous as weaving.

It turned into a dead place.

As early as when the soldiers were clamoring for food, the troupe retreated a few miles away from the ferry. Especially the two troupe leaders were scared to death. At first they thought it was the government coming to hunt him down.


Therefore, the theater troupe was not able to see Jiafei cast spells with their own eyes. They only heard the fleeing people calling Jiafei a heroine, thinking that Jiafei was just an officer and soldier who used mortal force to scare the people away. After all, she was the Wudan in the troupe.

, his kung fu is something that even top tier martial artist admires.

But at this time, the boats on the pier had already run out, and Jia Fei also said that he would wait here to meet a friend before heading south to Beijing, so the troupe had to camp ten miles away from the ferry to rest.

And because Jia Fei's blue shirt and blue skirt was too eye-catching, everyone persuaded Jia Fei to change clothes.

When the cat demon heard this, she also felt that it was reasonable. After all, she was not alone at this time. Although the fight just now was satisfying, her appearance and outfit must have been marked by the government, and she was probably arrested along the way.

If she and Cheng Yu were the only ones, they wouldn't be afraid, but with the troupe at this time, it would be inappropriate to cause trouble to the troupe.

So, she dressed up like Cheng Yu, tied her long hair into a bun, and put on a set of Wensheng's clothes.

After Jia Fei finished explaining the cause and effect, Cheng Yu nodded slightly, which did not mean he was killed unjustly.

He looked at the cat demon again, and when he scanned its flat chest, he couldn't help but feel a little curious about its figure.

"You are a human being, can you change your appearance as you wish?"

"It would be great if that could happen!"

The cat demon let out a coquettish cry, and then without saying a word, she pulled open her coat, only to see circles of cloth tightly wrapped around her chest.

"It's fine elsewhere, but these two big lumps of flesh are particularly eye-catching, so I have to wrap them around them. It's really embarrassing. It's easy for me..."

Jia Fei carelessly stretched out her chest, which was stretched like a flat plate, and showed off her white flowers in front of Cheng Yu.

"Okay, okay, put it away quickly. You cat demon has been incarnate for some time, and you are still so open and unrestrained."

Cheng Yu laughed and cursed.

When the cat demon saw that Cheng Yu did not reprimand her for causing such trouble, but was still willing to joke with her, she felt at ease.

In fact, she had some confidence in her heart before, knowing that the Great Bird Immortal was also a jealous person, but when she really had to face Cheng Yu to confess, she felt inexplicably guilty.

"Where are the bodies of the wealthy family's parents and generals?"

"The bodies of the heads of the wealthy families were taken away and disposed of by their families. The bodies of the two leading generals were snatched away by soldiers. The remaining centurions were left unattended and thrown into the Longxiang River by me... by me. ”

Cheng Yu hummed softly, thinking that if the officers and soldiers didn't snatch the general's body back, there would be no good consequences if they escaped.

Seeing that Cheng Yu had no intention of blaming her, Jia Fei gradually became more alive again. Only then did she realize that there was a python skin scabbard behind Cheng Yu's back.

Just as he was about to reach out to touch it, the sword and scabbard trembled slightly, as if as a warning, which scared Jia Fei and quickly retracted his hand.

Looking at the movement, the cat demon knew that the bright silver sword that was always tied to Cheng Yu's wrist was in the scabbard. However, he didn't know what the mystery of the scabbard was, so he asked Cheng Yu curiously:

"Brother Cheng, where did you get such a handsome scabbard?"

Cheng Yu briefly explained the origin of the python skin scabbard, and the cat demon was speechless:

Darling, let’s not talk about the dragon making wine for now, but let’s use the true form of the dragon to make the scabbard...

This Great Bird Immortal must have had a grudge against the dragons in his previous life.

While the two were chatting, Cheng Yu suddenly heard the sound of horse hoofbeats. The sound came from the direction of Qianjiang Fucheng. There were about twenty horses, about seven or eight miles away.

But what surprised Cheng Yu was that apart from the low humming of more than 20 horses, only two people's breathing was normal, while the remaining dozen people's breathing was long, steady and gentle.

He winked at the cat demon, and Jia Fei understood it and jumped to the roof of a three-story building next to the pier. He raised his eyes and looked in the direction shown by Cheng Yu for a while, then hurriedly jumped back to Cheng Yu.

"There is a small group of people over there coming this way. You and I both know who they are, and there is a purple aura floating above their heads."


Cheng Yu raised his eyebrows, it turned out to be His Highness who was on patrol incognito.

No wonder I could only hear the gasps of two people. Those two people must be His Highness and the boy holding incense beside him. Several Jinwu guards beside His Highness are all monks with martial arts skills, and the rest of the black-robed warriors All the servants are masters of the family.

"Come on, I see there is a wine shop hanging there. You and I should go upstairs and have a rest first."

After Cheng Yu finished speaking, his soul returned to its place and flew towards the restaurant.


With the full moon hanging high, two strong servants in black clothes each rode a tall horse into the ferry dock. After patrolling around the dock, one of them galloped away, while the other began to carefully inspect every door and door near the dock.< /p>

However, these two people were obviously mortal, and neither of them noticed that in a three-story restaurant not far from the pier, there was a "young master" in a green shirt hiding in the shadow of the moonlight, watching his every move from behind the window.< /p>

What they are even less likely to see is an ordinary little sparrow standing on the shoulder of the "young master" in green shirt, staring deeply down.

After another stick of incense, the team finally arrived at the pier.

Five Jinwu guardsmen in various costumes each rode a tall horse and guarded a rather spacious carriage.

Behind this large carriage, there was also a small carriage. The doors and windows of the small carriage were tightly closed, and there was a yellow talisman affixed to the curtain door and window.

Outside the two carriages, there were more than a dozen healthy servants in black surrounding them.

The person who was injured in Wangyue Tower was also among them at this time, and he seemed to have recovered.

"Your Highness, although the latest report from Qianjiang Mansion said that the ferry here was looted by rogue bandits, your Highness's information is more accurate. This place is indeed an empty town, and the situation does not look like it was caused by rogue bandits."
In the spacious carriage, the boy next to His Highness leaned close and whispered to him.

His Highness just nodded slightly and said softly with no expression on his face:

"According to Di Bao, there are still some people among those gangsters who know how to perform evil arts?"

The boy nodded in agreement after hearing the words, and His Highness stopped talking and lay down with his eyes closed to rest silently.

The boy lifted the door curtain and looked around the pier, then raised his hand and patted Qingyi Jinwuwei's shoulder lightly in front of him.

The captain in Qingyi, whose eyes were always closed, turned around, clasped his fists and said yes, then moved his lips and muttered something silently.

Cheng Yu and Jia Fei, who were behind the third-floor window not far away, simultaneously sensed a wave of spiritual energy coming from the pier below.

The captain in green clothes still closed his eyes tightly, raised his head and glanced around, and suddenly stopped in the direction of the restaurant where Cheng Yu and Jia Fei were.

He paused, his lips moved again, and a trace of invisible blue light shot out from the slit of his eyes. After a few breaths, the blue light disappeared. The captain in Qingyi cupped his fists and said to the driver:

"Your Highness, there is a person hiding on the third floor over there, but he is just a mortal. Apart from him, there is no one else at the ferry."

Several Jinwu guards sat motionless on their horses, but the dozen or so black-clad servants on the periphery dismounted their horses almost at the same time after hearing the words. Most of them crowded around the carriage on guard, and the other two rushed towards the restaurant.<


‘Someone came here and was discovered? Brother Cheng, are you an enchantment spirit?’

Jia Fei frowned and glanced at the sparrow on his shoulder, then sent a message to Cheng Yu.

'The old man in green below is obviously also a water practitioner. His eyes are like torches, but he only recognizes you as a mortal. Do you still think that this barrier is not working? This barrier has contained all your evil spirits. If you wait,

When someone comes to question you, just think of yourself as a martial arts student in a theater troupe, and don't create any extraneous details.'

Cheng Yu transmitted the message through the qi machine connection. The cat demon nodded slightly after hearing it, chose a seat behind the window and sat in front of the table, picked up the wine bottle on the table and poured wine into the wine glass.

As soon as a glass of wine was filled, two healthy servants in black ran up the stairs a few steps inside the house, and the other flew up to the house, squatting on the eaves outside and looking through the window on guard.

"Who are you, and why are you drinking alone in this place of right and wrong?"

"I...ahem, I am a disciple of Liyuan. I came here to take a ferry to Beijing. There is no boat at the pier and there is no one on the ferry. I am surprised. I am just hungry and I came here to find some food and wine to fill my stomach. You

Who is it again?"

"An actor? It doesn't look like you are dressed like this."

The man in black looked at Jia Fei dressed as a young gentleman and expressed doubts.

"How is it different? Although I am a child of an aristocratic family, I joined the theater troupe because of my love for drama. I am a well-known martial arts student in the area. If you don't believe it, just look at my skills and they don't look alike."

After saying this, the cat demon suddenly stood up and walked to an open space. He started with a cloud hand, followed by a series of front somersaults like a dragonfly touching water, and finally jumped high into the sky with a kite and turned over three times with his feet in the air.


The man on the eaves outside the house was inspired by the moonlight. While admiring in his heart, he actually shouted out.

But he didn't see that when the "Wu Sheng" in the building was doing somersaults, there was still a small sparrow firmly standing on his shoulder.

Jia Fei knew that there was another person outside the house, but he ignored the person outside and only raised the chin of the muscular servant in black opposite him:


"Your skills are quite good, but it's suspicious that you are alone at this unmanned ferry. You must come with me to argue with my senior officials. Please don't let me make things difficult for you."

The healthy servant in black cupped his fists and saluted.

Jia Fei saw that this man was neither humble nor arrogant, but seemed to come from a big family. After thinking about it for a moment, he glanced at his shoulder from the corner of his eye, cupped his fists and returned the greeting:

"It's okay, just lead the way."

Two people, one green and one black, walked out of the restaurant and headed towards the pier. The muscular servant in black standing on the eaves looked at the backs of the two with dazzling eyes.


‘Is it really okay to go here?’

The cat demon said through a stream of Qi that Cheng Yu separated from the sea of ​​consciousness.

‘It doesn’t matter what the material is.’

Cheng Yu replied.

It seemed just now that the barrier he had set up could still perfectly shield the cat demon's aura when Captain Tsing Yi cast a spell, but he didn't know what would happen if he got closer, so he also wanted to explore the limits of the barrier.

Furthermore, if they are really discovered, it shouldn’t be difficult for the two of them to escape based on their appearance.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. If the immortal is following my sister, where can she go? Don't be too petty."

Hu Meizi interjected in the demon pill.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she reminded Cheng Yu.

"Hu Meizi, you are the patriarch of the five families, what do you think of this Jinwu Guard?"

"Jinwu Guards...Zuo is just a yamen established by some yellow-haired boys who play with guns and sticks. It's only a mere three hundred years old. The Xiaonu family didn't care about them at that time and didn't know much about them. The Immortal Mo


Hu Meizi replied delicately inside the dark blue demon pill.

Cheng Yu ignored her and focused on the true appearance of the sparrow. At this time, Jia Fei had quietly moved him from his shoulder to his chest. A pair of bird's eyes looked out through the slanted collar of his clothes. Jia Fei had gradually

Walk close to the group of people.

The captain in green robes pushed aside the healthy servants in black clothes who were surrounding him, and stood about a foot away from Jia Fei. Although his eyes were tightly closed, Jia Fei felt that he was even more depressed at this moment than when he was being watched by hundreds or thousands of people.
But being inside the barrier and having to hide her true identity and not be able to use magic, she had to endure it secretly. However, in the eyes of everyone, the young man in green had obviously been suppressed by Jin Wuwei's momentum.

The captain in green clothes closed his eyes and "stared" at Jia Fei for a while, then turned back to the driver, leaned out of the window and said in a low voice:

"Your Highness, the person who came here is indeed a mortal. He is dressed as Master Wen Sheng. However, from the general's perspective, he should be a martial artist with some skills, and he is also a woman disguised as a man."

"Oh? It's interesting. I invite him to come and I will ask him personally."

There was silence in the car for a while, and then the voice of His Highness rang out.


The captain in green clothes turned around and walked towards Jia Fei. The boy holding incense in the car whispered:

"In this place of right and wrong, a warrior dressed as a young master Yi Wensheng appears out of thin air, and he is a man disguised as a woman. Nothing is more suspicious than..."

"It doesn't matter, there are all the captains of the Five Guards Department of Jinwu. How can he, a mortal woman, be able to escape from the sky? Nothing happens. I'm interested in finding out where this guy comes from. I can't say he's like the eel in the back car.

, all have their uses.”


This chapter has been completed!
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