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Chapter 31

 Inside Qingluo Village.

In the main house of Qian Duofu's house, the faint light from the sky barely shines into the house through the dim yellow window paper.

The old man, whose beard and hair were all white, frowned and took the pulse of the young man’s grandfather.

I repeated this three times, then turned back to the officials and hesitated to speak.

The officials shouted back, and Doctor Xue pondered for a while, then whispered:

"My young master used to be in good health, but now his pulse is suddenly heavy and weak, and the disease is lingering in him. I think he caught the wind and cold in the mountains, plus..."

"What else?"

"I'm afraid I was frightened by the wild things in the mountains. Anyway, I'm going to make a prescription and eat it first. In addition, I heard that there happens to be an immortal master in front of you. It's best... it's best to invite him over. Let's go."

Evil energy is also good."

"So Yu'er was mainly frightened?"

Doctor Xue said without comment:

"It should be like this, alas! It's just that the old man's medical skills are shallow and his knowledge is also shallow. Apart from the senior officials, it would be safest to invite the immortal master to come as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Mr. Qian bowed his hands and pushed out the door. He called Xiao Wu who was waiting outside, raised his hand with a "pop" and cursed:

"Useless trash, a bitch who doesn't know how to adapt, at this critical moment, even if he is tied up, he must be tied up like this."

The young boy named Xiaowu covered half of his face and hurriedly replied aggrievedly:

"Excuse me, sir! When I went outside the Immortal Master's Academy, I was stopped by his young apprentice. He said that the Immortal Master was at the threshold of enlightenment and could not tolerate disturbing others. Otherwise, he could not bear it, so I did not dare..."

"So, you haven't even seen the face of the immortal master? Bah! What a waste! Why didn't you hear the immortal master talk about enlightenment during the lunch?"


The sky gradually brightened, and a few chickens crowed sparsely from the backyard of Zhuangtou's house.

Doctor Xue personally cooked a bowl of soup and helped the young man to drink it. The young man was still unconscious and spilled more than half of the bowl of medicine.

After about a quarter of an hour, the younger member's face actually improved slightly, and the older member's heart felt a little more relaxed, but he still couldn't eat the breakfast cooked by Zhuang Zhong.

Cheng Yu summoned his Yuan Shen to observe secretly. After the young man was poured into the medicinal soup, the fire on his head only became slightly brighter, but there was still no fire on his shoulders.

This decoction only treats the symptoms, not the root cause.

The two stewards of the mansion who were sent back by him to invite the Immortal Master have returned to the village, but they still cannot see the Immortal Master himself.

The second steward came before he was about to be tied up, but the little Taoist boy blocked the door and shouted fiercely from the other door, saying that if it delayed the master's enlightenment, the lives of a few people on the spot were not a big deal, and I am afraid that half of the county would be destroyed.

It was difficult to save his life, and no one dared to step forward.

Mr. Qian's expression was unkind, and he let out a deep breath. He turned around and saw a rosy color on the face of the junior officer, and after his pulse became slightly stable, he immediately arranged for people to prepare the car immediately and return home for careful treatment.

After a hurried arrangement, five carts and a dozen tall horses formed a huge convoy, slowly marching towards the outside of the village under the watchful eyes of the early villagers.

Qingluo Village was tortured all night. As soon as the team drove out of Zhuangzi, the villagers began to whisper to each other. They decided to go to the village head to inquire, but they saw the village head woman wiping tears secretly in front of her courtyard.

After asking, I found out that Qian Duofu was also on the cart and was pulled back to Qian's Mansion.

The bankers immediately sighed and said that it was unpredictable whether they were going to the Qian Mansion.

When Zhuangtou's wife heard this, she burst into tears and wanted to chase after her, but she couldn't take a single step forward.

Cheng Yu took a short rest in the nest and was awakened by the noise of people preparing cars. He stood by the nest and stretched. He flew to the door of Zhuangtou's house and looked down. Zhuangtou's second son was tugging on his mother's sleeves.

As she continued to cry, all the women gathered around Zhuangtou's mother-in-law to comfort her, but Xianglian, the little girl, stood under the porch and watched with cold eyes.

Cheng Yu, who had no intention of watching the excitement, spread his wings and flew towards Qingluo Mountain.

But the entrance to Yanxi Cave was still not found, and there was no trace of the Falcon Demon.

He sat on the branch and thought about what to do next, when suddenly there was something strange in his heart.

It seems that there has been a new change in the human form soul.

He placed the bird's body in a safe place, summoned his human form soul, and used his thoughts to find that the little incense and wishing force remaining in his lower abdomen was restless.

This is exactly the kind of wish that came from Mr. Qian’s prayer for his son’s safety.


He never thought that the small humanoid figure he sketched out on a whim would actually connect him with the Qian Dynasty. This restless air had affected his soul and began to become anxious.

Cheng Yu returned the soul to the sparrow body, and then realized that not only the soul, but also the sparrow itself had a trace of heart palpitations.

He flew in the air and looked at the motorcade leaving the village in the distance, and then looked at the mountain at his feet. The mountainside was filled with clouds and mist, and there was silence.


"Bang, clang, clang... creak, squeak, twist..."

On the dirt road outside Qingluo Village, the entire convoy was traveling very slowly, especially the largest car in the middle, and the driver driving the shaft was even more cautious.

If you look closely, you will see that the wheels of this car are wrapped in a thick winter quilt to absorb shock.

Cheng Yu quietly landed at the rear of the car after a few ups and downs, and then he realized that the quilt wrapped around the wheel was actually the bedding of Qian Duofu's family. It was covered with mud and was almost unrecognizable.

It seems that Mrs. Zhuangtou cried so hard that she was not only feeling sorry for her husband.

The convoy drove out of Qingluozhuang's territory, and Cheng Yu, who landed on the carport, followed the convoy, which not only conserved his physical strength but also avoided the disturbance of wild birds.

Since he traveled with the motorcade, he has discovered that the closer he is to the team members, the palpitations will gradually disappear.

At this time, there were only three people in the middle car, Da Yuanwai, his father and his son, and Brother Qing. The car was very quiet and the atmosphere was particularly depressing.

Cheng Yu followed the bumpy car body and looked forward. A wide official road extended into the distance. The scenery on both sides gradually changed from harvested wheat fields to withered yellow weeds about half a person tall. Not long after, a forest appeared in the distance.

In front of you.

It's said to be a forest, but it's actually just a small slope with about a hundred trees growing on it.

The convoy drove quietly through the not-too-dense woods. No one spoke. Even the two Qian Mansion guards at the front had dozed off on their horses.

Dappled sunlight shone on the carport, and the woods were very quiet, not even a bird chirping.

After squatting on the roof of the car for too long, he stretched out his wings to stretch his muscles and muscles, soared into the air and flew to the heights of the woods. Looking down, the formation of the carriages was more compact than before, and the five cars were not far apart.

In addition to the two Qian Mansion guards at the front, the other ten Jianghu warriors were divided into three groups. Two on horseback and carrying swords followed the Qian Mansion guards and walked in front of the carriage. The remaining eight were guarding the officials on both sides of the car and the convoy.



Cheng Yu's heart suddenly jumped as he landed on the branch.

He flew directly high into the sky. What was different from the past was that the higher he flew this time, the more relaxed he felt, and the smaller the pressure coming from below.

From a high altitude, he looked along the official road and could even see a vague outline of the city.

That must be Qingchuan County. Judging from his impression of the ancient city in his previous life, this county is much larger than he imagined.

Two carriages appeared in the distance on the official road ahead, approaching Qian's motorcade equally leisurely.

I don’t know whether it was because it was too early or because the place was remote, but I didn’t see any pedestrians walking along the official road. The two carriages were quite conspicuous on the road.

Cheng Yu, who was high in the sky, suddenly froze. Based on experience, he judged that the humanoid soul received the second stream of incense and wish power.

He landed on a high branch and summoned his human form spirit. Sure enough, another wisp of air condensed in his lower abdomen, and a woman's voice came out of the air:

"Grandpa Quexian has a spirit. My name is Qian Duofu. I must bless him to come back safely."

It’s the voice of Qian Duofu’s mother-in-law.

The soul returned to the bird body, and he listened attentively.

In the last carriage, there were two people whose breathing sounds were very different from the others. They were breathing heavily and panicking. These two people must be extremely worried.

At this moment, apart from the senior members and Brother Qing in the convoy, Qian Duofu and the drunken manager were probably the most dangerous, so Qian Duofu must be in the last car.


Suddenly, the sound of frightened horses came from the woods below. Cheng Yu hurriedly looked down. The two leading horses first stood up like humans, and then fell to the ground with two "bang bangs". After struggling a few times, they could not get up again.<



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