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Chapter 5 [Full of food]

 Cheng Yu, who was hanging in the darkness, was wondering if he had been frightened out of his shell, when he suddenly saw a faint light moving below.

A ball of blue flame.

When he got closer, he could see clearly that it was a rat with dirty gray fur crawling toward him with a ball of fire on his head!

The rat was getting closer and closer to Cheng Yu with a severed tail trailing behind it, and was in front of him in a blink of an eye.

Seeing the flame on the mouse's head swaying in front of his eyes, Cheng Yu suddenly recalled the scene of blowing out candles on his birthday in his previous life.


Cheng Yu aimed at the flames and blew them away.

The flames flickered for a while but did not go out.

But the dirty mouse felt as if it had been hit hard, its whole body trembled, its limbs stiffened, and it rolled down, kicking up dust along the way.


The mouse fell to the ground and lay there for a while before regaining consciousness. After the fire above its head stabilized, it got up and rushed to the corner of the wall and disappeared.


A false alarm.

He turned his head and looked to the other side. He saw the black dog lying in the corner of the yard. There was also a ball of fire on his head, but it was much brighter than the mouse just now.

Cheng Yu turned around and wanted to walk around, but found that half of his body had passed through the wall and entered the house. At his feet was Gu Er's Kang.

Half of his body is outside the house, and the other half is inside, frozen in the wall.

You can't get in, the kang is too dazzling.

But he didn't go back, because in his two lifetimes, he finally saw the legendary three fires in people.

Located on the top of the head and shoulders respectively.

And it is obvious that Mrs. Gu Er has more firepower than Gu Er himself.

Of course, Cheng Yu had no intention of going in and blowing the fire.

After seeing enough, he walked out through the wall and wandered around the courtyard.

"Woo woo woo..."

The black native dog lay on the ground and whimpered softly. Cheng Yu floated towards it. The native dog stuck out its chin and backed away as if it was frightened. At the same time, flames began to shoot up from its head.

It can see me.

Yes, it seems that the legend that black dogs can see something is true.

After drifting forward for a while, we were about to leave Gu Er's yard, but the fatigue became more and more obvious, and I wanted to fall asleep.

As soon as this thought came up, I felt like I was in a trance again, my vision went dark, and my body fell rapidly, as if I was weightless on a jumping machine.

When the feeling of falling subsided, the surroundings were still dark, with only a faint smell of dust floating in the air.

Is this a claw?

These are wings...

Back to sparrow form again...

In other words, I'm back in this bird's body again.

What happened just now was so sudden that Cheng Yu felt that his energy was almost exhausted. This must be because his soul power was too weak, and the duration of his out-of-body experience and range of movement were limited.

The little sparrow felt dizzy for a while, nestled in the hole and fell asleep immediately.




Bursts of bird chirping rang in his ears. Cheng Yu opened his eyes and saw dazzling sunlight shining in front of the earth cave.

It's dawn.

I don't know whether it was because he was hungry or because he was too frightened last night. Cheng Yu, who had just woken up, felt dizzy again before he could stand up.

Thinking back on what happened last night, could it be a dream?

Can sparrows also dream?

A black charcoal head stood on a pile of firewood about a foot away opposite the earth cave. When Cheng Yu woke up, he started chirping again.

It turns out that sparrows sleep at dusk and rise at sunrise, waking up around early morning before dawn.

But at this time, the sun was about nine or ten o'clock in the morning. Cheng Yu had slept until now, which was a huge sleep in the sparrow world.

But when I wake up, I am still a sparrow...

He chirped twice at Heitan Tou, habitually picked up a piece of thatch next to him, stuck his head out of the hole and looked down. It was okay not to look, but he was startled when he saw it.

It turns out that there is a diagonal crack under the earth cave, and there are a row of small paw prints on both sides, extending all the way to the entrance of the earth cave.

A mouse really came...

This mouse is really annoying. It can walk freely even if there is a crack in the nearly vertical wall.

In this case, everything last night was not a dream!

An inexplicable excitement made Cheng Yu wake up completely.

I really had an out-of-body experience last night, and I was still in human form!

Cheng Yu suddenly felt that he had not been completely abandoned by his previous life.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu suddenly felt a lightness in his heart, and most of the feeling of getting up early in bed dissipated.

As long as there is a door, there will always be a solution. The most despairing thing is that there is no hope.

When his mood improved, he thought calmly and decided to consider the present first. After all, the road has to be walked step by step.

Last night, I was lucky enough to get out of my body and drive away the mouse, but what if it calls other mice and comes back to form a group to harass?

Although it is obvious that there is only one soul fire in the animal, what if seven or eight of them come at once and they can't blow it over by themselves?

And who can guarantee that his soul will be ready to leave his body in advance every time?

We can no longer stay here.

But when I returned to my mother's nest, Miles Yu disliked the saltiness, so it seemed that I had to find another safe place to live.


Suddenly, a half-dead grasshopper sat beside the hole, its thick hind legs still trembling.

Heitantou chirped a few times, and Cheng Yu immediately understood that this was the breakfast given to him by the other party.

Cheng Yu took his eyes away from the grasshopper with difficulty, and his heart immediately began to growl.

Just at this moment, he smelled a familiar fragrance...

So he spit out the thatch in his mouth and declined the black charcoal head.

The little black sparrow opposite me was obviously stunned. I have never seen a sparrow that doesn’t eat insects.

This black tantou is also a very particular bird, and no items sent out will be recycled.

When Cheng Yu saw that Heitan was determined not to eat the plump grasshopper, he turned around and screamed at the bird's nest.

After the old female bird flew over, she was stunned at first, and then she also tried to persuade Cheng Yu.

But seeing that his youngest son ignored him at all, he had no choice but to accept this filial piety and happily spread his wings with the plump grasshopper in his mouth.

Heitan Tou watched Cheng Yu spread his wings and fly out of the hole, avoiding the black soil dog, and flying around Gu Er's courtyard.

What makes it even more unpredictable is that the fourth son of Gu Er's family finally dared to land on the window of the villager's house.

This little sparrow is not big but very courageous!

In fact, rather than saying it is a window, it is more appropriate to say it is a hole.

It is clearly just a hole opened in the earthen wall, and a thatched mat is propped up with sticks, allowing some sunlight to enter the house.

At this moment, Cheng Yu was lying on the thatched mat and looking into the house.

Behind the window was Gu Er's stove, and the thatched mat that served as the window sash had long been blackened by smoke. Cheng Yu flew straight away following the smoke.

As far as the eye can see, the Gu family is really poor. They only have a stove in the corner of the main room for cooking, and there is no special kitchen.

There is a large black pot on the stove covered with a blackened wooden lid, and steam is rising from the edge of the lid.

The hot air is mixed with the smell of food.

After what felt like a long time, the stout woman from Gu Er's family opened the lid of the pot. It was not too hot. She reached out and pinched out four steamed bun-like objects one after another. However, the color was dim, and there seemed to be unknown wild vegetable leaves mixed in among them.

This is the food she sent to Gu Er yesterday.

It should be a steamed bun made of some kind of miscellaneous grains mixed with wild vegetables.

The woman put four steamed buns in a rattan basket, then raised the rattan basket and hung it high on the hemp rope on the beam, then turned around, pushed the door open, and walked toward the back of the house.


Seeing the little sparrow fly into the house, Heitan Tou and Bird Lady, who were watching the excitement on the eaves outside, were frightened.

Is the fourth son of the Gu Er family a cat-hearted person and a cowardly dog?

How dare you fly into the banker's house.

At this time, Cheng Yu had grabbed the edge of the rattan basket with both claws, and four steaming steamed buns that were a head taller than him were right in front of him.

When I took a bite, it smelled like beans, mixed with a little bit of millet, but it was more of a dark color, probably made from sawdust ground into powder.

Cheng Yu deliberately avoided the throat-irritating object and only pecked at the beans and millet.

However, the unknown wild vegetable leaves mixed in it taste good.

In a short time, Cheng Yu had eaten a full belly, and the nearest wotou Jianjian disappeared.

After my stomach was full, I felt thirsty again. I spread my wings and landed on the stove. I lowered my head and took a few mouthfuls of the pot lid to soak up the steam water droplets. It was like drinking nectar.


Suddenly there were two rattles above his head, and Cheng Yu was startled. He looked up and saw a gray shadow moving very fast on the beam. He could only see clearly the last half of its tail flashing past, heading towards the rattan basket hanging under the beam.


That dirty rat last night!

We are really destined.

Enemies meet,

Extremely jealous.


This chapter has been completed!
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