Turn off the lights
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Chapter 59 [A night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, a day of murder and arson.]

 The cat demon suddenly asked about the green and yellow lights in the ancestral hall just now.

Cheng Yu knew that this cat demon often jumped into various directions when chatting, asking questions here and there, just like a cat's nature.

I was not used to it at first, but gradually I got used to it as I got acquainted with him. Now when I heard him ask this question, I nodded lightly.

"How did Brother Que feel when he entered and left the ancestral hall?"

Cheng Yu thought about it carefully and found that he didn't feel any abnormal sensation when he entered and exited, so he shook his head again.

Sure enough, the orange cat demon's eyes flashed like this.

"The yellow light flashed away before I could see it clearly. It should be an earth demon cultivator trying to sneak into the ancestral hall from the ground.

But I am familiar with that blue light. It came from the evil-proof barrier set up by the wood spirit in the caisson on the top, driving the earth demon cultivator out of the ancestral hall.

I remember when I first opened my spiritual wisdom and became a demon, I was immediately thrown out of the main hall of the ancestral hall by this barrier. This barrier is quite evil. Monsters, demons, spirits, and spirits are not allowed to enter. Only ordinary creatures or members of the Qian clan are allowed to enter.<


As a cat demon, I am not allowed to step into the main hall from now on, so I have no choice but to hang out in this city.

But Brother Que can move in and out freely, looking at it as if it were nothing..."

Wood essence?

Cheng Yu figured out a lot in an instant. The world of cultivation is divided into five elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

Among the five elements, gold is white, wood is green, water is black, fire is red, and earth is yellow. The one that shines yellow should be an element of earth, which is most likely today’s bride Huang Shan.

Cheng Yu has also seen that the three soul fires on Huang Shan's body are the same as those of other mortals, but they are slightly muddier and yellower.

Earthly human monk...

Then she married into the Qian family, and she didn’t marry anyone other than the main wife, so I don’t know what she was planning.

As for the evil-proof enchantment mentioned by the cat demon, this is not the first time Cheng Yu has heard of it.

I remember when I first entered the Dragon King Temple, the falcon demon did not dare to cross the barrier set by the black dragon, but it flew around without any hindrance.

But at that time, I was still an ordinary sparrow, but now my soul is a water spirit body, and I have learned the small water movement technique, but it still does not trigger the evil-proof enchantment. It seems that the enchantment cannot recognize the body of the sparrow.

His soul only recognizes him as an ordinary sparrow.

Well... now the Qian Mansion looks happy on the surface, but I don't know how much murderous intention is hidden underneath.

He stared at Qian's Mansion, which was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations not far away, and remained motionless.


"Bang! Bang bang!"

Three updates.

Inside the bridal chamber of a newlywed couple in the Qian Mansion.

Qian Ruyu, the young man’s maternal uncle, held a pair of fine porcelain ladle-shaped wine vessels in each hand, and walked towards the bride with a springy look on his face.

"Madam, after drinking this combined wine, you and I can take a break and go play in the morning."

Qian Ruyu had drunk a lot that night, and her steps were slightly skewed at this time.

He put the wine on the table and reached out to lift the bride's hijab, but the bride raised her hand to stop him.

"Drink the combined wine first, and it won't be too late to drink it later."

The bride in the hijab whispered softly like water and song.

"Hehe, okay, I'll do it first to respect you husband... No, you and I should have had a drink."

After Qian Ruyu finished speaking, he took the bride's arm, put her nose to it and took a deep breath:

"My lady, the pollen today is different from the past."

"That's natural. Today you and I are getting married, which is different from other days."

Qian Ruyu laughed, nodded in agreement, and said proudly:

"Madam, it's getting late. You and I should go and have a rest early. Don't let this... bridal chamber ~ flowers and candles ~ night!"

Qian Ruyu was even more proud at the end, and she even said it with a bit of drama.


The bride in the hijab also replied to him with a female voice, which was melodious and melodious, and breathtaking.

"Eh? Madam, what you said is wrong. It's a night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, how can you let go of murder... Guwu!"

Before Qian Ruyu could finish his sentence, the bride suddenly raised her hand and poured the wedding wine from his mouth into her throat.



After a glass of wine, Qian Ruyu fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep, unconscious.

The bride pulled off her red gold-rimmed hijab, but the woman inside was not Huang Shan, but one of Huang Shan's two personal maids.

Then the yellow light in the room flashed away, and a woman in a goose-yellow shirt quietly stood in the bridal chamber.

"Sister! You are finally back."

"Well, I encountered a little accident and was delayed for a while. You are done here. Go outside the city to meet up with Long'er and wait for me at the pick-up location."

"Okay, sister, be careful."

"Don't worry, the deadline for your Transformation Pill is approaching, go quickly!"


A yellow light flashed, and today's real bride, Huang Shan, was the only one left in the bridal chamber, and the groom, who was sleeping soundly on the ground.

Huang Shan took out a small earth-yellow porcelain bottle from her arms, muttered something in her mouth and then uncorked the bottle. Two streams of white gas floated out from it, fluttering into Qian Ruyu's nose, and then came out from his nose.

Two streams of thick yellow gas went straight into the porcelain bottle in Huang Shan's hand.

Qian Ruyu's chest rose and fell violently while she was sleeping soundly. She took a deep breath and continued to sleep. She even started to snore for a while.

Huang Shan hurriedly sat on the bed and held her breath. After her breath was adjusted, she opened the porcelain bottle again, closed her eyes and inhaled, and two streams of yellowish air penetrated into her nose.



In the center of the city, on the top of the Bell and Drum Towers.

A bird and a cat stood in the night sky for a long time.

Seeing the yellow light flashing continuously in the Qian Mansion, the orange cat demon sighed softly and said with a pun:

"This house has not been as lively as it is today for a long time."

Cheng Yu heard that something was wrong in his tone, and turned to look at the tall orange cat beside him. A pair of cat eyes had begun to glow with cyan light.

"Hey? How dare a rat!"

The orange cat demon suddenly shouted loudly, jumped out from the roof of the building, and had already crossed several rooftops in an instant.

Under the night sky, two blue lights dragged out a blue afterimage and rushed towards the Qian family ancestral hall.


A little sparrow kicked off the roof of the Bell and Drum Tower and spread its wings to fly towards Qian's Ancestral Hall.

Hearing the sound of sparrows flying and spreading their wings behind him, the orange cat demon running in front felt relieved, and immediately spread his claws and ran towards Qian Mansion with all his strength.

Cheng Yu didn't expect that the orange cat demon running at full speed would be so fast, and in an instant he had already rushed into the ancestral hall courtyard.

When he folded his wings and landed on the eaves of the main hall of the ancestral hall, the door of the ancestral hall was locked tightly, and the tall pines and cypresses rustled in the breeze.


A burst of anxious rat noises came.


Then a cat meow sounded from the corner of the courtyard, and a huge orange cat was seen squatting in the corner, stretching out a pair of front paws and waving wildly.

During these days when he was hanging out with Cheng Yu, the orange cat demon never meowed in front of him. He only meowed once when he was so frightened that he got into the clock when they first met. He was usually gentle and gentle, and sometimes even a little bit arrogant.
As for what he was playing with at this time, you can guess it without looking, it must be just Hua'er.

Cheng Yu flew to the wall on the other side of the courtyard, jumped forward a few steps, and looked over the cat demon's shoulder, but was startled.

What a big rat!

This cat is as big as an ordinary cat, but it can only hold its head to avoid the orange cat demon, and it doesn't know how to escape.

"That's enough! Where did you get this old cat? You're so abominable! If you really piss off Lord Mouse, I'll poke a hollow hole in you with a shot!"

The big rat on the ground suddenly uttered human words and cursed in a low voice.

High-pitched voice!

This chapter has been completed!
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