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Chapter Seven [Grandpa Dragon King?]

 That night, everything was silent.

Nestled in a comfortable new nest with the fragrance of fresh thatch, Cheng Yu found it difficult to fall asleep.

All I can think about in my mind are images from my past life:

The kind smiles of parents and elders and the wrinkles at the corners of their eyes;

An angry shot on the court caused screams in the stands;

During an important exam, I suddenly felt unwell, but I gritted my teeth and persisted until the end of the exam, and my results turned out to be pretty good;

The jokes, jokes and curses between bad friends;

My girlfriend’s ever-changing hairstyle and her ever-changing smile...


Smiling faces, touching moments, and details that I didn’t pay attention to before are now extremely clear.

Everything was accompanied by the sound of insects under his feet, from far to near, then from near to far, and finally merged into a blurry background sound in his mind, causing Cheng Yu to gradually fall into a deep sleep.

A peaceful night together.

The next morning, when it was dawn, Cheng Yu had just shaken off the dew on his wings when he turned around and saw the black charcoal bird next door sticking its butt out of the nest and throwing its arrow out of the nest.

Cheng Yu smiled bitterly, but he didn't expect that his lower abdomen would also become bloated, and he hurriedly flew to a secluded place in the backyard of Zhuangtou's house to deal with it.

After feeling refreshed and flying back to the nest, several young birds from the Hei Tantou family also flew over to greet Cheng Yu. They thought they knew that Cheng Yu was Hei Tantou's sworn brother, and everyone was in harmony with the Qiqi family.<


After Cheng Yu dealt with it briefly, he called Heitan Tou, chirped a few times, and asked him about the gods, ghosts and spirits.

Hei Tantou looked confused, and the other chicks were chirping, but they were indifferent.

Cheng Yuyuan had no expectations for these sparrows, so he couldn't say how disappointed he was at this moment.

I just plan to hang out in the village first and listen to the villagers to see if I can get any useful information.


The sun and the moon have traveled alternately seven times. The seven days of being a sparrow are both long and short.

It’s so long because there is no food, no good wine, no nightlife, no games, and even no hot water for bathing...

No family...

If we say it is short, each day is almost like a carbon copy of yesterday, and the memory in seven days is not much different from one day.

Cheng Yu often stared at the scenery outside the village alone in a daze, thinking that even if he traveled to a human body, he could do something based on his past life experiences.

But now I am just a flying sparrow. I can't carry it with my shoulders, I can't even shoot with my mouth, and I have to hang out with a group of sparrows all day long.

Gradually, Cheng Yu began to become careless, but he didn't realize it.

The sparrows' daily diet is only raw wheat grains, weed seeds, and various well-known or unknown small insects.

Although you can go up to the sky during the day, you must avoid hawks and falcons when you go up to the sky, and you must avoid cats and dogs when you land on the ground.

If you are too far away from the village, beware of being driven away by native finches, storks, and magpies in the wild.

This village is not a wealthy one. The crops in the fields outside the village are weak and there are many cracks on the ground.

Although there are two wells in the village, they have dried up for a long time.

Villagers’ daily drinking water is transported all the way from outside the village to the village.

Every now and then, there will be several carts carrying large wooden barrels filled with water from outside the village to the village head's house, and each household will go to the village head house to receive water according to their daily needs.

Cheng Yu had never seen anyone outside Zhuangtou wash their hands and faces.

Cheng Yu and the sparrows naturally also need to drink water, but if the sparrows are really thirsty, they can just drink a few mouthfuls of sewage from the front and back of the house and live the same life.

But Cheng Yu can't, he must drink clean water.

Eat steamed white flour buns.

This may be the last stubbornness in his subconscious mind.

After a period of observation, Cheng Yu has summarized the rules of the Zhuangtou family's entry and exit from the kitchen and their approximate free time.

The Zhuangtou family is no match for the Gu family. In the past few days, Cheng Yu has had several meaty meals with his family.

It's just that the men ate all the meat and vegetables, and the women only ate a little.

That delicate-looking child bride usually can't even get a bite.

The Heitantou family treated Cheng Yu very politely, but none of them could understand why the fourth son of Gu Er's family was so weird. Weed seeds were everywhere, even if you looked for them outside the wheat millet village, there were some.
But he had to wait quietly at the door of the kitchen and sneak in and out at great risk.

Even if he eats a wild fruit, he has to throw it into the bucket locked in the warehouse of the farmer's house and soak it before eating it.

Not to mention the sparrow, he is more particular than the bankers... no, he is more particular than the bankers.

If you have this skill, wouldn’t it be nice to find a bug to eat it?

So one day when the sun was setting, the two birds squatted together on the black-tile roof of Zhuangtou's house, and Heitantou threw all these questions to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu did not respond immediately, but spat out the thatch in his mouth with a "pop" sound, and squinted at the afterglow of the setting sun, which dyed the entire village a fiery red.

After a long time, Fang let out a few "chirps" and whispered, and then looked meaningfully at the black charcoal head, and then flew into the swallow's nest to sleep without looking back.

Heitantou couldn't understand what Cheng Yu meant when he said that life has become like this, and it needs a sense of ritual.

But I always feel that since the last time he sacrificed his life to rescue himself from the villagers in the woods, this guy has become more and more unpredictable, as if he is no longer the fourth son of the Gu Er family.

However, with the IQ of an ordinary sparrow, he couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it. He picked up a passing fly in his mouth, spread his wings and flew into his nest while eating. He arched his body from left to right, and put his head behind the base of the wing. As soon as I drilled it, I fell into a deep sleep.


In the blink of an eye, the autumn harvest is over, and every farmer is very busy, but the sparrows all seem to be very relaxed.

For them, this is the best time of the year.

From dawn to sunset, the whole day is about eating and looking for food. Anyway, you can always have enough to eat. All you have to do is avoid all kinds of traps and cats and dogs.

In addition, they gather in small groups, with long families in the east and short families in the west, occasionally pouting their tails and leaving arrows everywhere.

Although the Hei Tantou family was puzzled by Cheng Yu's various behaviors, they still took good care of him as always. Every evening when Cheng Yu returned to his home, he would see all kinds of surprises they had prepared for him, especially grasshoppers.

The young bird of his generation has been trying to persuade him sincerely:

Winter is about to begin, so it’s better to store enough protein to survive. Otherwise, it will be completely white and it will be very clean, and it is common to not be able to eat a bite for three to five days.

It looks like they are old birds, but in fact each of them is preparing to spend the winter for the first time.

Of course, Cheng Yu made up the word protein on his own.

Due to the good intentions of the other party, Cheng Yu could not be too aloof, so he called his old lady over for a meal.

Que Lao Niang takes high-protein supplements every day, which makes her feel particularly comfortable.

This year's autumn fat has been particularly abundant, so Fengniao praised her family that the fourth child in the family was the most promising, and never mentioned the second child who stepped in the door.

During these days when Cheng Yu traveled through time and became a sparrow, he had no worries about food, drink, shelter, or transportation. He was only worried about whether he could survive the first winter.

But considering that I have the support of the Zhuangtou family and the Heitantou family to take care of me, it is not expected to be a serious problem.

In addition, there was another thing that bothered him.

It has been more than half a month since he traveled through time, and we still don’t know what dynasty this is.

Is it a peaceful and prosperous dynasty?

Or is it the end of the world due to war and weakness?

Just thinking about it again, I have already traveled through time and become a sparrow. What dynasties and generations does it have to do with me?

But if there really are gods and monsters, it would be different. Maybe I would have more hope of being able to travel back in time, even if that hope is very slim.

Even if I was struck to death by lightning in my previous life, it would be better to live as a human being than to be a sparrow.

Speaking of things like gods, monsters, and demons, he has tried many times in the past few days, but nothing similar to an out-of-body experience has ever happened.

So he began to walk through the streets and alleys of the village, going to and from the rooftops and courtyards of each house, visiting each door and listening to the walls.

There are no strings in this village, but one string makes Cheng Yu feel mixed.

At first, he thought that Gu Er's family was extremely poor, but after a few days of touring, he discovered that Gu Er's family was actually a middle class in the village, at least they could make do with two and a half meals a day.

There are nearly a hundred people in dozens of households in the village. Only the head of the village and a few two or three households have rosy faces, while the rest are like hungry people.

I also wanted to get some useful information when I visited each house, but he really overestimated the ideological consciousness of bankers in this era.

The number of literate people in the village can be counted with one hand. In addition to discussing solar terms and farming all day long, they are also keen on spreading rumors about cats, dogs, and thieves, and they get nothing useful at all.


It’s no wonder that the bankers are uncivilized and know the etiquette of the warehouse, but most of these people can’t even fully fill their stomachs.

During these days of wandering around the village, the only gain I gained was that most of the farmers in the village were named Qian.

This night, the moon did not rise on the branches.

The late-night bird, who was thinking about bird life, heard Zhuangtou and his mother-in-law sighing and chattering:

This year's crops have mostly been harvested, and it is estimated that the harvest will be 10% less than in previous years. After excluding the year-end supplies, I still have to leave enough tributes for Grandpa Dragon King.

Grandpa Dragon King?


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