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Chapter 77 [Xue Xianglian]

 Such a big change happened in the village, but it had no big impact on the sparrows.

Everyone is still chirping, eating, drinking and having diarrhea.

Even the newly arrived Zhuangtou clan members follow the custom of treating sparrows well, so all the sparrows live a pretty good life.

At first, when I heard that my fourth son had returned to the village, I hurriedly flew over.

Cheng Yu looked from a distance and saw that although winter had begun, she had not lost weight, and she felt very relieved at the moment.

I remember that when I first traveled through time, I thought this lady was chirping all day long, but after not seeing her for many days, I felt...

Looking at the Hei Tantou family, they are all fatter than before.

In fact, not only the cardinals such as Que Lao Niang and Black Tan Head, but also the other sparrows are much plumper than in previous years when they overwintered at the same time. It was just because Cheng Yu was a new sparrow born this year that he didn't know.

His original swallow's nest was given to Que Lao Niang, and he had to live in Que Gong Temple.

Jia Fei also returned to his true form as an orange cat, with a kit hanging around his neck and lying on the beam of Que Gong Temple.

In this way, a bird and a cat slept on the beam for a night.

There was no moon at night, so the birds and cats went to bed early.

Fortunately, Cheng Yu's sparrow body was no longer what it used to be. Even if he slept on the beams of the empty ancestral hall and the cold wind blew through the cracks in the doors and windows all night, he wouldn't feel too cold.

But although it is not cold, it is not very comfortable. In terms of sleeping peacefully, it is certainly not as good as the cotton nest on the Drum Tower in the county town.

Even so, Cheng Yu would sleep until three o'clock in the morning as usual.

Que Lao Niang and Hei Tantou's family had been waiting outside the ancestral hall for a long time, waiting for Cheng Yu to come out to eat together, but they were no longer green grasshoppers and meat worms, and those things were nowhere to be found.

Lady Que has settled into the nest of swallows, and she feels refreshed every day. Although these swallows are a bit tricky, they make a pretty good nest.


The gate of Quegong Temple was opened from the outside, and wisps of clear sunlight poured into the hall.

A new thatched house was built behind the ancestral hall. Last night, Xianglian moved in with a bundle in her arms. Inside the bundle were all her personal belongings.

At this time, she raised her head to look at the sun, straightened a strand of messy hair on her forehead, walked into the courtyard, put her hands together and took a few breaths of hot air, and waved the broom to clean the front yard.

The heavy snowfall a few days ago has disappeared, and the weather has become dry and cold again.

Looking back at the majestic Qingluo Mountain behind me, the weather is strange. The big sun on this side of the mountain makes people feel comfortable, but the other side of the mountain seems to be always covered with clouds.

Today is her first day serving in the ancestral hall. Although the hut was still bitterly cold last night, fortunately, no one asked her to work anymore.

The wretched idlers in the village who used to be like money pigs were also implicated by Qian Duofu and were dispersed and driven to other villages.

The rest are either newcomers to the Liu An family or original farmers with other surnames. They are all honest and no one dares to come to Quegong Temple to harass them.

Life is expected to be a hundred times more comfortable than before.


She imitated Zhuangtou's mother-in-law's movements when feeding chickens, cooing and scattering the bran in her hands on the ground, which attracted a group of sparrows to chirp and not shy away from others, falling directly to the ground to fight for food.

"Haha! Don't grab it, there are plenty."

After saying that, she sprinkled a few more sprinkles elsewhere, causing a group of sparrows to flutter and gather their wings and land in the courtyard.

"Chi chi chi!"

The first sparrow to fall in the courtyard, with black feathers on its head, looked up and saw several new ones falling next to it. It immediately shouted at each other, and then caused two groups of sparrows to chase and fight on the ground of the ancestral hall.

Looking at the bursts of dust rising from the ground, Xiang Lian had no choice but to scatter all the wheat bran in her hands. However, this caused even more noise in front of the ancestral hall, especially the sparrow with black feathers on its head that screamed the most ferociously.

It seems that this territory belongs to the black-feathered sparrow...

Xiang Lian smiled and shook her head. After scattering the wheat bran in her hands, she clapped her hands and turned back to the temple.

Look up and take a look at the statues in the temple. It's time to burn incense.

She had never been qualified to offer incense to the statue of Quexian in person before. The most she could do was kneel in the crowd and kowtow along with everyone in the courtyard outside the temple.

She turned around and went to the back of the palace to take out a ladle of water and cleanse her hands.

In early winter, a thin layer of ice formed on the surface of the water tank.

"Kacha kacha..."

She crushed the ice floes on the surface with a gourd, scooped out the clean water and poured it into her palms and hands in turn.

"Hiss! It's really cold."

She couldn't help but think of the scene when she was washing clothes in the winter at Zhuangtou Po's house. It was strange to say that she had just moved to Que Gong Temple and stayed there for one night. She felt that the previous days seemed to have happened in her previous life.

Many things will become blurry if you don’t think about them deliberately.

Except that afternoon.

Her father died unexpectedly, and she had no money to bury him. The family didn't even have lunch that day.

Then she was called over by the always stingy Zhuangtou woman and handed her a large bowl of wheat bran porridge.

She was overjoyed and drank only half of the bowl, thinking of bringing it back to her mother to drink together.

Unexpectedly, when I opened the door...

She stood frozen on the doorframe, not daring to raise her head, only staring at the feet hanging in the air without crying.

Suddenly, as if feeling something, he turned around and saw Zhuangtou's wife hanging far behind, looking towards his home.

When the woman saw that she was turning back, she hurriedly shrank behind the wall. After a few breaths, she poked her head out again, and saw that Xiang Lian was still looking back at her. Only then did the woman stand up, and when she was far away, she began to cry and scream, one by one. Poor baby.

In fact, as smart as she is, she has already guessed about it.

Since then, she has never shed a tear in front of others.

She wouldn't even touch the pastries and fruits that Zhuangtou's eldest son came back to secretly buy for her occasionally, and she never allowed herself a chance to be alone with him.

Fortunately, the eldest son of the village leader is a student of sages, and he talks about etiquette, justice, integrity, and shame, but he doesn't dare to do anything to it.

After spending several years in Zhuangtou's house like this, she had already guessed the cause of her parents' death from various clues, and she had been holding back and secretly looking for opportunities to do so.

She is not a reckless child. She can't hit the target with one hit and protect herself at the same time. She will not act rashly.

It's a pity that I couldn't avenge myself with my own hands, and was overtaken by a migrant woman.

After Zhuangtou's mother-in-law ran home like crazy, this was a perfect opportunity for her. Unfortunately, the mother-in-law was already very strong. After some testing, she discovered that after this person went crazy, he was even more powerful.

She is only eleven years old.

In addition, the commotion was already well known, so the opportunity was lost.

But this is okay. Of the four culprits, three died tragically and one was so crazy that life would be worse than death. It can also comfort the spirits of the parents in heaven.

Fortunately, my hands were not stained with blood and were relatively clean, so I could serve in this ancestral hall.

Thinking of this, she took a look at her hands, which were red from the cold, and rinsed off the remaining wheat bran grains on them. After letting them dry naturally, she came to the statue, followed Zhuangtou's previous appearance, and picked up three sticks of sandalwood as thick as her little fingers. Ignite.

Three wisps of light smoke floated up. She stared at the light smoke and gradually raised her head.


Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a huge yellow-haired thing lying on the beam, and she was so frightened that she immediately jumped back.

I thought it was a wild leopard in the mountains, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a big cat, and it didn’t even look like a wild cat.

The cat's hair is smooth and shiny, extremely clean, and there is a pouch decorated with red threads between its neck.

But no one in the village could raise such a big cat, and no household could afford to raise such a big cat.


This cat actually gave me a blank look...

The more Xiang Lian looked at it, the more she became more and more curious. Suddenly, she suddenly remembered the sparrow that she had met in the Sui La drying room that nodded at her.

It's a pity that there is no more meat and vegetables here, only some brown rice bran and wild vegetables are left.

I don’t know where that little bird is now, but it’s probably the envoy of the Bird Fairy...

It is possible that such a smart little bird is the descendant of the bird fairy.

It's a pity that he doesn't want to pay attention to me.

While she was thinking wildly, she watched the big orange cat slowly walk along the beam to the wall, first jumped to the window sill, then silently jumped to the ground, and then wagging its tail, it slowly walked out of the ancestral hall door with defiance.<


"Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!"

The sparrows who were scrambling for food in the courtyard suddenly saw a big cat coming out of the ancestral hall. They were so frightened that they all flapped their wings and flew up to the branches. They had already lost sight of the enemy and mingled together, staring at the big cat below in unison.


The bird lady chirped and complained to the black charcoal-headed lady: "It's bitter! My fourth child sleeps in that ancestral hall. Could it be that he has become something in the intestines of this big cat?

It's a pity that my son was eaten by this big cat before he even had breakfast.

"Chi chi chi chi chi!"

Cheng Yu was sleeping lazily on the beam, and heard the sparrows whining on the branches outside. Then he spread his wings and flew out quietly. Before he could comfort his wife, the sparrows on the branches were already bursting into flames.

He's out!

He's out!

The fourth son of the Gu Er family, he is out!

This chapter has been completed!
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