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1007 Pretending to be Dead

There is a fact that is actually quite depressing. The lower class people are, the more eager they are to show off their so-called superiority in front of strangers. Racial discrimination, regional blackness, pastoral feminism, these specious so-called universal values ​​make them

If they are worshiped as gods, it may be because they have nothing else to show off except this sense of superiority. Going a little higher, there will be more rational people, and even if they are also racists, they will not behave like this.

So obvious because they have a more subtle way of expressing themselves.

Specific to this Indian, his sense of superiority towards the Chinese may only be because India is a British colony, so he has a close relationship with the British, so he can't wait to express his superiority to the Chinese workers in front of the society.


In fact, it's all nonsense. The current status of the Chinese in the Commonwealth is infinitely higher than that of the Indians. But if you explain it to the Indians, they are not willing to believe it at all and only accept views that are beneficial to them. This

It's very confusing.


Untouchable indeed!

In Chinese terms, this is called playing the piano against a cow.

Or it’s called Summer Chong Bu Yu Bing.

To be fair, Chen Huai had no prejudice against Indians before he came into contact with them. Before he has enough understanding of a certain group, any prejudice is stupid.

But as he gets to know more and more about Indians, Chen Huai's perception of Indians is getting worse and worse. This is really not Chen Huai's racial discrimination. Everyone who comes into contact with Indians will be very curious about the brain structure of Indians.

They are absolutely different from normal people, not just Dalits, but also Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras.

Most of the Indian workers in Calais Port are Dalits. It is difficult to use a specific adjective to summarize these Indians. Almost all human evils can be found in them. Racial discrimination is only one of them. Others

Such things as lazy work attitude, poor hygiene habits, lying and arrogance are commonplace. Normally, Chen Huai would not be as familiar with Indians, but it is different now. Indians have bullied Chinese workers. Chen Huai cannot ignore it.


However, there was not much room for Chen Huai to perform. The Indian worker who caused the conflict had been seriously injured in the previous conflict. His condition looked very bad. He was vomiting blood and seemed to be seriously injured.

An educated-looking Indian covered his eyes: "Sir, we need treatment—"

"Accept treatment? You may not know that most of the doctors and nurses in Calais Port are the Chinese you just laughed at. I think you don't want to receive treatment from Chinese doctors-" Chen Huai sneered, he didn't care if India was

It’s not the most dazzling jewel in the Queen’s crown. Thousands of people die every day on the Western Front, so workers still want to receive treatment?

There is not enough money for medicine.

"But sir, they are dying -" Indian

"Then let them die. Don't worry, the British Empire will pay the pension." Lieutenant Colonel Oliver would not waste his energy on these workers. He also did not show obvious favoritism. He said: "Look.

Since you are so energetic, all your dinners for this week will be cancelled. If something like this happens again, you will dig trenches on the front line for me."

This is all to say, those who deserve treatment must be treated. There is a field hospital in Calais, and doctors and nurses will soon arrive to examine the seriously injured workers.

The worker who was vomiting blood just now looked very angry, foaming at the corners of his mouth, and looked miserable.

A doctor conducted a detailed examination of the worker. When the doctor began to examine the worker's ribs, the worker suddenly shouted: "Uh, it hurts, it hurts so much -"

It's a good sign that the Qi is quite strong, at least there's nothing wrong with the internal organs.

During the doctor's examination, the worker kept wailing, sometimes calling God, sometimes calling his mother, and he was rolling around and didn't look like he was injured.

"It doesn't seem like there's anything wrong -" The doctor had deep doubts about his own judgment.

"How is it?" Chen Huai asked proactively, and Lieutenant Colonel Oliver and Major Harris also came over. If a worker really died in the fight, then they, the managers, are also responsible.

"Major, there seems to be nothing wrong. There are no fractures in the bones in the whole body, and the few bruises are not serious. It will be fine after a few days of rest -" The doctor started to pack up his things, which was a complete waste of time.

"Then why are you vomiting blood?" Lieutenant Colonel Oliver was surprised. The worker's injury was so serious that he seemed to die in an instant. It was not as easy as the doctor said.

"Oh, his tongue was bitten, he probably bit it himself-" The doctor stood up with the medical kit, and the rolling Indian worker hugged the doctor's thigh.

"Doctor, I'm seriously injured. Am I going to die?" He looked helpless and pitiful.

"No, your injury is not serious, at least not as serious as that guy's-" The doctor wanted to kick the person away, but he still had some restraint.

On the stretcher next to him, an Indian worker's calf had been splinted and was probably fractured.

"Doctor, please check me again, I feel like I'm really going to die -" The guy pretending to be dead didn't give up, and it seemed like he wouldn't give up until something went wrong.

Before the doctor could say anything, Lieutenant Colonel Oliver finally couldn't bear it anymore. He stepped forward and kicked the slut who was still holding the doctor's thigh hard, and then started to slap his head and face with the cane in his hand.

He kept yelling: "You're right about one thing. You're really going to die. Get out of my sight right now, or I'll hang you to death—"

The guy who couldn't pretend was rolling around on the ground crying and howling, and it looked like there was nothing wrong with him. When he heard that Lieutenant Colonel Oliver was going to hang him, this guy actually got up and ran away, trying to hide in the crowd.

"Catch him, hang him up, and whip him hard with a whip!" Lieutenant Colonel Oliver was so confused that he turned around and gave Chen Huai an order: "Transfer these damn guys to the most labor-intensive positions and supervise the supervisors.

Take responsibility, and if anyone is lazy, pretends to be dead, or accidentally knocks over the shell box, all of them will be sent to the front line——"

Lieutenant Colonel Oliver did not say what should be done with those who resell supplies. The Indian workers who were found to be reselling bullets a few days ago have all been shot. They dared to resell military supplies of the expeditionary force. Chen Huai had to say: admire!

Back in the office, Chen Huai began to revise his work plan and adjust the treatment level for workers. Apples are still in short supply in winter.

Rock ignored what was happening on the rear. March 25th was getting closer and closer, and various preparations for the spring offensive had been basically completed. Recently, the air force has been dispatched more and more frequently to attack the German positions on the Reims line of defense.

During the intensive bombing, Rock was also quietly adjusting the troops. The Indian Army was adjusted to Reims, replacing the First Army and the Third Army composed of British local officers and soldiers. This was Winston's request, and as much as possible

Preserve the strength of the British Expeditionary Force and send out colonial servants as much as possible to cooperate with the French troops.

Roque is indispensable. The Indian Army has more than 600,000 people in France. Until now, the world war has been going on, but it has never played an important role in any major battle. This is unacceptable to Roque. If there must be troops to

If they are to serve as cannon fodder, then let the Indians take over. Compared with the Indians, the African-American officers and soldiers in the Southern African Expeditionary Force have become cute.

During the Southern African Expeditionary Force's campaign in Europe, African-American officers and soldiers played a big role. The main divisions starting with "1" performed well. Several units have been rebuilt many times, and each time they fought almost completely.

The army was destroyed.

For this spring offensive, Roque deployed all six African divisions as the strategic reserve of the Indian Army.

On March 25, in accordance with the agreement between Rock and Robert Nivelle, the British Expeditionary Force began to attack the German positions in Reims.

At six o'clock in the morning, 1,250 artillery pieces opened fire at the same time. Large-caliber heavy artillery occupied more than half of the area. In the area with the highest concentration of artillery, there was an artillery position every 5 yards. The barbed wire in front of the German defense line was the focus of the bombardment. The barbed wire was destroyed to prepare the ground for the attack.

While the troops were opening passages, they also had to detonate the mines laid by the German army as much as possible. In previous battles, landmines had created great obstacles for the attacking troops.

The artillery of the Expeditionary Force also used poison gas bombs in this shelling, but the effect of the poison gas bombs was not good. When the German army used poison gas bombs for the first time on the battlefield, the British and French forces quickly found a way to deal with it. It is the same now. The German army

Officers and soldiers have been equipped with gas masks, and the effect of poisonous gas is getting smaller and smaller.

At the same time as the bombardment began, the Air Force also carried out routine bombing of the German artillery positions behind the German defense lines. In order to protect their artillery, the Germans set up many fake artillery positions behind the positions to confuse the Air Force bombers.

The artillery pieces are all made of wood, and there are even scarecrows wearing German uniforms on the position to look like defenders.

These wooden artillery pieces did cause some trouble for bomber pilots, but these little tricks of the German army did not have much effect. The expeditionary force now has sufficient reserves of artillery shells and aerial bombs, especially incendiary bombs, to deal with the enemy hidden in the forest.

Artillery is very effective.

The final solution to the problem still had to rely on the infantry. After three hours of intensive bombing, the infantry of the Indian Army finally set off. Behind them were machine gun positions that were waiting for them. All of the machine gunners were military police.

The most brutal battle since the outbreak of the world war finally began.

(A new month has begun. I wish my brothers good health, abundant financial resources, and a good harvest in career and love——)

This chapter has been completed!
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