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Chapter 1047 Technical Problems

While the British Expeditionary Force was advancing vigorously, the performance of the French troops was a complete disaster.

Like the British Expeditionary Force, the French troops attacking Reims from Chalons in Champagne were also equipped with tanks and had the cooperation of the air force. However, unlike the 1st Armored Division, which suffered less losses, the French troops equipped tanks in the 1st Armored Division.

35 were lost in one day's battle. Among the 600 tanks that participated in the battle, more than 40 had problems before they arrived at the battlefield due to various reasons and did not have time to participate in the attack. Among the tanks that participated in the battle, another

110 vehicles were destroyed by the Germans, and nearly 60 vehicles withdrew from the battle due to improper operation by the French army or various other strange reasons.

The most classic example is that of the forty tanks that cooperated with the 236th Regiment of the French 79th Division, three broke down shortly after setting off. When passing a small river, two more tanks got stuck in the mud and could not escape, and had to give up.

—When entering a hillside with a slight slope, two tanks collided with each other due to improper operation of the tank crews, and ended up sliding into the nearby ravine. One of the four tank crews was killed and three were injured——

In the end, only 31 tanks participated in the battle. After two tanks arrived at the front line, the tank crew discovered that there was no oil in the fuel tank and there was no auxiliary fuel tank.

Eight of the 31 tanks that participated in the battle were destroyed by the Germans, and two of them were hit by the French army's own artillery.

Roque was speechless when he saw the battle report. Pétain actually had the nerve to ask on the phone why the battle damage rate of the tanks equipped by the French army was so high!

Pétain's meaning was obvious. He was accusing Southern Africa of treating the British Expeditionary Force and the French Army differently when supplying tanks.

This problem does exist. Fortunately, the tanks supplied to the British Expeditionary Force in southern Africa are relatively advanced, while the models supplied to the French army are older.

But this is definitely not the root cause of the serious attrition of the French tank force. The reason why the term "serious attrition" is used instead of "heavy casualties" is enough to explain the problem.

If tanks breaking down is a quality problem, then are those tanks that fell into the river, hit one piece, ran out of oil, or were even blown up by one's own people all "technical problems"?

Looking at it from another angle, it may be true, but this "technical problem" is not caused by the tank itself, but by the people who use the tank.

Tanks, like mules and horses, also require careful maintenance when used. A tank in the British Expeditionary Force requires an average of four logistics personnel. The French army has almost no logistics personnel due to lack of manpower. Only tank crews usually maintain the tanks.

Moreover, tank crews have not received sufficient training.

Rock raised this issue directly to Pétain. If it is the responsibility of Nyasaland Military Industrial Group, then Nyasaland Military Industrial Group is unshirkable. But it is not the responsibility of Nyasaland Military Industrial Group. The blame is also on Nyasaland Military Industrial Group.

Don't carry it.

Pétain was speechless, and Foch also had a grim expression. On the first day of the British-French allied forces' Ningde counterattack, the British Expeditionary Force advanced 35 kilometers to Reims and continuously broke through the three German defense lines. The French army did not break through until noon.

The German first line of defense advanced 5 kilometers straight through the day.

Considering that the main force of the German army is being entangled by the Anzac and Canadian Corps and unable to escape, the French army's speed is too slow. Once the German army turns its attention back to Reims, the French army may not be able to complete its mission.

"We cannot give the Germans time to breathe. I have ordered the troops to attack overnight. We must occupy Reims in the shortest possible time and complete the encirclement of the Germans in the encirclement." Rock continued to add weight to the scale of victory. If everything goes well,

By annihilating the enemies in the encirclement, the war could end in the first half of 1917.

If not, then the war may drag on to the second half of the year.

To be honest, if the war is delayed until the second half of the year, it will be more beneficial to Southern Africa, because every day the war is delayed, Southern Africa's profits will increase by tens or millions of rands, which is a major benefit to Southern Africa's growing industrial capacity.


But Roque is also tired of the world war. Southern Africa has already got what it wants. Compared with the current excess industrial capacity, after taking Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, Roque has no more desires.

Compared with Tanganyika in Southwest Africa, Mesopotamia and Cyprus are both plus points.

Although this topping is actually very fragrant.

Compared with before the outbreak of the world war, the industrial output value of southern Africa increased by 350% in the four years after the outbreak of the world war. While the world war reduced Europe to ruins, it also created a prosperous southern Africa with a bright future.

The current industrial output value is actually inflated. After the end of the world war, once orders from Europe are lost, southern Africa's industry will definitely decline to a certain extent. The Ministry of Finance of Southern Africa predicts that it will drop by about one-third.

This is not a problem for Rock. The end of the World War will be followed by the reconstruction of Europe. Although the military industry will temporarily shrink, the civilian industry will greatly improve, and overall the losses will not be large.

"The troops are not good at fighting at night -" Foch immediately realized that the situation of the French army could not be used to describe the British Expeditionary Force, especially the Southern African Expeditionary Force. Since Roque said so, then the Southern African Expeditionary Force must have conducted

Related training.

"It doesn't matter, the Germans are not good at -" Rock is not worried about this problem. Even if most of the troops have not received training in night combat, the German troops have not received it anyway. The British and French forces also have the help of tanks, which gives them an advantage in night combat.

more obvious.

What is surprising is that when Roque informed Pétain of the decision to attack overnight, Pétain did not agree.

Pétain held a meeting overnight to reflect on the performance of the French troops and asked the troops to speed up the next day's battle. Even if they could not keep up with the speed of the British Expeditionary Force, at least they could not be despised by the Germans.

Regarding this point, Pétain was also helpless. Although Pétain did not want to admit it, there was also a chain of contempt on the Western Front. The British Expeditionary Force despised the German army, the German army despised the French army, and then the British, Germans and French despised the United States.


Of course, this last point cannot be said. Although the Americans have not yet been able to capture the Liege Fortress, the US military has shown a fearless fighting spirit——

Apart from this, the US military cannot find any obvious advantages.

"Our troops have not received training in night operations. Night operations may suffer more serious losses, which is very detrimental to the maintenance of troop morale." Pétain replied to Roque.

"If you give the Germans enough time, they will mobilize their troops overnight, build fortifications, and improve defenses. Then when you fight tomorrow, you will suffer more serious losses." Roque said bluntly, and Pétain could have countless reasons.

, the Germans had only one reason.

In order to escape, Rock believed that the German troops in the encirclement would not mind operating overnight.

Rock also believed that no matter how severe Ludendorff's depression was, Ludendorff would definitely not rest tonight.

Just like Rock, who has been staying in the combat command room since the beginning of the battle.

Petain was silent for a long time on the phone. Roque knew that it was difficult for Petain to make a decision. Regardless of whether Petain ordered the troops to attack overnight, the British Expeditionary Force had already taken action.

During the daytime attack, the 1st Armored Division and the 2nd Cavalry Division were exhausted, and they needed adequate rest, so the British Infantry Division was responsible for the night attack.

The commander who commanded these British infantry divisions was Paul Coker. He had served as the Chief of Staff of the Southern African Expeditionary Force after the outbreak of the World War. Now he finally got the opportunity to independently command an army. Paul Coker's Command

Also located in Amin.

At nine o'clock in the evening, four ordered British infantry divisions, with the cooperation of tank troops, continued to advance towards Reims.

The advantages of the machine at this time are undoubtedly revealed. If it is a mules and horses, then after a day of high-intensity fighting, they will need sufficient rest before they can fight again.

The tank does not need to be used. As long as the tank is fully maintained, the tank can continue to fight.

Night operations are definitely not as efficient as day operations, but under the cover of tanks, the troops are still advancing resolutely towards Reims.

The German army did not expect that the British Expeditionary Force would attack overnight. In front of the British Expeditionary Force, at least four German infantry divisions were urgently building positions overnight.

However, the German army was severely lacking in construction machinery and manpower to build fortifications, so the defense line was quite crude and far inferior to the defensive capabilities of the Hindenburg Line. Not only did the defense line lack heavy machine guns and direct-fire artillery, but it also lacked permanent fortifications and trenches.

The depth is not enough, and this level of defense alone cannot stop the tank's impact.

When the tank's headlights appeared in front of the German position, the German troops who were building fortifications were unable to organize effective resistance. They were all hurriedly transferred to Reims from the rear reserves by Ludendorff. After a whole day of rapid attack

Later, after the German army arrived in Reims, they began to build fortifications. Many officers and soldiers even came down all day without eating water or rice. They were exhausted and hungry at the same time.

So when the tanks of the British Expeditionary Force appeared, many German troops surrendered without any resistance at all.

Don't think that the German army has a strong will to fight. The World War has been going on for four and a half years. The Germans with a strong will to fight have all been killed. The remaining elite troops are in encirclement. Among the German reserve forces, many

The soldiers are all underage children or elderly people around fifty years old, so don't expect them to have a strong will to fight.

That night, the British Expeditionary Force advanced another ten kilometers overnight. After dawn, the forward troops of the British Expeditionary Force had reached the city of Reims.

The 1st Armored Division and the 2nd Cavalry Division were full of energy after a night's rest. They did not launch a direct attack on Reims, but bypassed Reims and continued to advance towards Chalon de Champagne.

Roque's order was very clear: to join the French troops as quickly as possible to complete the encirclement of the German troops. The German troops in Reims would be handed over to the follow-up troops of the British Expeditionary Force to deal with them.

This was a continuation of the "leapfrog tactic" implemented by Roark during the Battle of the Dardanelles.

: On Sunday, I will give you a chapter early. I hope you are all in a good mood. The hard-working Yutou can’t rest on Sunday——

This chapter has been completed!
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