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Chapter 1049

As soon as the encirclement was closed, Foch came to Roque's headquarters and congratulated Roque in person.

This is the first time since the outbreak of the World War that the coalition forces have surrounded hundreds of thousands of German troops. The German army has also suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties in a battle before, but these were wars of attrition that hurt both sides and could not have a decisive impact on the direction of the war.


This time is different. If the coalition forces can completely wipe out the German army in the encirclement this time, then the German army will lose all its mobile forces and become passive on various battlefields. If the Germans still have a shred of sense, then the Germans will choose peace.

way to end the war. If the Germans are not rational enough, complete destruction will be waiting for Germany.

"Don't be excited Ferdinand, the Germans in the encirclement are not waiting to be killed. The battle is not over yet." Roque is not proud. As long as the German troops in the encirclement have not been eliminated, Roque will not take it lightly.

"Haha, Locke, I like your caution, but relax, we have 750,000 troops on the Somme, and the Germans in the encirclement cannot escape." Foch laughed. It's so unpredictable. Paris a few days ago

Still in danger, the German army stood on the edge of the cliff today, and Foch didn't know what words to use to express his feelings.

In fact, in previous battles, the British and French forces also had the opportunity to deal a heavy blow to the German army, but in the end they failed to seize the opportunity.

On the one hand, this is because the British and French coalition forces lack combat effectiveness and the commander's ability is relatively low; on the other hand, it is also because compared with the German army, the British and French coalition forces do not have an obvious numerical advantage, so they are simply unable to encircle the German forces of the same magnitude.

The real heart is full of energy but the strength is not enough.

The British and French forces are now stronger than ever before. Ludendorff made a huge mistake due to physical reasons. He ignored the importance of the flanks of the offensive troops, failed to send troops to follow up in time, expanded the gap, and stabilized the defense, which ultimately led to today's


Of course, this also has a lot to do with the fact that the German army sacrificed a large number of experienced low-level officers in several years of battles. Otherwise, the actions of the 1st Armored Division and the 2nd Cavalry Division would not have been so smooth.

"Okay, you're right, we really should celebrate." Roque did not disappoint Foch. Everyone was under great pressure during this period, especially French generals like Foch and Pétain. The German army was far away from Paris.

Recently it was less than 50 kilometers, and if you were not careful, you would be in jeopardy.

Angel quickly brought two glasses of wine, and Rock and Foch chatted while drinking.

"The Austro-Hungarian Empire could no longer hold on, and Karl I once again sued for peace, but this time Karl I lost the right to raise conditions. He must accept all our demands in order to be qualified to withdraw from the war in an honorable way." Foch provided an example.

The new situation was that the new emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Karl I, had previously invited his two brothers-in-law to seek peace, but the conditions could not be agreed upon and the peace ended in vain.

Now that Karl I is suing for peace again, it is estimated that the Austro-Hungarian Empire is indeed on the verge of collapse. However, what Karl I did not expect is that this time the Austro-Hungarian Empire has lost the opportunity to raise conditions. If Karl I wants to make a more "decent"

It is estimated that it is impossible to withdraw from the war in this way.

One thing is very obvious. Last year, Karl I sent his brother-in-law to negotiate peace. The situation at that time was not clear enough. If Austria-Hungary withdraws from the war, it will be of great help to the Allies, so the Allies will be patient and slowly negotiate with Austria-Hungary.


Now times have changed, and the last mobile force of the German army is surrounded by the British and French armies on the Marne River. Once the German army in the encirclement is eliminated, not to mention the Austro-Hungarian Empire, even the German army will not be qualified to raise conditions, and must surrender unconditionally.

Only then can the war end.

"When Karl I sent people to sue for peace, we should not have turned defeat into victory yet -" Roque really felt sorry for Karl I. Counting the time, when Karl I sent people to sue for peace, the German army should be advancing in great strides. Paris

At a critical moment, it seems that Karl I is still very sincere and is not forced into desperation.

"What does it matter? We are the winners now, and the losers have no right to impose conditions." Foch did not leave a way for Austria-Hungary and Germany to survive. Look at the Germans forcing the Russians to sign the Brest Lito

The Fusk Peace Agreement has an ugly face. If the Germans now have the upper hand, it will be impossible for the French to withdraw from the war in an "honourable" way.

Not to mention, when the German army reached the Marne River a few days ago, some French congressmen actually proposed to negotiate peace with Germany.

The French during this period were still very stubborn. Both President Poincaré and Prime Minister Clemenceau firmly disagreed with negotiating peace with Germany.

Poengale made it clear in Congress at the time that even if the Western Front failed, even if the French government went into exile in North Africa, and even if France fought to the last man, France would never surrender, and the tragedy of the Franco-Prussian War would never be repeated.

"That's right, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit!" Rock smiled. Although all white people look sanctimonious and well-dressed, in reality they are also very black. Look at the countries that lost the world war. The Russian Empire fought for

After withdrawing from the war, they were blackmailed by the Germans. The Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire were simply dismembered after the war, and the entire country ceased to exist.

The reason why Germany escaped was not because of the kindness of Britain and France, but because Britain, in order to contain France, opposed France's complete dismemberment of Germany, thus barely retaining a trace of Germany's vitality.

Before the outbreak of the World War, the European continent was actually dominated by the superpowers of France, Germany, Russia and Austria. The other small countries such as Poland and Belarus were all part of Russia. The confused small countries in the Balkan Peninsula were all split from the Ottoman Empire.

In other words, the fragmented Europe is all man-made. As for why some countries do this.

Haha, for the national interest.

No matter how much the Allies despised the Austro-Hungarian Empire, after all, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was still a great nation. Faced with the Austro-Hungarian Empire’s suing for peace, Winston once again hurried from London to Paris to participate in the negotiations.

Kitchener also rushed to Yamin, and he also came to congratulate Roark.

Before this, no one had ever thought that hundreds of thousands of German troops could be surrounded by hundreds of thousands of German troops on the Western Front with short and crowded front lines. This is technically almost impossible. Generally speaking, when the troops are so densely packed,

, the space for outflanking has basically disappeared, and the German commander will not make such a big mistake.

Rock explained to Kitchener in detail how the British coalition forces surrounded the German army.

By the way, since the US military launched its attack on Liege Fortress, it has lost nearly 400,000 people under Liege Fortress.

Although the troops suffered heavy casualties, Pershing showed no signs of stopping the offensive. Last month, 250,000 US troops arrived in Belgium. The number of US troops arriving in Belgium this month may reach 300,000. Even if it is piled with people, Pershing can still

The fortress of Liege was bulldozed.

It is precisely because of the heavy casualties of the American troops that Rock commanded the British Expeditionary Force to surround 350,000 German troops on the Marne River, which makes it particularly commendable.

Although nominally the British and French allied forces worked together to surround the German army, anyone who knows the situation knows that if the performance of the British and French allied forces is evaluated with 100 points, then the British Expeditionary Force can get at least 80 points, and the French army can get at most 10 points.

The other ten points were given for free by Ludendorff.

"I am ordering the local troops to gradually take over the defense line of the Southern African Expeditionary Force and use the Southern African Expeditionary Force to eliminate the German troops in the encirclement. Then we can launch a counterattack against the German army. Regardless of whether the US military troops can capture the Liege Fortress, as long as

If we can make a breakthrough, we can also force the Germans to surrender." Rock never thought of completely wiping out the Germans, which was basically impossible.

"Locke, you have done a great job. Since the outbreak of the world war, I have made many mistakes, but the only thing I have done right is to appoint you as the Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force. You are good, very good -

—" Kitchener's beard was trembling with excitement. After the world war, Kitchener will completely end his military career. He still doesn't know how much Roark has helped him.

Without Rock's reminder, Kitchener would have been buried in the sea two years ago, without any chance of watching the sun rise.

"This is not my fault alone. Without your support, without Winston, without His Majesty the King, we would not have won today." Roque has now learned to be nice and obedient, even though there are still hundreds of thousands of people in the encirclement.

The German army was fighting stubbornly, but no one seemed to notice this.

"Ah hahahaha, I suddenly seemed to hear someone praising me, who is so polite-" Winston's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Before Rock could react, Winston came over and gave Rock a big hug.

Rock grinned and got rid of it.

Winston didn't let go, and hugged him hard again before flattering him: "Locke, you are really great, 350,000, do you know what this is? Even the Duke of Wellington has not done it!"

Oops, this evaluation is really too high. Wellington is the British military god, but Rock really doesn't dare to be.

"How are the negotiations going?" Rock changed the topic and did not dwell on the topic of "Wellington".

"Haha, there is no negotiation at all. The Austrians still dream of retaining the territory they had before the outbreak of the world war. They are daydreaming. We suffered such heavy losses in the world war. There must be an explanation." Winston

Indignant, although Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire also lost their money in the world war, it would be nice to get some capital back.

In fact, for Britain, as long as it can maintain the status of the "Empire on which the Sun Never Sets" in the world, it is the biggest gain from the world war, and everything else can be ignored.

This is true wealth.

: Sorry, I wrote several versions but I’m still not satisfied with it. I deleted, deleted, and changed it to become what it is now. Brothers, don’t dislike it. The world war is coming to an end. I originally wanted to take a leave to think about my thoughts, but I can only think about it. Please, please

If so, there must be another little devil with two horns scolding me for being lazy on purpose——

This chapter has been completed!
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