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Chapter 1111 The Three Views Are Right

The young people in Glory Castle live in a leisurely life of drunkenness and dreams every day.

The Nyasaland State Government has made a lot of concessions in order to support Glory Castle. The price has risen to 50 rand for a Lee Enfield. The Nyasaland State Government will give as much as Glory Castle wants.

Others don't know, but Mumu knows very well that some Lee Enfields went to the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo inexplicably after arriving at Fort Glory. Mumu can't investigate because the investigation is too involved.

In addition to weapons and ammunition, there are also daily necessities. During the World War, the Nyasaland State Government had to give Glory Castle nearly 100,000 rand of supplies on average every month to ensure that the Glory Castle troops would spare no effort to support the Southern African army in their march to Tanganyi.

Cadre offensive, and support for the European battlefield.

Others don't know, but Mumu knows very well that during the World War, the Nyasaland State Government's life was not easy, but even if the Nyasaland State Government tightened its belt, it did not reduce its support for the Glory Castle.

This leads to the fact that even if the troops of Fort Glory do nothing, they will not be short of weapons, ammunition and daily necessities. They can just respond to emergencies in a day or two. If they get something for nothing for many years, the impact can be imagined.

However, the Africans in the control area of ​​​​Glory Fort are living a life of muddling along. Even if they don't have dinner, as long as they have food for lunch, they have to fill their stomachs first and don't think about what to do with the next meal. That's it.

His subordinates, Mumu, were actually in a difficult situation.

One of the big reasons why Mumu didn’t want to go to the Kingdom of Congo was that Mumu was worried that after going to the Kingdom of Congo, he would not be able to guarantee his current standard of living, which would lead to instability in the military. This is also common among Africans.

Looking at his gentle and elegant nephew, who is completely unlike an African, Mumu really can't help but laugh. A child like Wolfe has been educated in Nyasaland since he was a child. When he grows up, will he consider his ethnic group wholeheartedly?


Don't be ridiculous, everyone has selfish motives. Mumu himself can't guarantee whether he would be where he is today if he had no worries about food and clothing when he was a child.

"Dear nephew, what is your ideal when you grow up?" Mumu still couldn't help asking this question. He could bow to Roque for the rest of his life, but he didn't want the next generation to do the same.

"I want to go to the Rand Bank -" Wolfe's answer was no surprise. Everyone yearns for a better life. The flowers growing in the greenhouse cannot understand why the hyenas on the grassland have to compare every penny. Different living environments cause conflicts.

Different understandings of life, all roads lead to Rome, some people were born in Roque, why don't they eat minced meat? It's really not a joke, it's because they really don't know the suffering in the world.

However, Wolfe did not disappoint Mumu. What Wolf said next surprised Mumu: "——I don't want to go to the forest to pick mangoes when I'm hungry. When I'm sleepy, I just find a tree to sleep on. Listen to

This kind of life is indeed very easy, but I would rather listen to the melodious music and dance with the girl I love at the dance. She may not fall in love with me, but what does it matter? At least at that moment, we

They only have each other in their eyes——"

These words were a bit too romantic, and both Mumu and Yaya were a little dumbfounded. They were both used to the kind of people who fell in love with someone and immediately snatched her home to be the wife of the village. They had never imagined that men and women could be attracted to each other.

"Wolf, is there a girl you like?" Yaya was more concerned about this issue.

"There is one, a Chinese girl. At the graduation prom, I asked her to dance, because white girls would definitely reject me. Chinese girls are usually very kind, and they know how to take care of other people's emotions -" Wolfe was quite shy.

, all little boys are like this, the haziness of adolescence is always the best memory in life.

"Did she accept your invitation?" Yaya asked.

"Yes, she accepted-" Wolfe smiled brightly, and his skin was actually not as dark as that of Africans.

Yaya has four wives, all of whom are white. The reason for this is hard to explain, but it is undeniable that compared to other Africans, Wolf's skin color has indeed improved, but the African features are still obvious.


It has to be explained here how powerful African genes are. Similar to this combination of Yaya and white women, most of the children born will have obvious African characteristics. It will take at least five or six generations for the foreign trade genes of Africans to gradually develop.

Downplaying it, so mixed-race children are beautiful is just nonsense. Let’s not talk about whether they are beautiful or not. The exotic style is quite enough.

"Hold on, let your father go to a girl's house tomorrow to propose marriage." Mumu was decisive. This is the African family view. If you don't like me, why would you dance with me?

"Don't—" Wolfe tried to tell.

"It doesn't matter. No matter how many cows the girl's father wants, I will satisfy his request." Yaya was also excited. His white wives were all dishonest. If Wolfe could marry the right matchmaker, Yaya would still be the one to marry him.

Very happy.

"Don't be like this, Dad, just dancing doesn't mean anything. Just because I like her doesn't mean I have to have her. I don't want to embarrass her." Wolfe's outlook on life is quite upright, and he knows how to make choices.

One of the great signs.

Both Yaya and Mumu were silent. How difficult it was to marry a Chinese girl in southern Africa had been in the newspapers.

Although major immigration companies have tried their best to ensure gender balance during immigration, in Nyasaland specifically, there are still more men than women.

In Nyasaland, Chinese girls still choose Chinese boys more often, but there are still many Chinese boys who cannot find a suitable partner, so they can only choose white girls.

As for the Africans—

It has been ten years since the federal government of Southern Africa was established. In the past ten years, there has not been a single case of a Chinese girl or a white girl voluntarily marrying an African. The reality reflected in this is very thought-provoking.

"Good boy -" Yaya said bitterly. He didn't know how high the threshold for Chinese girls was, otherwise Yaya wouldn't have four wives who were all white.

If possible, Yaya would also like to marry a Chinese girl as his wife, but Yaya has no chance. The clan concept of Chinese families in southern Africa is still very strong, and they will not do anything that is disgraceful to the family, no matter how much money they have.

problem, I can’t afford to lose that person.

After dinner, Mumu said goodbye and wanted to return to Tanganyika overnight.

Yaya sent Mumu to the dock and asked Mumu to leave on Yaya's private yacht.

The two brothers were reluctant to leave on the dock. Mumu had decided that after returning to Fort Glory, he would organize the Africans in Fort Glory to go to the Kingdom of Congo in batches. Whether they can overthrow the Kingdom of Congo is not yet mentioned.

It was a catastrophe, Mumu knew this very well.

On the way back to Tanganyika, Yaya's yacht was intercepted by the Nyasaland Marine Police. Several marine police boarded the boat for inspection. The captain turned off the engine as required, and all the crew members gathered on the deck for inspection.

Which definitely includes Mumu.

"Fort Glory—you are from Fort Glory, why are you going to Ulysses?" The leading inspector noticed Mumu's identity and interrogated Mumu alone.

"I went to Ulysses to visit my brother—"

"Who is your brother?"

"Yaya - Aristotle Abraham Summerfield Basutoland -" Mumu blurted out.

"Stop, are all your names this long?" The inspector's expression was broken.

"My brother's name is not long, probably more than a hundred letters -" Mumu's expression was calm, but only he knew how wild his heart was.

"Oh, God -" The inspector's surprise was due to the length of the name rather than any other reason: "Yaya, is this Mr. Yaya from Ulysses?"

The inspector finally knew who Yaya was. It was said that the only Africans who had lived in Ulysses for a long time were the Yaya family, and it was impossible not to recognize them.

"Yes." Mumu's face was still expressionless. Yaya still had a certain social status in Ulysses. After all, there were not many rich people in Ulysses.

In terms of property, there are very few truly wealthy people in Southern Africa, but there are more and more people in the middle class, such as Rand Bank staff, military officers in the Ministry of Defense, factory technicians, etc. No wonder Wolfe’s ideal

Just working for Rand Bank.

The ideal social model is an oval. The richest people are a minority, the poorest people are also a minority, and the real backbone is the huge middle class. Such a society can most likely run smoothly.

"Well, I wish you a pleasant journey -" the inspector casually saluted Mumu and then led the team away.

This surprised Mumu Xiao again. Mumu was originally planning to lose money and eliminate disasters, and even jailed for a few days. Unexpectedly, the water policemen would lift them up and let them go gently, which made Mumu very uncomfortable.


Seeing the marine police getting off the boat, the captain could finally breathe a sigh of relief. When he turned back to Mumu, he was very polite: "Sir, it's best to stay calm at this time. The marine police don't mean any harm, they are just doing routine work."

Mu Mu said nothing. The North Sea, which covers an area of ​​about square kilometers, is so tightly controlled by the Nyasaland Marine Police. If they do not move to the Kingdom of Congo, the prospects of the Glory Castle troops are indeed worrying.

Also when Mumu returned to Tanganyika, after nearly half a month of sea voyage, the "Cape Town" finally arrived at Walvis Bay Port.

When Professor Heslin walked down the spiral staircase, someone was waiting on the pier holding a sign welcoming Professor Heslin's family.

"Is it Professor Heslin?" After Professor Heslin revealed his identity, the guy holding the sign still had to confirm.

"Yes, I am Heslin -" Professor Heslin was speechless. He had already revealed his identity and still had to confirm it. This was very rigorous.

"Welcome to Southern Africa, Professor Heslin, I would like to express my most sincere welcome to you on behalf of my teacher Professor Kosell. I hope you have a pleasant journey, and I will serve you throughout the whole journey -" The young man who picked up the station

The service was attentive, and as soon as I finished speaking, there were a dozen Africans rushing over to pick up their luggage.

In fact, there are not many.

This chapter has been completed!
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