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Chapter 1142 Roja

While Roque and Anton are making long-term plans for the future of southern Africa, the next generation of southern Africa is growing up.

Strictly speaking, Arthur and Gavin's generation are pure southern Africans who were truly born and raised in southern Africa. Button and Angel's generation were all born outside southern Africa and later followed

A second generation immigrant who immigrated to Southern Africa with his family.

Of course, within southern Africa, there is no difference between the two groups. They have the same identity, the same educational opportunities, the same development space, and even certain social welfare when family life is difficult, but in social welfare

In this regard, governments at all levels in Southern Africa have very strict controls. Only families with real difficulties in life can enjoy social welfare. Those who fabricate facts to defraud welfare will be severely punished once verified.

To this day, Nyasaland still circulates a legend from Johannesburg. Just because an old man received a few extra welfare coupons, his son, who had a promising future, was fired from all public offices and had to leave southern Africa. This is a great development for all southern Africa.

It is a bloody lesson for Africans.

Even so, there are still some people who try their best every year.

Without exception, these people have been severely punished by governments at all levels of the federal government. The Rand Bank will also blacklist the parties for dishonest behavior. Now the Rand Bank is trying to introduce an integrity system. Once trust is breached, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Specifically, dishonest people not only lose the opportunity to get loans from Rand Bank and purchase houses and land from governments at all levels, but their immediate family members also lose the qualifications to join the military and work in government departments within three generations. Some schools impose restrictions on students.

Family backgrounds will also be subject to a certain degree of review. For example, in various military academies established by the Ministry of National Defense, immediate family members of dishonest persons will also fail to pass the review.

With a complete system in place, a powerful propaganda machine needs to be activated to let everyone know the consequences of violating the system. Governments at all levels of the federal government organize primary and secondary school students to visit various institutions every year. Legal awareness starts from bit by bit in daily life.

Accumulated in life.

During its first visit in 1918, Los Angeles No. 1 High School chose the headquarters of the Nyasaland Evening News in Los Angeles.

"Nyasaland Evening News" is a newspaper that was just established three years ago. The background of its establishment at that time was to promptly report news about the world war. Many people did not have time to read newspapers in the morning and only had time after get off work in the evening, so "Evening News" was It came into being.

"The Nyasaland Evening News is developing at a very fast pace. When it was first released, only 5,000 copies of the first issue were issued - children, do you know what the first issue is?" Qiao Zishou, editor-in-chief of the Evening News, personally wrote for Luo

Students from the No. 1 Middle School in the city explained that these students are very special. Most of their parents are either rich or noble. Qiao Zishou knows some information that ordinary people do not know. For example, the next Marquis of Nyasaland and the current Baron of Cyprus are both in Los Angeles.

Studying at City No. 1 Middle School.

Now the next Marquis of Nyasaland and the current Baron of Cyprus are beside Qiao Zishu. Although Arthur and Gavin are wearing the same school uniforms as other students and don't look special, Qiao Zishu kept insisting during the introduction.

Right next to Arthur and Gavin.

There is no doubt that the students visiting the "Evening News" are also centered on Arthur and Gavin. The special thing about this class is that some children are obviously older and some are obviously younger. These are those

Parents who knew the identities of Arthur and Gavin deliberately delayed or advanced their children's enrollment in order to have their children become classmates with Arthur and Gavin.

However, what Qiao Zishou didn't expect was that neither Arthur nor Gavin had the desire to answer the question of "first issue".

Qiao Zishou doesn't think that Arthur and Gavin don't know what the "first issue" is, but that Arthur and Gavin no longer need to express themselves in this way, no matter whether they are outstanding or not, as long as there is an occasion for Arthur and Gavin

, Arthur and Gavin are always at the center.

"The first issue is a greeting gift from the newspaper to readers -" The person who answered Qiao Zishou's question was a girl wearing glasses. If you look closely, you will find that the lenses of the glasses are polished with crystal, and there is the logo of Itno on the temples.

It is not a common mass product on the market.

The glasses worn by Qiao Zisheng are also produced by Itno, but they are obviously not on the same level as the glasses worn by girls. In Itno, the glasses worn by Qiao Zishu are also of average quality, with a pair of glasses costing about 50 rand.

"Correct! My child, you will get a copy of the first issue of Nyasaland Evening News published three years ago in a moment as a reward for actively answering the questions." Qiao Zisheng was generous. Don't look at the current issue of Nyasaland Evening News.

The first issue is worthless, and the future is uncertain.

There was a report in 2000 that Japan's "Tokyo University Newspaper" offered a prize of 1 million yen (approximately 85,000 US dollars) to collect the first issue of "Tokyo University Newspaper" 80 years ago.

The "Tokyo University Journal" was first published on December 25, 1920, with a print run of 100,000. However, due to its age, the "Tokyo University Journal" still could not find the original issue even if it offered a large reward.

Looking at it this way, the first issue of Nyasaland Evening News, which only issued 5,000 copies, is still of great collection value.

Of course, people have not noticed this problem yet, especially the children who came to visit. Even if they know the value of the first issue of Nyasaland Evening News, I am afraid they will not care.

The same goes for girls who wear glasses. They express their gratitude very restrainedly. They simply say "thank you" and then stop talking.

“In the past three years, the Nyasaland Evening News has made rapid progress. Last month, the circulation of our Evening News reached 150,000. It should be noted that the Nyasaland Evening News is the only one in southern Africa.

Do you know what it means to use newspapers published only in Chinese?" Qiao Zishou said earnestly. "It is very meaningful to use newspapers only in Chinese. Ten years ago, there were less than 10,000 Chinese in southern Africa who could read newspapers. Now this

The numbers are increasing rapidly.

"This means that if you want to understand the newspaper, you have to learn Chinese -" Students are obviously more active on this issue. The official languages ​​of southern Africa are English, Boer, and Chinese. Now Boer is gradually declining, and English and Chinese have become the mainstream.

Even many predominantly white schools offer Chinese courses.

Currently in southern Africa, if you don't understand Chinese, it means you will lose a lot of opportunities, especially in the three northern states. Because there are more Chinese in the three northern states, the popularity of Chinese is higher than that of English.

Many publishing houses in southern Africa publish a large number of Chinese books. Most of the books in libraries are in Chinese. If you don't know Chinese, you won't be able to read these books.

This situation has been criticized by members of Congress in Southern Africa, but in the end there was no result because these publishing houses that publish Chinese books are all privately invested, not federally invested, so the federal government has no jurisdiction over the business practices of those publishing houses.


To put it bluntly, if someone is willing to publish English books, as long as the money is enough, the publishing house will not refuse, but if you don’t pay, don’t say anything. The publishing house is not a charitable organization and has no obligation to publish English books.

"Yes, if you want to understand the Nyasaland Evening News, you must learn Chinese well. In Nyasaland, more and more white teachers have begun to teach in Chinese. You should feel this more deeply. Through

By learning Chinese, you can also understand the breadth and depth of Chinese. At the same time, Chinese is also one of the most scientific languages. As long as you master 3,500 common words, it is enough to meet your daily needs. This is a huge advantage -" Qiao Zi gave the students

When they explained, they used Chinese. The proportion of whites and Chinese among the students present was almost the same. These white students could obviously understand Professor Qiao Zi's explanations.

Sometimes I have to lament that the power of role models is infinite. Many people say that the country composed of Chinese is an official-based country. In fact, the United Kingdom is similar. In southern Africa, due to the rise of Rock and Nyasaland, many years ago

White people took the initiative to get in touch with the Chinese language, especially those in the powerful class like Xiaosi, who hired Chinese tutors for themselves and their children many years ago.

Stoudemire is also fluent in Chinese now. It can be said that he is learning Chinese just to communicate with Rock.

"The media industry plays a very important role in publicity. We now have magazines, newspapers, and radio stations. These are very important ways of publicity and will profoundly affect all aspects of our lives, so I also hope that some of you will also be able to do so in the future.

Join the media industry, especially our "Nyaasaland Evening News", children, we very much welcome you to join -" Qiao Zishuo did not forget to advertise for the "Nyaasaland Evening News", "Nyaasaland Evening News"

》The salaries offered to employees are very high, and it is indeed very attractive to practitioners in the media industry.

After the day's visit, the students returned to school collectively in a school bus. The school bus was specially manufactured by Nyasaland Automobile Group for the school. There is no need to worry about the comfort. In order to ensure the safety of the students, the body of the bus has been specially reinforced.

The color of the school bus is uniform yellow, which makes the school bus very eye-catching. Vehicles on the road must slow down when encountering a school bus. Like ambulances and fire engines, school buses also have certain privileges.

Arthur and Gavin were sitting in the last row of the school bus. Sitting next to Arthur was Xiaosi's second daughter Zelda. She also has a Chinese name called Luo Ya. The surname "Luo" comes from

The surname of the Stoudemire family is "Rhodes".

In southern Africa now, not only the Chinese have to choose an English name to facilitate their life in southern Africa, but more and more white people also have to choose a Chinese name to make it easier to deal with the Chinese.

This chapter has been completed!
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