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Chapter 1202 Profit sharing

As a member of the Matilda family, it is very interesting that Roque has been able to support Ade for so long.

Ade is not a person who is greedy for power, otherwise he would not have tried his best to promote autonomy in southern Africa. Now that southern Africa is prospering, Ade can indeed take a rest and let Philip become prime minister and have a taste of what it is like to be prime minister.

Roque also really wants to see if Philip becomes prime minister, whether he will bring some changes to southern Africa.

How should I put it? Ade is very good and led southern Africa through the most difficult stage in the early days of self-government.

But as time goes by, Adelaide is becoming more and more conservative and increasingly unable to keep up with the development of southern Africa.

If Roque was Prime Minister, during the period of the World War, Roque would try his best to push the federal government to establish a state-based economic entity, increase the state's intervention in the economy, and at least adjust the completely laissez-faire free trade to

A partially controllable economic model so that the federal government can have more advantages in future international competition.

It's a pity that Roque is not the Prime Minister yet. If Philip doesn't get a taste of being the Prime Minister, he will probably regret it for the rest of his life. For the sake of family harmony, Roque will not compete with Philip. Anyway, no matter who becomes the Prime Minister, he will probably live in Roque's house.

In the shadows.

In other words, living in the shadow of these big companies in southern Africa.

Stoudemire returned to southern Africa after less than three months in Europe. There was no progress in the work of the Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. Stoudemire would not be satisfied with providing food for the poor people in Europe. He would buy European companies at the bottom and do harm to European public utilities.

Investing to seek long-term benefits is Stoudemire's goal.

"You are thinking too much. European national leaders do not consider the long-term interests of their own countries. What is the use of your thinking?" Roque was not polite. There is no hope of making money by investing in European countries, even if Europe recovers from post-war trauma.

, it will be beaten to pieces again in twenty years.

Also in October, the protracted Paris Peace Conference finally reached an agreement that Germany needed to compensate the Allied Powers for a total of 226 billion gold marks, equivalent to 11.3 billion pounds, as war reparations, and the reparations needed to be paid in gold.

In order to facilitate the signing of the Paris Peace Conference, the United States voluntarily gave up its demand for reparations from Germany, so France will receive 52% of the total reparations, the United Kingdom will receive 22, Italy will receive 10, and Belgium will receive 8. The remainder will be divided among other countries.

Southern Africa, as part of the UK, is included in the UK's 22 reparations.

This is not the final result. Next, Germany and the Allied Powers will conduct a series of negotiations on reparations. The final amount of reparations is determined to be 132 billion German marks, approximately 49.9 British pounds.

In addition to reparations, all of Germany's overseas colonies were divided up by the Allied Powers. Southwest Africa and Tanganyika were authorized by the League of Nations to be managed by the United Kingdom. Germany's islands in the Pacific were authorized by the League of Nations to be managed by the East Indies. North Schleswig passed a referendum.

Return to Denmark; Germany recognizes Poland's independence, gives Poland a coastline, and returns the territory originally belonging to Poland to Poland, including West Prussia, Posen Province, part of East Prussia and part of Upper Silesia; East Upper Silesia goes to Czechoslovakia.

In addition to the above areas, Germany must also cede Euben and Salmedi to Belgium; cede the Klaipeda area to Lithuania; hand over the Danzig area to the League of Nations; and recognize the independence of Austria and Luxembourg.

In terms of compensation to France, Germany ceded Alsace and Lorraine to France as early as the day of the armistice and restored France's borders before the Franco-Prussian War.

France was very dissatisfied with this and strongly demanded the Saarland region of Germany. The Saarland region was the most important industrial area in Germany. This in turn aroused strong opposition from the United Kingdom. In the end, the Saarland coal mining area was managed by France for 15 years, and then was managed by citizens.

Vote to decide who it belongs to.

France's purpose was to completely suppress Germany so that Germany would no longer be a threat.

This goal seemed to be achieved, but how Germany paid the reparations became a major problem.

Let alone reparations, Germany cannot guarantee domestic food and clothing. The United Kingdom and the United States are already discussing how to ensure that Germany can pay reparations.

The French don't care. For France, it would be best if Germany could never pay the reparations, then France could occupy the Saar region forever.

As the biggest beneficiary of the world war, Stoudemire returned to southern Africa this time. One of his purposes was to hope that southern African capital would also intervene in the relief of Germany, so that it could continue to generate long-term benefits after the war.

"No, the Rand Bank will not lend money to the Germans. Los Angeles is building a stock exchange, and the Rand Bank has no shortage of investment channels." Rock refused decisively, just like he refused to provide loans to the Russian Empire.

"Why?" Stoudemire was surprised. Rock had always been very proactive in rescuing Germany.

"The purpose of the relief is to win the favor of the Germans, win immigrants from Germany, and buy German assets. This is completely different from lending." Roque does not engage in loss-making business. Lending money to the Germans is the same as lending money to the Russians.

It's a waste of time.

In another time and space, Britain and the United States mainly relied on the "Dawes Plan" and the "Young Plan" to provide economic assistance to Germany. Pounds and U.S. dollars flowed into Germany in the form of loans, and then flowed into the Allied Powers in the form of reparations, and finally from the Allied Powers in the form of debt repayments.

It flows into Britain and the United States, thus forming a perfect closed loop.

In the process, both Germany and the Allied Powers received the funds they desperately needed to restore their economies, thereby prompting Europe to resume production.

This model seemed good, but it was unsustainable due to the emergence of the Great Depression. During the Great Depression, Germany could not pay the reparations it was supposed to pay, as well as the foreign debts owed by various countries during the World War, and Germany's debt payments were suspended.

Then came the Second World War, which was larger in scale and suffered more losses.

Since Roque knows this result, he cannot repeat the same mistakes. Now that southern Africa has got everything it wants, it is time to withdraw from Europe and focus on the construction of southern Africa.

Of course, not lending to Germany now does not mean that it will not lend in the future.

The benefits of economic aid to Europe are not only the interest generated by loans, but more importantly, the improvement of currency value. In another time and space, the United States objectively improved the international status of the U.S. dollar through investment in Europe and promoted the U.S. dollar.

become an international currency.

Of course, Southern Africa also has this demand. Rock also hopes that the rand can replace the pound as the international currency, so that in the future, southern Africa can also live a life of landowners who use the rand to shear sheep around the world.

It's too early to think about this now. During the World War, loans from southern Africa to Britain and France were settled in rand. Now the international status of the rand has been greatly improved compared to before the world war, but it has not yet replaced the status of the pound.

Rock is not in a hurry. Southern Africa has not yet reached the stage of replacing Britain. After the end of World War II, there will be a better opportunity. By then, Southern Africa can lend money to the Germans with confidence and no longer have to worry about the Germans.


"Will Germany be the same as Russia?" Stoudemire didn't know what would happen next.

In fact, Rock is not sure whether World War II will break out as scheduled, because the rise of southern Africa and the direction of World War I are completely different from another time and space. Rock doesn't even know if Mustache can still survive.

On stage as scheduled.

Most of the time, it is possible. France is now deliberately trying to contain Germany, but the harsh conditions set by the Paris Peace Conference not only failed to make the Germans surrender, but instead stimulated the expansion of national radical consciousness in Germany, sowing the seeds for the growth of terrorism.

It also paves the way for some people to come to power.

Even if there is no mustache, there will be other bearded people on stage.

Of course this is not what Stoudemire was referring to.

"It's hard to say, but there is a possibility." Roque couldn't go into too much detail. If he revealed the secret, his life would be shortened.

Stoudemire had a complicated expression. There is now more than just Rand Bank in southern Africa. The Bank of Rhodesia, led by a South African company, has begun investing in Germany.

Out of his trust in Roque, Stoudemire now feels that most of the Rhodesian Bank's investments in Germany will be in vain.

"Don't worry, it's not like you've lost all your money. At most, you'll just get less profit." Rock comforted Stoudemire. Germany was not a deadbeat. After World War II, it had to continue to pay the unfinished reparations from World War I.

It just lasted for almost a hundred years before it was fully paid.

"What's going on in the financial market you just mentioned?" Stoudemire followed Rock closely. It's not too late to make adjustments now.

"It's too early to say that the market is just an exchange." Rock tried his best to downplay the influence of the exchange, not wanting London to feel the threat of southern Africa too directly.

The financial market needs to be cultivated slowly. Early securities trading in New York was held in coffeehouses and auction houses. It was not until May 17, 1792, that 24 securities brokers gathered under a sycamore tree outside 68 Wall Street, New York.

The Sycamore Agreement was signed, and this day became the birthday of the New York Stock Exchange.

There were actually securities trading in southern Africa before this, but the trading was only conducted within large companies and was not sold to the outside world.

For example, the treasury bonds issued by the federal government during the World War were digested internally by large companies in southern Africa without any outflow, leaving no room for securities trading.

Now, as the economy of Southern Africa is getting better and better, society's idle funds need a relatively healthy investment channel, and securities trading has emerged.

Of course, the securities trading in southern Africa will definitely not be laissez-faire. In his previous life, Roque also speculated in stocks, bought funds, invested and managed finances. He was also cheated and lost all his money. When he was reborn, he was still trapped and could not escape. Now Roque is also

If you want to try the feeling of cheating people, you can't let Europeans' hard-earned money be cheated by Americans. Southern Africa also needs to get a share of the profits.

:Sorry, I just came back from the hospital and am working hard on typing——

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