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Chapter 1211 Focus on sniping

When the troops surrounding Freiburg quietly blocked Freiburg, Freiburg was already in chaos.

Unlike Johannesburg Pretoria, which is located in the plains, Freiburg is a city built on the mountains. It used to be a military camp of the Boer Allied Forces. During the Second Boer War, the British Expeditionary Force and the Boer Allied Forces

Fierce battles took place around Freiburg, and damaged weapons can still be found in the mountains around Freiburg.

At the end of the Boer War, the Boer coalition forces near Freiburg laid down their weapons and settled on the spot, gradually developing into what is now Freiburg.

The city of more than 10,000 people is actually not that big. It covers an area of ​​about five or six square kilometers. A winding and narrow street runs through the whole city. At the edge of the city is a not-too-deep valley, which is used by the people of Freiburg as a garbage dump.

, there is garbage everywhere in the valley.

After Mayor Adela resigned, Speaker Price became the actual controller of Freiburg. Price used to be a member of the People's Party. After Yang Smuts left, the People's Party declined, and Price left the People's Party.

, established a non-governmental organization called "Old Boers".

The organizational structure of the "Old Boers" is similar to that of the Rifle Association. It is a loose mutual aid alliance with more than 6,000 members in Freiburg.

After the "Orange Journal" published the news of Louis Botha's death, most members of the "Old Boers" believed that the federal government had murdered Louis Botha, and the protests turned into riots throughout the surrounding areas in a short period of time.

, members of the "Old Boers" from the areas around Freiburg gathered in Freiburg, and now there are about 25,000 people in Freiburg.

"The radio station hasn't been repaired yet?" Price is still working in the Parliament Building. The Municipal Building has been occupied by the "Old Boers" and has become the temporary headquarters of the "Old Boers".

The parliament building and the municipal building are both next to the only park in Freiburg. Next to the municipal building is the police station, and next to the parliament building is the former telegraph office.

After Freiburg fell into chaos, Agent Bullard immediately blew up the telegraph office, interrupting all external communications in the city.

Price urgently needs to contact the outside world to obtain domestic and foreign support, but due to the lack of necessary technology and related spare parts, communications have not been restored yet.

"No, we searched all over the city and couldn't find the required parts. The police station may have it, but the police station is not yet under our control." Eric Rogier, the nominal head of the old Boers, frowned.

The current problem is not just communications. The entire Freiburg is full of organized robberies and murders. The municipal system and police system have been completely thrown into chaos. Although the "Old Boers" are powerful, they do not have enough weapons and ammunition, nor do they have

Enough food, these problems are more serious than communication.

In fact, Freiburg's weapons, ammunition and food have always been relatively scarce. Freiburg does not have a local arsenal, and all weapons and ammunition have to be imported from Nyasaland.

The agriculture in Freiburg is not developed enough. After all, it is a mountainous area, and the farm area that can be developed is limited. The few farms that were available were severely damaged after the riots began. The South African company originally had two warehouses for storing food in Freiburg.

, was also burned down after the riots began.

Although the "Old Boers" were powerful in Freiburg, they did not reach the point where they could dominate the world with one hand.

After the riot started, some city government employees and more than 30 policemen stood guard at the police station, built a simple position with sandbags, and blocked the only road in and out of the police station. The old Boers have now surrounded the police station, but have not yet attacked the police.

The bureau launches an attack.

"Take down the police station. We must get in touch with the outside world, otherwise we will be trapped and die in Freiburg." Price was anxious. After the smooth sailing in the first few days, the situation has taken a turn for the worse these days. Price

There is already a feeling of impending disaster.

"Those policemen have heavy machine guns and armored vehicles -" Eric Rogier was at a loss. Members of the "Old Boers" only had pistols and shotguns with short range and weak power. Attacking a police station with machine guns and armored vehicles was tantamount to courting death.

"Even if those policemen have tanks, we still have to take down the police station. Even if we use a lot of people, we still have to find enough accessories." Price is not afraid of sacrifice, and he will not lead a charge anyway.

"Okay, I'll make preparations right away." Eric Rogier also knew that the situation was critical. Air Force reconnaissance planes often hovered over Freiburg in the past few days, and the "Old Boer" was also panicked.


There were only more than a hundred policemen and city staff guarding the police station. The highest-ranking official was Deputy Police Chief Felix. Police Chief Stella led a part of the police to reinforce the city government when the riots began. As a result,

Died in the line of duty during the rebellion.

Unfortunately, the Freiburg Police Department only has two armored vehicles, and one of them is still unable to move due to a malfunction and has not yet been repaired. Felix placed the only armored vehicle on the only passage into the police station, and placed the other one.

The heavy machine gun was removed from an armored vehicle, and four other light machine guns were placed in the open space behind the police station gate, and a dedicated person was assigned to take charge.

"No matter who it is, if someone dares to approach, just shoot a warning. If you don't listen to the warning, shoot directly. If you hesitate at the critical moment, you will be beaten to death by those bastards." Felix said to "Old Bull"

"People" hated them so much that Director Stella failed to give the order to fire in time when the mob stormed the city hall. As a result, Stella and more than a dozen policemen led by him were beaten to death by the mob in a horrific manner.

The police in Freiburg were all transferred from other places. No one in Freiburg wanted to be a police officer, or even work for the federal government. This is evident from the resistance of these Boers to the federal government.

After arranging his defense, Felix returned to the office and sat on a chair to rest for a while.

It felt like he had just closed his eyes when Felix was awakened by a violent knock on the door.

"Director, someone crossed the cordon——"

"Why no shots?" Felix didn't hear the shots. The cordon was less than 100 meters away from the police station gate, and only 150 meters away from the defense line with armored vehicles as its core.

"Those bastards let women and children go in front -" Sheriff Glinton gritted his teeth. His wife and children were in the police station. If the thugs were allowed to rush into the police station, then the police station would become a hell on earth like the city government.


Arriving at the gate of the police station, the vicious thugs turned out to be the old, weak, women and children who drove the neutral crowd towards the police station.

Looking from a distance, some children walking at the front were still wearing the uniforms issued by the school, and then there was a large group of hundreds of women and elderly people, who were driven towards the police station by armed members of the "Old Boers"

Come, an old man slowed down a little, and was immediately knocked to the ground by an "Old Boer" member holding a short stick. Several "Old Boer" members swarmed him, and soon the old man stopped moving.

"Warning shot!" Felix was indifferent. Any hesitation at this time would have serious consequences. Felix would be responsible for hundreds of people in the police station.

Dong dong dong——

The sound of the vehicle-mounted large-caliber heavy machine gun was breathtaking, and the machine gunner's shooting skills were superb. Bullets mixed with tracer bullets flew over the crowd, and the crowd immediately fell into greater chaos.

Only then did Felix discover that the "Old Boers" had tied the children and women together with ropes so that they could not escape. There were many "Old Boers" in the crowd. They were hiding among the women and children and were asking the police.

Bureau is close.

After a brief panic, the crowd continued to move forward, and the machine gunners behind the bunker could already hear the cries of the women and children.

Mixed with the scoldings and strange screams of the members of the "Old Boers".

what to do?

Everyone looked at Felix.

Felix's uniform looked like it had been washed with water.

"Sniper, focus on the 'Old Boer' members in the crowd -" Felix had no way out, and he could not let the thugs rush into the police station anyway.

"The viewing angle is limited, which may cause other casualties -" The snipers in the office building are not sure. The power of military sniper rifles is huge. It is normal for one shot to penetrate three or four people.

"Shoot!" Felix shouted sharply, and the crowd held hostage by the thugs was less than fifty meters away from the police station gate.


A sniper finally pulled the trigger.

The bullet accurately hit the head of a member of the "Old Boers" who was holding a shotgun and hiding behind a woman, with only half of his head exposed.

The bullet that killed the thug continued to fly forward, hitting two more people before losing all kinetic energy.

The crowd suddenly fell into a huge panic, and the crying suddenly became louder. The "Old Boers" members in the crowd were in disbelief. They did not expect that the police would actually shoot.

Boom! Boom!

More gunshots rang out, and at a distance of less than two hundred meters, many precision shooters could guarantee accurate hits even without using snipers.

As more and more "Old Boers" members were sniped and killed, the "Old Boers" members hidden in the crowd finally collapsed. Many of them turned around and ran away. No matter how vicious a team of thugs was, they were actually

The soldiers dispersed.

While the mob was in chaos, Felix took the opportunity to send people to bring all the surviving civilians into the police station. After a simple count, Felix was surprised to find that the total number of people in the police station exceeded a thousand.

Now the entire Freiburg is in chaos, and the lives of more than a thousand people are also a big problem. Although the Freiburg Police Department has some supplies, it cannot hold on for too long.

Fortunately, the police station does have a radio that can communicate with the outside world.

: After a busy morning, I was finally admitted to the hospital. Suddenly I found that the hospital's business was extremely good, and the corridors were full of people. I haven't eaten yet when I got home, so I temporarily coded a chapter, and I have to go to the hospital later.

, I guess there won’t be any tonight——

This chapter has been completed!
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