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Chapter 1254 How dare you believe the president fell off the train

The United States is in such chaos now, and the mutual attacks between the Democratic and Republican parties are indispensable.

It is not the Democratic Party's responsibility that nothing was gained in the World War. Almost all participating countries except southern Africa suffered heavy losses. The Allies originally wanted to pass the losses on to the Allies through post-war liquidation.

What the Allies never expected was that the Allies were completely unable to compensate for the losses of the Allies. All three empires collapsed, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire were directly destroyed. Germany's land cessation indemnity was confiscated and no money was left. The United States also saw that it really could not squeeze out any money.

You Shui, then simply gave up the demand for compensation from Germany.

Woodrow Wilson originally wanted to use the League of Nations to expand American influence.

As a result, Congress refused to cooperate, and the United States did not even join the League of Nations. Woodrow Wilson's plan was in vain.

In this context, the Republican Party insists that it is precisely because of the incompetence of the Democratic Party that the United States gained nothing in the world war.

The Democratic Party countered that the United States did not play its due role because of the constraints of the Republican Party.

If the United States could be more prepared before the war.

If only the United States had entered the war earlier.

If the United States joins the League of Nations—

It's a pity that there are not so many ifs.

When Hoover was assassinated, the French and Belgian gift ceremony of southern Africa was in progress.

In order to thank Southern Africa for its contribution during the World War, France and Belgium donated part of their coastal land to Southern Africa.

It’s not appropriate to use “part of” here. It seems quite big. In fact, the total area is less than 20 square kilometers. It is right next to Dunkirk and less than ten kilometers away from Dunkirk.

During the World War, the Southern African Expeditionary Force engaged in repeated tug-of-war with Germany near Flanders. In Ypres alone, large-scale battles broke out three times. More than 100% of the soldiers in Southern Africa died in the World War.

Twenty died in Flanders, and most of them were buried on a hill not far from Dunkirk. After discussions between the French and Belgian governments, they decided to donate this hill to southern Africa.

This is not the only territory France has given away. Just last month, in order to thank the Canadian Expeditionary Force for its help, France donated a piece of land of about one square kilometer near Vimy Ridge to Canada, becoming Canada's only overseas enclave.

One square kilometer is so small that it is only enough to erect a monument, and the square must be built on French soil.

The land given to Southern Africa by France and Belgium is quite large, and the key point is that this land is on the seaside. There is still a lot of room for development in the future. Think about how the Dutch reclaimed the land. If Southern Africa is willing, it can be done.

Fill in more land.

Donating land is a major event. As Prime Minister, Adelaide cannot leave and has to stand the last duty. As the former commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force, Rock came to Dunkirk to attend the donation ceremony on behalf of Adelaide.

The French and Belgian governments have prepared a grand welcome ceremony for Roque, which will be attended by the newly elected French President Paul Descharnel and Prime Minister Alexandre Millerand.

After the end of the World War, the French government also experienced personnel changes. President Raymond Poengale, who made great contributions during the World War, expired, and Raymond Poengale did not continue to run for office.

"Tiger" Clemenceau wanted to use his huge reputation to attack the presidential position.

This was an illusion. Clemenceau's reputation was not as great as he thought. The French were grateful to Clemenceau for leading France to win the war, but they were also very dissatisfied with France's post-war gains, so they used their votes to elect a congenital

A neurotic person becomes president.

On the day of the ceremony, an accident occurred that stunned everyone.

President Paul Descharnel, who was preparing to attend the ceremony, did not appear in time for the ceremony. The reason was that Paul Descharnel fell from the train on the way to Dunkirk.

Rock couldn't believe it when he found out. The president fell off the train——

I don't know how to evaluate it.

"It seems like this. Yesterday, Mr. President had a cold. His valet gave the President a sleeping pill, and then the President fell asleep. At five o'clock in the morning, the President's train received a telegram saying that a person fell from the President's train.

After coming down, the chief of the president's bodyguard counted the number of people. At that time, there were 44 people on the presidential train, including the president. No one was absent except the sleeping president, so the chief of the bodyguard didn't care. At seven o'clock in the morning, the president's valet arrived.

The servant wanted to wake up the president, but found that the president's clothes and socks were there, and the glass window was open. Only then did he realize that the president actually fell from the train--" Stoudemire's expression also collapsed, let alone someone like France.

This kind of thing should not happen to one of the largest countries in the world, even a small country like Belgium.

King Albert I of Belgium is lying on the gun. There is a saying mmp that I don’t know whether to say properly or not.

"Last night at 12 o'clock, a road patrolman was inspecting the railway and found a man wearing sleeping clothes, barefoot and with a swollen face lying on the side of the railway. It looked like the man had lost consciousness. The road patrolman took him to the crossing.

Along the way to the guard house, this man kept chattering: 'My friend, I will surprise you, you may not believe it - I am the President of the Republic' - the patrolman reported to the station. After receiving the report, the station sent a team

A doctor treated the President. It took the doctor a long time to confirm that this person was the President. It is said that shortly after the presidential train departed, the President felt a little hot, so he got up and walked to the window, opened the window and wanted to breathe fresh air -

—The wind was very strong at night, and the President was sucked out of the train by the wind——" Sidney Milner spoke vividly, as if he had witnessed with his own eyes how embarrassed the President was.

Rock was completely speechless. He could only be glad that this was a train, and the train was not very fast at this time. If he felt stuffy on the plane——

"It's normal, this is very French -" Yang Smuts was happy to see the excitement, and the British were always happy to see the French make a fool of themselves.

Just like the French enjoy laughing at the British.

France now leads 1:0!

Roque was dumbfounded. The president seemed to be mentally disturbed. His performance became worse and worse during his tenure, and finally developed into a mental disorder and had to resign.

Only then did the doctor determine that the great president of France was actually born neurotic!

God knows how he became president of France.

Definitely a rival to the American King of Understanding.

"Lord Nyasaland, the ceremony will be held normally, but our President cannot attend due to physical reasons. Sorry -" Prime Minister Alexander Millerand took the initiative to apologize to Roque. He and Roque were also acquaintances. During the world war, Alexander

Millerand served as France's Minister of War and fought alongside Roque.

"It's okay, Prime Minister. Please take me to say hello to Mr. President. I hope he is safe and well." Roque didn't know what to say. It seemed like everything he said was a mockery.

Sure enough, as soon as Roque finished speaking, Alexander Millerand's face turned as pale as a purple eggplant.

Then Roque and Alexander Millerand attended the transfer ceremony pretending to be nonchalant. The incident of Mr. President falling from the train cast a shadow over the entire ceremony, and the ceremony ended hastily. Alexander Millerand said at noon that day

He left Dunkirk and returned to Paris, not even attending the dinner after the ceremony.

To be precise, there were only a few French officials at the dinner.

Probably the French officials also thought this incident was too embarrassing and did not want to appear at the dinner.

King Albert I of Belgium also left Dunkirk to return to Belgium after the ceremony, and the dinner turned out to be a gathering of officials and businessmen from southern Africa.

"Don't underestimate these 20 square kilometers. The geographical location determines the huge value of these 20 square kilometers. It is less than 80 kilometers away from Dover. It is surrounded by mountainous areas that are easy to defend and difficult to attack. The coastal areas are flat and can be used for Dutch exploration.

Christian, please come up with a plan for land reclamation." Rock named him directly. Christian's company has rich experience in this area.

France and Belgium will definitely not give the truly good places to southern Africa.

Rock and Sidney Milner the next day came to this barren mountain called Duperocust Dunes. They first laid flowers to the southern African officers and soldiers buried here, and then began to discuss how to make better use of it.

this place.

They say they are sand dunes, but they are actually barren hills. There is very little vegetation on the undulating mountains, and there are exposed rocks everywhere. There is only about four to five hundred meters of wasteland by the sea, with a few scattered houses.

These houses are now empty. The French and Belgian governments have moved people away, leaving southern Africa with a real wasteland.

"Lord, as soon as I heard the news, I asked the company's architect to prepare a plan -" Christian did a good job in preparation, and someone immediately came over with a rendering.

"We can gather these scattered cemeteries to build a cemetery, and then build a monument. We can blow up all these barren hills and fill them with stones. At least fifteen to twenty square kilometers can be created.

In the process, we can also build ports and docks and use them as distribution centers for our southern African goods in Europe." Christian's plan is good. The only drawback is that it costs a lot and will flatten a twenty-square-kilometer mountain.

This is no ordinary big deal.

However, after the bombing, 20 square kilometers will become 40 square kilometers, and the cost is still worth it.

The explosives produced in southern Africa during the World War have not been sold out yet, and the cost is actually very low.

"Then do it immediately. If you need money, go to Rand Bank." Roque no longer considers profit when doing things now. Profit is what Roque needs to consider.

This chapter has been completed!
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