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Chapter 1288 Another Paris

Six months ago, France and Belgium donated the Dubrocust Dunes to Southern Africa in gratitude for its contribution in the World War.

It must be stated in advance that this gift contains evil intentions.

The Duperocust dunes are located on the French-Belgian border, very close to Flanders.

During the World War, fierce battles took place in the Flanders region, centered on Ypres. Large-scale battles occurred three times in total. Ypres changed hands several times and was destroyed by the war. It has not yet recovered from the trauma.


During the Paris Peace Conference, France's desire to completely separate Germany was not achieved. The Treaty of Versailles became the "Twenty-Year Armistice Agreement." France had decided to build a solid Maginot Line on the French-German border. However, due to cost constraints, it could not

The French-Belgian border is completely covered, and the Dubrocust dunes become another safety rope.

If the war resumes twenty years later, and Germany wants to copy the battle plan of World War I, bypass the Maginot Line and launch an attack on France from the direction of Belgium, it must go through Duperocust


Roque knew that the French had evil intentions, but an enclave in the heart of Europe was still worth the risk in southern Africa.

Construction of the Duperocust Dunes began immediately after it became a territory of Southern Africa, and work was not stopped during the Christmas period.

Engineers from the Christian Construction Company first used explosives to flatten all the mountains in the coastal areas. The stones obtained were used for land reclamation. Today, the Duperocust Sand Dunes cover an area of ​​more than 35 square kilometers, less than half of which was created by land reclamation.

Lu got it.

The construction of the Duperocust Dunes really made Europeans realize what the speed of southern Africa is. The progress of the project can be described as a thousand miles per day. In order to build the Duperocust Dunes, Christian mobilized 10,000 people from all over the world.

Five thousand construction workers and a transport ship that came all the way from southern Africa would initially have to stop at Dunkirk, 15 kilometers away. After about two months, they could stop directly at Dunkirk, which has a 1,500-meter pier.

Port Saint-Roch.

Yes, as soon as the foundation stone of the port was laid, the dune of Duporocust was renamed "Saint Roque". This is a southern African tradition, in order to distinguish it from the city of Nyasalando.

In Europe today, the most famous southern African is not Cecil Rhodes or Adelaide, but the Marquess of Nyasaland who served as Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force during the World War.

Unlike those marquises in name only in the UK, Rock, the Marquis, is a real frontier official with great power. The Southern African Expeditionary Force that performed well during the World War was built by Rock. Without the participation of the Southern African Expeditionary Force,

, the world war may not be over yet.

Like Foch, who was awarded the title of Marshal of the Three Kingdoms after the World War, Roque was also awarded the title of Marshal by the United Kingdom, France, and Belgium after the World War. However, Foch has retired now, but Roque is still in his prime. At present, if

If a world war breaks out again, then the most likely candidate to serve as Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces is Rock.

Twenty years later, Rock was only 60 years old.

"The port is now beginning to take shape, but it is not perfect yet. It will continue to expand. Breakwaters and lighthouses will be built outside the port. Fortifications will be built in the border areas. Currently, we still rely on French power supply. We will definitely have to in the future.

We need to build our own power plant, plus the military barracks and airport in the port area and living area - no matter how we calculate it, it will not be enough -" Christian looked sad. 35 square kilometers sounds big, but in fact it is still too small for a city.

The factories of many large companies often cover dozens of square kilometers.

Now that the Dubrocust Dunes has been renamed "Saint Roque", in Christian's mind, it must be built to perfection and become a landmark project in southern Africa.

"Christian, I have a better plan -" Leonard Capet, who has been elected as a member of the French Parliament, is personable. The genes of the Capet family are indeed good. The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful. Christian has been doing this recently. For a while, I got into a heated relationship with a distant cousin of Leonard’s: “——Less than ten kilometers north of Saint-Roch is the estuary of the Ise River. Why not extend the port all the way to the estuary of the Ise River? , so that we have enough land to expand San Roque."

The Ise River is a river in Belgium. It originates from the north side of the sandstone mountains of Monz-Casel and Drecleise in northern France. It is 77 kilometers long and flows in an arc through the West Flanders province in western Belgium. After Nieuwpoort it flows into the North Sea.

During the World War, in order to prevent the German offensive, the King of Belgium brazenly ordered the opening of the sluice and the release of water. The sluice of the Yser River was opened.

After Belgium blew up the sluices, seawater poured into the fields of Flanders, which bought time for the British Expeditionary Force to defeat the Germans. However, the residents living in Flanders were also unlucky. Those who drowned in the seawater did not know that there were To some extent, this has also led to the current desolation of Flanders.

Look, Chang Kaishen is not the only one who can open the floodgates and release water, the King of Belgium can also do it.

Christian looked at the Yise River on the map, deduced in his mind and shook his head slightly: "The Yise River does not fall within the scope of Saint Roch——"

"Then buy the Yise River -" Leonard Capet was full of domineering. The French looked at Belgium the same way southern Africans looked at the Kingdom of Mozambique. They could do whatever they wanted, and do whatever they wanted.

"The Belgians will not agree." Christian looked hopeful. Since Leonard Capet said this, there is probably hope.

"I have already bought it." Leonard Cappe looked up to the sky and smiled.

Christian said nothing and quietly watched Leonard Capet's performance. If Leonard Capet was willing to transfer the Yise River to Saint-Roch, Christian would be more enthusiastic.

"What's wrong? Be happy. From the mouth of the Yser River to Nieuwpoort and then to Foney, this area belongs to us." Leonard Capet was enthusiastic. It was in Roque's With help, the Capet family can return to French upper class society. Leonard Capet is as grateful to Roque as Christian.

"That's awesome." Christian extended his voice and clapped in slow motion, with the same rhythm as the lightning in "Zootopia."

"Don't be like this Christian, I gave the Yser River to Saint-Roch, all you need to do is leave me a small area in the port area, a small area -" Leonard Cape pinched his little finger with his thumb, Show how small the place you want is.

But it's definitely not as big as a fingernail.

"How big do you want it to be?" Christian finally became a little more enthusiastic. If Leonard Capet wasn't too greedy, it could still be considered.

Although Saint-Roch has not yet been built, many places have been reserved.

Saint-Roch is the only enclave of Southern Africa in Europe. There are so many large companies in Southern Africa that are eyeing them. Rand Bank, Nyasaland Company, South African Company, Fawalt Steel Group, Nyasaland Military Industry - counting them one by one, it is estimated that I can finish this chapter in three thousand words.

Most of the current port area has been taken over by major companies. A giant like Rand Bank South Africa asked for one square kilometer at the outset. In addition to building office buildings, they also need to build apartments and single-family houses for employees to live in.


The land in San Roque is definitely much more expensive than the land in Southern Africa, almost comparable to the central location of Los Angeles City. By selling land, the federal government of Southern Africa not only fully recovered the cost of building San Roque, but also made more than R3 million.

Well, this can be considered an unexpected surprise.

"Just three to five acres will be enough. I won't build an office building or a factory. I will build a manor and then move my family here." Leonard Capet is indeed not greedy.

From Ubot to Foney, the area is about fifty square kilometers.

If you add in the land reclamation, oh, the total area of ​​Saint Roch will be tripled in an instant.

"Why? Isn't it bad to live in Paris?" Christian was curious, Saint Roch - it doesn't look as good as Paris now.

But now, in the planning map of Saint-Roch, Saint-Roch not only has a commercial area and a living area, but also has complete supporting facilities, such as schools, hospitals, libraries, etc.

With Roque's consistent style, the quality of schools and hospitals in St. Roch is definitely no less than those in southern Africa, and it is definitely second to none in France.

It’s hard to say about the school. After all, France still has the well-established University of Paris. The hospitals in France are definitely not comparable to those in southern Africa.

After the World War, professional general hospitals also appeared in France, most of which were invested by the Capet family.

"Christian, we all know that the war is likely to resume in 20 years, so I don't want my family to stay in Paris and be in panic all day long - and this is not just my needs, the Yise River,

I suggest that you don’t build any factory warehouses, but directly build high-end residential areas for sale. Believe it or not, all the French people want to live in it.” Leonard Capet expressed his disdain for the French government in his words.

Serious distrust. Think about the fact that during the World War, the German forwards approached Paris several times, and each time it caused Paris to flee in panic. It is no exaggeration to describe it as the end of the world.

Since Saint-Roch is already a territory of Southern Africa, the federal government of Southern Africa must ensure the safety of Saint-Roch. In this way, living in Saint-Roch will be safer than living in Paris, which is what the rich value most.

Money can only be earned and spent. Especially for a family like the Capet family, which once fell into decline and is now making a comeback, Leonard Capet is very crisis aware.

"This is a good idea, let's discuss it carefully -" Christian is not very interested in making money. If all the rich French people are gathered in Saint-Roch, will Saint-Roch become another Paris?

: Come on, come on, the melon you asked for is here. The big girl is not bad looking, but she can drink half a catty of 52-proof liquor, and then two bottles of beer to fill the seams. Although I am a salty fish, I am honest, reliable, trustworthy and patriotic.

Dedication, I’m afraid I’ll be betrayed without even knowing——

This chapter has been completed!
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