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Chapter 1318 it's done

Tom was not dead. His jaw was broken by Qin Dian's punch and his head hit the floor, causing a slight concussion.

His troubles don't end there. Tom faces charges in the District of Columbia for drinking in public during Prohibition, and may even go to jail after being discharged from the hospital.

The impact of this incident is quite large. Americans who have suffered discrimination in Europe have all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred for the British aristocracy deep in their hearts. Several newspapers in Washington reported on the whole incident. The Washington Post

His attitude was particularly fierce. While criticizing the privileges of the British aristocracy, he also questioned the fairness of the American judiciary.

On Monday, the naval meeting continued, and the atmosphere in the morning was a bit dull. The representatives had just spent a relaxing and happy weekend and were somewhat lacking in energy.

"France will never give up on building a submarine force. We have made huge concessions on our capital ships. If we can no longer build a strong submarine force, France's interests will not be effectively protected -" Albert Salau repeated his old tune.

, Rock didn’t want to quarrel today. He looked back at Bainbridge Colby, and this guy was actually dozing off.

It is true that the pace of the naval meeting is too mediocre. It has been two full months since August 10th, and the countries have only barely reached an agreement on the tonnage of capital ships, followed by submarines and aircraft carriers.

If this pace continues, representatives from various countries may spend Christmas in Washington.

"Since we can't reach an agreement, let's put the submarine issue aside for now and we can move on to the next topic." Rock didn't hang himself from a tree. Submarines are different from battleships and are not easy to restrict.

Today's capital ships often weigh tens of thousands of tons and cannot be hidden by more than a dozen silly, thick, black pipes. It is clear how many ships there are in the military port.

The submarines are hidden under the water, and the military ports are also extremely hidden. All countries are keeping it absolutely secret and can't be found by outsiders. It's impossible to check the actual number, so there can be no restrictions.

The Washington Naval Conference in another time and space also failed to reach any agreement on the issue of submarines.

"We can't put it aside temporarily, otherwise the naval meeting will be meaningless." Bainbridge Colby suddenly became energetic and felt that the quarrel could continue for another half a year.

"Then we must reach an agreement as soon as possible. I feel that if I stay in Washington any longer, I will become an American -" Carlo Sanze was too lazy to lift his spirits. Just this past weekend, the Italian Congress vetoed the Italian

The Navy's new shipbuilding plan and the tonnage of the battleships that Carlo Sanzawa had worked so hard to obtain suddenly became a joke.

The same goes for France. After the Normandy-class battleships were split and sold, the French Navy did not propose a new shipbuilding plan, and the future is far away.

The United Kingdom is preparing to launch Nelson-class battleships, but according to the regulations of the Naval Conference, if the United Kingdom wants to produce new battleships, it must decommission some of its battleships to make room for new battleships. This has caused huge controversy in the British Parliament.

The British Parliament has not forgotten the shadow of the last arms race.

Now that Germany is in ruins, France cannot survive, Japan and the United States are allies of the United Kingdom, and British MPs are confused as to whether it is necessary for the United Kingdom to maintain a powerful fleet.

Among the five countries, it is the United States that has made actual concessions.

At the beginning of the Washington Naval Conference, in addition to the four "Colorado" class battleships, the warships planned by the United States also included six tonnage "South Dakota" class battleships.

According to the provisions of the Naval Conference, after all ten battleships are completed, the tonnage of the U.S. Navy's capital ships will far exceed the specified tonnage, so the United States was forced to stop the "Washington" battleship with a completion score of 75.9, and all six "Nanda"

Construction of the Kota class battleship.

Among the six "South Dakota" class battleships, the "Lexington" and "Saratoga", which were the most advanced, were converted into aircraft carriers, while the "Washington" was used as a target ship for shooting experiments and was sunk.

Look at how wealthy the Americans are, and their battleships with a completion score of 75.9 were directly used as target ships and sunk.

The "Normandy" class battleship with a completion level of 25 is still hidden as a treasure by the French.

What a petty person.

The price Japan paid was not small. The United States stopped the construction of the "South Dakota" class battleship, and Japan was also forced to stop the construction of the two ton-class "Amagi" class battleships. These two battleships later became "Akagi".

” and “Kaga”.

"It's easy to reach an agreement. Dismantle all the battleships and cruisers of each country, and all disputes will disappear instantly." Kato Yusaburo said that the Japanese government was already weak and wanted to convert the two "Amagi" class battleships into aircraft carriers.

It's another huge expense, and this time it's really a waste of money.

"Okay, okay, I agree!" Carlo Sanze said it was not a big deal to watch the excitement, since Italy could not afford to build a super battleship.

"As long as you all agree, then France has no reason to disagree." Albert Sarao fanned the flames. This is no joke. France has actually done so by selling off the "Normandy" class battleships in pieces.

In the arms race, not just any country is qualified to engage in it.

Before the World War, the main force in the maritime arms race with Germany was the United Kingdom, while France was responsible for the army.

Compared with the Navy, the Army saves much money.

Now France finally gets a taste of Britain -


"The purpose of our gathering here is to limit the arms race among countries and bring true peace to the world. This is the sacred mission given to us by the world -" Bainbridge Colby painted a pie and spoke better than he sang.

All sound good.

"Submarines - Mr. Secretary, submarines are the issue we want to discuss." Rock didn't want to be spoon-fed chicken soup. Although Rock didn't mind spending Christmas in the United States, he had a lot of things at home, and Rock didn't have time to talk to these guys.

People are quarreling in Washington.

"There is no way to restrict submarines. Even if we reluctantly reach an agreement, as long as we want to develop the submarine force, we can do it secretly. Unless we can open all military ports, restricting submarines is a joke." Carlo Sanzawa is also exhausted mentally and physically. This fact everyone

Everyone knows it, but no one says it.

Now Carlo Sanze has directly revealed it, and Roque and Bainbridge Colby are also speechless.

"Okay, let's talk about the aircraft carrier now." Bainbridge Colby jumped directly to the submarine. Since it can't be restricted, just put it on hold for the time being like Rock said. It's not an option to keep arguing like this all day long.

The number of water words is not that watery either.

"Now we, the British Empire, are the only ones in the world equipped with aircraft carriers, and we should get the largest share--" At the mention of aircraft carriers, Rock immediately became more energetic.

"The aircraft carrier USS Langley of the United States Navy has been commissioned." Bainbridge Colby was simply angry. Such a big ship was docked in New York. Couldn't the British delegation not see it when they arrived in New York?

The aircraft carrier USS Langley was originally the coal ship USS Jupiter of the United States Navy.

During the Battle of Jutland, the role of aircraft carriers attracted widespread attention from all countries. While ordering aircraft carriers from southern Africa, the United States decided to convert the "Jupiter" into an aircraft carrier for experiments.

Although the "Jupiter" is only 5,500 tons, its deeper cabin is conducive to the construction of a hangar.

Norfolk Naval Shipyard undertook the renovation task. After the modification, the "Jupiter" was renamed "Langley", numbered cv1, standard displacement tons, full load displacement tons, maximum speed 15 knots, and a 165.3-meter-long ship laid on it.

It has a full flight deck with a width of 19.8 meters and can carry 34 aircraft.

"The total tonnage of aircraft carriers can be referred to the tonnage of battleships, and the ratio is still 5:5:3:1.75:1.75. After calculation, the United States and the United Kingdom can build aircraft carriers with a total tonnage not exceeding tons, Japan is tons, France and Italy are the same tons.

"Bainbridge Colby's plan was as unoriginal as a battleship.

"No, the British Empire has made huge concessions on capital ships. On aircraft carriers, the British Empire must have more tonnage." Rock strongly objected. 135,000 tons is really not enough. Britain now fully realizes the role of aircraft carriers and has already

The two aircraft carriers equipped, plus two more to be built, will have a tonnage of over 100,000 tons.

Southern Africa also wants to equip aircraft carriers. Even if the Walvis Fleet and the Edward Fleet each have one, 135,000 tons will not be enough.

"Then based on the enlargement of the tonnage of the battleship, if 135,000 tons is not enough, then 150,000, and if 150,000 is not enough, then 200,000." Bainbridge Cole was not surprised, and Rock's attitude was also Bainbridge Cole's.

After than expected.

It is well known that Southern Africa does not pay attention to capital ships, so Rock does not compete for the capital ships.

What Southern Africa really values ​​​​is aircraft carriers. The world's first aircraft carrier appeared in southern Africa. Southern Africa's carrier-based aircraft technology is unique in the world. The United States wants to purchase carrier-based aircraft from Southern Africa for research.

"In this case, what's the point of having a meeting here? Let's go back and build as many warships as we want." Kato Yusaburo gritted his teeth. Both the United States and Southern Africa are not short of money. The reason why Southern Africa does not build capital ships is

Even if you don’t want to create it, you can’t afford to create it.

Japan really can't afford to build one. The Eighty-Eight Fleet has already absorbed all Japan's gains during the World War. Plus aircraft carriers -

I guess the emperor himself would have to sell his blood.

"Sixty thousand tons is indeed a bit less, one hundred thousand tons is about the same -" Albert Salau got into trouble with Roque. France also ordered an aircraft carrier from southern Africa and did not rule out the possibility of building it itself in the future. Sixty thousand tons

The tons are actually quite a lot, which is in line with France’s naval strength.

If France were given 100,000 tons, France wouldn't be able to use them all.

"Then 160,000 tons." Rock agreed with Bainbridge Colby's suggestion that Britain would definitely not be able to use up the 160,000 tons, and some could be allocated to southern Africa.

Rock's requirements are not high either. Britain currently has two aircraft carriers, which add up to 50,000 tons. If Britain is given another 30,000 tons, it will be enough for Britain to build another one.

In this way, Southern Africa will have a share of 80,000 tons, and four 20,000-ton "Transvaal" class aircraft carriers can be built, two each for the Walvis Fleet and the Edward Fleet.

That’s it!

This chapter has been completed!
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