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Chapter 1336 Forgotten People

Halifax After the World War, the United States did not promptly pay veterans' pensions and pensions for disabled soldiers during the World War.

During World War I, the average daily salary of American soldiers was about one dollar a day. Because they were fighting overseas, they also had overseas allowances, so they received an additional twenty-five cents a day as a subsidy.

At that time, the total strength of the United States, including reserves, was 4.8 million. When the United States entered the war, nearly 2 million American troops arrived in Europe to participate in the war. The U.S. government paid more than 2.5 million U.S. dollars in salary to the participating troops every day.

2.5 million a day, not a month.

During World War I, the United States lost approximately 120,000 people and nearly 300,000 were injured.

After the end of the world war, the United States, which voluntarily gave up compensation and did not join the League of Nations, gained almost nothing. Coupled with the outbreak of the economic crisis, the U.S. government could not even pay out pensions and pensions, so it introduced a plan like this, promising for twenty years

Later, the money was distributed to the retired soldiers, each of which was one thousand dollars.

What the U.S. government did not expect was that with the outbreak of the economic crisis, a large number of workers were unemployed, and many poor veterans were living in difficulty. Seeing that their families were about to starve to death, they could not wait until twenty years later to get money, so tens of thousands of veterans delayed

The family took the petition to Washington and set up camp on the lowlands across the Annacosti River near Congress.

These veterans who had shed their blood for the United States never expected that in order to persuade these veterans to leave Washington, the U.S. government used weapons such as cavalry, armored vehicles, tanks, and tear gas. Under repeated attacks from bayonet machine guns and poison gas, the veterans were scattered in all directions.

, a total of four people were killed and dozens injured during the operation.

The U.S. forces were commanded by MacArthur, Eisenhower and Patton.

The American Patton is not the Southern African Patton.

Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for the United States to recruit millions more people to join the army.

The soldiers in southern Africa are all elite professional soldiers who have participated in the world war.

If a war really breaks out between southern Africa and the United States, it's hard to say who the veterans in the United States who are depressed and have just been brutally treated by the U.S. government will help.

Of course, Pershing would never say these words.

After the world war, the U.S. government had money to build more than a dozen battleships at the same time, but it had no money to pay veterans' pensions.

As the commander-in-chief of the U.S. military during the World War, do you think Pershing had any complaints against the U.S. government deep down in his heart?

My California boys, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you--

"In other words, the Southern African Army can create enough threats for us." Newton Dill Baker Jr. said it more euphemistically, but in fact he just couldn't defeat it.

In a real fight, the U.S. Army would probably not be able to defeat the Southern African Army.

"Yes, to be precise, we cannot defeat the Southern African Army." Pershing also said it more euphemistically, but "cannot defeat", and did not say that we will definitely lose. Maybe we will not lose or win -

Oops, it feels like the American version of "Repeatedly Defeated".

"John, you have to have faith -" Joseph Daniels stood and spoke without pain in his back.

Pershing looked at Joseph Daniels coldly, cursing MMP in his heart. If Congress can give me 220 million, I will be very confident.

The "Tennessee" class battleships built by the United States after the World War each cost US$22 million, equivalent to about 4 million pounds, which is much cheaper than the "Hood" battlecruiser, which cost 6.1 million pounds.

Newton Dill Baker Jr. was tired. Battleships were indeed powerful, but they could not go ashore. If the United States went to war with Southern Africa, the new tanks of the Southern African Army would come all the way south from New York State and approach Washington just like the Second War of Independence.

By the time--

Newton Dillback Jr. felt the White House needed to be painted early.

"Can you think of a way to make Canada reject the southern African troops?" Newton Dill Baker Jr. thought in a whimsical way.

"This is the internal affairs of the United Kingdom -" Pershing felt a little happy in his heart. He asked you to cross the river and demolish the bridge, let you unload the mill and kill the donkey, let you beat the monk after reciting sutras and scold the cook after eating, let you use people to go forward and not people to go behind -

Deserve it!

But damn, I’m also an American——

Thinking of this, Per Xing really couldn't be happy.

"Southern Africa wants to set up a military base in the Bahamas. This seriously threatens the security of the United States. We must resolutely oppose it." Joseph Daniels felt itching to think about it. What is this? A north-south pincer attack? They are all crazy.

"Mexico also intends to lease Cozumel to Southern Africa." Pershing had more bad news.

Cozumel is an island in the Caribbean Sea, covering an area of ​​489 square kilometers, located at the junction of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.

If Britain gave the Bahamas to Southern Africa, then Mexico would lease Cozumel to Southern Africa.

In this way, Southern Africa has the ability to block the entire Gulf of Mexico at any time.

"The Mexicans have not learned enough lessons. It is necessary for our fleet to go to the Gulf of Mexico." Joseph Daniels was so domineering that he did not think about it. It was not that Mexico had not learned enough lessons, but that the United States bullied Mexico.

too harsh.

"John, move the troops to the U.S.-Canada border garrison - Joseph, pay more attention to the Nova Scotia Peninsula - remember, don't fire the first shot, and don't give the British and southern Africans an excuse." Newton Dill Jr.

·Baker assigns tasks.

Pershing and Joseph Daniels were confused. If they didn't fire the first shot, why bother shooting?

Could it be that when southern Africans knock on the door, their lives are already in danger, so they can’t fire the first shot?

If soldiers are so helpless, they might as well retire and go home to their wives and children.

Newton Dill Baker Jr. was a civil servant. He did not know how much trouble his words would cause to Pershing and Joseph Daniels. Three days later, U.S. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby visited Mexico, and the United States took control of British internal affairs.

No, Mexico can still take care of it.

Just as the United States was seeking counterattack, Arthur and Gavin had arrived in Halifax.

Halifax is the capital of Nova Scotia, covering an area of ​​5,490 square kilometers and with a population of less than 60,000, mainly concentrated in the areas surrounding the port.

Calculated, there are less than ten people per square kilometer, which can be considered a densely populated area in Canada.

"Would you like to go treasure hunting? Legend has it that there is a pirate treasure on Oak Island. You can try your luck." Arthur knew what Gavin liked.

There is Oak Island 3 miles off the east coast of Nova Scotia. It was once the nest of pirates in the 17th century. Legend has it that there is pirate treasure on the island. For hundreds of years, Oak Island has attracted the attention of many treasure hunters from all over the world.

"Are there any pirates?" Gavin was indeed interested.

Arthur was speechless. This was the 20th century, and there were so many pirates.

Well, Arthur has never been to Somalia.

"It would be great if there were pirates. We could raid the pirates' lair, then take the pirates back and hang them on the dock -" Gavin is an absolute violent person, a pirate treasure, a liquor beauty -

Oops, I get excited just thinking about it. Why should I write about the police? The next one will be about pirates.

While talking, Arthur and Gavin came to the army camp next to the Halifax port.

Canada is absolutely vast and sparsely populated, so the army camp covers a large area, with a total area of ​​more than ten square kilometers. It has barracks, warehouses, living areas, and sturdy hexagonal bunkers.

After the British troops withdrew, the military base was handed over to the Canadian military.

It was obvious that the Canadian military had some mismanagement. Large areas of the outer wall of the base fell off. The glass at the entrance booth was broken and was not repaired in time. Of course, there were no guards in the booth. The base door was locked. Qin Dian shouted twice, "No."

The person responded, so Qin Dian got a piece of wire from somewhere and easily opened the lock.

With this technology, even if you retire, you won’t be afraid of not having enough to eat.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about Liang Shangjun, but a lockpicking expert.

The situation inside the base looks more desolate than outside the base.

The entrance is a huge square. There are landscape trees planted around the square. Probably because no one has managed it for a long time, the growth of the landscape trees is a bit crazy. There are also damages on the ground. Grass is growing tenaciously in the gaps. In the bushes in the distance

, until the wild cat suddenly jumped out, saw a large group of people in front of it with confused faces, was stunned for a moment, turned around and jumped into the bushes, rustling and disappearing.

"Is there anyone - is there anyone - is there -" Gavin's voice was loud, and the long echo fully showed that there seemed to be no one.

Arthur smiled bitterly, and just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly heard a loud shout.

"Who are you? How did you get in?"

It's so amazing that there are people.

Before Gavin could reply, Fang Mao stood in front of Gavin calmly.

Over there, Qin Dian's hand was already on the handle of the gun, fully alert.

"Who's there?" Arthur asked loudly.

"I should be asking you, who are you and how did you get in?" A man quietly came out from the corner of the room next to him, wearing a sheepskin hat, sheepskin jacket, and sheepskin boots——

It's really unlucky for a sheep to meet such a person.

"I am Qin Dian, captain of the guard of the Baron of Cyprus. Who are you?" Qin Dian's body tensed up, like an open bow.

The man was holding an American Springfield rifle.

"Baron Cyprus - British?" The guy holding the Springfield was confused and felt as if he was out of touch with society.

"Yes, British." Qin Dian's voice was low, his hand still on the handle of the gun, ready to pull it out at any time.

"God, the British Empire has finally not forgotten Halifax -" Tears burst out of Springfield's eyes, the rifle quietly fell to the ground, he covered his face and knelt on the ground, shaking all over.

Qin Dian was surprised. When he walked to Chuntian, he discovered that there was a vegetable field behind the row of houses. There were several sheep and some chickens on the grass next to the vegetable field. At the door of the house further away, a woman also holding a rifle was also there.

He was on full alert, and two little heads poked out of the door behind him, their eyes full of curiosity.

: Some people also say that the love scenes are not well written - well, how should I put it, ugly guys will never know how handsome guys fall in love -

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