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Chapter 1341 The fame spreads far and wide

Itabira does contain huge interests, but if Ernesto wants to hoard goods and take advantage of the opportunity to exploit the Iron Four Corners Company, then Ernesto would be wrong.

The Iron Square Company was jointly established by the Nyasaland Company and the Adan Company. In Brazil, the Nyasaland Company and the Adan Company are still not well-known, but sooner or later Ernesto will fully realize that the Nyasaland Company and the Adan Company

The strength of Adan Company.

Coming out of Ernesto's office, across the road is a dilapidated slum. The roads are also full of potholes and in disrepair. It just rained in Sao Paulo a few days ago, and sewage flowed across the road, but it didn't look dusty.


Fan Bao looked back at the tall and majestic Ministry of Commerce building, then at the dilapidated slums, then smiled silently and turned around to get in the car.

Immediately, a group of beggars appeared from under the ground and surrounded the car Fan Bao was riding in.

"Sir, okay -"

"Give me something to eat, sir, I'm starving—"


Through the car window, you can clearly see the childish faces that are mixed with many emotions such as expectation, fear, greed, etc.

Fan Bao subconsciously touched his wallet.

Carlos, who was sitting in the passenger seat, opened the door.

"Go away, you dirty beggars, don't dirty my car-" Carlos yelled and took out a pistol, and the children immediately dispersed.

Fan Bao's hand that had already taken out his wallet suddenly became stiff. This was the first time he had encountered this situation.

"Sir, you can't give them money, otherwise they will become more and more like cockroaches." Carlos is a native of Sao Paulo. He has cooperated with Christian Exploration Company before, and now he has joined Iron Four Corners as Fan Bao's assistant.

"Why not send these children to orphanages?" Fan Bao didn't know much about the situation in Sao Paulo. This situation is almost impossible to happen in southern Africa.

"Welfare homes can only accept a few people, and the environment and conditions are not good. They don't have enough to eat or wear warm clothes. Many welfare homes even send children to factories to work for profit. They are all a group of evil spirits." Ka.

Ross was calm, neither ashamed nor angry, and just stated the facts normally.

Fan Bao remained silent. Only when he leaves Nyasaland can he truly fall in love with Nyasaland.

This would certainly not happen in Nyasaland.

"In the imperial era, this kind of thing rarely happened, and street children would be well taken care of. Now it seems to be democracy and freedom, but there are more and more bad things like this. People are becoming more and more selfish, and officials only care about making money for themselves.

, businessmen sell substandard goods, honesty and kindness are no longer virtues, but will be laughed at by others. If you gave money just now, those children would not only not be grateful to you, but would think that you are more - well, not good anyway - "

Carlos lamented that people's hearts are not old, which is also a common problem in democratic societies.

Fan Bao became more and more silent. For a moment, Fan Bao really wanted to send these street children to Nyasaland.

Now that I think about it, I forget it. These children grew up in an environment like Sao Paulo. Some things are deeply ingrained and cannot be changed at all.

What makes Fan Bao regretful is that there is no Hotel Rhodesia in Sao Paulo. Fan Bao stayed at the Alves Hotel not far from the city center.

Back at the hotel, Fan Bao sent a telegram to Los Angeles, made a few more phone calls, and then took a bus to the Umbrella Company's branch in Sao Paulo.

Yes, even São Paulo now has a branch of Umbrella Corporation.

In recent years, the security situation in Sao Paulo has deteriorated sharply, and most wealthy people have an increasing need for security. This is the area in which umbrella companies are best at.

The Umbrella Company's branch in Sao Paulo is located on Fonseca Street, not far from the Sao Paulo City Hall. Although the office building is not large, it occupies a large area. The branch manager Augusto is a Slavic man who already works for the Umbrella Company.

For a full 12 years.

"Saint Paulo is not Nyasaland. The officials here are all job holders. Their first task after taking office is to make money. Many of our clients are officials. The higher the position, the higher the demand for security." Augusto

He is passionate about Fan Bao, and it is not easy to meet his colleagues in Sao Paulo.

"Is Minister Ernesto also your client?" Fan Bao hopes to find a breakthrough through the protective umbrella.

"Haha, this is our company secret -" Augusto looked upright. Customer information cannot be leaked casually.

"I'll treat you to a drink later. I've brought a few bottles of medicinal wine produced in Johannesburg. I'm sure it's the one with the best effect." Fan Bao lured him with a drink.

"Hahahaha, I knew you must have brought something good -" Augusto laughed loudly, the company secrets are for outsiders, Iron Sijiao is not an outsider, and the resources of the umbrella can be shared: "——

That guy is a scumbag. If he didn't have a brother who was the president, he would only be picking up garbage in the slums. Among the many officials I have seen, Ernesto is the greediest, but also the stupidest. This guy looks ugly.

, does all kinds of evil, even his sister-in-law will not be spared——"

Fan Bao accidentally ate a big melon and was stunned.

Damn, he doesn't even let his sister-in-law go. This is too beastly.

But she probably isn't the first lady.

"Let's go eat first, and I'll tell you slowly." Augusto couldn't wait. He was actually not short of wine. This was just a way for Augusto and Fan Bao to deepen their relationship.

The host and guest enjoyed the meal, and Fan Bao felt a little stuffed. The Umbrella Company's work meal was quite good, and the melon was also good.

Back in the office, Augusto and Fan Bao started drinking tea again.

"The situation here in Sao Paulo is like this. The rich are unkind, the poor are struggling to survive, the officials are selfish, and capable people have left Sao Paulo. Those who go to the United States go to the United States, those who go to Europe go to Europe, and some go to southern Africa.

However, southern Africa is not very friendly to Brazilians because of the language barrier." Augusto didn't transform into an orc even after drinking the medicinal wine. It is estimated that the effect of the medicinal wine is not very good.

"Christian Exploration Company has discovered a large-scale iron ore in Itabira. We must find a way to buy Itabira." Fan Bao is not afraid of leaking secrets. If Iron Four Corners wants to gain a foothold in Brazil, it also needs an umbrella company.


"Easy, just kill Ernesto!" Augusto was simple and rude. There is no way more convenient than this.

The mercenaries of the Umbrella Company are best at physical destruction.

"Kill Ernesto and replace him with a more capable official?" Fan Bao disagreed. It is better to be greedy. If you are not greedy, you will be embarrassed to take action.

"Hahahahaha, Sao Paulo is not Nyasaland. There are so many capable officials there - let's put it this way, with Ernesto's ability, being a mayor in our Nyasaland would be difficult."

It was only after Gusto left Nyasaland that he realized how rare it was for Nyasaland to be in the situation it is today.

Fan Bao also burst into laughter. Augusto was right, talents are not everywhere.

The next night, Fan Bao held a banquet at the hotel, and Ernesto and his presidential cousin Epitacio Pessoa were on the invitation list.

It sounds a bit arrogant to invite the president to a banquet held by a company, doesn't it?

In fact, it is normal. As long as you are "attentive and polite", it is not difficult to ask the president to cut the ribbon.

Fan Bao is really not fooling. Brazil began to develop a "coffee economy" twenty years ago and produces three-quarters of the world's coffee. Nyasaland has a huge market. What is now sold on the market is East Indian coffee.

Mainly, there is indeed room for cooperation with Brazil.

"The Ministry of Defense in Southern Africa alone consumes 15,000 tons of coffee every year. The entire Southern Africa needs an unknown amount of coffee every year. The coffee production in East India is increasing every year and now accounts for 2% of the world's total.

About ten." The data in Fan Bao's hand are very detailed, and the Brazilian government probably doesn't have these data.

"15,000 tons per year, that's really a big market." Epitacio Pessoa's eyes lit up when he heard this. This kind of market, which can easily reach 10,000 tons, is rare in the world.

Fan Bao did not explain that the coffee supplied by the Ministry of Defense of Southern Africa includes military service agencies and foreign troops. Not everyone likes coffee. Many people in Southern Africa prefer to drink tea.

Of course it's not the British black tea that has changed its taste.

"We are contacting Brazilian companies to bring Brazilian coffee to southern Africa. Brazil produces three-quarters of the world's coffee, but it has no access to the world's largest coffee market. This is a big problem for Brazil and southern Africa.

It's a huge regret." Fan Bao's words contained private goods. Although the consumption of coffee in southern Africa is large, it is not the largest market in the world.

After all, the population is limited.

Epitacio Pessoa and Ernesto looked at each other, and both could see a small fire in the other's eyes.

Not just any Brazilian company is qualified to engage in export trade. What Fan Bao said now is obviously providing opportunities to the Pessoa family.

To put it bluntly, it's just giving money.

"Of course not just any coffee is eligible to enter the southern African market. We want to set up a high-quality coffee plantation in Itabira to produce coffee exclusively for southern Africa. Although Iron Sijiao is a company that has just been established, our Iron Sijiao

The parent companies of the company are Nyasaland Company and Adam Company, and I believe the President should have heard about it." Fan Bao uses both soft and hard tactics. If there is no strong backing, then everything is just a wedding dress for others.

"Of course, both Nyasaland and Adan are world-class companies with great influence. I have always been looking forward to meeting the Marquis of Nyasaland and hope to have this opportunity in the near future." Epita

Theo Pessoa was not very familiar with Nyasaland Company and Adan Company, but he was very familiar with Roque.

Even if you are not familiar with him, you must have heard of Roque. There are not many people who can be president who don't know Roque.

This chapter has been completed!
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