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Chapter 1345 The way to die

In a small conference room next to the banquet hall of the Ministry of Defense in Pretoria, Roque and Sidney Milner-Aldridge Jr. were holding an emergency meeting.

The young king of the Kingdom of Mozambique died of a sudden illness and the royal family died of heirs. At this critical moment, it may have a serious impact on the establishment of the Southern African Union.

"Lord, this is definitely an accident. I can guarantee that there is no conspiracy in the death of the little king." Aldrich looked serious. This bad news caught everyone off guard. Aldrich would return to the Kingdom of Mozambique immediately after the meeting.

Rock looked at Zach who was watching coldly.

Zach shook his head slightly.

Luo Ke understood, so there was probably no conspiracy.

Although Zach has no sense of presence, don't ignore Zach's role.

Zach is Brad's real person in charge. Everything that is not convenient for Rock to come forward directly is Zach's responsibility.

"I remember that Africans are quite fertile. It's not surprising to have a child at the age of ten. Why didn't the little king leave any heirs?" Xiao Si was curious. This is not an alarmist. Africans are really that fertile.

Africa's average life expectancy, if we don't pay close attention to it, we really can't guarantee reproduction.

"That's a girl who's ten years old. A boy's hair doesn't even grow even when he's ten years old. What a fart!" Henry instantly tilted his head.

Luo Ke knocked on the table helplessly. We are discussing a major matter about the life and death of a country. Can you please stop discussing the three ways?

"Does Zha Zha have any brothers?" Rock's first reaction was to look for an heir from the royal family.

"No, we killed them all. They were all killed by Zhazha and the little king's mother. There is no one left." Aldrich smiled bitterly. It seems that not only the direct men, but also the women are in trouble.

The royal family is so cruel.

Rock can only lie in a big hole, this royal family is really not something ordinary people can play with.

"Why are we looking for a successor? Just annex it -" Stoudemire was simple and rude. Annexing a country sounds a bit ridiculous. In fact, when Cecil Rhodes occupied Rhodesia, the small country he annexed went to sea.


In the primitive tribes in Africa, there are many small tribes, and the chief is the king, which is no exaggeration at all.

"Mozambique has hardly developed over the years under the rule of Zha Zha and his son. When the kingdom was founded, there were more than two million people, but now there are less than one million. It's really better to annex it directly -" Henry didn't care

Cheap labor will never be forgotten.

"It's less than 800,000 now—" Aldridge made a last-ditch kill.

"What is the attitude of the Mozambicans?" Roque was upset. He annexed Mozambique and had to accept a large wave of Africans.

"If you give ten rands to every Mozambican, they will have no problem with you becoming the king, Lord." Aldrich doesn't care. It's not his turn to be the king anyway. Southern Africa will annex the Kingdom of Mozambique. Aldrich

Most likely he will continue to serve as governor.

"Locke, don't worry about the Africans." Stoudemire sneered. In fact, it is very easy to reduce the number of Africans.

"How do you say that?" Rock was curious. There is a problem that the whole world cannot solve in the 21st century. Does Stoudemire have this wisdom?

"A drug has just been developed in Johannesburg." Stoudemire was ruthless——

Or maybe it's not just Xiao Si, or it's not just Xiao Si. The white people are so cruel that they even kill tadpoles.

This is not alarmist. In the 21st century, scandals broke out in the United States. Some institutions were systematically removing the uteruses of immigrant women.

Earlier, a more serious situation occurred in Israel.

Let’s talk about the 1970s and 1980s——

I can’t go into details on this matter. If you are interested, please search it on Baidu.

"Fitch, find time to go to the Palace of Justice tomorrow morning -" For such a big matter, Roark must report to Philip. There is still a need for respect between superiors and inferiors.

The meeting ended and it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

In the hall next to the small conference room, Lu Taitai, Isaac Pansy, Anthony Bowman, Robert and others had been sitting there for two hours.

Isaac Pansy and Anthony Bowman are both mature and mature people. They are neither impatient nor impatient. One is dozing off in a chair, and the other is reading a tome. The title of the book is "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

, or the Chinese version.

Robert was not in a hurry. Roque hadn't arrived. Robert was too embarrassed to eat the food. It was okay to drink some wine. He was already a little smokey and intoxicated. The two bottles of brandy next to him had already bottomed out.

Lu Taitai's face was ugly. He was already dark and it wasn't obvious anyway. He was sitting on the chair and sulking angrily. He looked at Robert with a look that made him want to eat someone.

"Your Majesty, don't you want some?" Robert was very casual, angry and unable to solve the problem.

Lu Taitai didn't speak. If there was an anger bar on his head, it would definitely be full now.

"Robert, what's going on with Madagascar? France allows Madagascar to join the Southern African Federation?" Isaac Pansy didn't sleep at all. He closed his eyes and fell asleep like an old fox.

"What else can we do? Paris is unable to restore its rule over Madagascar. A few years ago, it wanted to pay Madagascar's debts to Southern Africa. Unfortunately, Southern Africans were not fooled. We Malagasy people also hope to live a safe and stable life.

." Robert has already identified himself as a Malagasy. When he said this, he certainly did not get the consent of the Malagasy people, but who cares.

"Joining the Southern African Union does not necessarily mean peace and stability -" Lu Taitai's voice was deep and deep. He was actually a king in name only. The real "king" of the Kingdom of Congo was Yaya's younger brother Mumu.

When the Kingdom of Congo was established, Mumu actually had the opportunity to become the king. For some reason, Yaya strongly opposed it, so Lu Taitai had the opportunity to ascend the throne.

Now it seems that Yaya is the real smart person. Apart from not having the title of king, Mumu actually has more power than Lu Taitai. These days, being a king is a very risky profession.

Look at Nicholas II, when he was king, his whole family was shot en masse in the basement.

Let's look at William II again. He hid in the Queen's Palace of the Netherlands all day long, not daring to leave the house, for fear of being caught by the Allies and later put on trial.

There are also the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, where most of the royal families have withered. The descendants of the royal families live in anonymity and dare not even show their faces, and their lives are not as good as ordinary people.

"Haha, Your Majesty, joining the Southern African Union does not necessarily mean it will be safe and stable, but if you don't join, it will definitely not be safe and stable." Anthony Bowman closed the book and stroked the cover, like stroking the hand of a lover.

"Hmph -" Lu Taitai snorted coldly, saying nothing more.

The door to the banquet hall opened at this time, and Rock and Henry Stoudemire filed in.

Aldridge has now left Pretoria and returned to the Kingdom of Mozambique by plane to take charge of the overall situation.

"Just now, the king of the Kingdom of Mozambique passed away due to illness, leaving no heirs." Rock's face was cold, and his cold eyes slowly swept over the faces of Lu Taitai, Isaac Pansy and others.

Robert kept smiling, as if he didn't hear anything.

Isaac Pansy and Anthony Bowman looked surprised. They looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Lu Taitai was struck by thunder, his eyes widened in disbelief, which was quite joyful. Is this the end of the heir?

It's too childish.

"Prime Minister Aldrich has rushed back to the Kingdom of Mozambique to preside over the overall situation. Prime Minister Aldridge will no longer attend the next meeting. Lord Rhodesia will attend the meeting on behalf of Prime Minister Aldrich." Roque continued, and Stoudemire represented.

Kingdom of Mozambique?

What the hell is this!

"Lord Nyasaland, you should investigate the cause of death of the King of Mozambique in detail. This kind of thing is too inappropriate." Only then did Lu Taitai react.

"Uh, what do you want to say?" Rock, you're not polite, what do you mean by "this kind of thing"? This is really not a murder, it's an accident, do you understand an accident?

"What I mean is -" Lu Taitai is like a rabbit. There are two kingdoms around southern Africa. The Mozambique royal family has no heirs. Lu Taitai seems to see the future of the Congolese royal family.

"No matter what you mean, these are the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Mozambique, and others have no right to interfere." Henry was not polite, he really treated himself as a dish, and did not overestimate his own capabilities!

Lu Taitai remained silent. The Matilda family was not only powerful in southern Africa, but also had huge influence around southern Africa.

To put it bluntly, on major issues, Lu Taitai may make irresponsible remarks on the policies of the Southern African federal government, but towards the Matilda family, Lu Taitai still has to remain humble. Otherwise, the Umbrella Company will let you know at any time, what?

It's called the Iron Fist of Southern Africa.

"No one wants to see something like this happen. I can guarantee that it has nothing to do with southern Africa -" Roque directly clarified that with people like Lu Taitai, metaphors and hints are useless and cannot be understood: "

——I have tasked Prime Minister Aldridge to thoroughly investigate the cause of His Majesty the King’s death. The Kingdom of Mozambique has always been a loyal friend of southern Africa, and we will not sit idly by.”

Luo Ke was full of domineering, commanding, tsk tsk, that is the prime minister of a country.

"So, what will happen to the Kingdom of Mozambique next?" Isaac Pansy remained unfazed, and Rock's guarantee still held weight.

"It depends on the choice of the Mozambicans." Roque said concisely and to the point. Even if Southern Africa annexes the Kingdom of Mozambique, it will leave people speechless.

Among the "Fourteen Points" put forward by Wilson, isn't there one item that tries to use a "referendum" to resolve territorial reorganization? The Kingdom of Mozambique can also referendum. If all Mozambicans want to join Southern Africa, then Southern Africa will be reluctant to do so.

"Ordinary people definitely hope to have a stable and happy life, but as for those ambitious people - haha ​​-" Xiao Si sneered. If you have ambitions, you must have the strength to match your ambitions, otherwise it will be a recipe for death.

Lu Taitai did not speak. He felt that a huge crisis was approaching. If Lu Taitai did not handle it properly during the next period, then Lu Taitai might not even have a chance to return to the Kingdom of Congo.

:1186 Duplicate, it has been modified now, I'm really sorry, I found some problems this morning, I guess it was an error during the adjustment——

This chapter has been completed!
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