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Chapter 1381 Imminent

The Urdu people could escape, but the boat couldn't. It had to stop where it was and was captured by the Marine Police patrol boat.

There are still dozens of boxes of Lebel rifles that have not been unloaded on the ship. These Lebel rifles have become evidence of French collusion with the Mbandaka rebels.

"We seized a smuggling ship in the Congo River, and there were hundreds of French-produced Lebel rifles on board-" After Roque got the news, he immediately reported to Philip.

"French? Are you sure?" Philip's expression was calm. It is not uncommon for Britain and France to undermine each other.

"Very sure." Roque was very unhappy. The French still haven't learned enough lessons. They dare to poach the corners of Southern Africa. Are they really not worried about Southern Africa's retaliation?

"Bloom, send a telegram to Paris. We need an explanation from the French government." Philip's first reaction was to solve the problem through diplomatic channels.

Southern Africa now has diplomatic autonomy and can negotiate directly with the French government without going through London.

"Okay, my lord -" Philip's secretary Bloom did not forget to send a smile to Rock when he left.

Of course, Roque watched Bloom leave with a smile on his face. The secretaries around the prime minister must have a good relationship. These people may not be successful enough, but they are definitely more than capable of failing.

"We have to teach the French a lesson and let them know that they cannot interfere in our southern African affairs casually-" Roque has now treated the Kingdom of Congo as a southern African territory. It is only a matter of time sooner or later.

"No, no, no, Locke, we can't escalate the situation." Philip was still very calm. Although there were conflicts between Southern Africa and France, they had not yet reached the level of war.

After the end of the World War, as the threat from Germany decreased, the contradiction between Britain and France became acute again. Everyone knew that there were widespread contradictions between Britain and France on issues such as the handling of Germany, the Mediterranean, and East Asia.

"No, I will make the French suffer unspeakably." Roque was cold. Although it is time for retribution, Roque is not a character who does not remember the faults of villains.

The next day, the Kingdom of Congo issued a strongly worded official letter to the French government. While questioning the despicable deeds of the French colony, the Kingdom of Congo also threatened the French government that if it did not stop supporting the Mbandaka rebels, the Kingdom of Congo would take action against France.

The colonies retaliate in kind.

What Mumu said is true. At the same time that the Kingdom of Congo issued the official letter, about two divisions of the Southern African coalition forces were gathering in Matilda and Cabinda respectively. The gathering areas were less than 100 kilometers away from the Kingdom of Congo and French Equatorial Africa.


French Equatorial Africa is located in the north of the Kingdom of Congo and borders the territory of the Kingdom of Congo. The capital Brazzaville and the capital Matilda of the Kingdom of Congo are across the river.

"Threat? Ha, it's so funny. Any country dares to threaten France. We must teach the Congolese a lesson." Buckley Henry, the commander-in-chief of French Equatorial Africa, laughed and laughed at the Congolese's overestimation of their capabilities.

Robert Nivele, the Governor-General of French Equatorial Africa, sat behind his desk with a gloomy expression.

Yes, this Nivele is the same Nivele who served as commander-in-chief of the French army during the World War.

After Robert Nivelle was relieved of his position as commander-in-chief of the French army, he was directly sent to North Africa, far away from France.

After all, Nivelle was a man who had served as the commander-in-chief of the French army. After two years of dormancy, Nivelle came back to serve as governor-general of French Equatorial Africa.

Buckley Henry did not participate in the World War, so he did not know much about the performance of the Southern African Expeditionary Force, nor did he have any dealings with Rock, so he did not know Rock's character.

This is not surprising. Although the Southern African Expeditionary Force performed well in the World War, France's propaganda of the World War showed that the French army was the main force of the Allied Powers, and the British army was in a auxiliary position.

Regarding the propaganda of the French government, those who knew the facts were of course silent, but colonial soldiers like Buckley Henry believed it deeply.

In particular, most of the Southern African Expeditionary Force was composed of African-American soldiers. Buckley Henry and other colonial soldiers knew only too well the combat effectiveness of African-American troops.

So units composed of African-American soldiers performed better during the world wars than units composed of white French soldiers?

Be funny!

"What's going on with that ship?" Unlike the arrogant Buckley Henry, Robert Nivele knew the strength of the southern African army and had a better understanding of Rock's character.

In his heart, Robert Nivele really didn't want to be an enemy of Roque, and he really didn't know about the deal between the French and the Mbandaka rebels.

With Roque's vengeful character, once France supports the Mbandaka rebels, Roque will definitely take revenge.

However, what makes Robert Nivelle powerless is that not all French people put France's interests first. Some short-sighted guys will be blinded by the immediate interests in front of them and do not care about the loss of France's interests.

"I don't know. It might be a businessman or a company. It's just normal business behavior and has nothing to do with us." Buckley Henry's carefree and perfunctory attitude was extremely embarrassing.

"Do you think the Southern African Federal Government will accept such an explanation?" Robert Nivele frowned. Not to mention the Southern African Federal Government, Nivele was not satisfied with such an explanation.

Don’t forget that the smuggling boat seized by the marine police was filled with standard rifles used by the French army.

Therefore, Nivelle is now unable to argue. If Nivelle does not admit that this matter is related to the colonial government of French Equatorial Africa, then Nivelle will admit that the management of ordnance in French Equatorial Africa is extremely chaotic.

But admit it?

How is it possible——

"They'd better accept it, otherwise we will increase our support for the Mbandaka rebels and create greater trouble for southern Africans." Buckley Henry also learned from the barbarians and learned skills to control the barbarians. Southern Africa adopted

With all kinds of support for various rebels, the Portuguese and Belgian forces were expelled and the current Southern African Union was established. Buckley Henry did not say it, but he was still very envious in his heart.

They are both colonies, look at southern Africa, and then look at French Equatorial Africa——

Didn't see it.

"Be sure to keep your eyes peeled when choosing allies. Are you sure those rebels can cause enough trouble to southern Africa?" Nivele has two heads. If you think about Germany during the World War, you will know the importance of this.


What a bad person!

"Why not? There are dense water networks around Mbandaka, there are virgin forests everywhere, and the terrain is complex and changeable. It is entirely possible for Wane to persevere." Buckley Henry still has confidence in Wane.

In other words, Barkley Henry has confidence in the terrain around Mbandaka.

"Don't think too much. If the Southern Africans attack through the river, Vane will have no ability to stop it. What's more, Southern Africa has the air force to cooperate. We can think of these, and the Southern Africans can also think of it." Niweiler is not optimistic.

Even the Germans were defeated by the offensive of the Southern African Expeditionary Force. Mbandaka rebels?

They are just a ragtag group. I am afraid that as soon as the southern African army arrives, the seemingly powerful rebels will disperse. Nivele knows the troops composed entirely of Africans too well.

The reason why the Southern African Expeditionary Force performed so well was because the officers and technical sergeants were all white or Chinese, so those African-American soldiers were able to unleash extraordinary combat effectiveness.

The Mbandaka rebels are a force composed entirely of Africans. They not only lack weapons, but also lack sufficient training, complete logistics, and sufficient depth. The Southern African coalition only needs to seal the border to defeat the rebels.

The army was trapped to death.

Just like how the British Expeditionary Force dealt with the Boers.

"Southern African warships cannot enter the Congo River. Those motorboats may be able to block the river with a heavy machine gun. Your Excellency, Governor, you are too cautious." Buckley Henry was stubborn. He did not know that the Southern African Expeditionary Force during the World War

How good his performance was, but knowing how bad Nivel performed when he served as commander-in-chief of the French army.

To sum up, when Nivelle was the commander-in-chief of the French army, his only way of fighting was to attack, attack and attack again. In the end, he fought until the French army was exhausted and refused to carry out the mission, and Nivelle was dismissed.

Note that it is dismissal, not resignation.

Even in that situation, Nivele still didn't want to take responsibility.

Such a performance is well deserved!

"Throw away your inexplicable pride. Investigate this matter thoroughly to see who is dealing with the rebels again. It is strictly forbidden to happen again. Remember, I said it is strictly prohibited!" Nivele said no nonsense, Buckley

·A person like Henry will not wake up until he is beaten to death in front of the facts.

Nivelle cannot stand by and watch Barkley Henry lead French Equatorial Africa into the abyss.

France has already lost Madagascar and cannot afford greater losses.

Just when the leadership of French Equatorial Africa was in serious disagreement, on September 12, a marine police ship from the Kingdom of Congo arrested a French Equatorial Africa fishing boat on the side of the Congo River near French Equatorial Africa.

The reason is that the fishing boat crossed the center line of the Congo River during operation, harming the interests of the Kingdom of Congo.

If the federal government of Southern Africa did this, French Equatorial Africa would be more cautious.

If it were the Kingdom of Congo, French Equatorial Africa would be tough.

On the 13th, the French Equatorial Africa marine police vessel also arrested a Congolese fishing boat. This time, the French Equatorial Africa marine police vessel also crossed the center line of the Congo River and almost towed the fishing boat away on the south bank of the Congo River. At that time

Hundreds of people witnessed this scene.

Three days later, a Southern African marine police vessel appeared in the Congo River.

Unlike the French Equatorial Africa Marine Police, which is only equipped with motorboats, the Marine Police ships in Southern Africa are simply pure destroyers.

When the destroyer, proudly painted with police badges, appeared on the river between Leopoldville and Brazzaville, everyone felt that something was wrong.

War is about to break out.

This chapter has been completed!
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