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Chapter 1396 Executioner

The general trend of the world is divided and combined. Either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the west wind overpowers the east wind.

In other words, Rock traveled to the early 20th century, a time when there was no connection. If Rock traveled to the Age of Discovery, there would be nothing wrong with old Europe. The whole world would probably be a Chinese colony.

This idea is good, and the content of the next book is determined, which is the Age of Discovery.

"The United States just seized the ship, and you just messed up the American colonies. Wouldn't it be too much?" Kitchener didn't believe that Rock was a harmless little white rabbit. Rock never showed mercy to his enemies.

"I've already said that the rebellion in Palawan Island has nothing to do with me -" Rock refused to admit it, and then he saw the kind aunt's smile on Ade's face.

"——Now the United States is our ultimate opponent of the Commonwealth." Roque finally admitted that the rebellion in Palawan was related to southern Africa.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it. Southern Africa has a bad record in this regard. Nowadays, whenever rebellions break out in colonies around the world, Southern Africa is usually the first target of suspicion.

In fact, a rebellion supported by Southern Africa is completely different from a rebellion without Southern Africa's support.

Without the support of external forces, colonial rebellions were trivial and not worth mentioning at all.

Regardless of the fact that the Philippine Servant Army was completely defeated on the beach of Palawan Island, without the support of southern Africa, the Philippine Servant Army would have enough power to quell the rebellion in Palawan Island.

With the support of southern Africa, the fighting power unleashed by the rebels is quite powerful, which the Portuguese and Belgians have experienced quite deeply.

Not counting Madagascar, the French are really not up to par with Madagascar. Regardless of whether Southern Africa intervenes or not, France will be forced to give up Madagascar.

The area that really has no involvement from southern Africa is the Asia Minor Peninsula. There are now more than a dozen regimes in the Asia Minor Peninsula. Some are trying to restore the Ottoman Empire, some are trying to establish a republic under the banner of "democracy and freedom", and some even have no political slogans.

It's just fishing in troubled waters.

"That's right Locke! We just want to teach the Americans a lesson and severely combat their arrogance!" Kitchina, an old colonial soldier, probably thinks about fighting every day.

"Herbert, calm down and don't affect Locke's judgment." Ade is indeed calm, and Locke is also very measured.

Regardless of the fact that southern Africa is stirring up trouble everywhere, it is actually all related to the United States. Roque is still very kind to the Commonwealth countries.

To put it bluntly, Southern Africa now represents old Europe in resisting the expansion of the United States and trying to stifle the rise of the United States.

It seems that Rock is indeed a conservative, and he represents the conservatives of the entire Old World.

"You people today just lack the toughness of our generation. In our time, the United States and Japan had no chance to stand up." Kitchina said boldly. He is a hero all day long, not to mention his courage in the past.

Live in memories.

"If your generation hadn't dug such a big hole, we wouldn't be so passive now." Roque responded tit-for-tat, thanking World War.

Kitchener's generation officially entered the stage of history after the end of the World War. Without the World War, Rock and his generation would not have come to the stage so quickly.

"Hahahaha, we have also left you with more assets. You should build on this foundation to a higher level. This is the real test for you." Kitchinna is old and disrespectful, no matter what you say.

He makes sense.

"But to be honest, Locke, you really have to be careful and don't let the Americans take advantage of it. Of course, don't worry. Even if the Americans discover something, they won't make it public. Otherwise, the United States and the British Empire will

To move towards all-out confrontation, this is a loss that the Americans cannot afford -" Ade's judgment on the United States is very accurate and basically consistent with Roque.

Again, the United States is now a strong external force and a weak internal force, and is not really ready for a full-scale war with the British Empire.

If you look at the world war that just passed, you will know that Americans are actually very thieves. Before the world war, the two sides did business and made a lot of money. Only when Germany's finances were exhausted and could no longer buy supplies from the United States did the Americans personally

End the game and get the last copper plate.

To put it bluntly, if we seek to maximize interests from the standpoint of the United States, then the United States should join Germany and overthrow the global colonial system led by Britain and France. This is in the best interests of the United States.

The fundamental reason why it joined the Allied Powers was that the United States was not determined to fight against all odds. This country was full of businessmen's cunning and speculation from top to bottom, and was not worthy of trust at all.

On the issue of the Philippines, the United States' attitude is equally unstable. To put it bluntly, the Philippines is not the core interest of the United States. The United States hopes to use the Philippines as a source of raw materials and a dumping ground for goods. However, the United States does not have the patience to operate the Philippines in a down-to-earth manner. The result is a painting

If a tiger cannot become a dog, the Philippines cannot become the southern Africa of the United States. It is more likely to become the "Madagascar" of the United States.

"The terrain of Palawan Island is very complex, with high mountains and dense forests, and is surrounded by water. If the United States wants to truly quell the rebellion in Palawan Island, it will have to invest at least 500,000 people. Now it depends on whether the Americans have this determination."

Rock sneered, and the United States would probably not be like Britain during the Second Boer War, which sent hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops and spent hundreds of millions of dollars for a worthless Palawan Island.

Britain's global strategic contraction began after the Second Boer War.

Although Britain won the Second Boer War, Britain's gains clearly outweighed its losses. No matter how you calculate it, the gains outweigh the losses. Based on the British experience, Rock believes that American politicians will not make the same mistake again.

"Americans had better do this -" Kitchina laughed, but there was sadness in the laughter, as well as infinite schadenfreude.

If the United States really sent hundreds of thousands of people, then Roque would really admit it.

The facts were as Rock had judged. After the failure on the first day, MacArthur did not wait for domestic reinforcements, but instead waited for Leonard Wood's order to retreat.

"It is impossible to retreat. The word 'retreat' has never been in MacArthur's dictionary!" MacArthur was furious. In just one night, the First Division, which was suppressed on the beach and made no progress, suffered nearly a thousand casualties.

The Palawan rebels had the same fears as David Andrewson and took advantage of the darkness to launch simultaneous attacks on the beachhead troops in multiple places.

Most of the time, the attacks were just harassment, and the Free Army did not actually commit troops to the attack. However, there were two particularly fierce attacks. In the battle near Baquet, the Free Army's attack caused the collapse of the beachhead troops. As a result, the beachhead troops and nearby troops

A fierce battle broke out between the servant troops who came for reinforcements. The fighting stopped after dawn, with nearly a hundred people on each side dying.

"If you wait another day, the First Division may be wiped out." David Andrewson looked ugly. If the First Division was really wiped out, MacArthur would certainly be primarily responsible, and David Andrewson would also be jointly and severally responsible.


"It's impossible. Immediately order the First Division to move closer to Dini. At the very least, we must stabilize Dini's defense and establish a real forward base." MacArthur was stubborn and would never accept failure.

Just when MacArthur and David Andrews were in disagreement, the First Division troops near the small town of Deeney received another order to attack Deeney.

The movements of the First Division troops were clearly seen by Allen and Matthew who were hidden in the position.

Last night, Allen and Matthew's troops were fully repaired and had just received a supply replenishment in the morning. In view of the increase in the number of enemies near Dini, the command headquarters sent two more grenade launchers and grenade launchers to Allen and Matthew.

Four Maxim heavy machine guns and six mortars gave Allen and Matthew confidence.

There are less than 300 troops, equipped with three grenade launchers, six Maxim heavy machine guns, and six mortars. Even the most elite troops in southern Africa cannot do this.

"I think we now have the ability to hit Manila in one go and capture MacArthur and Leonard Wood alive." The weapon Matthew is currently using is a "Super Revolver," which can be regarded as the most powerful individual weapon nowadays.

The output of one person is comparable to that of a mortar platoon.

"Go ahead, I support you!" Allen was speechless. MacArthur was arrogant and you were arrogant too. He came from a famous family, and after he was appointed to the family——

"Coming, coming -" Matthew threw away the cigarette butt in his mouth and became energetic. Hundreds of servants had already left the beach and were approaching the town of Dini.

But what Allen and Matthew didn't expect was that walking at the front of the team were dozens of Filipinos that the servant army had obtained from who knows where.

Obviously, the servant army was driving these Filipinos to go to the mines.

Almost all Filipinos captured by the servant army were women, children, and the elderly with limited mobility.

This is understandable. After the rebellion in Palawan, all the young people had fled to the interior areas. Only women, children and the elderly could not escape.

Those Filipinos still don't know what they are about to face.

However, they sensitively felt that there was a huge danger waiting for them ahead.

A Filipino woman couldn't bear the huge psychological pressure and suddenly turned around and ran away.

The frantic servant soldiers hardly hesitated, and several of them shot at the same time, shooting down the Filipino who had a mental breakdown.

Then a servant soldier walked over, raised his rifle with a bayonet, and stabbed the struggling woman viciously.

One sword, two swords——

Allen said nothing and lowered his head to check the bullets in the gun chamber.

Matthew watched everything that was happening indifferently, and quietly adjusted the scale of the "Super Revolver".

In the war years, human life is like a piece of grass. It is impossible for the Holy Mother to be the Holy Virgin. They are all executioners walking on the edge of life and death. No one has the right to blame anyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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