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Chapter 1418 Smart Uncle Jenny is back

If it were Roark, he might even engage in a strategy such as drinking to release his military power, trying to achieve a peaceful handover or something like that.

Xiaosi simply burned down the celebration building, found someone to barricade the door, and wouldn't let him go until he resigned. He also ruined your reputation. It was the lesser of two evils. Smart people knew what to do.

The effect is still very good. Although Xiaosi's method is simple and crude, there is no need to be too polite when dealing with these vampires who are lying on the Progressive Party. Some Chinese methods are not suitable for white people. All your gentleness will be rejected by others.

If you think it is weakness, then you will push forward unscrupulously, and eventually you will have to break up.

What no one expected was that Waterbull indeed suffered a heart attack and died shortly after being sent to the hospital. However, his son and son-in-law did not dare to cause trouble to Xiaosi, and even did not dare to collect the body and left overnight.

Cape Town disappeared without a trace, but Dr. Starr Jameson came forward to find a cemetery for Waterbull to be hastily buried.

After Waterbull resigned as chairman of the Progressive Party, Dr. Starr Jameson returned as interim chairman of the Progressive Party. A new election began within the Progressive Party at the same time. The results were without any surprises. Stoudemire was successfully elected as the new chairman of the Progressive Party. Progressive Party

The party committee also underwent extensive changes, with most of the 26 members resigning and only three remaining in office. The new Progressive Party Committee also has only 11 members left.

Although the number of members is small, the atmosphere at the top and bottom of the Progressive Party has been suppressed. Some old members who had quit the Progressive Party for a long time because they were dissatisfied with the current situation of the Progressive Party were re-invited by Stoudemire to entrust them with important tasks. Some of them had just joined the Progressive Party not long ago.

A young man with ability but no chance to succeed was promoted by Stoudemire. In just ten days, the Progressive Party has made rapid progress and regained some of its former status as the largest party in southern Africa.

The news spread back to southern Africa, and Rock was also surprised by Stoudemire's resolute behavior.

In Rock's case, Stoudemire has always been like a harmless little white rabbit, not showing much aggression.

Unexpectedly, when I went to Cape Town, Stoudemire seemed to be a different person. Even if Rock went to Cape Town, he might not be able to do better than Stoudemire.

"The people of Cape Town are still very affectionate towards the Progressive Party. After Cecil became the chairman of the Progressive Party, he held three consecutive promotional dinners at the Rhodes family's estate, inviting hundreds of people and raising nearly 100,000 yuan.

Million rand of campaign funds, Mr. Owen is now in trouble, and he has a competitor with enough weight." Sidney Milner also praised Stoudemire. He was really impressed after seeing him for three days.

Treat each other.

"It's normal. Don't forget that Mr. Cecil Rhodes' blood flows in Stoudemire's veins." Rock wasn't too surprised. Stoudemire was no longer the one who was scared and helpless because of the death of old Cecil Rhodes.

Xiao Si sat on the steps and cried bitterly.

"Originally, Irving was a sure winner, but now the election in Cape State is 50-50. Should we give Owen some help?" Sidney Milner still considered the issue from Roque's point of view. Stoudemire and Roque's

Although they have a good relationship, Owen and Rock are family.

Oh, Xiao Si is not bad in this regard. Now Rock and Xiao Si are sons and daughters, so they can be regarded as one family.

"No, no matter who of them wins, the final winner will be the federal government." Rock sat firmly on the Diaoyutai. Stoudemire is a smart man and he knows what to do.

To be honest, considering the specific situation of Cape State, Roque himself is inclined to elect Stoudemire as governor.

It’s not that Rock doesn’t trust Irving. Irving is now becoming more and more mature and his abilities are fine. But after all, Stoudemire’s surname is Rhodes. This surname has special meaning for Cape Town. Don’t think so.

The farmers in Cape State are easy to serve, and Stoudemire's fearless character can keep those farmers in check, but Irving may not be able to do it.

In fact, Rock is not paying more attention to Cape Town now, but to Orange.

The governor of Orange State recently resigned due to illness. There are not many candidates qualified to serve as governor. The most popular one is Yang Shimozi, who serves as the foreign minister of the federal government.

Like Cape State, Orange State also has a special status in southern Africa. The position of governor has attracted much attention. After the death of Louis Botha, Yang Smuts replaced Louis Botha and became the spiritual pillar of the Boers. If

If Young Smooth serves as governor of Orange, the consequences will be both pros and cons.

It mainly depends on the choice of Yang Smuts. Regardless of the fact that Yang Smuts has performed well since the outbreak of the World War, in fact, people's ambitions will change with changes in status. Roque is not sure. Once

If Yang Smuts serves as the governor of Orange, then Yang Smuts will not be dominated by the federal government as it is now.

Intelligence from Bullard's office showed that during this period, Yang Smuts' family was in full swing, and many Boers who had great influence in Orange State visited Yang Smuts. The content of their conversations was not clear to Rock.

But some of them don't have a good attitude towards the federal government.

"What do you think of Secretary Young Smuts?" Rock asked Sidney Milner. Rock himself didn't even notice that he actually had a prejudice against Young Smuts.

In other words, Rock has never dared to give Yang Smozi the same trust as Stoudemire and Irving.

The main reason is that the performance of the Boers in another time and space left too deep a shadow on Rock, which led to Rock's rejection of the Boers as a whole. Don't look at the various flowers in southern Africa now. If you go wrong, there will be consequences.

Rock can't save it either.

"Minister Smuts is pretty good, isn't he? He is smart and capable. After all, he is the smart Uncle Jenny -" Sidney Milner also knew the nickname of Yang Smuts. During the World War, Yang Smuts

He joined the British War Cabinet, served as Privy Council Advisor, Air Secretary, Chairman of the Wartime Supplies Priority Allocation Committee, and participated in all major decisions.

Judging from this series of resumes, Yang Smozi's contribution to the world war was not much smaller than that of Rock.

Oh, I have blown it, but it is still a little smaller. No one knows the world war better than Rock.

"What do you think if Secretary Smuts becomes the governor of Orange?" Roark tried his best not to let himself be affected. Previously, Yang Smuts and Roark had a bad relationship and were forced to leave London. In fact,

It's not Yang Smozi's fault, it's just that different positions lead to different choices.

After all, they represented different interest groups, with Rock representing the Chinese and Yang Smuts representing the Boers.

If Rock were to represent the Boers, Rock would try his best to fight for the interests of the Boers.

"It doesn't matter. No matter who becomes Governor of Orange, it is unlikely that the Third Boer War will break out. If it were someone else, he might not be as good as Secretary Smuts." Sidney Milner revealed the secret.


Rock laughed, and the worries in his heart were swept away.

Yes, even Sidney Milner had full confidence in the federal government, and Roark went too far.

Even if the Third Boer War breaks out, Roark is confident that he will lead the Wehrmacht to quell all rebellions.

The next day, Rock met Yang Smuts by chance in the Palace of Justice.

It was really a chance encounter. Rock wanted to see Young Smuts, so he just asked Sidney Milner to make a phone call. There was no need to create a special opportunity.

"Christian, good morning -" Rock greeted Yang Smozi proactively. Christian is Yang Smozi's middle name.

"Good day, Lord Nyasaland -" Yang Smuts was a little surprised. In the past, Rock was not so enthusiastic when he saw Yang Smuts.

"If you go to Bloemfontein, what will happen to the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? I can't think of anyone who can replace your job." Rock's evaluation of Yang Smozi is still very high. Objectively speaking, Yang Shimozi

Mozi's personal abilities are indeed very strong.

Better than Stoudemire and Irving, one of whom is a second-generation rich man and the other a second-generation official. On the contrary, the resumes of Yang Smozi and Rock are more similar. They both rely on their personal ability to stand out from any era.

"Thank you for your praise, Lord. I will be proud of you. Bloom and Francois are both outstanding talents, and their work is outstanding." Yang Shimozi enthusiastically recommended, these two are Yang Shimozi

Mozi's deputies in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs all worked with Yang Shimozi in London and had a close relationship with Yang Shimozi.

There is no way to help it. With the improvement of their status, the relationship network of people like Luo Ke and Yang Smozi is constantly expanding. Compared with Luo Ke, Yang Smozi is already restrained enough, and Luo Ke is more capable.

The legacy of these disciples spreads all over the world.

"Do you have any ideas when you get to Orange?" Rock simply stopped at the stairs to chat with Yang Smuts. Two Palace of Justice staff members were following Rock and Yang Smuts upstairs.

Seeing Rock and Yang Smozi standing still, the two staff members felt awkward for a moment.

Fortunately, the people who could work in the Palace of Justice reacted very quickly. They certainly did not dare to let Rock and Yang Smozi give way. The two simply turned around and went downstairs without any hesitation.

Yang Smozi was not surprised at all by the performance of the two staff members. When he looked at Roark, his expression was a little complicated. He probably didn't expect Roark to accept it so easily.

"The development of Orange has lagged far behind other regions. There are many problems that need to be solved bit by bit. On this point, I am still confident and have enough patience." Yang Shimo.

There are not many heroic words, but the words are full of confidence. Orange does not need to be compared with the Transvaal and Cape. Even Bechuanaland leaves Orange far behind.

At the end of the Second Boer War, Orange joined Southern Africa along with the Transvaal and Bechuanaland. At that time, Bechuanaland was still a barren and uninhabited land.

Nowadays, Bechuanaland is developing very fast due to the large influx of Chinese immigrants. The population in Bechuanaland has exceeded one million and is still increasing rapidly.

Rock nodded slightly. Changing Orange does require patience. Rock couldn't do this. He hoped Yang Smozi could do it.

This chapter has been completed!
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