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61 Police Club

 If Roque does not engage in secret operations, he will not manipulate the election results. Before the election, Roque still has a lot of room for manipulation.

During lunch, the Johannesburg Police Station restaurant was very busy.

The food at the police station is very good. One of Marvin's apprentices is in charge. Although his skills are not as good as Marvin's, they are still much better than those British cooks who are good at dark cuisine.

Therefore, police officers are accustomed to dining in the police station restaurant whether they are on duty or off duty. Sometimes they can even bring their family members with them. As long as they don’t have more than a dozen family members, the canteen will not care.

Under normal circumstances, police officers eat together in units of police teams. The canteen uses a long wooden dining table with 20 seats per table, which can accommodate a police team. The sergeants are used to bragging at the dining table, with more than a dozen

The subordinates were responsible for cheering, so it was very lively during the meal.

"There will be an election in a few days, please be smart——"

"Whether I should vote or not, I have some doubts in my mind. The houses we live in all belong to Sir Alex——"

"Without Sir Alex, we would still be working in Cape Town. Want to get a high salary and marry a wife? Just dream!"

Throughout the restaurant, there are such explicit reminders everywhere.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, whoever dares to vote for an outsider will be soaked in a pig cage!"

"Sir, you can vote for whoever you say you want to vote for."

"We will fight wherever Sir Alex points his finger."

The restaurant was filled with flattery.

There are also those who are not smart and cannot see the situation clearly: "Master Ma, who did Sir Alex want to vote for?"

"Are you stupid? You've eaten all the beef in the dog's belly? General Manager Ba is our Lord's butler. If you don't vote for General Manager Ba, who will you vote for?" Martin's loud voice resounded throughout the restaurant.
"Oh oh oh——"

"Okay okay——"

"Yes, yes, yes -" This time, both those with bright minds and those with weak minds knew what to do.

In a corner of the restaurant where no one was paying attention, Yaya and several of his sergeants looked sad.

The noise in front of them does not belong to them. So far, all the detective team members, including Yaya, have not obtained the right to live in Ziwei Town. Some of them can also afford to buy a house in Ziwei Town, but Ziwei Town

There are not enough houses to live in. Even Chinese and white people are queuing up. Zulu people have no chance.

"Captain, will Sir Alex treat us better in the future?" A Zulu police sergeant finally couldn't help it.

"Nonsense, Sir, isn't he treating us badly now? Think about how we lived under the hands of the British? Think about how the Boers treated us?" Yaya's face was too dark to tell, but her face was too dark to be seen.

The eyes are red.

"Your Majesty is very kind to us -" The unsettled police chief lowered his head, as if something was dripping onto the plate in front of him.

Yaya said nothing and looked at the beef on the plate in front of her in silence.

Yes, compared with the British and Boers, Rock was indeed very good to the detectives. He never defaulted on his salary when it was time to pay him. He did not set up a separate restaurant for the detectives when eating. In the Johannesburg Police Station, the Chinese

Zulu police can go wherever the police and Boer police can go. It seems that there is no difference between Zulu police, Chinese police and Boer police.

But Yaya knows that there is a difference.

These differences are not reflected on the surface, but are reflected in many unspoken rules that cannot be stated clearly.

For example, even Yaya cannot obtain the right to live in Ziwei Town.

For example, the Chinese policemen and Boer policemen in Johannesburg have basically married, and the woman is either Chinese or Boer. Although many Zulu policemen have also married, their wives are all Zulu.

, no Chinese or Boer is willing to marry a Zulu.

Although in principle, Chinese and Zulu are both people of color.

For another example, when fighting the Boer guerrillas near Kimberley some time ago, one Chinese policeman was killed and two Chinese policemen were injured. On the detective team's side, six detectives were killed and three were injured. Although all the bodies were

Brought back to Johannesburg for burial, the injured have all been admitted to Ziwei Town Hospital. However, the Chinese policemen who were disabled due to injuries can directly retire and work in the Rock Gold Mine. According to the previous practice, the detective team members who were disabled due to injuries can only receive

Returned to Zululand with a fairly generous pension.

Isn’t it fair?

It is already very fair, because the pension is very generous, which is very different from when I worked under the Boers and the British. At that time, let alone being disabled due to injury, there was no pension even if I was killed in action.


But Yaya felt very bad, just like in this noisy cafeteria, Yaya's table and Martin's table next to them were only separated by a passage, but Yaya felt that there was still a gap between them.

An invisible wall separates an abyss.

"Hey, Yaya, have you finished eating? Let's go play football together after eating." Martin had already finished his meal, and he didn't forget to greet Yaya when he got up.

"It's over, I'll be here soon." Yaya suddenly felt that that little thing was nothing. Ziwei Town was very good, but Yaya was really unwilling to let Yaya settle in Ziwei Town.

There is not even a single Zulu in Ziwei Town so far. Yaya doesn't like to be looked at as an orangutan. If possible, Yaya hopes that Rock can fight for Yaya and the others to have a purely Zulu home in Johannesburg.

A community of people, Zulu people, it is still happier to be with Zulu people.

On the court inside the police station, eleven Chinese policemen and eleven Zulu policemen are fighting. This is the tradition of the police station. Chinese policemen, Zulu policemen, and Boer policemen all have their own teams. Every day, there is no

The police officers on duty will play football on the playground, which is also the happiest time of Yaya's day.

Football is a team sport. To kick the ball into the opponent's goal, it requires close cooperation among eleven people.

In 1862, the world's first football club was established in Nottinghamshire, England. Starting from the 2nd Olympic Games in 1900, football was listed as an official event of the Olympic Games.

With the British colonization of the Transvaal, the game of football came to Johannesburg from the British and was deeply loved by the police.

Roque did not limit the police's love for football. Although sports events can better demonstrate the advantages of the Zulu people, well-disciplined Chinese policemen and Boer policemen have an advantage when playing football. Zulu policemen play football.

It's basically just a few random kicks, with little teamwork. The result of a 30-minute game is often five to zero, or six to zero, and sometimes there is even a disparity of more than ten to zero.

The requirement for cooperation among police officers of different ethnic groups is very important.

For example, the Chinese police are the best at countering violence with violence. Almost all Chinese police have excellent marksmanship. If they are in the expeditionary force, almost all of them can be regarded as precision shooters. Therefore, the Chinese police

What I am best at when performing missions is long-distance suppression and using precise shooting to defeat all enemies.

The Boer police are relatively inferior. Perhaps because of the defeat on the frontal battlefield, the Boer police are more or less lacking in confidence. They are restrained and not decisive enough when performing tasks. Sometimes they even fail due to hesitation.<


The Boer police also have advantages. They are best at small-scale cooperation between three or five people. For example, when searching a suspect's residence or checking a carriage on the road, the Boer police perform best.

The Zulu police are much more unrestrained. They basically have nothing they are good at. They can't shoot accurately and can't cooperate. Sometimes they even get hot-blooded due to excessive secretion of adrenaline.

The advantages of the Zulu police are that they are hard-working, not afraid of sacrifice, brave and fearless, and have strong individual combat capabilities. To the Zulu police, it seems that everything they do is just a joke and they don't care much about life and death. Maybe

For Zulu police officers, death is the final relief.

Roque knew that in a short period of time, until the quality of the Chinese police improved to a certain level and at least there was no language communication problem, the Johannesburg Police Department would be inseparable from the Zulu and Boer people, so Roque was also trying to find

A way for Chinese, Boer and Zulu people to collaborate better.

Football is just one aspect of it.

Yaya and the others were not very lucky today. They were beaten 6-0 by the white team composed of Boer policemen.

Then the yellow team composed of Chinese police beat the white team three to zero.

In the last match between the black team and the yellow team composed of Zulu police officers, although Yaya scored the only goal for the black team, the black team still lost with a disparity of 1 to 8.

After the game, the three teams went to the bathroom to take a shower. The bathroom is also public, with no racial restrictions. Hot water is provided 24 hours a day. This is one of the benefits of the police station.

"Martin, do you want to go to the Police Club for a drink later?" Yaya invited Martin.

Since there is a Miners Club, of course there is also a Police Club. In fact, it is just a sign. It does not mean that the Miners Club is only for miners, and the Police Club is only for policemen. Relatively speaking, the police in Johannesburg still prefer the Police Club, because

The owner of the Police Club is Deputy Chief Joe Russell, and police officers can enjoy discounts when going to the club.

"Yaya, you'd better save some money and don't throw all your hard-earned money into the brothel." Martin is not polite. Chinese policemen usually go to the Oak Bar for a drink after get off work, and never go to the Police Club. Planting and selling gold cave.

The Oak Bar in Johannesburg, like the Oak Bar in Ziwei Town, is owned by Roark. However, Roark does not directly manage it. Instead, Ada sends people to manage it. Now the Oak Bar is also undergoing corporate operation, and Ada is preparing

Packaging and selling of Elsidi wine.

"Hahahaha, Martin, we Zulus are different from you Chinese, we want to enjoy ourselves in time -" Yaya's seemingly hearty laughter was filled with bitterness.

Sometimes I have to admit that I really can’t blame others for being unpopular with Zulu people.

Take the Johannesburg Police Department as an example. Because police officers have different divisions of labor, they receive different salaries. But overall, the gap is not too big. The Zulu police officers have the lowest average salary, and the British police officers have the highest average salary.

In comparison, the difference is only five pounds per month.

Of course, the gap here is only on the surface. In fact, Zulu police often have to go out on the field and have the opportunity to make extra money, while the British police mostly do administrative work and rarely have the opportunity to go out on the field, so comprehensive calculations

In fact, Zulu police officers often earn more than British police officers.

What is unexpected is that although the salary of Zulu police officers is not low, few Zulu police officers can save much money.

Payday for the Johannesburg Police Department is the 10th of every month.

After the salary is paid, the Chinese police will take all the salary home and give it to their wives.

Boer policemen will first leave some personal money, and then take most of their salary home and give it to their wives.

After receiving their salary, the British policemen will go to the bar for a drink first, and then hand over whatever they have left.

Zulu police are the most ridiculous. After most Zulu police get their salary, they go to the police club and give all the money to the police club.

Basically, the salary will be paid on the 10th, and by around the 15th, the Zulu police can spend all their salary, and then come back to work conscientiously.

Is it sad?

It's quite sad.

Is it pitiful?

Not worthy of pity!

This is why Zulu police officers are not liked by people. They often give people the impression that they are untrustworthy, have no plans for their own lives, have no requirements for themselves, and have no pursuit of the future, but they have very strict requirements for others.

, being lenient to oneself and strict to others is the label of the Zulu police.

A very strange situation is that when Chinese people in Johannesburg need help, they will seek help from the Chinese police.

When Boers need help, they will seek help from the Boer police.

When the Zulu miners in Johannesburg or the Zulu farmers around Johannesburg need help, they often don't go to the Zulu police who are also Zulu, but to the Zulu police who never give them a good look.

Chinese police or Boer police, this fully proves that the Zulu police are unreliable, and even they themselves do not trust each other.

"Listen to me Yaya, take the money home and give it to your wife. The women in the police club will not give you children. When your money is spent, I will not lend it to you." Martin actually said.

He is very rich. He has a vineyard in Oak Town, a farm next to Ziwei Town, and houses in Oak Town, Ziwei Town, and in Johannesburg. Compared with Yaya, Martin is out-and-out rich.

Money man.

Regarding borrowing money, Zulu policemen also have a criminal record. When they borrow money, they always describe themselves as miserable. Once they get the money, they immediately spend it and drink it. They will not pay it back immediately after the next salary.

After all the money and salary are spent, they will continue to borrow.

Of course, those Zulu policemen who borrowed money and refused to repay them were severely punished by the Chinese police and the Boer police. Since then, such incidents have become much less common.

This chapter has been completed!
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