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81 The age of too much time to take care of oneself

 At the beginning, the Transvaal was forced to death by the expeditionary force because it was located inland, had no outlet to the sea, and received no external support.

If Rock sticks to the old ways, Nyasaland will eventually be controlled by others because it is located inland.

Therefore, no matter what the situation is in Portuguese East Africa, Roque will do everything possible to obtain an outlet to the Indian Ocean from Portuguese East Africa.

Cecil Rhodes probably had the same idea as Roque, so he supported the Yao people to resist the Portuguese rule. It is a pity that Cecil Rhodes did a lot of preliminary work, but did not wait until the day when the idea was ready.

, but it doesn’t matter, Rock and Stoudemire will inherit the legacy of Cecil Rhodes, continue to support the Yao people, fight against the colonial behavior of the Portuguese, and work hard to win the independence and freedom of the colonial people.

"How strong are the Yao people?" Rock wanted to know what step Cecil Rhodes had achieved.

"The Yao tribe - they are quite strong. They are very strong-willed and equipped with some rifles. Some of them have received modern military training." Xiaosi blinked his big innocent eyes and said as if it had nothing to do with him.

Rock is a meaningful "oh".

Xiaosi immediately felt his face was a little feverish. Before Xiaosi could explain, Rock went one step further: "It's just that this level is definitely not enough. We need to work harder - there are many retired Zulu scouts from the expeditionary force in Johannesburg."

, what do you think would happen if those Zulu scouts joined the Yao tribe?"

Xiaosi was stunned, and after a long time he couldn't help but sigh: "Haha - Locke, no wonder my father values ​​you so much."

Perhaps in terms of shamelessness, Rock and Cecil Rhodes are more like the two men.

Overcoming obstacles all the way——

This is not an exaggeration, it is really a journey through thorns and obstacles. Many times there is no road ahead at all, and there are dense bushes and virgin forests everywhere. It depends on the guides and guards to open the way, so that Rock and Xiaosi can continue to move forward.

There were many wild animals along the way, including crocodiles, hippos, African elephants, giraffes, and extremely venomous cobras. A guide was accidentally attacked by a venomous cobra, but what surprised Rock was that this

After the guide quickly treated the wound, he was still alive and well and continued working. This made Roque very surprised at the survivability of the Yao people.

"Didn't expect it?" Xiao Si took it for granted.

"I didn't expect it!" Rock is getting used to it. It is estimated that before long, Rock will be able to go around without being surprised.

"So Roque, you have to understand Africans so that you won't reject them." Stoudemire knows Roque well now, so he knows Roque's repulsive attitude towards Africans.

"No, no, no, Cecil, this advantage is not enough to offset the shortcomings of Africans. When Africans are weak, they are indeed harmless to humans and animals, but if the number of Africans reaches a certain level-" Rock thought

Describing to Xiaosi what the future world will be like, just halfway through the words, Rock suddenly realized that no matter how detailed Rock described it, Xiaosi would only think that Rock was alarmist.

People in 1902 would never understand how absurd "political correctness" would be in the world 100 years later.

"Go on, what will happen when the number of people reaches a certain level?" Xiaosi is still waiting for Rock's speech.

This is really not ironic. The words Cecil Rhodes said to Stoudemire before he fell ill already had a hint of support, so Stoudemire now absolutely trusts Rock.

"When the number of people reaches a certain level, they will eat up all the food in the world." Rock said seriously.

Stoudemire burst into laughter, stumbling around on the horse and almost falling off the horse.

It took a long time for Xiaosi to calm down, and then he sincerely thanked Rock: "Thank you Rock, I feel much better now. You don't have to make me laugh on purpose."

Rock really didn't mean it.

There were more than 100 people including Roque and Xiaosi, including guards and guides, and more than 300 horses. In the whole day, more than 100 people only advanced less than 100 kilometers in Portuguese East Africa. At night, the guards were in

A clearing was cleared on the dense grassland, the tents were set up, and a bonfire was lit around the camp, and some barbecues were made by the bonfire. This was also a rare leisure for Rock.

Before the tender mutton was roasted, Victor, who had gone out to explore the road, hurriedly reported that Roque and his camp were on a mountainside. Just on the other side of the mountain, a Portuguese caravan was also resting.
Victor is Stoudemire's guard captain. After listening to Victor's report, Stoudemire nodded slightly.

Victor didn't talk nonsense, he smiled and asked thirty or forty guards to mount their horses, and left the camp and drove away.

About half an hour later, a burst of intense gunfire suddenly came from the other side of the mountain. Li De immediately stood next to Rock with a gun.

When Rock goes out now, he will definitely not be alone. There will be more than a dozen commandos around him at any time.

"Don't be nervous, it's just normal operation." Xiao Si was still drinking heavily and eating large pieces of meat.

Thinking of the caravan that Victor reported just now, Rock took a breath and signaled to Li De not to worry.

"Will there be no problems?" Roque was really surprised. This kind of thing could accidentally lead to an international dispute.

"What's the problem?" Xiaosi sneered, not caring about the caravan at all: "Do you know how many people from our South African company's pioneering team disappear every year?"


What is going on?

Stoudemire didn't wait for Roark to answer, and took the initiative to raise two fingers: "200, at least 200 people disappear every year. In a place like Africa, disappearance means no bones left. Have you seen those eyes around our camp?

They are all wild animals. A big living person can feed you in half an hour with only a skeleton left. After three to five days, there will be no bones or dregs left——"

It seems that Xiaosi is definitely no stranger to this kind of gangsterism. Whether it is a pioneer team or a caravan, they must carry weapons when leaving the city. Under normal circumstances, no matter how powerful the wild animals are, they cannot compete with the colonists equipped with modern weapons.

The pioneer team fought against each other, so most of the missing colonial pioneer team members disappeared like this.

A quarter of an hour later, Victor and his party came back laughing and joking. When they left, there was one person and one horse. When they came back, there were at least one person and two horses. It is self-evident how the extra horses came.

The caravan on the other side of the mountain was not a good thing either. Rock noticed that many of the goods brought back by Victor and the others were ivory stained with blood, and it looked like they had just been taken down not long ago.

"If we don't attack them, then they might attack us at night. This is Africa, not a civilized world -" Stoudemire took the initiative to explain to Rock.

"No need to explain, Cecil, I am not a pedantic old man. When we encounter threats, we must fight back." Rock is not pedantic. When it is time to fight back, Rock is more ruthless than anyone else, but——<


Judging from the horses brought back by Victor and the others, the caravan on the other side of the mountain had at most twenty or thirty people, and Rock didn't think they had the guts to take the initiative to launch an attack here.

After all, there are more than a hundred guards on Roque's side, and none of them look easy to mess with.

There was no talking all night. Before setting off early the next morning, Rock went to the other side of the mountain to take a look.

Stoudemire is right. In Africa, there is really no need to destroy corpses and traces. Wild animals of all sizes will do this in a short time. Rock wandered for a long time between several fires that had been burned to ashes.

For a long time, if Victor hadn't confirmed repeatedly, Rock would never have believed that dozens of corpses were lying here a few hours ago.

The next few days were calm. Leaving the mountainous area, there were endless grasslands along the way. The speed of advancement suddenly accelerated. There were still not many traces of human development along the way. Three days later, Rock and his party finally arrived at Niassa in Nyasaland.


Lake Nyasa is the third largest lake in Africa. It is 584 kilometers long from north to south and 16 to 80 kilometers wide from east to west. It has a water area of ​​nearly 30,000 square kilometers. There are more than 200 kinds of freshwater fish growing in the lake. Except for the south, it is surrounded by mountains on three sides.

, with beautiful scenery, the lake is fed by 14 rivers with water all year round. The only outlet of the lake is the Shire River, a tributary of the Chambesi River. Along the Shire River, you can directly reach the Indian Ocean.

"The ownership of Lake Nyasa is still in dispute. The Portuguese claim that they own at least part of Lake Nyasa. What's ridiculous is that I bet that most Portuguese in Portuguese East Africa don't even know where Lake Nyasa is.

"My father once wanted to own all the ownership of Lake Nyasa, but unfortunately he couldn't do it, otherwise it would be all yours now." Xiaosi had a touch of regret, standing on the south bank of Lake Nyasa, Lake Nyasa

The waves are shining, the scenery is beautiful and quiet.

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time." Roque will have plenty of time to deal with the Portuguese slowly in the future. Not to mention Lake Nyasa, maybe the Portuguese in the entire Portuguese East Africa will not be able to be saved.

In fact, it was not just the Portuguese who had thoughts about Lake Nyasa. The Germans who occupied Tanganyika (Tanzania) also coveted Lake Nyasa. However, in 1890, the British Empire and Germany signed the "Heli" Agreement.

Golan Agreement, the contract was confirmed in writing. All the water surface of Lake Niassa belongs to Nyasaland, and the territory north of Lake Niassa belongs to Germany.

During World War I, the British ordered South Africa to send troops to German colonies in Africa, and Tanganyika became a British colony. After Tanganyika became independent in 1963, the ownership of Lake Nyasa was once again disputed.

With Rock here, these disputes should not arise. Rock would not divide a perfectly good lake into several parts, nor can he encircle the lake. Of course, such a big lake must belong to Nyasaland.


When you arrive at Lake Nyasa, there is no need to camp anymore. There is an island called Likoma in Lake Nyasa. Although the island is closer to Portuguese East Africa, less than five kilometers, it belongs to Nyasaland.

There is a church and a business inn on the island, and Rock and his party stayed in the business inn at night.

The area of ​​Likoma Island is quite large, about 18 square kilometers. There is very little land on the island, and it is mostly exposed rocks. Because the land is barren, there are only a few local Negro households in Nyasaland on the island.

People, they make a living by fishing and live on the southeast coast of the island.

"Don't you like the Zulu people? Do you want me to help you clean them up?" Xiaosi was completely released when he arrived in Nyasaland. This is Xiaosi's kingdom. All the local indigenous people in Nyasaland, Xiaosi are here.

A word can determine life or death.

"There's no need to be so violent, just let them go to Tanganyika." Although Roque already knew the status of the Zulus these days, he still couldn't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Unlike the way white people treat the Zulus, Roque does not need Zulu labor, so Roque will not allow the Zulu to settle in Nyasaland.

Of course, this does not mean that Rock will deal with all the Zulus in Nyasaland. The word "process" is too cruel, and Rock cannot do it.

Roque can send all these Zulus to Tanganyika, and the Germans, who are also short of labor, will definitely welcome these Zulus, or Roque can sell the Zulus in Nyasaland to Portuguese East Africa.

Portuguese plantation owners and vineyard planters will definitely be grateful to Roque.

It is impossible for Rock to kill the Zulus. The Zulus in the 21st century are indeed hateful, but the Zulus in the early 20th century were not. There are many Zulu police officers in the Johannesburg Police Department.

They all performed well. Although they are still not as good as the Chinese police, they are much better than the Boer police. To be honest, Rock has no ill feelings towards the Zulus of this era, but he does not have a good impression either. It is better for everyone to live in peace.

Of course, if the Zulus want to cause trouble for the Chinese in the future, Rock will never be polite. Most of the Zulus are afraid of power but not moral. If you give them some color, they will most likely kick their noses in the face.

"If we go to Tanganyika, we might as well sell it to the Portuguese." Stoudemire's idea coincided with Rock's.

The Zulu people of this era were actually classified as "property" by the white people. Since it is property, it can be transferred. Therefore, people like Hoover really have no psychological barriers when they engage in human trafficking.


Neither did Xiaosi. In Xiaosi's view, the Zulu people in Nyasaland were also Rock's property, so when he heard that Rock was going to send the Zulu people to Tanganyika, Xiaosi couldn't help but feel regretful.
"If you want to sell it, go ahead and sell it, and all the money from the sale will be yours." Roque didn't care, and he wouldn't be such a virgin that he would take the initiative to protect the interests of the Zulu people.

"Haha, easy to handle, Victor, come here, I've found a good business for you." Xiaosi doesn't like this little money, but Victor should like it very much.

Victor was fishing. When he heard Xiao Si's call, Victor immediately ran over happily.

After hearing Xiao Si's words, Victor almost went crazy with joy. He called a few guards, took the rope and led the horse and hurried away.

Rock didn't want to see such a scene, so he simply went back to the merchant house to sleep.

When Rock woke up, he could vaguely see several smoke pillars in the southwest. If he was right, it was Victor and the others who were burning down the houses of the Negro people.

Rock didn't ask about the fate of those families of Negro people. This was the case in this era. The Eight-Power Allied Forces were also burning, killing and looting in the Qing Dynasty. Who would pity the Chinese in the Qing Dynasty?

Just take care of yourself.

This chapter has been completed!
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