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85 Promote the meaning of language

 Behind all miracles is the history of blood and tears of a certain group.

Behind the U.S. Pacific Railway is the history of blood and tears of Chinese workers. Behind Rhodesia is the history of blood and tears of thousands of Zulus. This is normal. Rock’s mission is to prevent the tragedy of Chinese workers in the United States from happening again in Johannesburg.

Henry and Stoudemire didn't care much about Neville. After all, they didn't know that Neville would become the British Prime Minister in the future. Although the Colonial Secretary had a prominent position, he had nothing to do with the Colonial Secretary's son. Joseph Chamberlain had seven children and currently seemed to be the most prosperous.

It is not Neville who has a future, but Austin Chamberlain, who has already served as Minister of Posts and Telecommunications.

Austin Chamberlain is not yet 40 years old, and he does seem to have a bright future. However, Austin Chamberlain has never been prime minister. The most glorious moment in his life was winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1925.

The crux of the problem is that Austin Chamberlain is now the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, and it is too late for Roark to invest in Austin Chamberlain, so Neville Chamberlain is worthy of Roark's investment. This is why Roark invited Neville to have afternoon tea.

"Iron ore needs to take a break first. We don't have enough workers. The cement plant has just started trial production. I sent all the first batch of cement to the reservoir. Technicians from the cement plant followed me and got the test data.

If you make improvements later, don’t forget to ask Scarlett to pay.” Henry’s brothers settled the accounts. Henry and Rock invested in the cement plant together, and each of them had half of the profit.

"It's on the account for now, I don't have any money for the time being." Rock's money has been used for immigration and investment in farms, and he can only use the gold in the basement to pay.

"Don't have any money? I can think of a way." Xiao Si pretended.

Henry and Rock looked at each other, and then Henry entered the sage time: "It's a trial, forget it, no more money -"

Xiao Si was not angry and drank black tea happily: "Locke, I brought a few guests, you may be interested in them."


"Who?" Rock was surprised. Rock really needed to meet someone who was worthy of being introduced by Xiao Si.

Stoudemire gestured to Victor who was not far away. After a while, Victor brought a few timid Zulus.

Not to mention Henry, Neville was frowning. Zulu people are not suitable to appear in such an occasion.

But Xiaosi didn't care and just drank black tea by himself.

Roque didn't care either. These Zulu people had strange patterns painted on their faces, which were similar to the Yao people Roque had seen in Portuguese East Africa.

Sure enough, several Yao people came over to kiss Luo Ke's hands.

Is there a hand-kissing ritual among the Yao people?

Rock endured the discomfort and accepted hand kisses from several chiefs, and Stoudemire burst out laughing.

Sure enough, this guy is up to something!

"Check, Nyasaland will belong to Sir Locke from now on, so if you need help, you can ask Sir Locke for help." Xiao Si calmly defused Rock's murderous intention.

"Sir Rock, the Yao people will be your most loyal servants from now on." Cha Cha knelt down at Rock's feet and kissed Rock's shoes. It seems that this is their etiquette.

Cha Cha is the youngest among several Yao people. I don’t know why he became the leader of the Yao people.

"Checha, what is your biggest difficulty now?" Rock did not shy away from Henry and Neville. This is also a way to show his strength.

"We need weapons and ammunition, and we also need warriors who have actually experienced battles. As long as we have enough supplies, we can drive the evil Portuguese out of Mozambique and restore the Mweni Matapa Kingdom." Chacha is confident.

, the Yao people just won a great victory last year and once drove all the Portuguese to the coastal areas. Unfortunately, the Yao people did not have enough stamina. After the Portuguese urgently mobilized reinforcements from the mainland, the resistance of the Yao people failed again.

"I can help you, but what can I get?" Luo Ke doesn't think that by helping the Yao people, the Yao people will really become Luo Ke's loyal servants.

Even if Cha Cha is Luo Ke’s loyal servant, what about Cha Cha’s son? What about his grandson? What about the clan’s sons and grandsons? Are they willing to be Luo Ke’s loyal servants from generation to generation?

Don't be ridiculous, it's impossible.

"The great Cecil Rhodes said you want an outlet to the sea. If you can help us, then after the Mweni Matapa Kingdom is restored, the land on both sides of the Shire River will be yours." Check it out.

I don’t think this is a loss, it’s just an equal exchange.

Luo Ke was very satisfied with this exchange and immediately asked Li De to find Yaya.

"Sir Locke, what are you doing?" Neville didn't understand why Locke valued these Zulus. According to British habits, the Zulus were not worthy of negotiating deals with the British.

"Arthur, this is Africa, which is different from the mainland. Here, if we want to do something, we must try our best to use the power of the Zulu people. Don't underestimate them, give them a little trust, and they will give you what you want.

Unexpected surprise." Rock explained as detailed as possible, and these words would eventually be passed on to Joseph Chamberlain.

In this regard, Rock, like Cecil Rhodes, pursues the principle of using the enemy to defeat the enemy.

Cecil Rhodes was definitely a strong colonist. Rock couldn't fault the plan he designed, so Rock just continued to implement it.

Portugal did not dare to offend Britain and always followed Britain's lead in international affairs. Therefore, Cecil Rhodes and Roque could not openly deal with the Portuguese, otherwise they would cause protests from the Portuguese government. Using the Yao people to fight against the Portuguese was a mistake.

Good idea. With the support of Nyasaland, it will be difficult for the Portuguese to suppress the resistance of the Yao people. When the Portuguese can no longer hold on, they will ask the British government to intervene. In other words, they will surrender to Roque.

At that time, Roque can make conditions, and the Portuguese will accept them even if they hold their noses.

"That's right, all the people employed in my cement factory are Zulu people. When Rock made this decision, I didn't think it was necessary. Looking at it now, it is indeed necessary, although I don't know that the dust in the cement factory is harmful to

What impact does it have on a person's body, but working in that environment for a long time -" Henry did not say the consequences, and shook his head, obviously very unhappy.

There is no way to be optimistic. The cement plant has just started construction. Even if the working environment will affect people's health, it will not show up until many years later. There are no cases now, but it does not mean that there will be no impact. In the current working environment,

It is estimated that the workers in the cement factory will need to be replaced every five years at most, so it is very wise for Roque not to use Chinese.

"Cement plants will affect the health of workers." Neville was still naive.

Rock, Henry and Stoudemire looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes.

Of course it has an impact. Everyone knows it has an impact, but is it necessary to say it out?

Even if workers do get sick due to poor sanitary conditions in the future, the cement factory will deny it. If it admits it, it will lose money and face serious public opinion. Capitalists will not ask for trouble.

"Arthur, this is not important. What is important is that we can use the Zulus to achieve our goals." Rock is hard-hearted. It is enough for Phyllis to do good deeds. Rock's mission is to get more money.

Let Phyllis have more capital to do good things.

Yaya came over quickly and stood beside Roque with a submissive look on her face.

Luo Ke gave a series of instructions, and Yaya said a series of yes, yes, and then Yaya left hand in hand with Cha Cha, who had been waiting not far away. The next thing, Roque will communicate to Cha Cha through Ya Ya,

Stay out of the matter and leave no excuses

Isn’t there someone in the detective team who is dissatisfied with their current status?

Now that the problem has been solved, the Yao people are working hard to restore the Mweni Matapa Kingdom. Those detectives who are not satisfied with their status can fight side by side with the Yao people to establish a country purely composed of Zulu people.

After a bloody battle, are you satisfied this time?

It was common for Henry and Stoudemire to deal with Rock, and Neville looked thoughtful. Today's incident had a great impact on Neville. Neville knew that similar to the situation in Portuguese East Africa, the British Empire's

It was also very common in the colonies. Joseph Chamberlain was worried about these things every day. After seeing how Rock handled this kind of thing today, Neville knew that there was another way to handle this kind of thing.

Early the next morning, Joseph Chamberlain was going to Ziwei Town for an inspection. Rock was accompanying Joseph Chamberlain and his team as the security chief. As soon as they left Johannesburg, Joseph Chamberlain called Rock to his side.

"Sir Locke, is Ziwei Town your private property?" Joseph's riding skills were good and he did not ride in a carriage.

"Yes, Your Excellency Minister, Ziwei Town was formerly called Krugersdorp. It was destroyed by war during the war. I bought the farms around Ziwei Town and rebuilt Ziwei Town on the original site of Krugersdorp.

Town." Roque carefully controlled the sun and did not let it surpass Joseph's horse.

"Why not Krugersdorp?" Joseph had no expression on his face.

"Why is it still called Krugersdorp? Do you want the Boers to miss this name?" Rock said indifferently. If possible, Rock would like to change the names of Johannesburg and Pretoria.

"Sir Locke, you seem to be very prejudiced against the Boers." Joseph was studying Locke's expression.

"No, I like all peace-loving Boers. What I hate are those Boers who are unwilling to be lonely and cause trouble. The same standard applies to other ethnic groups. There are also many Boers in Ziwei Town. Your Excellency the Minister will tell you later

Got it." Rock firmly refused to admit that he had any prejudice against the Boers. Now the Boers are also British.

The group arrived at Ziwei Town. Ziwei Town, which had already heard the news, was ready to welcome them. Led by Mayor Buck, Professor Abu, Professor Douglas, Father Frank, Doctor Bellamy, Doctor Mallory and others were all there.

Waiting at the gate of Ziwei Public School.

Rock only introduced Buck, and Buck completed all the subsequent introductions.

When he saw Buck, Joseph's expression was a little complicated, but when he heard Rock introduce that Buck graduated from University College London, Joseph's expression changed to one of relief.

Buck, who graduated from University College London, and Buck, who is from Mauritius, are two completely different concepts.

It should be said that the current Ziwei Town is indeed full of talents, including professors from the Royal Agricultural College of Gloucester, medical experts from the University of Heidelberg in Germany, and Dr. Bellamy and Dr. Mallory, who are both Boers.

After Buck introduced the identities of Dr. Bellamy and Dr. Mallory, Rock's rumors about the Boers were self-defeating.

God only knows how many eye drops Louis Botta and Jan Smuts put on Rock at Orange, and now both Louis Botta and Jan Smuts came to Johannesburg with Joseph Chamberlain to visit.

Ziwei Town, the faces of these two people are very ugly.

It is indeed ugly. If Rock had not intervened, the beautiful Ziwei Town should have been a paradise for the Boers. Louis Botha and Yang Smuts would not have thought about who built the current Ziwei Town. They

I will only think that Rock picked the Boers' peaches.

The first stop of Joseph's inspection was Ziwei Public School.

Thanks to Rock's strict hygiene standards, the children of Ziwei Public School have put on neat uniforms. March is autumn in Johannesburg, and Ziwei Public School's autumn uniform is a checkered suit with Scottish plaid.

Short skirt, this surprised Joseph. He probably didn't expect that there would be a school with such English characteristics in Johannesburg.

Joseph Chamberlain was an expert in education. In 1892, Joseph Chamberlain single-handedly promoted the merger of Birmingham Medical College, founded in 1825, and Mason Science College, founded in 1875. Two years ago, the merged school was named Birmingham.

University, and obtained a royal charter granted by Queen Victoria who was still alive at the time. The University of Birmingham also became the first "red brick university" in the UK.

To this day, Joseph still serves as the president of the University of Birmingham. Even though Joseph has served as colonial minister, Joseph has not given up this position.

"There are a total of 1,300 students in Ziwei Public School's boys' and girls' schools, and more than one-third are of Boer ancestry. In addition to the children of surrounding farmers, the students also include some students from Johannesburg, and some even come from Pretoria.

Ya sent his children to Ziwei Public School to study -" Tony, as the principal of Ziwei Public School, explained to Joseph beside Joseph.

This arrangement is very suitable. Tony is a pure Englishman and absolutely qualified to educate Boer children.

Joseph nodded repeatedly, full of appreciation for Tony, and even visited a music class at Ziwei School with great interest.

The music class teaches a traditional British children's song "Going to the Market". The general meaning of the lyrics is: Go to the market, go to the market, go buy a big fat pig; go home, go home, jump and jump so happy——

It is a very simple children's song, but its meaning is extraordinary, because it is an English children's song, but whether it is an English student, a Boer student, or a Chinese student, they all sing it very skillfully.

What does this mean?

It means that Ziwei Public School is making unremitting efforts to promote English.

As an education expert, Joseph Chamberlain knew the significance of doing so.

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