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100 thank god

 General Hopkins was Henry's father-in-law. After the "Peace Agreement" was signed, the expeditionary force began to withdraw. Ade transferred a servant division from the Cape to the Transvaal, led by General Hopkins, and became the Transvaal.

The garrison of Swava.

It is necessary to retain a garrison in the Transvaal. Although Britain's biggest enemy in southern Africa has disappeared after the Boer Republic was eliminated, considering the surrounding Portuguese and Germans, the Boers and Zulu already in the territory

It is necessary for people, even Chinese, to maintain a garrison in the Transvaal, although the cost of the garrison must be borne by the Transvaal government.

Since money has been spent to raise soldiers, they must play their role. In the era without war, the army assisted the government in maintaining public order, which was also one of the responsibilities of the garrison. This was a reversal of power from the military control period.

Before going to General Hopkins, Rock should go to Henry first.

Henry finally got his beauty back, and he is now very proud of himself. Rock used to come to Pretoria, and Henry would take Rock to the police station restaurant for dinner, but now he doesn’t have to. Lacey’s cooking skills are still very good, although they are not as good as

Not as good as Marvin, but not too far behind.

"Ha, do you know what I want to say to you? You deserve it!" Henry knew that Rock had been scolded and ridiculed him mercilessly.

"You know nothing. A subordinate who doesn't make mistakes is not a good subordinate. If you do one thing perfectly, how can you show the wisdom and prowess of your superiors?" Rock is not polite. No matter what, Rock can find a lot of things.

False reasoning.

In fact, it can’t be said to be unreasonable. Under normal circumstances, Rock’s words would still make sense, but this time the trap that Rock poked was a bit big, so it seemed particularly unreasonable.

Henry was shocked by Rock's specious theory. Although he thought deep down that this was not the case, he thought that Rock's words still made some sense, so he could only fundamentally overturn it: "So I am still very wise and powerful.


Not to mention Roark, even Lacey was laughing. She felt so good about herself.

If Rock's words are correct, then Henry's words are also correct. Henry is indeed Rock's superior and his immediate boss.

It's just that Henry, no matter how you look at it, has nothing to do with being a wise man. He has a way of muddling along. Before he was knighted, Henry still had some motivation to climb up. Now that he has a knighthood, Henry has completely become a salty fish. He interacts with everyone every day.

Lacey seizes the time to make a little person.

It is said that Baron Farwalte has a big business now, so he can't die without any children. No one will inherit all this.

After dinner, Rock and Henry got down to business.

"That's right. We are the police. Daily patrols are still done by the army. Otherwise, spending so much military expenditure every year to support so many troops will become a decoration. What's more, even if you set up a militia, it won't be your turn.

This police chief is taking the lead, that's the job of the city government, you're even trying to steal my dad's job." Henry complained about Roark in various ways. There are not many opportunities like this.

Rock could only admit that he had underestimated the heroes of the world, and now that the social division of labor is so detailed, individual heroism is really undesirable.

Then go home and "farm".

After Roque returned to Johannesburg, the Third Division stationed in Pretoria sent a cavalry regiment to Johannesburg and dispersed it on the border between Pretoria and Orange. Not to mention Orange, the company

There is no need to set up any vigilante groups in Johannesburg.

"No, the militia still needs to be established, but it needs to be established in a different way. Let's set it up as a club. Don't have the same name, such as an equestrian club, a shooting club, a hunting club, etc., you can name it whatever you want.

The operation method is the same as that of the militia. Anyway, they don’t ask for funds from the city government and no one can control it.” Roque still has a way to change the soup without changing the medicine.

Speaking of clubs, this is really no one’s business, and this is not Roque’s first initiative, the Boers are even more extreme.

Just after the "Peace Agreement" was signed, Orange established a "Christian National Education Association", which was funded by donations from the Cape and the Netherlands.

Shortly after the signing of the "Peace Agreement", Orange and Cape established the "African Language Association". This association does not study English or Dutch, but studies a new language called "African Language".


These two associations were so powerful that they established a branch in Johannesburg without the police and city government noticing it. Their members were not only Boers, but also British, German, and French people in Johannesburg.

They even wanted to recruit Chinese into the association, but unfortunately the Chinese had little interest in "Christianity" and "African languages", so Rock didn't notice.

"We now have many clubs, cattle breeders, sheep breeders, and even dog breeders. Farmers near the border line will spontaneously patrol the border line every afternoon and morning in the name of hunting. Translater

There are checkpoints set up by our police station on the road from Wa to Orange. The Kronstad Police Station was established last week, and Inspector Martin is the chief——" Reed's mood was a bit low. I don't know if it was because of it.

Because of Martin's assignment.

Although both Martin and Li De are Chinese, there is still a difference in their closeness on this issue. In the eyes of many Chinese policemen, Li De's current position is the Assistant Chief of Police, and he seems to be more qualified to be dispatched. Unexpectedly, he was the first to be dispatched.

But it's Martin.

It can be seen from the clubs established by the Chinese that the Chinese attach great importance to economic interests. Whether it is cattle, sheep, or even dogs, they can produce direct economic benefits, but they have little interest in religion and language.

This is normal. After all, what needs to be solved now is the problem of food and clothing. If even food and clothing cannot be solved, spiritual civilization will be out of the question. If the Boers do this, problems will probably arise in the future.

Luo Ke didn't explain Li De. There are some things that he has to solve by himself. This involves a pattern issue. If Li De doesn't understand it thoroughly, then Li De will be like this for the rest of his life.

Looking back, Roque did not forget to report to Philip Matilda.

The mayor doesn't care about this matter at all. Maybe the mayor doesn't even know the name of the murdered farmer.

After meeting Roque, Philip Matilda was still concerned about Phyllis: "How is Ziwei Girls' School going lately?"

God knows what happened, but Rock was so busy during this period that he couldn't even take care of Ziwei Girls' School. He hasn't been back to Ziwei Town for half a month.

"It's not bad -" Rock wanted to muddle through.

"It's okay - that's okay -" Philippe Matilda said lightly.

Roque heard what Philip Matilda meant, and walked straight to Ziwei Town after leaving the mayor's residence.

Rock thought something had happened to Phyllis, but when he arrived at Ziwei Girls' School, he discovered that Phyllis was very happy in the girls' school.

After receiving the financial allocation, Ziwei Public School was not busy building a new campus, but used it entirely to improve its software and hardware capabilities.

At the boys' school, two new indoor stadiums were built and the library was expanded. Tony finally had the money to buy a horse and start the equestrian lessons he had always wanted to take.

The girls' school focuses more on software strength. After Phyllis received the money, she did not build a stadium. Instead, she invited more than a dozen experienced girls' teachers from the UK to improve the teaching staff of the girls' school.

The salaries of these teachers are not cheap. Each of them has an annual salary of more than 200 pounds. They are very competitive in the teaching industry, so these female school teachers are willing to come to Johannesburg.

"These teachers are all from Brighton Roding and Waddingham, two of the best girls' schools in the country. Many teachers have taught me before, so I know who is qualified and who is not. I even asked the principal Sophia.

I dug it, I guess Ms. Penelope will hate me." Phyllis was very proud, her face was full of praise me, praise me——

Phyllis graduated from Brighton Roding. Ms. Penelope was one of the three founders of Brighton Roding. The brother of the three sisters was the famous Duke of Wimbledon, before St. Paul's Girls' School was established.

,Brighton Roding is the best girls' secondary school in the UK.

"So, the current principal is Sophia?" Locke didn't even know who Sophia was.

"Yes!" Phyllis was in a good mood, throwing the ball in her hand hard and letting the big guy chase it.

"Then what's your position?" Rock asked casually. It didn't matter whether Phyllis was the principal or not, what was important was that she was happy.

By the way, Phyllis should have just turned 18 now. She is indeed a bit young to be a principal at this age.

"Assistant to the principal - otherwise why would I recruit Principal Sophia?" Phyllis said with a matter-of-fact expression, not thinking that having a father who is the mayor means that she must be the principal.

What else can Rock say? Rock asked himself, he couldn't be so free and easy. Looking at the energetic Phyllis, Rock was really filled with joy.

Then take Phyllis out to play with you. Speaking of which, it has been so long since Phyllis came to Ziwei Town that Rock has never taken Phyllis out to play. No wonder the mayor is angry. If it had been Rock, maybe

I want to hit someone.

It is indeed troublesome for women to go out. It takes at least half an hour to change clothes, change hairstyle, and touch up makeup. Roque is not in a hurry, chatting with Tang En all the time.

Li De has more and more work, and Tang En has now become Rock's assistant. Rock usually brings ten or eight commandos with him when he goes out.

Another constant companion of Rock is Zach. Zach's current identity is still Rock's servant. Rock gave Zach a sergeant position at the police station. However, Zach does not wear police uniforms on weekdays and stays in a group of people.

The police are more conspicuous inside.

"——The subsidy has been paid out. All the brothers in our bureau have received at least 50 pounds, which is almost a year's salary. The brothers who started late regret it very much. It's a pity that there is no regret medicine. Now you can also buy a farm, but

The place is very remote, the smarter brothers will go to Pretoria to buy. Anyway, the distance is not far, and there is a train, which is very convenient-" Tang En had a simple and honest face, and he was the oldest person among Rock's side.


Those brothers are actually polarized now. The brothers who have a better relationship with Roque, such as Anton, Li De, Martin, and Gao De, are now basically inspectors.

Sheriff, follow Roark to buy vineyards and farms, and now your net worth is very rich.

Those old brothers who have not kept up with Rock are a bit miserable. They have basically become police sergeants through seniority. Although they have no worries about food and drink, and their social status is good, their financial strength is not.

While in Cape Town, Rock had been persuading Chinese police officers to buy vineyards.

Most Chinese policemen are obedient and do whatever Rock asks them to do, but there are always some people who are smart and don't take Rock's words seriously.

As a result, those people are now in tragedy. Many of the Chinese policemen who followed Rock to Johannesburg sold their vineyards in Cape Town. The selling price was almost three or four times the price when they purchased it, and then they took the money and bought it.

Johannesburg has purchased larger farms, such as Dunn. The farm under his name now has 2,000 acres, which is converted into acres of tens of thousands of acres. This is not the largest amount in the Johannesburg Police Department. Except for Roque, the farm under his name is

The Chinese policemen who own the largest number of farms are the silent Gold brothers. The farms owned by these two brothers add up to nearly 8,000 acres, which is more than any other in the entire Johannesburg.

Those Chinese police officers who had fallen behind in Cape Town suddenly realized it after arriving in Johannesburg and began to buy farms in Johannesburg. Unfortunately, they had insufficient funds, so the number of farms they bought was limited, and the subsidies they received were even smaller.


This is what is called failing to catch up with one step or failing to catch up step by step.

"Did you buy it?" Rock was still very pleased. Even if these old brothers are not police officers, they will still be rich if they resign and go home to become farmers. Only in this way can the value of following Rock be reflected.

"Buy, buy as long as you can. There will be more money in the future, and there will definitely be fewer and fewer farms. My family is all in Johannesburg now. My brother, my younger brother, my cousin, my cousin, my brother-in-law,

Even my cousin’s brother-in-law is in Johannesburg. The more land the better for the whole family.” Tang En’s family is very representative. Every Chinese policeman in the Johannesburg Police Department actually has a lot of people behind him.

It's a big family.

This is also the reason why the number of Chinese in Johannesburg is increasing rapidly. Although Roque now sends all his people to Nyasaland, the number of Chinese in Johannesburg is still increasing rapidly. Roque did not count the number of Chinese who came to Johannesburg to seek refuge with relatives and friends. It is estimated that the total number will be

It's amazing.

Regarding the Chinese population, in fact, official statistics have always been inaccurate. This is related to the heavy corvee and poll tax. When the official population is counted, one more person means one more corvee and one more head.

Taxes are required, so it is very common among the Chinese to conceal their population.

Johannesburg does not charge a poll tax, and there is no such thing as corvee, so rapid population growth is inevitable. As far as the fertility of the Chinese is concerned, and in the case of Johannesburg, if the Chinese are given ten years, the total number of Chinese in Johannesburg will increase to more than one million.


Who will dare to bully the Chinese then?

No one dared. At that time, the total population of Boers and British was not as large as that of the Chinese. Thank God if the Chinese did not bully them.

This chapter has been completed!
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