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132 Madagascar (160 votes yesterday, are you all devils)

 A baron is enough to satisfy Rock's ambition. A higher title is useless to Rock. Ad's title is Viscount. Philip and Henry are both barons. Rock, the Baron of Nyasaland, is not high.

It is low, which does not attract firepower, but also ensures Rock's interests. Rock is now satisfied, so he shares the credit with Frank, and Rock doesn't mind at all.

Frank had mixed feelings. The British did not value humility and tolerance. Rock was the only one among the British nobles to take the initiative to give away the credit.

Even Ade admires Roque.

Ade actually disapproved of the War Office building a base in Nyasaland.

Although the War Office is not yet a notorious Intelligence Bureau, the War Office is also well-known, and Ade is not willing to have too much contact with the War Office.

Rock's willingness to share the credit and profits with the War Office will definitely help to establish a good relationship with the War Office in the future. Even Ade, the "leader in charge", is a good leader, and everyone likes such subordinates.

"Locke, how do you plan to develop the Zambezi River?" Ade is still very curious about Locke. Although Ade has never been to Nyasaland, through other people's descriptions, Ade knows that Nyasaland is developing very fast.
It developed even faster than the Transvaal under Adelaide.

There is gold in the Transvaal, but only copper mines in Nyasaland. The value gap between the two is huge, and their role in promoting the local economy cannot be compared. Ade knew that Roque knew some economics before, but he did not expect that he would be so "


“There is no complete plan yet. Next, I will hire explorers to find a suitable place to build a port at the mouth of the Zambezi River, and then build a railway from Nyasaland to the port.

Development will probably start along the railway line." Roque indeed has no plan. At this stage, Roque's main task is still to develop Nyasaland, develop the Zambezi River and so on.

If we want to develop the Zambezi River in the future, it will not work to rely on new immigrants. Roque plans to continue sending new immigrants to Nyasaland in the future, and then send outstanding Chinese from Nyasaland to the Zambezi River Basin for resettlement. This will last for ten years.

In a few years, the Chinese may spontaneously develop the Zambezi River Basin without the need for Rock Plan.

There is no need to emphasize the initiative of the Chinese on land. As long as the Chinese are given enough living space, the Chinese can create a miracle for Roque. The Chinese in Johannesburg have proven this, and the Chinese in Nyasaland are proving that the Zambezi River

Chinese in the basin——

That's for the future.

"Let the Chinese build the railway?" Adelaide was sarcastic. Adelaide knew exactly how Stoudemire built the railway to Nyasaland.

"No, I will give the task of building the railway to Christian. As for how Christian will complete it, that is Christian's business." Rock will not let the Chinese build the railway. Stoudemire still has other people in the Transvaal.

After being restrained, he became unscrupulous in Rhodesia and Nyasaland. In order to pursue speed, Stoudemire gave Christian, who was responsible for building the railway, a death order. As a result, Christian squeezed the workers desperately. On average, 150 people died to build one mile of railway.


Building railways in the Zambezi River Basin is not much less difficult than in Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Since Christian already has experience, Rock will give the task to Christian. As for whether Christian will do it in the future

Rock doesn't care if he gets scolded.

Christian himself doesn't care either.

Ade shook his head and smiled bitterly. He probably did not agree with Rock's method, but Ade would not speak for the Zulu people. Africans are also means of production these days.

After the negotiations, the Chief of General Staff returned to Germany around German Southwest Africa. João Franco returned to Lourenço Marquez as quickly as possible. Zhazha went to Nyasaland to receive the latest batch of arms. The former president did not

I am in a hurry to leave, live comfortably in Johannesburg, and go to Roque for coffee every now and then.

While drinking coffee one time, the former president finally couldn't help but said: "Sir, I have a business, I wonder if you are interested?"

After Jean Casimir Perrier resigned as president, his current position is the chairman of a mining group, which has some overlap with Roque's identity.

Rock can barely be considered a mining giant now. In addition to gold mines, Rock has already been involved in steel, copper mines, and military production, making him a proper mining tycoon.

"What business?" Rock was absent-minded, thinking about how to help Austin Burns escape guilt.

After a period of investigation, the conflict that occurred on the border between the Transvaal and Orange finally entered the trial stage. This trial was a closed trial. There was no prosecutor, no auditorium, and no jury. As a baron, Rock

, together with Ade, Philip, Henry, and Boer representatives Louis Botha and Yang Smuts, formed the jury.

Regarding the crimes of Austin Burns and other three people, the trial panel was deeply divided. Rock, Philip, and Henry insisted that Austin Burns and other three people were not guilty, while Louis Botha and Yang Smuts insisted on massacre.

A public trial was held against Austin Pence and three others.

Ade is in the middle and is not helping anyone on either side. The trial has been conducted three times, but there is still no unanimous opinion. The last trial will be held the day after tomorrow. If the jury cannot reach an agreement, then Austin Burns and three other people will be sentenced.

The trial must be handed over to the chief judge.

Handing it over to the justice will definitely be detrimental to Austin Pence and the other three, because the current trial is similar to a military court and the applicable laws are relatively loose. If it is converted to an ordinary criminal court, it will be detrimental to Austin Pence and the other three.

The characterization of people will change. Considering that more than 100 people were killed and the number of injured in the conflict increased, then the charges against Austin Pence and three other people will include more than 100 murder charges, as well as more than 100 murder charges.

A Thousand Attempted Murders.

I'm afraid it will take several days for the prosecutor to read the indictment.

"Madagascar - the mineral resources on the island of Madagascar." Jean Casimir Perrier finally succeeded in arousing Roque's interest.

"Does the mineral resources on the island of Madagascar have anything to do with you?" Roque was curious, and then thinking about the identity of Jean Casimir Perrier as the former president, Roque suddenly realized.

Jean Casimir Perrier resigned as president in 1895, and the next year, Madagascar, which was originally a French protectorate, became a French colony.

“My company has won the right to develop mineral resources in Madagascar, but Madagascar is very unstable. The Imelina and Behemi Zalaka people often attack the mines. The mines cannot produce stably, and the miners are also unstable.

Some miners escaped, and sometimes the miners even rioted -" the former president was filled with indignation, thinking of the miners in Madagascar and wanting to curse.

Rock was also speechless. What terrible conditions must be for the miners to escape!

Moreover, since miners have to use "escape" to leave the mine, then most likely, the way the mine obtains those miners is not normal. Under normal circumstances, miners can resign if they don't want to work anymore, and there is no need for such extreme as "escape".


However, there is no need for Roque to remind the former president that the mines in Madagascar are different from those in Johannesburg and cannot be generalized.

"So, what can I do for you?" Roque didn't know the former president's purpose, so he wouldn't let Roque subvert the French colonial rule in Madagascar.

Roque thought too much. The former president had no intention at all. The former president wanted to cooperate with Roque: "Lord, I have noticed in the past few days that you have many Zulus under your command. How did you do it?"


Seeing that Roque didn't understand what he meant, the former president continued to add: "I mean, how did you let those Zulu people work with peace of mind - it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, we can cooperate to jointly develop Madagascar's minerals

Resources, I am responsible for finding mines and obtaining the qualifications for mine development. Your task, Lord, is to supervise the good work of the Imelina and Behemi Zalaka people, and we will cooperate together."

Rock now understood that the former president wanted to use Rock's human resources, or in other words, the former president wanted to use Rock's influence among the Zulu people to hire a team of mercenaries from Rock.

"What benefits can I get?" Rock will not do anything that is not beneficial.

"10% of the final profit." The former president cautiously offered the price.

"Hahahaha, Mr. President, I wish you a pleasant night." Roque wanted to say goodbye and give 10% of the profit to the beggar!

"Wait a minute, Lord, how much do you want?" The former president didn't want a pleasant night, he just wanted the mercenaries under Roark.

"50% of the final profit." Rock Lion opened his mouth.

"Lord Impossible, the company does not belong to me alone. If you take 50%, how will the others share it?" The former president stated the facts and reasoned.

"Without my cooperation, you can't get anything. As you just said, you don't even have workers, and you have no ability to extract the ore from the mine. Let me guess, you won't make a profit for a long time.

If you can't produce normally, I'm afraid your company will go bankrupt." Roque doubted Perrier's business ability. This guy has been a politician all his life, but he couldn't even handle relations within the party well, and was eventually dismissed.

Although the political environment in France has been bad for a long time, such an incompetent president is rare.

After being a politician all my life, I couldn’t even be a president. I only turned to business after retiring as president. Can I become a successful businessman?

If Rock believed it, he would have seen a ghost.

"It's nonsense. Our company is in very good health." Perrier's righteous denial was like answering a reporter's question about whether there is unity within the government.

The more Perrier behaves like this, the more Roque doubts the health of Perrier's enterprise. Seeing Perrier's resolute attitude, Roque takes retreat in order to advance.

"Yeah, I believe it. Your company is very healthy, so you don't need me to join." Roque is indeed interested in Madagascar, but it's hard to say how strong his interest is.

Rock is interested in Madagascar because in the 21st century, there are many overseas Chinese in Madagascar, with a total number of about 50,000.

But those are statistics from the 21st century. It is still unknown whether or how many Chinese there are on the island of Madagascar, so Roque is not very interested in Madagascar.

What's more, Madagascar is a colony of France. France is not a small country like Portugal that can be rounded or flattened by others. France is still very powerful now, so Roque does not want to provoke France, let alone help France build a colony.

"Wait a minute, Lord, don't be like this, give me some time, let me discuss it with other shareholders, how about I give you an answer?" Perrier has already seen how Roque negotiates, so Perrier is familiar with it.

Those little tricks are of no use to Rock.

Through the negotiations between the Yao people and the Portuguese, Perrier knew clearly that Roque was very good at using off-field factors to force his opponents to surrender.

This kind of step-by-step negotiation does not give the other party any chance to breathe. It is impossible to delay time, because delaying time will only be more beneficial to Roark.

The same is true for Perrier. If Roque doesn't join, there will be no loss to Roque, but Perrier's company can't afford to wait. In fact, Roque's guess is right. If Perrier has other ways,

Then Perrier, a Frenchman, would not cooperate with Roque, an "Englishman".

"Okay -" Roque didn't care about the result. He had just defeated the Portuguese. If he continued to mess with the French, Roque would become a public enemy of the colonial country, and the British government would not be able to protect Roque.

Entering October, the continuous rainy weather has finally cleared up. Although it is the rainy season, it still rains every now and then. However, the amount of rainfall has been greatly reduced compared with the previous period, and the impact on Johannesburg and the farms around Johannesburg is also gradually fading.

In the entire Transvaal and Orange, the only benefit from the heavy rains some time ago should be the Crocodile Bay Reservoir.

Originally, Rock was planning to use two rainy seasons to complete the water storage of the reservoir. Unexpectedly, in less than two months, the water storage task of the reservoir has been basically completed. A week ago, under the guidance of Westinghouse engineers, the Crocodile Bay Reservoir Power Station

Finally tried to generate electricity.

The results were exciting. The reservoir only used two generator sets to light up 3,000 electric lights. After adjustments by Westinghouse engineers, three days ago, Crocodile Bay Reservoir began to stably supply power to Ziwei Town. Ziwei Town also

It became the first city in the Transvaal and even in Africa to use electric street lighting.

The current Ziwei Town is actually qualified to be upgraded to Ziwei City, but Roque disagrees, so Ziwei Town is still "Ziwei Town".

After the electricity was supplied, Ziwei Town's night scene has become a special scenery. People from Johannesburg, Pretoria, and even Cape Town have come to Ziwei Town to enjoy the night view of Ziwei Town.

The reputation of Ziwei Town spread throughout southern Africa.

This chapter has been completed!
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