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147 So lively

 Everyone has different shining points. As an old bureaucrat, it is obvious that Philip Matilda is best at quarreling with people.

In other words, what Philippe Matilda is best at is acting mischievously within the limits allowed by the rules.

Why does Roque often feel embarrassed in front of Louis Botta?

The fundamental reason is that Roque is shameless most of the time, while Louis Botta is shameless most of the time. In this world, honest people who are shameless will always suffer, and shameless people can eat more and occupy more, so Louis

·Botta likes to deal with young people like Roque who are "inexperienced in the world" and does not like old bureaucrats like Philippe Matilda.

"Louis Botha was also confused. If he had only talked about the plague, then the Governor might have given some assistance to Orange. As a result, Louis Botha targeted the Johannesburg City Hall and was scolded by his father.

, the Governor did not give Louis Botha a good look. During the plague, at least 20,000 people died in Orange, and there were only so many people in Orange - the Governor must have been very angry." Henry gloated on the phone that the Boers were defeated this time

Due to severe mold, even after the plague, it will take a long time for Orange to recover.

Now in 1902, population is an important criterion for evaluating whether officials are competent. For Britain, it is not important whether the colonies expand, nor is the economy of the colonies developed. What is important is whether the population of the colonies increases.

Only with enough people can there be enough consumer demand, sufficient human resources can be provided for the British Empire, and the interests of the British government can be guaranteed.

Taking a step back, the total population of the world is just that much. British colonies need immigrants, French colonies also need it, and colonies of small countries such as Portugal and Belgium need it even more.

As long as the population of the British colonies continues to increase, the colonies of other countries will receive fewer immigrants. This is a trade-off.

Therefore, Ade was still very distressed when 20,000 Boers were killed in Orange.

Although these Boers seem to be a burden now.

"What's the final result?" Roque actually doesn't care how Philippe Matilda fights against Ade and Louis Botha. Roque only cares about the result.

"The final result is of course that the fox won again. Although my father won the argument with the Governor and Louis Botha, he could not change the fact that Bloemfontein had become a hell. If no rescue was provided, the Orange government would be unable to control it.

The Boers were expelled, and the plague would spread throughout southern Africa with the Boers, causing greater losses. Louis Botha promised not to pursue those Boers who fled to Johannesburg at the expense of Johannesburg providing as much supply as possible to Bloemfontein.

Help." Henry's voice was full of unwillingness. Although this result was unreasonable, it was also expected.

In any case, Ade will definitely not let the plague continue. The plague in Johannesburg is almost over, but the plague in Bloemfontein is still raging. Hundreds of people die in pain every day. The Bloemfontein city government has lost its

In order to control the situation, if Johannesburg does not help Bloemfontein, then Louis Botha may really go to London, and then it will be Ade who will be embarrassed.

Due to emotion and reason, Johannesburg cannot sit idly by and do nothing. Not to mention the border between Bloemfontein and Johannesburg, as long as the epidemic in Bloemfontein is not over, the alarm in Johannesburg cannot be lifted.

After all, the people of Orange and Johannesburg are both British, and they should help each other in the face of crisis. However, the Boers have behaved too badly in the past, so Johannesburg is unwilling to help.

Now the Boers have suffered enough. The plague has taught the Boers enough lessons. In the Boer War, more than 30,000 Boers died on the frontal battlefield and in the concentration camps. More than 20,000 people died in the plague. This lesson

It's miserable enough. If the Boers don't wake up after the plague, they will be in trouble sooner or later.

"Did you tell me what kind of help it was?" Rock asked. The scope of this "help" was too big. Sending doctors and nurses to Bloemfontein to provide medical help to the Boers was help. Just send some potatoes and corn.

It’s also helpful.

If possible, of course Rock would be willing to just send some potatoes and corn, but it is estimated that the Boers are not so easy to deal with. When the plague first broke out, Louis Botha hoped to get medical assistance from Johannesburg, relying only on Bronfang.

In the words of Dan’s medical resources——

There are no medical resources in Bloemfontein. Before the plague outbreak, there were only two private clinics in Bloemfontein. Can you believe it?

"Food, daily necessities, and medical care -" Henry still said the words that Locke least wanted to hear: "Come on Locke, the Boers are also British now, we can't make it too difficult for the governor, give in a little,

The Governor will definitely compensate you."

Ziwei Hospital is a private hospital. Rock's willingness to help is a matter of friendship, but his unwillingness to help is a duty. Adelaide cannot force Rock to send doctors to Bloemfontein.

These are extraordinary times. If Rock insists on not helping, even though Adelaide can't do anything to Rock, in Adelaide's heart, Rock will definitely lose points, so even if Rock is unwilling, Rock will have to ask for help.

The Boers provided aid, not for the Boers, but to help Adé solve the problem.

"I know, don't worry, as long as the Governor makes a request, I will obey the order." Roque did not insist. In fact, many doctors at Ziwei Hospital are Boers, and they all know the situation in Bloemfontein, although so far

No one has shown an obvious tendency yet, but if Rock takes the initiative, those Bull doctors will also be grateful to Rock.

Philip Matilda returned to Johannesburg from Pretoria overnight. As soon as Roque arrived at the police station, he was called to the official residence by Philip.

"Don't contradict the orders of the Governor's Palace. The current task is to fight the plague. No matter what it is, we have to wait until the plague passes." Philip also looked tired. After all, he was in his fifties and his health was not as good as Roque and the others.

Young people.

"I know, I will arrange for people to go to Bloemfontein later." Roque has already figured out the joints. There is no point in carrying it on. At this time, he still needs to be more upright.

"That's good. In a few days, there will be a special fund allocated directly to Ziwei Hospital. The Governor has agreed to put the medical school and pharmaceutical factory in Johannesburg. Do it well and don't betray the Governor's trust in you." Philip looked at him.

Roque's eyes were a bit complicated. Although Philip had repeatedly raised his evaluation of Roque, when he met Ade at the Governor's Mansion yesterday, Philip found that he still underestimated Roque.

Ade is really concerned about Roque. When he chatted with Philip about Ziwei Hospital, Ade even knew clearly how many Boer doctors Ziwei Hospital has and how many Chinese doctors it has trained. He even knew that Roque had

A group of doctors and nurses were sent to Nyasaland to establish a primary medical system in Nyasaland.

Although Roque is of Chinese origin, Ade gave Roque more trust than he gave to other officials in the Transvaal. Louis Botha complained that Roque would rather idle medical resources than provide them to Bloemfontein.

When helping, Ade reprimanded Louis Botha sternly and told Louis Botha clearly that if Orange had not trapped itself, Bloemfontein would not be in the situation it is today.

Even the funding allocated by Ade to Ziwei Hospital was originally intended to be allocated to Bloemfontein to fight the plague. Now that Ziwei Hospital is willing to send doctors to Bloemfontein, it is natural that the money should be given to Ziwei Hospital.<


What really surprised Philip was the medical school and pharmaceutical factory.

Everyone knows the value of the medical school and pharmaceutical factory. If Philip were the governor, even if Roque was Phyllis's husband, Philip would probably insist on putting the medical school and pharmaceutical factory in Pretoria instead of moving to Pretoria.

As Rock requested, both the medical school and the pharmaceutical factory were placed in Johannesburg.

Medical schools cultivate talents, and pharmaceutical factories produce profits. There are no medical schools in southern Africa, or even in the whole of Africa. As long as the medical school in Johannesburg starts enrolling students, its influence will be immeasurable.

Now, Ade has given up all this and wants to know that if Philip hadn't known about the situation between Roque and Ade, then Philip would have really doubted the relationship between Roque and Ade.

"I will!" Rock felt a little more comfortable now. Ade was indeed experienced and was very good at balancing. Rock was still complaining just now, but now he is willing to do it.

Back at the police station, Rock called Bellamy and asked Bellamy to arrange for a doctor to go to Bloemfontein.

Then he called Christian. Christian was still responsible for the construction of the medical school and pharmaceutical factory.

As for funds——

Funding is not a problem. With Rock's current net worth, it would be no problem even if Rock alone funded the establishment of a medical school and pharmaceutical factory.

But Rock can't do that. If there is money, everyone must make it together, and if there are risks, everyone must bear it together. Rock has now passed the desperate stage of accumulating original capital. As long as he works steadily, in a few years, Rock will build a

By forming a community of interests across the Transvaal, Rhodesia, and Nyasaland, no one in Africa will dare to despise Roque.

In Johannesburg, there are many well-informed people, but in just one morning, the news that Africa's first medical school and first pharmaceutical factory will soon be settled in Johannesburg has become known to everyone. Throughout the morning, people in Roque's office

The calls never stopped, but Roque didn’t answer any of them.

The person in charge of answering the phone was Tang En. He had only one thing to say to everyone: Your Lord caught a cold last night and is currently receiving treatment. Please call back later.

Rock's phone call has never been so lively.

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