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162 tough

 Rock met with various gods frequently, and the news was quickly summarized to Frank.

Putting down the list in his hand, Frank's face was gloomy, and he leaned on the back of his chair and rubbed his forehead.

It was such a troubled time, and Frank was madly complaining about the Belgians who were seeking death. Frank had a telegram forwarded from London. The telegram was sent to London by Leopold II, asking London to pay two bills to the Congo Free State.

Even the attack by unknown forces was explained.

Even Leopold II said it was an "unknown force", so why did Leopold II ask London to explain?

It’s not London that did it!

To cover it up by saying "attack" is as if the British government doesn't know the truth. If it was just an "attack", Leopold II would not be so big-hearted.

"The Lord's secretary said that this matter has nothing to do with Nyasaland and urged us to urge the Belgian government to respond as soon as possible to the attack on Nyasaland people in Nyasaland -" Chris also looked sad,

The War Office is currently doing a thankless job and is not a human being inside or outside.

"If you ask us to respond, who should we go to?" Frank slammed the table, his face flushed with anger, and his breathing was so violent that he could blow his beard.

Chris didn't say anything. This was the responsibility of Frank, the director of the war office, and had nothing to do with Chris, the soldier.

Frank couldn't take it out on himself when he was angry. Frank picked up the phone and called the Nyasaland Agricultural Development Company. The phone rang for a long time but no one answered. Frank was so angry that he slammed the receiver on the phone.

Chris was terrified. If Frank dropped the phone in anger, the War Office would have to pay for it.

Funds are really tight.

"Prepare the car——" Frank decided to come to find someone.

Chris didn't speak and went to prepare the carriage obediently. If he speaks now, no matter what he says, Frank will take it as a punching bag.

When Frank came to Nyasaland Agricultural Development Company, Rock was comforting Phyllis.

Things in Nyasaland cannot be completed in a day or two. Roark estimated that he might not be able to return to Johannesburg for Christmas, so Roark and Phyllis' wedding was forced to be postponed.

Phyllis did not come to attack the enemy, but to fight alongside Roque. In Phyllis's words, now Phyllis must be with Roque unconditionally.

"Sorry, Lord, Madam, excuse me." Although Frank knew it was inappropriate, he still knocked on the door.

Rock glared at Twain, but Twain looked innocent. Frank was the director of the War Office, and if he wanted to force his way into Rock's office, Twain really couldn't stop him.

"Sit down, Frank, Phyllis, could you please give us a cup of coffee -" There was no one around Rock, so he could only grab Phyllis's hand.

Phyllis still politely bowed to Frank before going to pour the coffee.

Frank was in a hurry and almost bumped into Chris when he bent down to bow.

"Lord, can you suspend operations against the Congo Free State?" Frank got straight to the point.

"Frank, I've already said that the matter in the Congo Free State has nothing to do with me." Rock still pushed back completely. Frank must not have received the latest news, otherwise Frank would be even more anxious now.

After wiping out two companies of Congolese colonial troops, Martin did not stop and continued to penetrate deeper into the interior of the Congo Free State.

Lara has also led his troops into the Congo Free State, but unlike Martin's attack direction, Martin followed Lake Tanganyika and took advantage of the convenient transportation of Lake Tanganyika to go deep into the interior of the Congo Free State.

Lara led the troops starting from Lake Mweru and has now occupied the important Belgian stronghold Pudu on the shores of Lake Mweru.

Pudu is an important stronghold on the border between Congo Free State and Nyasaland. It is also the only Belgian stronghold within 150 kilometers around Pudu. After crossing Pudu, the interior of the Congo Free State opens its arms to Nyasaland.

La can drive straight in, and the Belgians have no power to resist.

Leopold II probably still doesn't know what happened to the Prussian Commission. Otherwise, given Leopold II's character, he will definitely continue to send telegrams to London, and then London will definitely slap Frank on the ass.


"Lord, I personally have no objection to Nyasaland punishing the Congo Free State, but we have to use a method acceptable to everyone." Frank tried to put the situation back on the right track, but this aroused Rock's anger even more.


"What is the method acceptable to everyone? The Congolese Free State will apologize and then pay some symbolic compensation without even handing over the perpetrator. This method may be acceptable to everyone, but I'm sorry, I can't accept it. Congo

The Free State must give me an explanation that satisfies both me and Nyasaland, otherwise I will use my own way to seek justice for Nyasaland." Roque refused to give up. The lives of white people are valuable, and the lives of Chinese people are valuable.

Is life just worthless and can be killed by white people?

Sorry, Roque doesn’t think so. If the white people in the Congo Free State think that the Chinese in Nyasaland can be hunted for fun, then Roque will hunt the white people in the Congo Free State at will. You can do whatever you want.

Hurt each other until one party completely surrenders.

"Lord, can you tell me what conditions you can accept?" Frank finally realized that Roark would not stop if he did not meet Roark's requirements.

"Hand over the perpetrators, hold the management of the Antwerp company accountable, and fully compensate Nyasaland for its losses -" Roque set out the conditions. An apology is of course a must, as is tangible benefits.

"Compensation, how much?" Frank doesn't worry about the first two items, which are mainly about compensation. It is estimated that the number is too small, and Rock will not agree to it.

"One million pounds!" Rock said loudly.

"Lord, let's be realistic. Only three people were killed in Nyasaland. Do they cost 330,000 for each person?" Frank almost collapsed, let alone a living person, even a person made of gold is not so expensive.

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"Haha, Frank, you only saw that three Chinese were killed, but do you know how many people I mobilized for this matter?" Rock wants not only pensions, but of course also the cost of mobilizing the army. What the hell?

It’s the cost.

"How much?" Frank had ulterior motives.

"It's at least three thousand now. If Leopold II doesn't agree to this request within a week, the cost will continue to increase." Roque didn't mind letting Frank know Roque's strength, although there are only two of these three thousand people.

Qianduo is all Xiaohei, but Xiaohei is also a human being, and he has to eat and drink.

Frank began to rub his face after hearing this. He did not doubt the authenticity of this number, but was curious about how Rock did it, annihilating two companies from the Congo Free State without losing a single person.

"My Lord, I'm afraid the Belgians will not approve this fee." Frank did not think Leopold II would accept such a condition. Leopold II's income from the Congo Free State was not certain for a year.

One million pounds.

Although the Congo Free State also has mineral resources, Belgians will not go through all the trouble to mine them. The economic pillars of the Congo Free State are rubber and ivory. With these two incomes, Leopold II and the Belgian dignitaries have made a lot of money.

There is a lot of money in the pot, so no one goes to the Congo Free State to mine.

In order to harvest more ivory and rubber, the Belgians used rifles and bayonets to force the Congolese into the plantations. Large areas of natural rubber forests in the Congo Free State were destroyed. The Congolese were forced to use quick and easy methods to pay heavy taxes.

Cut down the rubber tree or peel off the rubber bark.

This is killing the goose that lays the egg. The concession company only cares about immediate profits and never cultivates new rubber trees. Therefore, the rubber forests in the Congo Free State are gradually exhausted and the output has doubled.

Another negative consequence of operating plantations is that most of the young and middle-aged labor force is forced to tap rubber and perform corvee labor. As a result, agriculture has been neglected, large tracts of land have become barren, and the population has declined rapidly. The Congo Free State has now become a hell on earth.

"It doesn't matter. The Belgians don't need to recognize it, they don't need to make friends, and they don't need to punish the management of the Antwerp company. As long as the Belgians can withstand the anger of the Congolese, then they can do whatever they want." Roque is not worried about the Belgians not bowing their heads.

Beat the Belgian until he bows his head.

Listening to Rock's understatement, Frank felt that even his teeth began to hurt. Rock's shamelessness was deeply rooted in the essence of the British Empire. Everyone knew that those who attacked the colonial army in the Congo Free State were Nyasalands. Rock

But they say they are Congolese. I’m afraid the Congolese people wouldn’t believe it if they knew about it.

It cannot be said that before the drastic changes in Portuguese East Africa, no one believed that the Yao people could defeat the Portuguese. As a result, the fate of the Portuguese was visible to the whole world.

So now, who dares to despise the "Congolese" in Rock's words!

"Okay, Lord, I will convey your request and hope for a good result." Frank knew that Roque would not change the conditions and stopped talking nonsense. He simply gave the choice to the Belgian.

Of course, the Belgians would not surrender. On the day he received the telegram from the British government, Leopold II ordered the Congo Free State to expand its military and prepare for war, and tried to recruit mercenaries from Europe to go to the Congo Free State to help maintain law and order.

Of course, Roque is also continuing to increase troops to the Congo Free State, but Roque does not need to mobilize the Nyasaland people. The Yao people can provide enough troops for Roque.

In mid-December, at least 5,500 Yao people entered the Congo Free State from Nyasaland, plus 300 northern Rhodesian division training camps and 800 Nyasaland militiamen.

Within a month, nearly 7,000 people were transported to the Congo Free State.

Let’s not talk about the combat effectiveness. In terms of the ability to transport troops in a single round, Nyasaland completely destroyed the Belgians. Roque has already sent people to the Congo Free State, and Leopold II’s mercenaries have not moved yet.

Well, if you wanted to rush to the Congo Free State and join the war, it would have been at least 1903.

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