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216 Private Arms

 Henry thought about it for three nights and named his daughter Paula. When used in a person's name, it means smart, calm and mature.

Rock naturally became Paula's godfather. For this reason, Rock officially converted to Protestantism and became a Protestant under the witness of Elijah.

There is nothing we can do about it. If Rock is still wavering between Protestantism and Catholicism, then Rock, the godfather, is not justified.

The meaning of a godfather is the person who gives a Christian name to a baby or young child when he is baptized and guarantees his religious education. In some Protestant denominations, such as the Anglican Church in the United Kingdom, when a baby is baptized, the godfather is the person who baptizes the baby.

Male guardian and protector appointed by the author.

Therefore, it is perfect for Rock to serve as Paula's godfather.

However, Rock did not have time to attend Paula's baptism. At the end of August, the new 1st Cavalry Division was established in the Transvaal, with Rock serving as the division commander and concurrently serving as the chief of the Johannesburg Police Department.

It's quite a strange identity for Rock to have both military and police roles in one person, right?

In fact, there are many weird things in the UK. There is a "Minister of the Ministry" in the British cabinet. This minister does not care about anything at ordinary times and has no specific department in charge. However, the minister of the Ministry is usually a member of the cabinet and can attend cabinet meetings and participate in government decision-making.

, undertake cabinet meetings or special important tasks assigned by the head of government, etc. In other words, they are in charge of everything.

In fact, it is a high-level snake oil.

Everything about the new 1st Cavalry Division was completely copied from the Northern Rhodesian Division, but the permanent teaching camp only had 500 people. This was already the limit for the Transvaal. No matter how many troops there were, the Transvaal could not support it.


Before this, Rock's biggest competitor was Hopkins.

Originally, according to Ade's intention, if a new army was to be formed, a certain number of old troops would definitely be abolished, otherwise the Transvaal's finances would be overwhelmed.

After discussing with Ade, Rock decided that the Johannesburg Mining Union would bear the military expenses of the new 1st Cavalry Division, so as not to add new financial burdens to the Transvaal, and there would be no need to dismantle the army. Hopkins would not

It has an impact and everyone is happy.

Since it is the Johannesburg Mining Union that bears the military expenses of the new 1st Cavalry Division, it is natural that the new 1st Cavalry Division should be stationed in Johannesburg.

Rock directly transferred the commando team from the Johannesburg Police Station to join the new 1st Cavalry Division and organized it into the training camp of the new 1st Cavalry Division. With almost no effort, he gave the new 1st Cavalry Division an answer.

Get up.

Looking back, Rock still has to convince the mine owners in Johannesburg.

"After the establishment of the new 1st Cavalry Division, together with the Johannesburg Police Department, it is enough to maintain the stability of all gold mines around Johannesburg, so the mines do not need to invest more in security. The money saved will be

It can be used as military expenses for the new First Cavalry Division and will not place additional burden on the mine." Rock and Ade have already discussed that they will take this opportunity to disarm the mine owner's private arm.

There are now nearly 40 large and small gold mines around Johannesburg. These gold mines are quite large in scale, and each gold mine has thousands of miners.

Not every gold mine will treat miners as well as Matilda Gold Mine and Locke Gold Mine. Therefore, the production conditions of most gold mines are very harsh, mining accidents occur frequently, and miners often riot, so the mines must maintain security.

A lot of money is invested in gold mines. Basically, for a gold mine with more than 3,000 people, the mine owner has to maintain a private armed force of about a hundred people, and spend more than 2,000 pounds on security every month.

Rock and Ade want to take the money. Rock estimates that the total amount of money should be more than 50,000 pounds per month. If all of it is used as military expenses, the size of the new First Cavalry Division can be easily expanded.

to 5,000 people.

Before the establishment of the new 1st Cavalry Division, there were only 5,000 local troops stationed in the Transvaal, so these mine owners were the real rich.

After canceling the security establishment of the mine, it will also have a positive effect on maintaining public security in Johannesburg. Although it seems that the mine owners in Johannesburg do not use private armed forces to do evil, it is definitely true that so many private armed forces are free from the government in Johannesburg.

It is abnormal. Whether it is for long-term considerations or practical considerations, this part of the power must be taken back.

"Lord Nyasaland, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but if the mine security is disbanded, if a miner riot occurs in the mine, can the army and police arrive in time? If individual miners escape, can the army and police arrive in time?

Can't catch the person in time? If the army and police can't do it, then the mine must retain part of its strength, and this part of the expenditure cannot be saved." Adam Stephen, the white glove of a certain local nobleman, is not afraid of Rock, as long as Johannesburg remains

British territory, Rock can't do whatever he wants.

"Indeed, it would be inappropriate to cut them all off——"

"It is really difficult for the police and the army to respond in time."

"My mine is 30 kilometers away from Johannesburg. If something happens, it's impossible for the police and the army to arrive in time -"

As soon as Adam Stephen finished speaking, there was a lot of discussion in the conference room. No one wanted to give up the rights in their hands. They also paid for it. It would definitely be easier for the mine to support its own security guards and thugs.

The key is that if the mine allocates this part of the expenditure to Rock to train the troops, then once the miners riot and the army and police cannot arrive in time, then the management and technical staff living in the mine will be out of luck.

I definitely can’t wait for the police and the army.

"We can choose a compromise plan. Lord, can you tell me how much money is needed every month, and then we will bear it together, so that the mine does not have to abolish all security guards, and the police and the army do not have to be exhausted. This method should be more

It's in the interest of all of us." Aiden proposed a new solution.

In the Mining Alliance, De Beers Unified Mining Company and Matilda Gold Mine are Rock's natural allies. The plan proposed by Aiden was also discussed in advance by Rock and Aiden.

Rock's plan is to first propose a plan A that is absolutely unacceptable to the mine owners. This plan will definitely encounter fierce opposition.

Then Aiden proposed a plan B with relatively less stringent conditions. With Rock's plan as a comparison, the mine owners would be more accepting.

If Aiden's plan still cannot be accepted by everyone, then there is Sam. Sam will propose Plan C, which is Rock's bottom line.

"The new First Cavalry Division is a new army that is completely modeled after the Northern Rhodesian Division. The combat effectiveness of the Northern Rhodesian Division has been fully proven in the Zulu rebellion that just occurred, so the new First Cavalry Division

There is no need to doubt the combat effectiveness of the mine. At this stage, the newly formed First Cavalry Division needs thirty thousand pounds in military expenses every month." Rock Lion opened his mouth and wanted to take away most of the mine owner's monthly security expenses.


"Thirty thousand pounds? How many men are there in the new First Cavalry Division? Isn't there only 500 men?" Adam Stephen immediately questioned the rationality of this expense.

"Five hundred people don't count as an army. The security guards of De Beers Unified Mining Company are more than five hundred." Aiden immediately answered.

"Five hundred men is just the current establishment. You also know that our Transvaal is not financially well-off, so five hundred men is the limit now. However, if the military expenditure is sufficient, the new First Cavalry Division will have at least 3,000 men.

, Only in this way can we ensure the safety of our Transvaal." Rock's ideal is of course not 500. The new First Cavalry Division is different from the Northern Rhodesian Division. The Northern Rhodesian Division is regarded as Stoudemire's private army.

The 1st Cavalry Division has a formal establishment.

"It won't cost 30,000 yuan. The cost is too high——"

Calculating costs is almost the instinct of these mine owners. According to the cost of raising troops at this time, 3,000 people will indeed not be able to use up 30,000.

"Come on, is 30,000 a lot? Have you calculated how much our own security will cost? It should be at least 20 pounds per person per month -" Aiden testified that the cost is not much.

"Our security costs are indeed a bit high, but the military and our security are different, and they can't use up so much." Adam Stephen believes that the two are not comparable.

The cost is convenient, but of course the cost of private security is higher. The security guards in the Johannesburg mine are basically similar to mercenaries, so it is understandable that the price is higher.

Relatively speaking, the cost of the army is not high. After all, all kinds of materials in the army are purchased centrally, and the price must be much cheaper. The security guards in the mines are basically not large in scale, and an arsenal will not be established just to consume those security guards.

, so the high cost is understandable.

"Gentlemen, soon, a company specifically responsible for security work will be established in Johannesburg. If you have needs, you can contact the security company. I believe their prices and services will satisfy you." Roque threw out another one.

Bombshell, since the mines in Johannesburg have security needs, Rock will simply solve the problem from the root. This is the way to solve it once and for all.

In the 21st century, the mercenary industry in Johannesburg is very developed. All big businessmen in Johannesburg basically hire three or five mercenaries to ensure their own safety.

The security situation in Johannesburg has not deteriorated to that extent yet, but since the mines have demand in this area, there is something to be done here.

"The company responsible for security work——" Even Adam Stephen was hesitating at this time.

"Yes, the company responsible for security work. This company will provide cheap but perfect security services for the mine. It costs 20 pounds per month to maintain a security guard in the mine. To hire a security guard from this company, it costs 20 pounds per month.

It only costs ten pounds, which is a very reasonable price and is much more cost-effective than recruiting security guards in the mine." Rock's determination has not changed. If this does not make the mine owners give up their weapons, then Rock will really

We have to doubt the purpose of these mine owners in raising private armed forces.

This chapter has been completed!
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