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350 excuses

 The sharing of interests is an unwritten unspoken rule that everyone will subconsciously abide by. The result of not abiding by the rules is to be ostracized by the whole group and never get any opportunities in the future.

The Varma family was unruly. The reason why the British respected the King was not because the King deserved respect, but because the King could help the British government maintain colonial rule. Therefore, the British government could tolerate the King's privileges in India.

The behavior of the Walmer family deviates from this principle, so the British government will abandon the Walmer family.

Roque was very sensible and took care of everything, so that everyone was satisfied. Count Minto also happily approved Roque's application to return to southern Africa, and held a grand ceremony for Roque and the new 1st Cavalry Division.

farewell ceremony.

At the ceremony, Rock accepted the title of earl granted by the Nepali government. This title is only of honor and does not have any real power or practical benefits. Rock is still a baron in the United Kingdom, and it has not improved all boats because of this earl.

But in name, Rock is now an earl. At least in Nepal in the future, if Rock wants to recruit Gurkha mercenaries, he will not need the cooperation of the British government, so Rock also set up a recruitment point in Nepal, and

The conditions are more perfect than the recruitment points of the British government, and it is more conducive to the newly formed 1st Cavalry Division and the Northern Rhodesian Division adding fresh blood.

The British government's recruitment point is just a simple recruitment point with only a few staff.

Rock's recruitment point is directly a barracks, with its own camp and training ground. The Umbrella Company is responsible for the operation of the recruitment point. After the recruits enter the barracks, they will undergo a period of preliminary training before the newly formed 1st Cavalry Division and Rhodes

The northern division of West Asia picked first, and finally it was the Umbrella Company's turn.

Xia Jiu is obviously very satisfied with this arrangement.

The Umbrella Company has developed very smoothly in India. It not only vigorously develops its personal business, but also cooperates with government departments to undertake some security tasks, as well as the management of some prisons in Kolkata, Dhaka, and even Delhi.

In fact, the British government still has high expectations for the Umbrella Company, but as Roark reminded them, the Umbrella Company refused all work related to the Qing Dynasty and only limited its business to India.

Of course, some business activities are not limited to India, such as the jade mines in Myanmar.

Although jadeite is popular in the Chinese world, more than 95% of the world's jadeite is produced in Myanmar. There were no mining machines at this time, so all mining was done manually, and the efficiency was very low.

In fact, construction machinery has already appeared in southern Africa, but it will obviously take some time to apply it to mines. Now it is mainly used to build roads and bridges. After the Umbrella Company took over prison management, many prisons have been overwhelmed and overcrowded. Although Xia Jiu can

The people were sold to southern Africa, but after all, the mountains were high and the roads were far away, so Xia Jiu simply went to Myanmar to buy a few mines, and then sent all the prisoners to Myanmar to mine.

Myanmar was also a British colony at this time and a province of India. After the British conquered Myanmar through the Anglo-Burmese War, a large number of Indian immigrants poured into Myanmar. Now the conflict between the local people in Myanmar and the Indians is also very serious. The British government now

The British government has begun to play the role of mediator. For this role, the British government is obviously more comfortable.

The Umbrella Company went to India not to act as a mediator, but to make money. The British did not know the actual value of jade stones, so they did not think much of the raw jadeite. Relatively speaking, the British preferred Ceylon.

As a result, most of Myanmar’s jade mines are still controlled by powerful local figures in Myanmar.

For Myanmar, the Umbrella Company is an out-and-out dragon. Xia Jiu quickly obtained two jade mines in Myanmar, and purchased a large amount of raw stones in Myanmar. Then various stones began to be shipped one by one.

When the boat was sent to Nyasaland, Xia Jiu didn't care whether there were jade in those stones, he just had to transport the stones away first.

The overall price of jade is relatively cheap in this era, because Westerners do not recognize jade at all, so jade only has a market in the Chinese world.

Although the value of jadeite after it is made into jewelry is relatively high, the price of raw jadeite is really just the price of "stone". Xia Jiu buys raw jadeite from Myanmar, and sometimes the price is not even as high as the price of marble imported from German Southwest Africa. In fact,

It’s ridiculously cheap.

Rock didn't dare to do these things at all. Even if the value of jadeite soared, it would only happen after the Chinese as a whole became rich. Now after those stones are sent back to Nyasaland, they will definitely be thrown into the corner to cool down for a while.

When Roque returns to southern Africa, he still needs to focus on southern Africa's autonomy.

At the end of June, the newly formed 1st Cavalry Division finally ended its work in India and returned to Johannesburg.

Rock also finally met Phyllis and little Gavin who were thinking about them day and night.

When they were in Dhaka, Phyllis told Roark via telegram that little Gavin would call daddy. Roark regretted missing that special moment, but Roark did not regret it. Although Phyllis had sent a telegram before

Zhong expressed that he wanted to visit Roark in India, but Roark firmly refused out of consideration for the safety of Phyllis and Gavin, so Phyllis now had an excuse and felt a bit itchy when she saw Roark.<


"The banker hasn't been in Johannesburg in the past few months. I heard that he went back to France. Is that true?" Ada's confidentiality work was pretty good. Although Phyllis knew that Ada was not in Johannesburg during this period, she didn't

Know where Ada went.

"Really, I don't know very well -" Rock pretended to be stupid.

Phyllis is not stupid, and there will be a domestic violence scene immediately: "Don't think I don't know——"

Of course Rock will not suffer a loss and then go back for domestic violence.

The specific situation will not be described. In short, it was not until a week later that Rock began to resume work.

Half a year after leaving Johannesburg, Johannesburg has still changed a lot. The Southern African Union Autonomy promoted by Earl Selborne has had a good and bad impact on Johannesburg. It is obvious that there are more and more turbans and Boers in Johannesburg.

The police deport many homeless people out of the country every day, but more people don't know where to send them, and they can't be put in jail, so they have to throw them into the mines to mine.

"Some Boers went to great lengths to return to the Transvaal. Some actually returned to Europe first, and then signed up to immigrate to the Transvaal, so that they could legitimately return to Johannesburg. Most of these people would not be found for a while.

When they get to work, they don't want to do the hard work. They despise the fact that the more they work, the less they earn. Good jobs are not available to them. They have no ability at all. Their greatest ability is to eat, and the city government spends hundreds of pounds every day.

It is used to help these people, so our current immigration policy has big problems and must be changed as soon as possible." At the city government work meeting, Interior Minister James Bernard strongly opposed the current immigration policy.

"Yes, these people are idle and lazy. They come to Johannesburg just for the various benefits provided by the city government for new immigrants. Such people are not welcome anywhere. They will not work hard in Orange. When they arrive,

The same is true in Johannesburg. No, in Johannesburg, because of the various benefits provided by the municipal government, they can't starve to death, so they will be more excessive than in Orange." Police Commissioner Harry Spencer is also full of complaints about the recent security situation in Johannesburg.

There is a trend of deterioration, which has a lot to do with those Boers.

Rock didn't know these things yet, so he asked the immigration director next to him, Ulysses Noel, in a low voice.

“In order to help new immigrants adapt to life in Johannesburg in the short term, the city government is now sending free meal vouchers to new immigrants. With the meal vouchers, they can eat at restaurants designated by the city government. This was originally a short-term benefit to help new immigrants adapt to life in Johannesburg.

After passing the difficult stage when they first arrived in Johannesburg, some Boers used it as a reason for them not to work." Ulysses Noel was also very worried. As the immigration director, Johannesburg could not attract enough immigrants.

Ulysses Noel is very worried. The new immigrants coming now are all this kind of people. Ulysses Noel is also more worried.

Rock was simply speechless. Social welfare is a good thing. The more welfare, the higher the economic development. The essence of social welfare is to protect everyone in the society and is for special people. However, in Johannesburg, social welfare is obviously reserved for those who

I thought the smart guy had gone bad, and the final result of this would be that Johannesburg would cancel all social welfare.

However, this cancellation is not a matter of one sentence or two. Johannesburg enacted these social benefits in order to attract immigrants, but now they cancel them. What will happen to the real immigrants who really need these benefits?

So those people who think they are smart are really cancerous. Being greedy for petty advantages will not only affect other people, but in fact it is themselves who will be harmed in the end. The key is this mentality. If you are used to being a weak person and being given charity, then you will really become a weak person in the end.

You will never be able to stand on your own feet.

"The current immigration policy is not something we have the final say. It is a rule left by Governor Ade. We can only adjust it now and cannot completely abolish it." Marcus Beaufort, who succeeded Philip as mayor, is also helpless.

"Then gradually cancel it. For example, set a time limit for the issuance of meal vouchers, three months, or half a year. Is half a year enough for new immigrants to adapt to life in Johannesburg? If they can't find a job in half a year,

Then we don't need such immigrants in Johannesburg." Rock really looks down on those guys who think they are smart. All the reasons why they can't find a job are actually excuses in the end.

It just doesn’t matter if it’s too high or too low.

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