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404 Not enough points

 A good pair of shoes is very important for soldiers.

Among the armies of this era, only Nyasaland uses integrated military boots, which can provide maximum protection for the ankles. Other countries, including the United Kingdom, also use split military boots, which actually cannot protect the ankles.


Nyasaland's military industry is very developed. The Johannesburg Textile Factory provides Nyasaland with a variety of furs and cloths. Ada has established the largest equipment factory in southern Africa in Port Edward, not only for the Northern Rhodesia Division.

Provides various military equipment and produces military products to meet the needs of the whole society.

The status of soldiers in Nyasaland is relatively high, so military supplies are highly sought after. An ordinary jacket with a decorative belt added to the waist and a decorative brochure added to the shoulder will immediately trigger a rush to buy.

The military boots Tang Yi wears are already the third-generation military boots equipped by Nyasaland. Compared with the first-generation military boots, the cowhide uppers of the third-generation military boots are lined with linings and the toes are also lined.

Steel plates are installed, and ventilation holes are added to the body of the shoe. Such a pair of military boots sells for nine pounds at the Little Rock Military Service Agency.

As a first-class soldier and a first-class marksman, Tang Yi had won a ranking in the army competition, and his monthly salary was only five pounds.

Of course, Tang people definitely don’t have to pay for military boots when they wear them. The Northern Rhodesian Division distributes four pairs of military boots to all soldiers every year. This is a unique benefit of the Northern Rhodesian Division. The newly-formed First Cavalry Division


Chen Ling keenly noticed that Tang Yi's military boots seemed a bit worn, and did not look like they had just been issued.

"Definitely not. I gave the newly issued military boots to my son. We can wear whatever we want." Tang Yi did not hide it. This is normal in the Northern Rhodesia Division. Every soldier in the Northern Rhodesia Division has one set every year.

Dresses, two sets of regular uniforms, four sets of training uniforms, two pairs of leather shoes, four pairs of combat boots, there is simply no way to wear them out.

"Then be careful not to let the second lieutenant know, otherwise you will have to clean the toilet-" Chen Ling kindly reminded that Tang Yi's behavior was not allowed in principle in the Northern Rhodesian Division, but in actual implementation

Most of the officers turned a blind eye, and no one was serious about this issue.

After all, it is not a matter of principle. If it involves troop training, or military supplies such as weapons and ammunition, the management of the Northern Rhodesia Division is also very strict. Anyone who violates discipline will be imprisoned in the lightest case, and held accountable in the worst case.

As for cleaning, this is not a punishment at all, but more of a spur.

"Hey, if you don't tell me or I don't tell you, who knows?" Before Tang Yi could finish his words, Second Lieutenant Qiao Yingwu, the platoon leader, jumped into the machine gun position of Chen Ling's team.

"How are you preparing?" Qiao Yingwu just graduated from Nyasaland Army Academy a month ago. Originally, Qiao Yingwu was going to be transferred to serve in the 3rd Cape Division, but because of the sudden outbreak of war, Qiao Yingwu was unable to make the trip.<


This is actually a good thing. If Qiao Yingwu survives this test, then after arriving in the third division, Qiao Yingwu will be more reused. Maybe 10 cents can be directly turned into 13 cents, or 20 cents.

One cent means one bar and one star, which represents a second lieutenant in the military rank system just determined by the federal government, one cent means a captain, and two cents means a major with two bars and one star.

Once you reach the rank of major, you can almost become a battalion commander.

"Second Lieutenant, get ready!" Chen Ling and Tang Yi said in unison. Because they were in the battlefield, Chen Ling and Tang Yi used battlefield military salutes.

The military salute of the federal government inherits the military salute of Nyasaland, which is the same as the PLA military salute.

The battlefield military salute is to guard against enemy precision shooters. When saluting, you only raise your hands to your chest. In this way, the enemy's precision shooters cannot tell who is the officer and cannot accurately name them.

In fact, in the current establishment of European countries, precision shooters are not taken seriously, so this regulation in Nyasaland seems too advanced.

However, many of Nyasaland's regulations are derived from experiences and lessons learned in actual exercises. Naturally, they are necessary. On the battlefield, it doesn't matter whether the enemy's precision shooters will name the officers of Nyasaland.

, Anyway, the precision shooters in Nyasaland will definitely not be polite.

"Put your hands down, you want to kill me -" Qiao Yingwu subconsciously made an evasive action. During the internal confrontation of the Northern Rhodesian Division, the leader of the first regiment was accidentally killed by the second regiment.

The precise shooter discovered it, causing the exercise to completely fail.

These are all lessons learned through blood and tears. After that failure, all the officers of the first regiment, from the commander of the first regiment down, cleaned the toilets for a whole week.

The whole army!

"Hey, Mr. Qiao, the Germans haven't arrived yet -" Chen Ling and Tang Yi immediately relaxed. Chen Ling was still cleaning his machine gun, while Tang Yi was busy putting on his shoes.

Qiao Yingwu still noticed Tang Yi's shoes, but he didn't say anything. The military boots he wore on his own feet were not old, so he probably was in a similar condition to Tang Yi.

"Your position is the forefront of our whole battalion's position. If there is a fight later, Tang Yi, be smarter. Fight if you can, and retreat if you can't. Remember the words of the Duke, if you save the land and lose the people, you will lose both the people and the land.

If you save people and lose land, you will save both people and land." Qiao Yingwu still couldn't help but worry. This was the first time for the commando group to truly go abroad, and there was a lot of pressure from top to bottom.

"Don't worry, Master Qiao, we are ready." Tang Yi said heartlessly, patting the magazine next to him and laughing.

As the garrison force in Little Rock City, the assault regiment must have the most adequate equipment and logistics. In Chen Ling's machine gun position, a light machine gun is equipped with fifteen 100-round ammunition boxes, and a full box of defensive grenades is also supplemented. Tang

In addition to rifles, Yi Yi and another deputy shooter were each equipped with a high-power pistol newly produced by Nyasaland. In terms of firepower alone, Chen Ling and his machine gun team had firepower equivalent to

A platoon of the Tanganyika German Army.

Ten meters behind the Tang Yi machine gun group position is the super revolver position. Between the two positions are foxholes for four special shooters of the first squad. The positions of the second squad on the left and the third squad on the right are exactly the same as the first squad.

The battalions' positions were so intertwined that they supported each other. It didn't matter if the 2nd Tanganyika Division didn't pass by Fort Helmut. If the 2nd Tanganyika Division collided head-on, it would definitely suffer a bloody blow.

Qiao Yingwu wanted to give some instructions, but suddenly a rapid whistle sounded on the battlefield.

This is the signal that the German army has been discovered.

"After all the auxiliary troops have withdrawn to their positions, everyone is ready for battle. We are about to engage the enemy. This is not a drill. Let me repeat it again-" Qiao Yingwu immediately jumped up and urged all officers and soldiers to enter combat status.

In fact, there was no need for Qiao Yingwu to remind him. As soon as the whistle sounded, all the officers and soldiers of the first battalion took action quickly.

Chen Ling carefully folded the oilcloth, put it into his leather bag, and then entered the position with a light machine gun.

Tang Yi is also ready. The two spare barrels have been taken out of the gun bag, and the gloves have been put on, ready to replace the barrels at any time.

The other deputy shooter, Pei Du, also moved very quickly. Fifteen full magazines were placed in the most convenient positions. The grenade boxes were already opened. If the enemy came within fifty meters of the position, Pei Du and Tang Yi would

Use grenades to give Chen Ling maximum protection.

"It's up to you, fight hard!" Qiao Yingwu warned, patted Chen Ling on the shoulder hard, and ran back along the trench with his waist bent.

This is not about escaping from the battlefield, but about checking other positions. Nyasaland’s military discipline is very strict. Although in name it means saving land and losing people, everyone and land will be lost. Save people and lose land, and both people and land will be saved. But if the entire army is wiped out

, but the main officers are safe and sound, then the officers must also be held accountable.

Chen Ling didn't say anything. As soon as Pei Du installed the ammunition box, Chen Ling loaded it. From now on, this position with a radius of only two square meters will be the medal of Chen Ling's team.

Or a cemetery.

August Dorn, commander of the 2nd Tanganyika Division, did not realize that a brutal battle was about to begin.

Feng Duxing is also experienced and must make the best use of various conditions. Since Mumu has sent some of his men to cooperate with the assault group, these men of Mumu will have to take on the task of luring the enemy, so he first and Tanganyika Second Division

Those who exchanged fire were all rebels from Fort Glory.

Although the rebels have received several months of assault training, they are still different from the regular army.

Many rebels couldn't wait to shoot when they were still five or six hundred meters away from the German soldiers. Although the fighting was very lively when it first broke out, it actually did not have much impact on the Second Tanganyika Division.

"That's right, it's those damn Teterra people!" Deputy Division Commander Marshall Thomas put down the telescope in his hand. The Glory Castle rebels now also have their own flag, which is blue, green and black with yellow lines, and it looks very eye-catching.
"Stop the car, boys, kill them!" August Donne adjusted his collar, put on his military cap, and whipped the front seat hard with the riding crop in his hand.

August Donne also rode a military car produced in Nyasaland, but his appearance was a bit magical. He had already used the car, but he still couldn't throw away the riding crop.

The sound of a riding crop whipping against the seat startled the adjutant in the passenger seat.

The adjutant immediately jumped down, shouted to the messenger, and ordered the officers to start organizing a counterattack.

The Germans were too careless and did not take the Glory Castle rebels to heart at all. They did not understand the number of Glory Castle rebels nor the equipment of the Glory Castle rebels, so they launched an attack rashly.

The power of habit is powerful. As expected, the Germans used the human wave tactic, and almost a battalion of troops was committed to the attack.

Of course, because of the organization of the Tanganyika servant army, a battalion of the Tanganyika Second Division only has more than 300 people, so on a battlefield about 500 meters wide, 300 people are not considered to be

Massive formation.

Three hundred people, for the first battalion, not even one person can be allocated.

This chapter has been completed!
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