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467 Strategic Reserve

 In 1909, the so-called air show actually had no stunts at all.

The flight performances of this period mainly showed the stability of the aircraft. As long as it can fly and fly steadily, the longer the flight time, the better. Just a month ago, Wilbur Wright, the elder brother of the Wright brothers,

Starting from Governor's Island, New York, flying around the Hudson River, arriving at General Grant's Tomb and then returning, this performance of just flying smoothly and then successfully flying back without any stunts has been described as a feat by the world.

The previous series of professional performances by the Southern African flying team have simply raised the expectations of the melon-eating public for "Strong Wind".

Therefore, when the "Strong Wind" took off, it only bumped a little, causing huge exclamations from the crowd.

"Are you going to fail?" Eddie Johnston finally became nervous at this moment, but this unprofessional question immediately drew a lot of blank stares.

"It's just a routine operation -" Stuart Coffey was also nervous. He put his hands on his chest and prayed a little cutely. If this action appeared on a little girl, it would be very eye-catching, but if it appeared on a girl with severe hair loss and a body

On the body of a greasy middle-aged fat man who has seriously put on weight——

Okay, actually it’s a bit cute, contrasting cuteness!

It was indeed just a routine operation. "Strong Wind" only bumped for a moment, and then Lin Chengzhi pulled up the nose of the aircraft. "Strong Wind" took off smoothly, and then began to climb at an almost vertical angle.

This is of course only from the perspective of the ground audience. Although Lin Chengzhi's "Strong Wind" has simplified all unnecessary parts and only carried a small amount of oil in pursuit of better performance, current engine technology

Still not good, "strong wind" still makes it impossible to climb vertically.

However, this was enough of a surprise for the crowd at the scene, especially for those so-called "aviators" in the industry. The performance of "Strong Wind" just after it took off was already amazing enough.

The result is even more amazing. After only climbing for a few seconds, the "strong wind" began to enter a level flight state. Under normal circumstances, as long as it can fly stably and successfully demonstrate the stability of the aircraft, it is enough. But for pilots in southern Africa,

For me, if I didn’t do some fun at this time, I would be sorry for the profession of pilot, so the strong wind suddenly caused a rollover without any warning.

For a moment, the melon-eaters almost fell into a state of collective silence. After a second of silence, the "strong wind" had returned to level flight, and then the melon-eaters burst into huge exclamations and warm applause.
After that, the applause never stopped.

Lin Chengzhi had probably been unhappy with the so-called "aviators" praised by the media for a long time, so he showed off his skills. After rolling, he began to circle, and then began to dive, at a low altitude of less than 100 meters above the southern African flying team.

Passing by at high speed, the roar of the engine could hardly cover the enthusiastic applause and huge cheers of the melon-eating crowd.

God knows which corner of the earth Southern Africa is in, but the ability of human aircraft to fly freely in the sky is the conquest of the sky by all mankind.

From then on, the world is no longer a two-dimensional plane for human beings, but has begun to enter a three-dimensional space. This is the glory of all mankind.

Therefore, the cheers of the melon-eating crowd at the scene became louder and louder, and even the police dogs, which had been working calmly, were jumping up and down.

But it's definitely not because they are happy, but because they are not used to the loud noise made by aircraft engines.

The calmest people in the audience were probably Xu Xiu and Ethan.

In other words, the most disappointed people in the audience were probably Xu Xiu and Ethan.

This kind of opportunity to be in the limelight actually belongs to Xu Xiu and Ethan. It's a pity that Lin Chengzhi doesn't have any physical problems——

This thought only flashed across the minds of Xu Xiu and Ethan, and then they began to evaluate Lin Chengzhi's flying status.

"This bend is not good enough, and the smoke drawn out is not round enough——"

The "strong wind" in the sky began to pull smoke, and the red smoke formed an almost perfect semicircle in the sky. In terms of flying skills, Lin Chengzhi was already outstanding among everyone, but in Xu Xiu's opinion, he should still be able to do it.


"Hovering at low altitude is still not low enough, and the effect should be better if it is lowered a little -"

The main advantage of propeller aircraft is low altitude and low speed, which is the so-called dog fighting. Of course, current aircraft have not yet entered the category of air combat, and there are no relevant tactics. However, Nyasaland has already begun research in this area.

, low-altitude dog fights, and two-plane tactics have already taken shape, which are also pilots’ favorite projects.

"If you lower it any lower, you will hit the treetops. Do you want to attend someone's memorial service?" Stuart Coffey was very angry. The technicians pursued stability in flight, but the pilots always like to play dangerous tricks.

Action, Nyasaland pilots have had many accidents during test flights. Although this is inevitable, every accident will make Stuart Coffey heartbroken.

Especially those accidents caused by dangerous actions of pilots. Every time a pilot takes a test flight, Stuart Coffey will give him a thousand warnings, but as soon as these bold guys fly into the blue sky, all of Stuart Coffey's warnings will turn into something wrong.

The wind blows from your ears.

"Haha, we are just talking——"

"Don't take it seriously. If I were to fly, I would never do any dangerous moves——"

Xu Xiu and Yi Sang immediately started fighting.

"Don't worry, we will have countless flight performances next, and you will all have the opportunity to fly into the blue sky." Stuart Coffey can actually understand the mood of Xu Xiu and Ethan. They are both young people in their early twenties.

A little more vigor and vigor is simply unworthy of this age.

They were indeed young people, and Xu Xiu and Ethan were immediately delighted.

For the melon-eating crowd at the scene, the flight performance of just half an hour was simply fleeting.

But half an hour is simply torture for other pilots.

The so-called "feat" of the Wright brothers only lasted 33 minutes.

For "strong winds", half an hour is obviously not the limit, so Lin Chengzhi was still a little unsatisfied when he jumped out of the cockpit.

Then there were even louder cheers and warmer applause.

French girls are so enthusiastic. Two girls presented flowers to Lin Chengzhi, and one of them even kissed Lin Chengzhi on the face, and then Lin Chengzhi looked a little dizzy.

The flight show was obviously a success. Although the goal of flying across the English Channel had not been completed, someone came to the camp of the Southern African flying team that night to ask Stuart Coffey about the price of "Strong Wind".

There are still several groups of people.

Governments of various countries are indeed paying more and more attention to the importance of aircraft, especially France and Italy. These two countries are very enthusiastic about aircraft. On the night after the flight show ended, French officials and Italian officials expressed their intention to buy

"Strong Wind" aircraft, and what you want to buy is the kind of fighter equipped with weapons.

At this time, the "Strong Wind" has not yet demonstrated its weapon capabilities, but the French and Italian governments can't wait.

Stuart Coffey is not in a hurry. Rock's price for "Strong Wind" is a bit high. If you quote it now, I'm afraid it will scare people away. It is better to wait until "Strong Wind" continues to show greater value, which will provide better value for money.


When the news returned to Nyasaland, Rock was not surprised by the attention "Strong Wind" received.

Gold always shines, and now it is only "Strong Wind" Xiao He who is showing off her sharp points. When the world war breaks out, "Strong Wind" will usher in a bigger stage. No matter how much Roark bids "Strong Wind", he will participate in the war.

Countries will hold their noses and accept it.

Even if you pawn your underwear, you can only accept it.

What Rock cares about is Elizabeth's oil.

In order to smoothly transport Elizabeth's oil back to southern Africa, the shipyard in Port Edward has been working hard to produce cargo ships recently, and the R&D department is also studying tankers with a larger load capacity specially used to transport oil.

There is no mature technology for reference in this area, and everything has to be started from scratch. The shipyard trial-produced a 5,000-ton oil tanker, but the hull deformed during the trial. Experts are solving this problem.

In fact, southern Africa currently does not have much demand for oil. Transporting oil by cargo ships can also meet the needs of southern Africa.

However, Rock's goal is obviously not limited to meeting the needs of southern Africa. After the outbreak of the world war, Europe's demand for oil will become more and more urgent as the war progresses. If southern Africa has strong oil transportation capabilities, by then

Then the oil can be sold to Europe. The money Europe has earned from colonizing the world for hundreds of years will benefit southern Africa instead of benefiting the United States.

At least southern Africa is still a Commonwealth country, while the United States is now an independent country.

"Elizabeth has discovered a second oil field. The current daily oil production reaches 50,000 tons. We must build more oil depots to store oil. This oil will become our strategic reserve. If a war breaks out in Africa in the future, then even if

Even if southern Africa is blocked, we can continue to fight." Rock's starting point is of course war considerations, but it is difficult to explain clearly to the target.

In this era, the one who has the ability to blockade southern Africa is actually the United Kingdom. Although Germany is ambitious, in terms of oceans, the British Empire is still the undisputed number one in the world, so Ade's eyes on Roque are a bit complicated, although now

Southern Africa has also become autonomous, but Adelaide never thought that Britain would become the enemy of Southern Africa one day in the future.

Roark also couldn't explain that Britain will lose its current maritime advantage in the next few decades, so strategic reserves will be very important no matter what.

This chapter has been completed!
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