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511 Doomed

 The Port of Medan in this era was actually a large fishing village. The largest port in the Dutch East Indies was in Batavia, which the Chinese called "Coconut City". Medan was just an ordinary port on the island of Sumatra. If it weren't for this

Once the "Ark" was seized, many mercenaries had never even heard of the name.

Compared with the dilapidated docks, dilapidated facilities, and dilapidated buildings, the newly built "Ark" is the most advanced immigration ship of this era. Docked in the Port of Medan, it feels like staying in

A golden phoenix in a chicken coop, no wonder Medan port officials take desperate risks.

Like southern Africa before self-government, the officials of the Dutch East Indies were all temporary officials appointed by the Dutch government, so they did not care about the long-term development of the regional economy and the impact of their actions on the Dutch East Indies.

, as long as he can make money during his term, he will leave at the end of his term, regardless of the flood.

Because Tang En was going to be based in Port Elizabeth, the top commander of the Umbrella Company mercenaries who led the team to the Lion City was David, who had just been appointed as the general manager of the Far East Branch.

Now David is on the bridge of the "Nile Crocodile", observing the Port of Medan with a "clairvoyance" military telescope produced in Nyasaland.

"Would you like a cup?" Captain Marcy Petty came to David with two cups of coffee and placed them on the console in front of David.

"Thank you -" David put down the telescope and was really puzzled: "Why are the Dutch so stupid? Don't they know that our Lordship will retaliate? I heard that people are still dead, but I didn't know that the Dutch are going to die this time.

How much can it take to calm the Lord's anger?"

"Haha, the former sea coachman can only recall his past glory in his sleep. Do you know why the Dutch hate our British Empire so much? It was on the corpses of the Dutch that we established the current empire on which the sun never sets. We are now

The empire established may have originally belonged to the Netherlands, so the behavior of the Dutch does not surprise me at all -" Marcy Petty is very aware of the grudges between Britain and the Netherlands. On the contrary, he has just become a British

David, who was only a few years old, did not understand the history of the United Kingdom: "——The Dutch today have lost the pioneering spirit of their ancestors. They would rather lend money to our country's enterprises than invest in their own domestic entities. These Dutch people have lost their pioneering spirit."

People are short-sighted, stupid, greedy, and unwilling to understand how far the world has developed, let alone our southern Africa. In the whole world, southern Africa has not really made its voice heard. I guarantee that giving the Dutch a map will definitely help them.

Most Dutch people definitely don’t know where our southern Africa is, so it’s normal that they don’t know our southern Africa.”

"Huh huh huh..." David smiled grimly. The mercenaries from the Umbrella Company would definitely impress the Dutch.

"Sir, we have crossed the median line -" the first mate reminded in a low voice.

The Strait of Malacca, which has a narrow channel, follows international practice. From the center line of the Strait of Malacca, one side belongs to the Dutch East Indies and the other side belongs to the British Malaya. The Dutch and British will be lenient in collecting "tolls".<


"It doesn't matter, give the Dutch some courage, they don't dare to detain us Nile crocodiles now -" Marcy Petty is not worried. The Dutch are now under tremendous pressure from the British government and the Southern African Federation. If they still dare to be wantonly

Provocation, then the British government will also make the Dutch people lose their memory.

"I hope they seize it, that will save us a lot of trouble." David said with a little regret. Just now, David clearly saw a gunboat flying the Dutch flag in the Port of Medan, but it was a pity that the "Nile Crocodile" was

Passing outside the port of Medan, the Dutch gunboats made no move.

The Dutch gunboats still used steam engines, and I don't know if they were "old boats" built in that era. It's hard to say whether they can be driven.

This really surprised David. The Dutch gunboats were actually wooden sail warships that had been eliminated for many years. Such warships can only be seen in museums in the UK.

And there is only one.

There is a fort built by the Dutch outside the Port of Medan, but it seems that the caliber of the artillery is not large and the model is relatively old. It is probably just a fake. It is okay to scare people. If it is really put into combat, it is probably effective.

Not as good as the mortars used by mercenaries.

As for the disheveled and unkempt soldiers on the fort, according to the standards of the Umbrella Company, these people are not even qualified to sign up as mercenaries, so David really can't figure out how vulnerable the colonial servant army is.

How to rule East India, which covers an area of ​​more than 1.9 million square kilometers.

"The Dutch ruled the East Indies because of you Chinese——" The answer given by Marcy Petty surprised David.


"Yes, it's you Chinese. In East India, you Chinese are richer, better educated, easier to communicate with, and easier to rule. So the Dutch rely on you Chinese to rule the indigenous people in East India, and then continue to provoke

When the conflicts between the indigenous people and the Chinese people break out, the Dutch will appear as arbiters. Over time, the Dutch, the Chinese, and the indigenous people in East India have formed the current mutual dependence.

, and have a mutually hostile relationship." Marcy Petty travels on the sea all year round, traveling to and from all over the world. He probably knows the situation in East India better than the East Indians.

"Then why was the Ark seized?" David was confused. The Chinese would never seize a ship transporting Chinese.

"Don't blame me for being harsh, David. The Chinese in East India - some Chinese, even some Chinese in Malaya, are standard scum even by East Indian standards. In East India and Malaya,

The most harsh people to those indentured servants were the Chinese farmers, because there were too many Chinese in the Qing Dynasty and they had almost unlimited resources, so the indentured servants did not deserve mercy-" Marcy Petty still spoke in a leisurely tone, seemingly not paying attention.

I saw how gloomy David's expression was.

David was once deceived into Johannesburg as an indentured servant. If Rock hadn't come to rescue him, David might have died in the dark mine.

After that, David went to Locke Gold Mine, then became a mine security guard, and later joined Umbrella.

So when Marcy Petty said that "indentured servants do not deserve mercy," David's face was so gloomy that it could drip, and his eyes were so red that they could burn.

"Are you okay?" Marcy Petty finally noticed David's veiny hands, and was startled by David's expression.

"Captain, you may not know that I was once an indentured servant." David took a deep breath and slowly calmed down.

"Sorry, I don't know - I didn't mean that - I -" Marcy Petty didn't expect David to have such a past.

"It doesn't matter. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. There are hundreds of millions of Chinese. Even if there is one scum among ten thousand, there are tens of thousands. Just clean it up slowly -" David was understatement, but Marcy Petty could hear it.

The storm contained in David’s words.

Ten hours later, the "Nile Crocodile" arrived at the transfer camp set up by the Nyasaland Immigration Bureau in the Lion City.

There are many such transfer camps in East Asia. Large ones can accommodate thousands of people, while small ones can accommodate hundreds of people. Water, food, and basic medical services are provided in the camps. Immigration ships traveling between the Qing Dynasty and southern Africa can

Take a short break at the campground.

This camp near the Lion City is a relatively large one, able to accommodate more than 3,000 people. The mercenaries will gather here and then sneak into Sumatra across the strait in batches.

When David arrived at the camp, Leo Tedder, the East India Commissioner of the Adam Company, was waiting in the camp.


"Hard work——"

After a brief exchange of greetings, Leo Ted handed over to David.

"This camp is for your use during this period. All our staff will be evacuated. This is the list of supplies in the warehouse. Do you want to click on it?" Leo Ted was on official business. This camp is the Nyasaland Immigration Bureau.

He came forward to buy it and then entrusted it to the umbrella company to operate it. Of course, it is now the property of Adan Company.

"No, we won't use the supplies in the warehouse. You'd better put a seal on it -" David didn't even look at the list. The mercenaries had their own chefs and doctors, and they didn't need waiters. What David asked for was a dry person.

A clean campsite.

In fact, the conditions of the camp are not bad. The Nyasaland Immigration Bureau came forward. The camp covers a huge area. The Immigration Bureau even bought two nearby mountains. The camp even has its own simple dock. The sanitary condition is also good. Although here

It rains often, but there is not much mud in the camp, and all the roads are hardened, which is in line with Nyasaland standards.

"You'd better use them all. Food and medicine have a shelf life, unless you leave before the shelf life expires." Leo Ted emphasized that mercenaries have always been generous, but extravagance and waste are not allowed.

"Well, we shouldn't stay here for too long." David doesn't know when the Dutch will admit defeat, but after the mercenaries take Medan, David will leave here for Medan.

"Well, I hope everything goes well for you, for Nyasaland——" Leo Ted took the initiative to say goodbye to David. The mercenaries had a lot of equipment, and Leo Ted would not cause trouble to David.

"For Nyasaland!" David had a correct attitude.

The first batch of mercenaries who followed David to the Lion City totaled 800 people. They carried weapons and various supplies for a week. Merchant ships and transport ships would arrive at the camp later, bringing more supplies.

More mercenaries and more equipment and supplies.

The night David arrived at the camp, he sent scouts to Medan. No matter what, the Dutch were doomed this time.

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