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514 hard work

 If the German Army that defeated the French Army is the best army in the world, then what are the Umbrella Company mercenaries who defeated the German Army?

It doesn’t matter. The mercenaries of the Umbrella Company don’t even have nationality. If they were the world’s best army, then all the armies in the world would hang themselves.

But there is no doubt that the East India Servant Army could not defeat the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company. The battle only lasted for half an hour at most and ended hastily, even though the Servant Army that was supposed to protect the Port of Medan had dispersed.

The mercenaries of the Umbrella Company still stayed on the position, and they did not leave the position until the Ark slowly left the dock.

But what happened next made Benson Toherty even more frightened, because the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company did not leave, but directly broke open the door of the servant army camp in Medan Port, apparently they were going to live there.

Port of Medan.

After discovering this fact, Benson Toherty's face was livid, while Scott Stella had a playful look on his face.

"What does this mean?" Benson Toherty muttered.

"You should ask those mercenaries directly." Scott Stella said a word, then went downstairs and got on the carriage and drove away.

It's amazing. There was such a lively fight on the pier just now, but the groom didn't run away and kept waiting downstairs. This citizen of the British Empire is really confident.

Of course, Benson Toherty didn't dare to ask. It wasn't until dawn that Benson Toherty went downstairs tremblingly. As a result, he saw the Nile Crocodile docked at the dock, and groups of heavily armed mercenaries were marching away.

Get off the gangway.

Benson Toherty straightened his collar and tried his best to appear as tidy as possible in front of a mercenary who was posting a notice: "Excuse me, sir——"

The mercenary is not tall, but his body is very strong. The arms exposed from the cuffs of his shirt are very strong and have clear muscle lines.

He was wearing a half-new Umbrella mercenary uniform, with the shield logo of the Umbrella Company on the front of the curved-brimmed hat on his head, and the red collar badge on his shoulders was embroidered with two white horizontal bars, one thick and one thin.

A bullet belt full of bullets is straddled across the shoulder, a brand-new Lee Enfield rifle is slung on the shoulder, a bullet box and a bayonet are buckled on the belt on the waist, and a beautifully curved pistol is inserted diagonally on the belt.

Erkha scimitar.

When the mercenary turned around, Benson Toherty discovered that there was a quick-draw holster on the mercenary's chest, with a shiny black pistol inserted in it. Under the quick-draw holster were a row of six

Different egg-shaped grenades.

Benson Toherty couldn't recognize them. They were four offensive grenades and two defensive grenades.

"Please speak English, or Chinese -" the mercenary's expression was cold, and his hand was placed on the handle of the gun on his chest.

"Sorry, I don't mean any harm -" Benson Toherty immediately switched to English and raised his hands to show that he had no weapons: "-I just want to ask, what do you want to do?"

"Who are you? What we do does not require your approval." The mercenary was unceremonious and did not look at Benson Toherty in a different light because of his skin color.

"I am the chief administrator of the Port of Medan——" Benson Toherty revealed his identity.

"Oh - hello, Chief Executive." The mercenary said hello casually, then turned around and continued painting the wall.

Only then did Benson Toherty notice that the notice on the wall was a notice requesting all residents of Medan Port to gather at the pier before two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, signed by the Far East Branch of the Umbrella Company.

"Wait, what right do you have to ask the residents to gather?" Benson Toherty felt his scalp numb, as if he was in a huge crisis.

"What we want to do does not require your approval!" The mercenary turned around and took off the rifle from his shoulder, raised the butt and wanted to smash it.

Benson Toherty closed his eyes in despair, preparing to bear the next blow.

"Sergeant Calm." A voice saved Benson Toherty in time.

"Yes sir!" When Benson Toherty opened his eyes, he happened to see the mercenary standing at attention and saluting.

In a standard posture that Benson Toherty has never seen before.

"Continue your work, sergeant." This time Benson Toherty saw clearly the rank of the person coming, he was a major.

"Hello, Mr. Major, I am Benson Toherty, the chief administrator of the Port of Medan." Benson Toherty took the initiative to introduce himself, and this time he was very smart and spoke English.

"Hello Mr. Toherty, I am Joe from the Umbrella Company. Now I am officially informing you that our Umbrella Company has officially taken over the Port of Medan until our superiors order us to leave. Please lead your men and leave here before two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

, My people will not stop you before that. If it is later than two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, you and your men will gather at the dock and obey our management, otherwise we will take all means including shooting." Qiao.

The words simply made Benson Toherty despair.

"No, you can't do this. The Port of Medan is our Dutch territory. This is a military attack on a sovereign country. You must stop your behavior-" Benson Toherty was not intimidated and finally said

Able to argue with reason.

"I'm not discussing with you, I'm informing you that you have only two choices now, stay and accept our management, or leave - no, you have a third option, which is to continue to exercise your role as the top executive.

It is the duty of the commander, but in that case, you will be our enemy, understand?" Qiao's voice was like a bell, and several Umbrella Company mercenaries around him already had guns in their hands.

Benson Toherty has no doubt that as long as Joe gives the order, these mercenaries will shoot without hesitation.

"I - I understand -" Benson Toherty was sweating profusely and barely nodded under Joe's cold eyes for a long time.

"Very good, I hope I can see you on the pier at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Don't you want to know what we are going to do? You will know then." Qiao nodded with satisfaction, still looking cheerful.

Very kind.

This day was absolutely torturous for Benson Toherty. If he could, Benson Toherty would like to leave.

But Benson Toherty did not leave. According to the regulations of East India, if Benson Toherty, the top administrator, left, then Benson Toherty would be responsible for the loss of the Port of Medan.

Although Benson Toherty did not know what these mercenaries were going to do, Benson Toherty still believed that the port of Medan had fallen.

After the mercenaries posted the notices, they recruited a group of local residents from Medan Port to start cleaning the dock.

The bodies of the servants who were shot dead last night are still lying on the dock.

All the equipment on the corpses was stripped, then transported on trucks to outside the port area, burned and buried deep.

Then water began to wash away the bloodstains left on the dock, with mercenaries supervising. These mercenaries have very strict hygiene standards. Not only did the bloodstains on the ground have to be washed away, but the garbage on the streets was also swept away.

Finally, even the water marks that wash away the blood stains must be cleaned, even if it takes a while, they may be dried by the sun.

While the dock was being cleaned, the mercenaries got a few fishing boats from nowhere, and then began to clean up the garbage in the port.

This job was of course the responsibility of the local residents. The garbage on the boat soon piled up. In addition to some domestic garbage that had been accumulated for a long time, there were also some rotten animal carcasses. In the end, an unknown corpse was even found.

I don’t know how long it took to sink in the harbor.

The mercenaries responsible for supervision were obviously dissatisfied with the sanitary conditions in the port, so the work lasted extremely long. About a dozen fishing boats worked until noon, and then these local residents were allowed to go ashore to eat.

Even Benson Toherty didn't expect that these local residents would still have food to eat while working for the mercenaries.

Moreover, the meals provided by these mercenaries to local residents are actually quite good. Note that there are vegetables.

Not only are there vegetarian dishes, but each person also has a fried fish with golden color on both sides.

The mercenaries ate from the cans they brought with them, but it was obvious that these mercenaries were a bit extravagant. A few mercenaries even gave the half-eaten cans to a child who was watching eagerly.<


These mercenaries are indeed luxurious. After lunch, which is not too rich but definitely filling, a chef in a white coat comes out to serve each mercenary a cup of coffee. Two local residents who worked particularly hard in the morning also share.

They each got a box of canned food just now, but they were not willing to eat it. This canned food is also sold in the Port of Medan, but it is expensive and only white people could afford it in the past.

It was at this time that Benson Toherty thought that this kind of can was produced in southern Africa.

It turns out that southern Africa is not a barren land. At least southern Africa can produce its own cans, while East India cannot.

East India can only produce primary agricultural products, raw ores, and oil.

Yes, there is oil in Borneo in East India, and the company that obtained the operating rights was Royal Shell Oil Company.

Thinking of this, Benson Toherty had hope again in his heart. Royal Shell Oil Company has shares of the British royal family, and the Queen of the Netherlands and the British King seem to be related. So as long as the British King is willing to mediate, Nyasaland may be able to be calmed down.

Lord's wrath.

After a ten-minute break after lunch, more and more local residents were attracted by lunch and were driven to work by the mercenaries before they could fully enjoy the afternoon sunshine.

The mercenaries who were so pleasant just now will be very strict once they start working. The clean-up work in the port is still continuing, but by this time the number of fishing boats has increased to more than 30, and more locals are working under the guidance of the mercenaries.

, they work very hard, even harder than cleaning their own homes.

This chapter has been completed!
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