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526 Probably not

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" says: If you surround an enemy ten times, attack it five times, divide it if you double it, you can fight it, you can escape it if you are few, you can avoid it if you are weak. Therefore, a small enemy is strong, and a big enemy is strong.


This cannot be said to be wrong. "Sun Tzu's Art of War" is also a compulsory course at the Nyasaland Army Academy. However, the military experience in the era of cold weapons needs to be appropriately improved in the era of hot weapons.

According to the data given in "The Art of War", to completely annihilate an army with a total strength of 10,000 people, at least 100,000 troops are needed to encircle it, 50,000 troops are needed to attack, and 20,000 troops are needed to find a way to disperse the enemy. That's it.

He killed a thousand enemies and suffered a loss of eight hundred.

In the era of hot weapons, weapons have an increasingly important impact on battlefield situations. In 1891, the Herero people in southwest Africa resisted the German colonial invasion. A German colonial force was attacked by the Herero people. A surviving German military doctor

Killed 1,000 Herero warriors using a machine gun.

In 1893, more than fifty men under Cecil Rhodes defeated 5,000 Zulu warriors with four machine guns in Rhodesia, killing more than 3,000 people on the spot.

In 1898, in the last battle of the Mahdi Uprising in Sudan, six Maxims killed people, and the British army suffered only 28 casualties.

Therefore, to annihilate an army of 10,000 people with backward equipment, we don’t need 100,000 people at all, only 2,000 people are enough.

This is because the terrain near Lake Toba is complex and more troops are needed to search for enemies who have slipped through the net, otherwise the two thousand men will not be used up.

"Instead of using mercenaries to fight, use Medan troops to fight." Allen Jennings increases the difficulty.

"Sir, the training of the Medan troops has not been completed, and they are not yet able to undertake combat missions." A staff trainee objected directly.

The Nyasaland Army Academy does not have as strict requirements as the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. If the instructor makes a mistake in teaching, the students can point it out directly. If it is at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, even the students can point it out.

Yes, if you take off the hat of disrespecting your superior, at the very least it will be a confinement.

But at Nyasaland Army Academy, if the students are right, then not only will the students not be punished, but they will be rewarded, so the students at Nyasaland Army Academy are very skeptical.

The Nyasaland Ministry of National Defense actually has no relevant regulations in this regard, but sending soldiers who have not undergone strict training into the battlefield is an irresponsible act. Although it is not illegal, it will definitely be condemned by public opinion.

"There is no question of whether you can. If Nyasaland is invaded by a foreign enemy and the war has reached Lake Nyasa, then not only the soldiers, but everyone must bravely take up arms and fight the enemy bravely. Everyone here includes

Men, including women, the elderly, and children, I believe that when the time comes, the Lord will lead by example and fight on the front line against the enemy." Alan Jennings was categorical. The current establishment of the Nyasaland Army Academy is actually a battalion.

When it comes to life and death, Dean Derek Dodd is the battalion commander, and the students are the soldiers, who can be directly dragged to the battlefield to fight.

All the staff trainees were silent, but their expressions were very determined. In fact, Nyasaland Army Academy has always attached great importance to patriotic education. If Nyasaland is really invaded by foreign enemies, then everyone will not hesitate.

Take up arms.

One thing must be emphasized, this is Nyasaland, not southern Africa.

"The same is true in East India. The soldiers of the Medan Army are all Medanese. They have the responsibility and obligation to protect Medan from foreign invasion. Individual rights do not exist during war, and all of us have no choice." Allen

Jennings continued to emphasize that Nyasaland Army Academy reminds students of the importance of responsibilities and obligations anytime and anywhere.

Then continue to calculate, the troops needed this time are indeed a bit more, but not too much. As long as there are 5,000 Medan troops, they can still completely annihilate the Second East India Division.

Allen Jennings was finally satisfied. It didn't matter how many people were needed. The key was to get the students to abandon the traditional way of thinking. This was more important.

When it comes time to dispatch troops, of course the main force will still be the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company.

"The Medan troops will also participate in the battle as an auxiliary force. We will fight a beautiful battle of annihilation and teach the Dutch a profound lesson. After this battle, the mercenaries will gradually withdraw from the front line, and the Medan troops will be used as the basis for future battles.

Lord, they have to be prepared." Spike Dobbin had rich experience. According to military common sense at this time, the members of the Medan Force were actually qualified soldiers. During the Franco-Prussian War, many white youths were gathered in a hurry and only learned how to

No matter how you shoot, you go directly to the battlefield. As a result, the Prussian army defeated the French army, which is known as the world's largest army.

"If we want to rapidly expand the size of our troops, we still need to launch an attack on Batavia as soon as possible." Allen Jennings was a little worried. Although the population of East India is large, there is actually not much in the province of Sumatra. More people are in

The troops in Java, Kalimantan, Suweirasi, and Medan are mainly Chinese. If they remain limited to Sumatra, it will be very detrimental to the expansion of the Medan troops.

Of course, Allen Jennings will definitely not question why the Medan army is mainly composed of Chinese. There is no answer to this question. Southern Africa is also dominated by Chinese. The Boers shout unfair every day, but in the end, those who signed up to join the army

At that time, many Boers even wanted to evade compulsory military service.

Southern Africa is still very insistent on this point. Apart from Chinese and white people, only Gurkhas have the opportunity to become professional soldiers. Africans can only serve in the compulsory army. No matter how strong the individual soldiers are, they cannot become professional soldiers.


Compared with professional soldiers in southern Africa, Umbrella Company has much looser requirements in this regard. At the beginning of this year, Umbrella Company tried to recruit a group of African mercenaries. Compared with white Chinese, the price of these African mercenaries is cheaper.

They are more obedient and easy to use, but they seem to have some problems with learning. It's not that they can't learn, but that they are unwilling to learn. In the same shooting, Chinese mercenaries and white mercenaries strive for excellence, while African mercenaries just pass.

Even if the results will affect future salary and benefits.

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Africans are also deeply ingrained in this regard. The Africans recruited by Christian Construction Company are also very serious and hardworking when working, but as soon as they get their salary, they will immediately let themselves go and will never come to work until they spend all their salary.
The Umbrella Company has very strict requirements in this regard, and the salary of mercenaries is also graded. Even the lowest grade of salary can ensure that people will not starve to death.

Many Africans work for umbrella companies with a salary that they will never starve to death. It is not that they are unable to strive for higher salaries, but they are simply unwilling to strive for them. The standard is that they will be drunk today.

"Wait a minute, we need more troops. There is a problem that Mr. Christian didn't figure out. What kind of East India do we want-" Spike Dobbin sneered, picked up a photo and handed it to Alan Jan.


The photo shows a burning village on the shores of Lake Toba. It was taken by a pilot from a plane. No one in the village needed to ask. It was probably more serious than bad. Many villages passed by the Second East India Division are now in ruins. This

It is certainly a disaster for the East Indians, but it may be a good thing for the Adan Company. At least in this way, the ownerless wasteland will increase a lot.

Most of the people living in the villages are Javanese or Malay. Even if there are Chinese people, most of them are Baba Nyonya who already think of themselves as East Indians. Many Baba Nyonya can't even speak Chinese. It is estimated that

They themselves do not admit their Chinese ancestry.

Relatively speaking, both overseas Chinese and new visitors live in the city. In fact, the overseas Chinese regard themselves as Dutch in their hearts, and they also strongly disagree with the identity of Chinese. The people Medan really wants to fight for are those who have just immigrated to East India.

New customers, these new customers still retain many Chinese habits and are more aware of their Chinese identity.

"Haha, we don't need to worry about this problem, let's leave it to David to deal with it." Allen Jennings is also a bottomless person. In order to get more business, the umbrella company can actively create security needs, and now in order to get more unlimited

Of course, you can also imitate the tiger and the cat in the wasteland. Anyway, it will be blamed on the Dutch in the end. Only the winner will be qualified to write history.

David, who still doesn't know what role he will play, is making pre-war preparations. The Umbrella Company has three thousand mercenaries in Medan, most of which are stationed at the Port of Medan. It is easy to assemble the troops, but the difficult part is the troops needed for the expedition.

Although the staff department has given various plans for all kinds of materials, it is still inevitable to be in a hurry when things happen.

"——The specific situation is this. A force of about 8,000 people is attacking the Port of Medan. Our task is to eliminate them. The task is not difficult, even quite easy, but I still ask you to pay 100% attention.

Don't be careless just because the difficulty is not high. The tragedy of Bandar cannot be repeated." David emphasized at the pre-war preparation meeting that in fact, in David's view, the previous defeat of Li Wan's troops in Bandar was very inappropriate.

After all, the officers of the army at that time were also mercenaries.

As a result, the entire army was wiped out, and the mercenaries who served as officers also suffered casualties. Four mercenaries were killed on the spot, and two mercenaries were seriously injured and captured. It is said that these two people have been sent back to Batavia and will become the umbrella company.

Direct evidence of interference in the internal affairs of East India.

If possible, David hopes that this battle can capture some Dutch officers of the Second East India Division, so that the Umbrella Company can make a deal with the Dutch colonial government.

"We will set off tomorrow morning. The Second East India Division was still at Lake Toba during the last aircraft reconnaissance. I hope they will not dispatch overnight." David was not very worried about this problem. In this era, the armies that can dispatch overnight are elite.

, the Second East India Division probably won’t work.

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