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529 impact

 The ambush operation of elite troops against stragglers is a one-sided massacre, calculated deliberately and unintentionally. This has been fully proved in countless conflicts in southern Africa and surrounding areas.

When cleaning up the battlefield after the war, many of the corpses were shot in the head and killed with one shot. Hicks and Middleton did not decide the winner. As officers, they were both excellent shooters. In this battle, both were shot.

After killing an enemy, there is no chance to fire a second shot.

"The opponent is too weak!" Hicks sighed. Looking at the captured trophies, he couldn't help but shake his head: "So poor!"

It was indeed poor. The weapons seized were all old weapons that had been used for many years and were almost obsolete. The rifling of some rifles had been smoothed out, and other items were also very few. In Hicks' eyes, they were tattered and had no value.

Some gold jewelry is probably worth some money, but looking at those poor women on the carriage, Hicks really doesn't want it.

It is indeed pitiful. They have just lost their families and relatives, and they have been humiliated. They will definitely be lonely and helpless in the future.

"Send them to Medan." Hicks couldn't place these women, so he simply gave the job to Li Wan or Ling Zhi.

"Shall we continue to move forward? The main force of the Second Division is in Xianda. The order they received was not to attack the Port of Medan, but to set up defenses north of Lake Toba." Middleton finally got a confession.

"Then why are they here?" Hicks was curious.

"Why else-" Middleton glanced at the woman in the carriage with a helpless expression.

This reflects the importance of discipline. When the Umbrella Company operates overseas, it is sometimes as excessive as the Second East India Division. However, the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company absolutely obey orders, and the occasional venting is under the premise of completing the mission.

, this kind of putting the cart before the horse will never happen.

The Second East India Division is a typical colonial servant army with poor equipment, poor training, and poor discipline. It is okay to scare the unarmed colonial natives, but it is really incomparable with well-equipped and rigorously trained mercenaries.

The shoes don’t even match.

Now that the location of the Second East India Division had been found, Hicks was not in a hurry. Seeing that it was getting late, he simply ordered the troops to rest on the spot and wait for the arrival of the main force.

Don't worry about the Second East India Division escaping. They came here and robbed so many things that they can't escape now even if they want to.

Later, more mercenaries and Medan troops arrived. After listening to Hicks' report, David ordered the troops to set off overnight to surround Xianda to avoid a long night.

Hicks' troops set off first. They had to bypass Xianda and cut off the retreat of the Second East India Division. The task was arduous.

However, Hicks himself did not realize that the task was arduous. Fighting against the Second East India Division was not as difficult as a night march for Hicks and his troops, and Hicks was not familiar with the terrain near Xianda.

, Fortunately, there is a guide, at least you don’t have to worry about getting lost.

"Xianda is a small town with more than a thousand people. It cannot accommodate nearly 10,000 troops. Can we take a shortcut? There are quite a lot of rivers near here." Before setting off, Hicks asked the guide for his opinion.

"There is a big snake in the river. It's very dangerous. It's better to walk. I know a path that can go around it, but I don't know if I will encounter enemies." The big snake mentioned by the guide is probably a python, which is also very common in East India.<


Pythons, like venomous snakes, are also a huge threat to tropical rainforests. Poisonous snakes rely on their venom to hurt people, while pythons eat them alive. Not to mention humans, even larger wild animals cannot escape the prey of pythons. Although this thing is huge

, but there is no sound at all when moving in the rainforest, so it is difficult to prevent.

"Then let's walk, we have all the squadron, let's go." Hicks is not stubborn. People on land can help if they are attacked by pythons, but if they are dragged away in the water, they can only watch.

"Go out, go out, surround Xian Da overnight, prioritize building defensive positions, and do not launch an attack without orders. Notify the air force to prepare to bomb Xian Da." David was also urging the troops to set off, finish the fight early, and finish the work early. A second-in-command in East India

Master, in fact it is not worth such a big fight.

Mercenary combat has always been the most labor-saving method.

In the past, if faced with this kind of situation, without the help of aircraft, mercenaries could only take the initiative to attack.

There is no need to take risks now. After encircling Xianda, they send planes to bomb, plus mortars equipped by mercenaries. If the Second East India Division does not want to wait to die, it will have no choice but to break out. The mercenaries are just sitting back and waiting.

Based on the firepower of the mercenaries, it is estimated that the Second East India Division will not be able to break out of the encirclement. When the time comes, the Medan troops will be sent to take in the prisoners.

Sending planes for bombing was also Rock's request. Although the "Albatross" bomber has strong paper data, it is not known how effective it can be in actual combat. The staff sent to Italy and the Ottoman Empire can only collect air combat data, but there is no bomber data.
Nyasaland did not sell "Albatross" to Italy and the Ottoman Empire at all.

After an uneventful night, the mercenaries successfully completed the siege of Xianda, which was so smooth that David felt unbelievable.

After all, Hicks and the others had just launched an attack on the troops of the Second East India Division the night before. A group of troops stayed up all night and did not attract the attention of the senior officials of the Second East India Division. They deserved to be wiped out.

At six o'clock in the morning, the Second East India Division finally found itself surrounded by mercenaries, and the battle began immediately.

They detoured back to the north side of Xianda overnight and built defensive positions overnight. Hicks, who had just rested for less than two hours, was awakened by a violent explosion.

"Great, now it's your turn. I'm going to take a nap first -" Middleton was exhausted after staying up all night and was not too concerned about the ongoing battle.

There is nothing to worry about. The outcome of the battle has been determined from the beginning. If the Second East India Division can escape, then the mercenaries will probably have no face to see anyone.

"Thank you for your hard work, I wish you a sweet dream." Hicks shook off the blanket on his body, picked up the rifle, and did not forget to take out a can of soybeans from his backpack.

Canned food is breakfast. You don’t have to pay attention to it in a war zone. Don’t expect anyone to fry eggs for you.

"How's the situation?" Hicks jumped into the trench without paying attention to the people around him.

"About half an hour ago, the enemy launched an attack and was repelled by us." A strange voice answered.

Hicks, who was eating a can, looked up and saw a young Medan soldier.

"What's your name?"


"Why are you here?" After Hicks asked, he found that Huang Gang did not understand: "I mean, aren't you not participating in the battle?"

Huang Gang is the guide of the first squadron. Normally, he should not participate in the battle. At most, he can help carry bullets and grenades.

"Mr. Middleton hopes that we can experience it in advance. Besides, it's not too dangerous." Huang Gang answered seriously, without any awareness of life and death.

It's really not that dangerous. Don't think of the battle with the colonial servant army as the kind of meat grinder during the World War. The intensity and scale are two different things. The East Indian servant army's fighting will is not strong, and there is no way to fight to the death.

When I launched the attack, I heard the machine gun fire and ran faster than a rabbit. Even the officers could not stop me.

"Are there any results?" Hicks asked smoothly.

"I was a little nervous just now. I don't know if I was." Huang Gang's answer was very standard.

Hicks nodded without comment. This is how recruits become veterans step by step.

After picking up the soybeans in two mouthfuls, he drank up the soup in one gulp, then picked up the water bottle and drank some water to rinse his mouth. Then Hicks put on his helmet and carefully stuck his head out.

Not a single ghost!

I took a telescope and looked carefully, but there was still not a single ghost.

Hicks shook his head, not sure whether he was happy or disappointed, and took out a pack of cigarettes and said politely.

Huang Gang shook his head and hesitated. According to regulations, smoking was not allowed in the trenches, but for veterans, this rule did not exist.


Although the tropical rainforest is extremely humid, the lighters produced by Iteno are still very powerful.

Huang Gang looked at the lighter with a burning gaze.

Hicks turned a blind eye and stuffed the lighter back into his pocket.

"Come on, if you perform well, you will have the opportunity to become a mercenary for the Umbrella Company. Then your family will be able to go to Southern Africa. You will also have the opportunity to own such a lighter." Hicks encouraged, although the price of the lighter is not expensive.

But it’s not cheap, and most married men like Middleton won’t be willing to buy it.

Middleton didn't even smoke, and Hicks bought all the cigarettes issued by the company at low prices.

"Will land be allocated to Southern Africa really?" Huang Gang was dubious. He probably heard a lot of propaganda about immigration policies in Southern Africa during this period.

Immigration is very common in this era, but it is rare to see such good conditions as in southern Africa. When Chinese go overseas, it is mostly in the form of labor, such as the construction workers who built the Pacific Railway in the United States, and the former Johannesburg gold mine.

The miners in.

Before these workers went overseas, labor service companies also said that they were at the mercy of others. Once they arrived, they could only be at the mercy of others. In another time and space, Chinese workers in southern Africa were simply repatriated. This was lucky. Those workers in the United States were the real ones.

Miserable, their status and situation are similar to those of Africans in southern Africa today.

So Huang Gang doesn't really believe the propaganda in Southern Africa. They give money and land, and they don't charge land rent or tax. They own whatever grain they grow, and no one robs them of whatever cattle and sheep they raise. It doesn't sound right.

Reality, when did all white people become good people?

"Lord Nyasaland is Chinese just like you. You should have noticed that many of the mercenaries in our Umbrella Company are Chinese. Do you think that the mercenaries in our Umbrella Company are just as poor as those Kuhaha in the Second East India Division?"

?Bobby, how big is your farm in Bechuanaland?" Hicks called a mercenary to come over and explain.

"A Thousand Acres, what's the problem?" Bobby was also chatting with the Medan soldiers beside him.

One thousand acres, six thousand acres, in East India you are a standard rich man, in Umbrella you are just an ordinary mercenary!

This impact is still a bit big for Huanggang.

This chapter has been completed!
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